Europe has lost faith in its civilization. They’ve traded comfort for freedom. It’s once filled church pews are as empty as the uteri of their indigenous women. The most common name for a newborn male is Muhammad. DJT is trying to revive our faith in our civilization and with the divine intervention that happened in Butler, Pennsylvania its looks very promising for us! Thank God!
01/24/25: I read with amusement that the Episcopalians have shrunk to a U.S. membership of about 400,000. And with creeps like their bishop in WDC, this is understandable. I'm old enough to remember when they were sane.
01/24/25: Quite right. They're the equivalent of the empty shells of sea-creatures that have been taken over by the scavengers for housing and home bases for predatory raids.
As I remember, they started by bringing in Italians, who caused no great problems; some wrote songs that the Belgians loved. "Marina, Marina, Marina, ti voglio a più presto sposar..." But it seems that the powers that be then decided it would not be a huge jump to import Turks next, then Moroccans ... The same process of deliberate population replacement was copied in Holland; I was truly shocked when during a visit in the 'eighties I saw the first Mosque tower I'd ever seen.
Since then I've seen beautiful ancient gothic churches all over France, Belgium and Holland sitting empty and vandalized, or being used as flea markets.
Having spent time in several European countries I can say it is my experience that European citizens think very highly of their countries without evidence to support it. They look at us with skepticism but fail to see what is going on in their own countries right under their noses. They seem to be in a comfortable malaise. When you elect people like Starmer in UK, you are farther gone than you think.
01/24/25. Wonderfully written. Thank you. It is always appreciated that Don Surber's prose encourages the best responses from his readers, who express themselves eloquently.
OK, I know it was silly, but I picked Taylor Swift in the poll.
There are huge, momentous things going on in the world, and Don's column was a tour de force of them. Writing like his is a type of partnering with Trump--we need these types of columns to pull the pieces together (which are so numerous and coming at us like a firehose right now) and help us assimilate them. A clarity needs to be brought to world thought, and Substack and Surber are part of the process.
Reading down the poll choices, I was finding myself trying to analyze--China or WEF, which is the bigger threat? Then I saw Taylor Swift and laughed out loud! Sometimes we just need a break, from the sublime, to the ridiculous!
TS is pure American capitalism at work. If I didn't find the woman's marketing so annoying I might actually listen to her singing but to me, she is phony as Barack Obama, just in a different way. She is a manufactured success. But that is America. Choices.
I only know one Taylor Swift song, but I like it alot, it's called "Karma". It came out about a year ago, and to me captured what (I hoped) was going to happen to the Democrats. Link: Lyrics:
"Karma is the thunder, rattling your ground
Karma's on your scent, like a bounty hunter
Karma's gonna track you down,
Step by step, from town to town,
Sweet like justice, Karma is a Queen.
Karma's a relaxing thought
Aren't you envious that for you it's not."
Fits well with what's happening, doesn't it?! Swift's rather arrogant "chummy" attitude to Karma bothers me, but after all it's just a pop song.
I guess once certain men get successful and wealthy they need to dump the woman who stood by them and helped them get there. Gates, Bezos, the list is long. The Obamas are like the Clintons, just slick snake oil salesmen. They have built nothing of value, they just live off their BS.
These are Excellent comments, especially those concerning the importance of Substack and Don Surber!
I think the choices relate to two very important underlying factors.
1. Genetics - Homogeneous populations vs. Heterogeneous populations. "Crossbreeding" can lead to "hybrid vigor" with positive and strengthening of traits if the best is crossed with best! The opposite can also be an outcome if inferior is crossed with inferior! China and Iran are representative of homogeneous populations; whereas, WEF and refugees and illegals may possibly be examples of the negative aspects of mixing dubious character traits, and the potential influence the resulting offspring/participants may have on the population! (I'll take the "hybrid vigor" and strength of our USA vs. any of the other 3!"
2. Taylor Swift - Philosophers throughout the ages have stated that the future and strength of any nation depends on the education of its youth! Ms. Swift and her global popularity are a "sign or symptom" of what global youth - and adults - enjoy and relate to! Let us hope it is a positive, "strengthening" unifier as opposed to global threat!
01/24/25: Taylor Swift has called the UN Commission on Human Rights Abuses to complain about your vote. What can we do to appease her before she waves her wand and we all perish in a huge bAll of SMOKE, FLAME AND HOLLYWOOD CANCEL?! (I've done my part by emptying out the betting barn on the Bills this Sunday, who play the Chiefs; winner goes to the Super Bowl. Wish me luck!)
I’m glad I am not the only one that looks forward to the choices in the daily poll. As silly as that seems for a 64 year old professional (a college professor… we are not all idiots!) it is exactly what you say: sometimes we need a break from the sublime to the ridiculous… I think that’s why Don’s columns are the best read of my day after the good book. It is helpful to know there are other sane and based people out there (like Don and his readers) and his columns tend to bring sanity back to the insane events of the world.
I’ve never felt so relieved after an inauguration before. I rationed whether something would happen to prevent his swearing in… I think that’s why most Americans don’t pay attention to government stuff: they elect someone they think will make changes and the uniparty never changed. We became disillusioned and vaguely unattached. It was like a form of abuse. And we felt hopeless. Fighters like Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and others kept the faith alive by pointing out the glaring failure to intact the changes we were promised, but it became a sad joke on us by the uniparty that we would vote for whoever had the “R” next to their name. They hate Trump because he wasn’t part of that crowd and they knew his power would open the eyes of the population and destroy the illusion. Boy did he.
There is hope again. We see it and they hate that. Weasel politicians and unscrupulous billionaires who are more interested in themselves than anyone else are now cozying up to him like the two faced hypocrites they are. And as the saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. So Trump is gonna use them like a cheap tool to get what we want done. We all benefit but we still don’t trust the big tech bros and they know it. What a stooge hypocrite and obvious weathervane Zuck is. Elon is the real deal and was for a while. But Zuck and WaPo owner Bezos (one of the most lib papers out there) suddenly become Trumpers?! How convenient. Wow! What a sudden and complete 180. Frauds. Self-absorbed, fearful, and hypocritical. But, Trump is smart enough to keep them close. I’d tell them to … how to put this nicely… “flake“ off. 🙄. And I think that’s Trump’s genius: don’t let your emotions over ride your ability to win. Be strategic, and let your enemies know your foot is on their neck, gently.
Anyway, Don: thank you for what you do. I don’t know how many readers/subscribers you have but it’s not enough. Since Limbaugh died, you and Tucker are the guiding light for common sense. Thank you. Please don’t retire. Please drive carefully in that convertible and grow your readership to the point your wife will allow you to buy a Bentley 😀. And know at least TeaPartyGal and me are super glad you do what you do…
MarkEMark2, it must be very hard to be a college professor these days-- you probably feel very isolated politically. Dr. Phil, who has his own network now, has called-out the academic environment as "ivy-covered intellectual rot". How ironic (and nearly incomprehensible) that a field long known for "intelligence", has fallen so badly into groupthink insanity.
But you have found a home here, among the readers of Don Surber--Welcome! We recognize and appreciate the clarity Don brings to the political arena. His truth-telling (calling a spade a spade) and his wit are SO refreshing after the buckets of propaganda and strident Marxist ideology that have been dumped on America in recent years.
Agree with you on Trump--he's not looking at Zuckerberg and Bezos through rose-colored glasses. He's being pragmatic and will take what they have to offer and leave the door open for their new-found conservatism to grow some roots. One thing about billionaires--I would think they are repelled by incompetence. The Democrats are losing the billionaire class, because their gross incompetence has been destroying everything they touch.
I thought it was HILARIOUS--when Trump responded to criticism at one point by declaring "I'm a very stable genius!" I still regret I didn't snatch up one of those "Very Stable Genius" T-shirts when they were available.
Thank you. I am VERY fortunate to work as a professor in the Business College where there is some, but not nearly as much of the typical “college professor” liberal mindset. After all, they are teaching concepts of how to succeed in business. And, I live in a very (currently) red state, so that helps. I’ve enjoyed reading the comments on Don’s blog as they tend to be more reasoned and thoughtful than the majority of comments on other sites, primarily due to the higher intellectual readers here 😀.
The commenter Shrugged here on Don Surber's column is also a professor who works in the Business College of his University. Like you said, the Business School is not as stridently hard Left, because business, by its nature, is oriented to practical results, not touchy-feely "talk". You would enjoy Shrugged's comments--always interesting and as you say "sane and based".
Trump has won and we have lost….but we’re still out undermining him every step of the way would be a more complete assessment of the folks at Davos.
One story from yesterday that tickled me was the Haitian guy who was rounded up by ICE and vowed not to go back to Haiti. His thanking Obama spoke volumes.
Dude, you’re on your way back now. Your best hope is when you are on that plane is that they don’t strap a parachute on you and open the rear door.
Pinochet did for Chile what Trump is doing for America! He was fighting Communism, the Russians, Cubans and others that were converting Chile into another Cuba.
He brought in the Chicago boys, Friedman et all, and converted the economy to a powerhouse. For decades, Chile’s middle class grew at high rates, the GDP rate was 20th in the world, freedom was restored.
Sadly, little by little, the Socialists began their infiltration again, dumbed down the youth, who foolishly voted in a full blown communist to the presidency 2 years ago. Now, they regret it!
I am sorry. I beg to differ. Yes, there were some 3,000 people that “disappeared”. But, during 99% of his dictatorship that lasted some 16 years, he was not brutal! The majority of Chileans, including Chilean born people, which I am, believe strongly that he rescued Chile from Marxism. (He also set the course for the freedom and prosperity I wrote about in my post.) This includes all my family that lives in Chile. (I was born there.)
It has been claimed that many of the political problems down South are the result of producing too many university students, all of whom expect to get fat government jobs when they graduate. And when those jobs don't materialize, they gravitate toward leftist radical politics -- with predictable results.
I would add that that particular problem has also emerged in the US. This is why so-called Higher Ed must be sharply curtailed, and education for real jobs promoted.
Agreed. We don’t have enough parachutes for the thousands of Haitians who have come in illegally. Thankfully, PDJT is closing the Darian Gap a main but deadly Cartel path for illegal entry. Disbursing 1500 US Army troops to our southern border makes a statement but how many will Mexico commit on the other side of the rebuilt wall? Still, our hero is addressing all the issues and plugging the sieve created by FJB.
Anyway, I voted for Iran solely bc of the reports of the Mullah’s feverish race for a nuclear bomb within weeks of completion. We know what the would mean for Israel. Paraphrasing JFK, he famously said, nuclear world war would not be started by a major power rather a bit player with unhinged leaders. Let’s hope Mossad is working overtime too.
It's been an open secret that Israel has its own nuclear bombs. So it's hard to imagine that Iran could manage to wipe Israel off the map with its own as yet unfinished nuke.
Iran might end up copying Putin, who at least half a dozen times has threatened to use nukes against western Europe, but never has ...
I hope you’re right. Certainly Israel is finished with surprises. I just can’t get JFK’s warning out of my memory. It really doesn’t have to be a ‘wipe off the map’…a couple of dirty bombs might start a chain reaction. I look forward to the day when Nuclear means energy supply not bombs.
Well, you never know. I never thought I’d live long enough to see all the assassination files open but along came POTUS Trump. Miracles do happen. Israel and PDJT have that in common and come to think of it, so do I.
In listening to Trump's speech (btw, the ass-kissing of these globalist buffoons was priceless) yesterday I was thinking the same thing. It was 99% common sense that any sentient human being could hardly argue with. And the put down to the face of Brian Moynihan (Bank of America boss) in front of the entire world was epic.
I was hoping his Davos bitch slap might bring on terminal myocardial infarction's x 3, for Klaus, George and Bill. But I’m guessing they never took the jab. There’s always divine intervention though…
01/24/25: Who else besides myself has noticed that Brian Moynihan and Chris Wray (ex-FBI) were separated at birth? 100% Swarm Booze-Oozing out of them. Both born with that wavy-hair preppy sneer that says, "Every man has his price and I'll find out what yours is."
Reading these columns is like that movie line- just when I think it is safe to go back into the water, you realize that it is not. Aka the Miami Herald guy. The man is a blood sucking gnat who still doesn’t get it. You live in America, not Latin America (which exists only as a continent not a country). Maybe if more LA countries had their own Trump or Bukele or Milei, then its citizens would not be fleeing them in droves to GET TO THE US. How about LA countries create their own positive agenda? Lot of comments on the poll options but I chose the WEF because they optimize the minuscule, the mundane, the stupid, the also-ran parasites that create nothing but their own image & likeness. To echo James Carville - just go away!
Yes, you would think that integrating LA countries would be a natural because except for Brazil and a few smaller places they all speak Spanish. But there are serious impediments. One is geography, with sizable natural barriers, another an apparent preference for irresponsible governments, along with endemic corruption.
Besides those, history may play a part, because most of those countries were once part of the Spanish Empire, from which they broke, usually in wars of independence.
Trump told the Davos elites to FO - in the best way possible - by not flying in and out to live the high life like the hypocrites - the moral busybody tyrants that CS Lewis warned about. Woohoo! 🙌
Agreed. He didn’t go in person because there was nothing in it for us, short term or long. Ill bet that stung the most for them. Maybe next year the gathering will be moved to Ukraine.
01/24/25: LuAnn, I think that you meant to say was that what Dimon & BOA did was a nasty, etc thing to do. (And yes, it was, and where have the news articles in our alleged "free press" about this been? The only person I've ever heard speak about it in detail has been Farage, with God's help, England's next PM.)
California is a model of liberal insanity. For years, it has endured a lack of energy to keep the lights on. Yet, its Governor mandated every vehicle in the state to be electric. But wait! He also demands - even before his dream becomes a reality - that current EV users not recharge them all at night because there isn't enough electric power to do so. Meanwhile, he authorizes the destruction of California's hydroelectric dams that generate vast quantities of needed energy. Oh wait! And he promotes AI to run everything and the reality is that AI computers require enormous amounts of energy. Yes, insanity and anti-capitalism are the norms on the Left. *** Naturally, Trump is to be hated and stopped because Trump will take America in the opposite direction. America will soon be energy independent again. Pipelines will be built. Roadblocks to development of oil fields will be removed and -- watch for this - new refineries will be built in places not in California. Coal, natural gas and nuclear power generators will be built as EPA regulations are removed. With unlimited energy available, American economic capacity will be unleashed. *** Fact: Without energy, industry cannot exist. See Europe for details. Green energy mandates within EU countries are rapidly destroying what remains of Europe's industrial capacity. See BMW, Mercedes and ordinary citizens suffering from dependence of Russian heating fuels for details. *** Trump is hated because he poses a threat to the corrupt and inept liberals running the world's institutions. Well, I echo Trump's mantra. Screw them. America is about to take charge of the world in a manner that has not been seen since World War II.
America needed the business savvy bully fighting Trump. Israel needs America to aid them in neutering shit for brains Iran. We desperately need to remember that it is God raising up Trump and America to do his will.
I chose Iran in the poll because, if they finally get their nukes, they are crazy enough to use them. I don’t think that the CCP or Putin are that crazy.
As we lower the price of oil, we lower the revenue to Russia. It's their main source of income. Normally Putin would sue for peace and a deal. I'm afraid Putin can't do that. He's wrecked the Soviet Military and killed almost a million Russians. Russia won't let him live if he settles for a negotiated peace and he knows it.
I disagree in many ways, one being, that Putin is actually in the drivers seat, in many respects, with regard to negotiating a ceasefire and peace in Ukraine.
Trump has boasted of bringing about an end to that war and should he fail in that effort, or just as bad, flail, it would be a humiliation. He cannot abide that, and Putin is well aware of that Achilles heel in Trump.
Putin and the Russian people want an end to the war, but not at any cost; Zelensky who fears what comes after, for him in particular, is still clamoring for money and more arms, and Trump wants - needs - the win.
The negotiations are going to be rough and tumble.
Putin has gotten back control of mineral rich Russian Donbass and about all of the indigenous Russian speaking territory and the all weather port. While Russia lost a lot of soldiers, Ukraine has killed all of their family age men, the others have run off to the EU and won't be coming back. Demographically the Ukraine is a dead country walking with the next generation that will not be born. Russian just needs to hold its territory, and wait for the US puppet state that since 2014 has poked the Bear, comes to the table to give up. If NATO tries to keep it militarized, Trump will not be able to bring peace, which is contrary to what he has trump-eted.... Nuland and other Obama warhawks have to be happy that they have destroyed and murdered millions of Ukrainians for a proxy war.
I am dumbfounded at how effing stupid this Ukraine / Russia " military action " is rendering its participants ; they have created a near unrepairable situation and are no closer to resolution than when they started. Russia will win eventually but the costs are too high for both sides . Hopefully PDJT can put together an armistice .
That would be a commonsense statement if it were not Russia. But they look at the loss of a million young men differently than we do. They mourn alright, but this isn’t their first bout with such losses. They seem to look at life differently than we do. Putin is just the latest dictator for them. They know the next one will be no different, perhaps worse, so they have no expectation of life changing for them. I suspect Trump will work to end the war and entice Putin to do so with something that improves the Russian economy. Putin goes nowhere, life improves a bit for most of them, and little of substance changes.
God has used lots of nations to punish other nations. Not because he liked them-they were just useful tools to carry out his will. Lots of examples in Old Testament with more prophesied in future. Most involved Israel then and in future.
Continue to bring it home Poca-Man that PDJT must be stronger than ever as the evil anti-Trump/aka anti- freedom lovers know this is the red line of ozero and bidet. PDJT and his administration have told and shown the world America is the Shining City On The Hill and will
remain so. As the adage goes [ lead follow or get run over ] America is BACK.
Biden after stealing the election in 2020 lectured America about how the 75 million citizens who voted against him and for Trump were domestic terrorists. After watching the steal happen and being denied by the MSM and the ones that did it. A few of us were offended. Outside of the strange circle of the Obama/Biden cabal his programs were not popular. His offense was to be offensive and he rubbed the nation's noses in his woke DEI agendas. The rest of his energies were directed at using the power of the executive branch to persecute President Trump. The world mocked his ineptitude. We were embarrassed along with them. His foreign policy was to flood our nation with invaders and finance the Ukraine and Russia civil war with billions of our dollars, and drain the weapon stockpiles of our military. Familiar with bribery he attempted to bribe his base with cancelled student loans. We were not impressed.
Today Trump is not calling our citizens terrorists. He is removing the ones Biden ushered in. He is not lecturing America about embracing the dystopian future of DEI socialism. He is telling off the rest of the world. We will not comply to your freedom despising agendas. Good for him, and good for the people of America!
All those things did happen during Biden's single term, but was he the decision-maker? I'm not trying to make excuses for him, but it seems more likely that they were concocted by an unidentified bunch of radical but stupid opportunists who used FJB as their sem i-conscious puppet.
And O, the irony -- when all was said and dune they got Trumped.
I tend to agree with you. We may never know how much of a patsy Biden was. Many of Obama's goons moved to the Biden administration and must of had some influence. I really wonder if any of the pardons Biden signed were by his direction? Speaker Johnson's conversation with Biden, as he explained it, made it obvious that Biden was not aware of his own policy decisions. His handlers failed, if they made any effort at all, to inform him of what he was signing. Perhaps they actually deceived him. Ultimately they betrayed him.
To what extent they betrayed him is unclear, due to the things we don't know.
One part unknown is how aware he was of what was going on 4 years ago, when he came to office. What we can be sure of is that whatever diminished state he was in then, it got worse during his 4 years.
Another unknown is the extent to which Biden agreed with those who spoke for him, and/or the extent to which he was conscious of what was going on.
One thing we know for sure: the backroom, gang betrayed us, by faking the existence of a fully functional, responsible president.
Possibly, although the now-departed WH crowd might call it informed deliberations, or some such thing. What I DO know is that facilitating an invasion does amount to treason -- it's in the Constitution.
Nonsense. It's true enough that a lot of governmental organizations end up serving themselves, and NATO is no exception, but the Europeans remember their history better than we do. NATO was formed because the post-WWII Soviet Union posed a clear threat to the West. This threat has been revived in Putin's Russia. As a matter of fact, Putin's sequence of subversion and aggression against his neighbors follows the pattern of Hitler's intrigues and conquests that led to WWII.
In other words, how would Hitler have fared if his aggressive instincts had faced a united Europe? Instead, with the benefit of a divided continent he used the pattern of picking off one country after another.
With J.D. waiting in the wings I know now is the the time to start the elimination of gop parasites/Madcowski,Collins,Freezeframe Cocaine Mcturtle and their followers. This means weeding them out from dog catchers on up the swamp gravytrain. Get them pre-addiction to the public teat and attempt re-hab ONCE then bury the addicts.
The other day, watching the Chiefs game took quite a while, but the network finally had the "obligatory" Taylor Swift shot showing she and Kelce had not broken up.
Red China may be the biggest threat at this moment, but if the insane mullahs in Tehran obtain nuclear weapons, all bets are off. They are literally effing crazy. All they care about is spreading their barbaric religion by any means necessary, including the sword. I see preventing them from getting nukes as the number one priority for world peace at this time.
01/24/25: Meanwhile, we were exposed to the obscenity of the "expensive niece" of Pretty Woman (the film) banging the drum for Willie Brown's "niece" during the presidential 2024 election.
Europe has lost faith in its civilization. They’ve traded comfort for freedom. It’s once filled church pews are as empty as the uteri of their indigenous women. The most common name for a newborn male is Muhammad. DJT is trying to revive our faith in our civilization and with the divine intervention that happened in Butler, Pennsylvania its looks very promising for us! Thank God!
Yes. I lived in Belgium 43 years ago and the churches were pretty empty back then. These days, they are not much more than museums for the tourists.
Also at that time, they were beginning to have problems with the Turks who had been brought in to harvest crops. Sound familiar?
01/24/25: I read with amusement that the Episcopalians have shrunk to a U.S. membership of about 400,000. And with creeps like their bishop in WDC, this is understandable. I'm old enough to remember when they were sane.
These churchs are just fronts for leftists/globalists.
01/24/25: Quite right. They're the equivalent of the empty shells of sea-creatures that have been taken over by the scavengers for housing and home bases for predatory raids.
Forgetting GOD has eternal consequences.
As I remember, they started by bringing in Italians, who caused no great problems; some wrote songs that the Belgians loved. "Marina, Marina, Marina, ti voglio a più presto sposar..." But it seems that the powers that be then decided it would not be a huge jump to import Turks next, then Moroccans ... The same process of deliberate population replacement was copied in Holland; I was truly shocked when during a visit in the 'eighties I saw the first Mosque tower I'd ever seen.
Since then I've seen beautiful ancient gothic churches all over France, Belgium and Holland sitting empty and vandalized, or being used as flea markets.
John Adams said, "Our Constitution was created for a religious people and will wholly work for none other."
Yup. Europeans made a conscious decision not to procreate decades ago. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Having spent time in several European countries I can say it is my experience that European citizens think very highly of their countries without evidence to support it. They look at us with skepticism but fail to see what is going on in their own countries right under their noses. They seem to be in a comfortable malaise. When you elect people like Starmer in UK, you are farther gone than you think.
their eyes have been spiritually closed.
They look down their noses at us because they sent their unwanted sons and daughters to our shores expecting them to die in the wilderness.
Research remittance men in Canada and you will find some interesting stories.
It will be Eurabia soon.
Anything they take over they will run straight into the ground, they have to hire outsiders to make their economy run .
01/24/25. Wonderfully written. Thank you. It is always appreciated that Don Surber's prose encourages the best responses from his readers, who express themselves eloquently.
Thanks Don, I appreciate your comments at AT very much.
01/24/25: My pleasure. The only way to stay sharp as a writer is to be exposed, continually, regardless of subject, to the better writers.
That's "freedom for comfort" I believe.
Europe was INVADED by 7th century barbarians aided by their politicians. It will have to get bloody for them to take their Christian Country back.
OK, I know it was silly, but I picked Taylor Swift in the poll.
There are huge, momentous things going on in the world, and Don's column was a tour de force of them. Writing like his is a type of partnering with Trump--we need these types of columns to pull the pieces together (which are so numerous and coming at us like a firehose right now) and help us assimilate them. A clarity needs to be brought to world thought, and Substack and Surber are part of the process.
Reading down the poll choices, I was finding myself trying to analyze--China or WEF, which is the bigger threat? Then I saw Taylor Swift and laughed out loud! Sometimes we just need a break, from the sublime, to the ridiculous!
TS is pure American capitalism at work. If I didn't find the woman's marketing so annoying I might actually listen to her singing but to me, she is phony as Barack Obama, just in a different way. She is a manufactured success. But that is America. Choices.
I only know one Taylor Swift song, but I like it alot, it's called "Karma". It came out about a year ago, and to me captured what (I hoped) was going to happen to the Democrats. Link: Lyrics:
"Karma is the thunder, rattling your ground
Karma's on your scent, like a bounty hunter
Karma's gonna track you down,
Step by step, from town to town,
Sweet like justice, Karma is a Queen.
Karma's a relaxing thought
Aren't you envious that for you it's not."
Fits well with what's happening, doesn't it?! Swift's rather arrogant "chummy" attitude to Karma bothers me, but after all it's just a pop song.
No interest in any libtard.
Well I have recently taking a like to lady Gaga. Much better than Swift says this old man.
I've got you beat, I don't know any of them, not even the names.
I was hoping Jennifer Aniston would be an option. He’s by far the most convincing trans woman I’ve ever seen.
I guess once certain men get successful and wealthy they need to dump the woman who stood by them and helped them get there. Gates, Bezos, the list is long. The Obamas are like the Clintons, just slick snake oil salesmen. They have built nothing of value, they just live off their BS.
As a Trump voters we would have to include him also.
White liberal guilt Reddog.
Apparently he/she's smitten with BHO. Whoda thunk it?
I suggest using she/he/it which is easily abbreviated as shit.
Who is the he/she, Jennifer or Barry?
Maybe………for now. Until another Brad Pitt comes along.
She’s well used goods @ this point.
01/224/25: Used? They found what's left of her in a recently excavated Eygptian pyramid.
???? Went straight over my head .
TPG, I strongly concur with your comment! Very well said! Go Don go!!
These are Excellent comments, especially those concerning the importance of Substack and Don Surber!
I think the choices relate to two very important underlying factors.
1. Genetics - Homogeneous populations vs. Heterogeneous populations. "Crossbreeding" can lead to "hybrid vigor" with positive and strengthening of traits if the best is crossed with best! The opposite can also be an outcome if inferior is crossed with inferior! China and Iran are representative of homogeneous populations; whereas, WEF and refugees and illegals may possibly be examples of the negative aspects of mixing dubious character traits, and the potential influence the resulting offspring/participants may have on the population! (I'll take the "hybrid vigor" and strength of our USA vs. any of the other 3!"
2. Taylor Swift - Philosophers throughout the ages have stated that the future and strength of any nation depends on the education of its youth! Ms. Swift and her global popularity are a "sign or symptom" of what global youth - and adults - enjoy and relate to! Let us hope it is a positive, "strengthening" unifier as opposed to global threat!
01/24/25: Taylor Swift has called the UN Commission on Human Rights Abuses to complain about your vote. What can we do to appease her before she waves her wand and we all perish in a huge bAll of SMOKE, FLAME AND HOLLYWOOD CANCEL?! (I've done my part by emptying out the betting barn on the Bills this Sunday, who play the Chiefs; winner goes to the Super Bowl. Wish me luck!)
Swifties give me the Willie’s. Not a bad choice.
But Willie’s Nelson gives me good times.
I could stand another 100 years of "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain." We ought to dedicate that one to "Kamalla" and "Old Joe".
I’m glad I am not the only one that looks forward to the choices in the daily poll. As silly as that seems for a 64 year old professional (a college professor… we are not all idiots!) it is exactly what you say: sometimes we need a break from the sublime to the ridiculous… I think that’s why Don’s columns are the best read of my day after the good book. It is helpful to know there are other sane and based people out there (like Don and his readers) and his columns tend to bring sanity back to the insane events of the world.
I’ve never felt so relieved after an inauguration before. I rationed whether something would happen to prevent his swearing in… I think that’s why most Americans don’t pay attention to government stuff: they elect someone they think will make changes and the uniparty never changed. We became disillusioned and vaguely unattached. It was like a form of abuse. And we felt hopeless. Fighters like Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and others kept the faith alive by pointing out the glaring failure to intact the changes we were promised, but it became a sad joke on us by the uniparty that we would vote for whoever had the “R” next to their name. They hate Trump because he wasn’t part of that crowd and they knew his power would open the eyes of the population and destroy the illusion. Boy did he.
There is hope again. We see it and they hate that. Weasel politicians and unscrupulous billionaires who are more interested in themselves than anyone else are now cozying up to him like the two faced hypocrites they are. And as the saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. So Trump is gonna use them like a cheap tool to get what we want done. We all benefit but we still don’t trust the big tech bros and they know it. What a stooge hypocrite and obvious weathervane Zuck is. Elon is the real deal and was for a while. But Zuck and WaPo owner Bezos (one of the most lib papers out there) suddenly become Trumpers?! How convenient. Wow! What a sudden and complete 180. Frauds. Self-absorbed, fearful, and hypocritical. But, Trump is smart enough to keep them close. I’d tell them to … how to put this nicely… “flake“ off. 🙄. And I think that’s Trump’s genius: don’t let your emotions over ride your ability to win. Be strategic, and let your enemies know your foot is on their neck, gently.
Anyway, Don: thank you for what you do. I don’t know how many readers/subscribers you have but it’s not enough. Since Limbaugh died, you and Tucker are the guiding light for common sense. Thank you. Please don’t retire. Please drive carefully in that convertible and grow your readership to the point your wife will allow you to buy a Bentley 😀. And know at least TeaPartyGal and me are super glad you do what you do…
MarkEMark2, it must be very hard to be a college professor these days-- you probably feel very isolated politically. Dr. Phil, who has his own network now, has called-out the academic environment as "ivy-covered intellectual rot". How ironic (and nearly incomprehensible) that a field long known for "intelligence", has fallen so badly into groupthink insanity.
But you have found a home here, among the readers of Don Surber--Welcome! We recognize and appreciate the clarity Don brings to the political arena. His truth-telling (calling a spade a spade) and his wit are SO refreshing after the buckets of propaganda and strident Marxist ideology that have been dumped on America in recent years.
Agree with you on Trump--he's not looking at Zuckerberg and Bezos through rose-colored glasses. He's being pragmatic and will take what they have to offer and leave the door open for their new-found conservatism to grow some roots. One thing about billionaires--I would think they are repelled by incompetence. The Democrats are losing the billionaire class, because their gross incompetence has been destroying everything they touch.
I thought it was HILARIOUS--when Trump responded to criticism at one point by declaring "I'm a very stable genius!" I still regret I didn't snatch up one of those "Very Stable Genius" T-shirts when they were available.
Thank you. I am VERY fortunate to work as a professor in the Business College where there is some, but not nearly as much of the typical “college professor” liberal mindset. After all, they are teaching concepts of how to succeed in business. And, I live in a very (currently) red state, so that helps. I’ve enjoyed reading the comments on Don’s blog as they tend to be more reasoned and thoughtful than the majority of comments on other sites, primarily due to the higher intellectual readers here 😀.
The commenter Shrugged here on Don Surber's column is also a professor who works in the Business College of his University. Like you said, the Business School is not as stridently hard Left, because business, by its nature, is oriented to practical results, not touchy-feely "talk". You would enjoy Shrugged's comments--always interesting and as you say "sane and based".
Surber is just too funny! Taylor Swift is a no-brainer.
Great comment! I chose Taylor Swift too.
She's gotten rich telling the world about her bad decisions hates that we know about them.
Trump has won and we have lost….but we’re still out undermining him every step of the way would be a more complete assessment of the folks at Davos.
One story from yesterday that tickled me was the Haitian guy who was rounded up by ICE and vowed not to go back to Haiti. His thanking Obama spoke volumes.
Dude, you’re on your way back now. Your best hope is when you are on that plane is that they don’t strap a parachute on you and open the rear door.
By all means, get that lad a ticket on Pinochet Airlines!
Pinochet did for Chile what Trump is doing for America! He was fighting Communism, the Russians, Cubans and others that were converting Chile into another Cuba.
He brought in the Chicago boys, Friedman et all, and converted the economy to a powerhouse. For decades, Chile’s middle class grew at high rates, the GDP rate was 20th in the world, freedom was restored.
Sadly, little by little, the Socialists began their infiltration again, dumbed down the youth, who foolishly voted in a full blown communist to the presidency 2 years ago. Now, they regret it!
All evil was supported by the WEF!
Pinochet didn’t walk on water so let’s withhold the halo. He was as brutal as any South American dictator. There are many to choose from.
I am sorry. I beg to differ. Yes, there were some 3,000 people that “disappeared”. But, during 99% of his dictatorship that lasted some 16 years, he was not brutal! The majority of Chileans, including Chilean born people, which I am, believe strongly that he rescued Chile from Marxism. (He also set the course for the freedom and prosperity I wrote about in my post.) This includes all my family that lives in Chile. (I was born there.)
It has been claimed that many of the political problems down South are the result of producing too many university students, all of whom expect to get fat government jobs when they graduate. And when those jobs don't materialize, they gravitate toward leftist radical politics -- with predictable results.
I would add that that particular problem has also emerged in the US. This is why so-called Higher Ed must be sharply curtailed, and education for real jobs promoted.
I would say that 3000 or so people disappearing is brutal and fear mongering a nation into compliance.
Chemotherapy can be brutal for a patient. Here, the patient was saved from Marxism and communism.
With DEI pilots.
Skip the parachute.
Agreed. We don’t have enough parachutes for the thousands of Haitians who have come in illegally. Thankfully, PDJT is closing the Darian Gap a main but deadly Cartel path for illegal entry. Disbursing 1500 US Army troops to our southern border makes a statement but how many will Mexico commit on the other side of the rebuilt wall? Still, our hero is addressing all the issues and plugging the sieve created by FJB.
Anyway, I voted for Iran solely bc of the reports of the Mullah’s feverish race for a nuclear bomb within weeks of completion. We know what the would mean for Israel. Paraphrasing JFK, he famously said, nuclear world war would not be started by a major power rather a bit player with unhinged leaders. Let’s hope Mossad is working overtime too.
Mexico needs to pay a price for allowing all these illegals into our country. They allowed it all.
It's been an open secret that Israel has its own nuclear bombs. So it's hard to imagine that Iran could manage to wipe Israel off the map with its own as yet unfinished nuke.
Iran might end up copying Putin, who at least half a dozen times has threatened to use nukes against western Europe, but never has ...
I hope you’re right. Certainly Israel is finished with surprises. I just can’t get JFK’s warning out of my memory. It really doesn’t have to be a ‘wipe off the map’…a couple of dirty bombs might start a chain reaction. I look forward to the day when Nuclear means energy supply not bombs.
Well, you never know. I never thought I’d live long enough to see all the assassination files open but along came POTUS Trump. Miracles do happen. Israel and PDJT have that in common and come to think of it, so do I.
Amen. (to Patricia's comment that she hopes the Mossad is working overtime)
Why waste a parachute?
WC I'd suggest save the parachute but still open the door!
Screw the parachute.
Maybe put a handrail on some submarines and give them a boat ride home? Kinda like that three hour tour on the Minnow.
In listening to Trump's speech (btw, the ass-kissing of these globalist buffoons was priceless) yesterday I was thinking the same thing. It was 99% common sense that any sentient human being could hardly argue with. And the put down to the face of Brian Moynihan (Bank of America boss) in front of the entire world was epic.
Truth is like that.
I was hoping his Davos bitch slap might bring on terminal myocardial infarction's x 3, for Klaus, George and Bill. But I’m guessing they never took the jab. There’s always divine intervention though…
01/24/25: Who else besides myself has noticed that Brian Moynihan and Chris Wray (ex-FBI) were separated at birth? 100% Swarm Booze-Oozing out of them. Both born with that wavy-hair preppy sneer that says, "Every man has his price and I'll find out what yours is."
It was just like his put down of Joe and Kamala at the inauguration.
Poll needs better option: leftest Democrats
China or Democrats. You say tomayto, I say tomaato.....
POS leftist Democrat/Communists!
Reading these columns is like that movie line- just when I think it is safe to go back into the water, you realize that it is not. Aka the Miami Herald guy. The man is a blood sucking gnat who still doesn’t get it. You live in America, not Latin America (which exists only as a continent not a country). Maybe if more LA countries had their own Trump or Bukele or Milei, then its citizens would not be fleeing them in droves to GET TO THE US. How about LA countries create their own positive agenda? Lot of comments on the poll options but I chose the WEF because they optimize the minuscule, the mundane, the stupid, the also-ran parasites that create nothing but their own image & likeness. To echo James Carville - just go away!
Yes, you would think that integrating LA countries would be a natural because except for Brazil and a few smaller places they all speak Spanish. But there are serious impediments. One is geography, with sizable natural barriers, another an apparent preference for irresponsible governments, along with endemic corruption.
Besides those, history may play a part, because most of those countries were once part of the Spanish Empire, from which they broke, usually in wars of independence.
Leftists period. Anywhere.
Question, are there democrats who aren't leftist? What about leftists who aren't democrats.... Besides the Republicans in Congress.
Trump told the Davos elites to FO - in the best way possible - by not flying in and out to live the high life like the hypocrites - the moral busybody tyrants that CS Lewis warned about. Woohoo! 🙌
Agreed. He didn’t go in person because there was nothing in it for us, short term or long. Ill bet that stung the most for them. Maybe next year the gathering will be moved to Ukraine.
They (WEF) should just meet in Red Chy-na and be done with it. We know who they really are.
Trump also took on Diamon and Bank of America CEO t o stop debanking conservatives. That's a nasty and authoritarian thing to do.
01/24/25: LuAnn, I think that you meant to say was that what Dimon & BOA did was a nasty, etc thing to do. (And yes, it was, and where have the news articles in our alleged "free press" about this been? The only person I've ever heard speak about it in detail has been Farage, with God's help, England's next PM.)
I wonder how many private jets filled the Davos runway
California is a model of liberal insanity. For years, it has endured a lack of energy to keep the lights on. Yet, its Governor mandated every vehicle in the state to be electric. But wait! He also demands - even before his dream becomes a reality - that current EV users not recharge them all at night because there isn't enough electric power to do so. Meanwhile, he authorizes the destruction of California's hydroelectric dams that generate vast quantities of needed energy. Oh wait! And he promotes AI to run everything and the reality is that AI computers require enormous amounts of energy. Yes, insanity and anti-capitalism are the norms on the Left. *** Naturally, Trump is to be hated and stopped because Trump will take America in the opposite direction. America will soon be energy independent again. Pipelines will be built. Roadblocks to development of oil fields will be removed and -- watch for this - new refineries will be built in places not in California. Coal, natural gas and nuclear power generators will be built as EPA regulations are removed. With unlimited energy available, American economic capacity will be unleashed. *** Fact: Without energy, industry cannot exist. See Europe for details. Green energy mandates within EU countries are rapidly destroying what remains of Europe's industrial capacity. See BMW, Mercedes and ordinary citizens suffering from dependence of Russian heating fuels for details. *** Trump is hated because he poses a threat to the corrupt and inept liberals running the world's institutions. Well, I echo Trump's mantra. Screw them. America is about to take charge of the world in a manner that has not been seen since World War II.
Well put Jim,
America needed the business savvy bully fighting Trump. Israel needs America to aid them in neutering shit for brains Iran. We desperately need to remember that it is God raising up Trump and America to do his will.
I chose Iran in the poll because, if they finally get their nukes, they are crazy enough to use them. I don’t think that the CCP or Putin are that crazy.
I chose Iran also using the same logic as you Plays
Iran will not deploy nukes' w/o approval of China or Russia.
As we lower the price of oil, we lower the revenue to Russia. It's their main source of income. Normally Putin would sue for peace and a deal. I'm afraid Putin can't do that. He's wrecked the Soviet Military and killed almost a million Russians. Russia won't let him live if he settles for a negotiated peace and he knows it.
I disagree in many ways, one being, that Putin is actually in the drivers seat, in many respects, with regard to negotiating a ceasefire and peace in Ukraine.
Trump has boasted of bringing about an end to that war and should he fail in that effort, or just as bad, flail, it would be a humiliation. He cannot abide that, and Putin is well aware of that Achilles heel in Trump.
Putin and the Russian people want an end to the war, but not at any cost; Zelensky who fears what comes after, for him in particular, is still clamoring for money and more arms, and Trump wants - needs - the win.
The negotiations are going to be rough and tumble.
Pray much.
Putin has gotten back control of mineral rich Russian Donbass and about all of the indigenous Russian speaking territory and the all weather port. While Russia lost a lot of soldiers, Ukraine has killed all of their family age men, the others have run off to the EU and won't be coming back. Demographically the Ukraine is a dead country walking with the next generation that will not be born. Russian just needs to hold its territory, and wait for the US puppet state that since 2014 has poked the Bear, comes to the table to give up. If NATO tries to keep it militarized, Trump will not be able to bring peace, which is contrary to what he has trump-eted.... Nuland and other Obama warhawks have to be happy that they have destroyed and murdered millions of Ukrainians for a proxy war.
I am dumbfounded at how effing stupid this Ukraine / Russia " military action " is rendering its participants ; they have created a near unrepairable situation and are no closer to resolution than when they started. Russia will win eventually but the costs are too high for both sides . Hopefully PDJT can put together an armistice .
That would be a commonsense statement if it were not Russia. But they look at the loss of a million young men differently than we do. They mourn alright, but this isn’t their first bout with such losses. They seem to look at life differently than we do. Putin is just the latest dictator for them. They know the next one will be no different, perhaps worse, so they have no expectation of life changing for them. I suspect Trump will work to end the war and entice Putin to do so with something that improves the Russian economy. Putin goes nowhere, life improves a bit for most of them, and little of substance changes.
Somehow, some way I think that Putin has a target on his back. That he is a walking time bomb in so many ways.
God has used lots of nations to punish other nations. Not because he liked them-they were just useful tools to carry out his will. Lots of examples in Old Testament with more prophesied in future. Most involved Israel then and in future.
Continue to bring it home Poca-Man that PDJT must be stronger than ever as the evil anti-Trump/aka anti- freedom lovers know this is the red line of ozero and bidet. PDJT and his administration have told and shown the world America is the Shining City On The Hill and will
remain so. As the adage goes [ lead follow or get run over ] America is BACK.
“…a guy who supported Kamala or whoever the opposition was.” Haha
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Toto paid no attention to that command.
Biden after stealing the election in 2020 lectured America about how the 75 million citizens who voted against him and for Trump were domestic terrorists. After watching the steal happen and being denied by the MSM and the ones that did it. A few of us were offended. Outside of the strange circle of the Obama/Biden cabal his programs were not popular. His offense was to be offensive and he rubbed the nation's noses in his woke DEI agendas. The rest of his energies were directed at using the power of the executive branch to persecute President Trump. The world mocked his ineptitude. We were embarrassed along with them. His foreign policy was to flood our nation with invaders and finance the Ukraine and Russia civil war with billions of our dollars, and drain the weapon stockpiles of our military. Familiar with bribery he attempted to bribe his base with cancelled student loans. We were not impressed.
Today Trump is not calling our citizens terrorists. He is removing the ones Biden ushered in. He is not lecturing America about embracing the dystopian future of DEI socialism. He is telling off the rest of the world. We will not comply to your freedom despising agendas. Good for him, and good for the people of America!
All those things did happen during Biden's single term, but was he the decision-maker? I'm not trying to make excuses for him, but it seems more likely that they were concocted by an unidentified bunch of radical but stupid opportunists who used FJB as their sem i-conscious puppet.
And O, the irony -- when all was said and dune they got Trumped.
I tend to agree with you. We may never know how much of a patsy Biden was. Many of Obama's goons moved to the Biden administration and must of had some influence. I really wonder if any of the pardons Biden signed were by his direction? Speaker Johnson's conversation with Biden, as he explained it, made it obvious that Biden was not aware of his own policy decisions. His handlers failed, if they made any effort at all, to inform him of what he was signing. Perhaps they actually deceived him. Ultimately they betrayed him.
To what extent they betrayed him is unclear, due to the things we don't know.
One part unknown is how aware he was of what was going on 4 years ago, when he came to office. What we can be sure of is that whatever diminished state he was in then, it got worse during his 4 years.
Another unknown is the extent to which Biden agreed with those who spoke for him, and/or the extent to which he was conscious of what was going on.
One thing we know for sure: the backroom, gang betrayed us, by faking the existence of a fully functional, responsible president.
And THAT ought to be a crime.
It is a crime-- called treason.
Possibly, although the now-departed WH crowd might call it informed deliberations, or some such thing. What I DO know is that facilitating an invasion does amount to treason -- it's in the Constitution.
OG, excellent analysis of the last four years.
I like your choice of calling it a civil war. Russia was once part of Ukraine, broke free then conquered it and enslaved it.
They have the 5th and 6th largest militaries in the world.
Why demand 5% for NATO? The question should be: why NATO? End it. It has no purpose
Yes, end NATO. I see no current purpose. NATO troops certainly can't be trusted for peacekeeping missions. (corruption, rapes, etc.)
Nonsense. It's true enough that a lot of governmental organizations end up serving themselves, and NATO is no exception, but the Europeans remember their history better than we do. NATO was formed because the post-WWII Soviet Union posed a clear threat to the West. This threat has been revived in Putin's Russia. As a matter of fact, Putin's sequence of subversion and aggression against his neighbors follows the pattern of Hitler's intrigues and conquests that led to WWII.
In other words, how would Hitler have fared if his aggressive instincts had faced a united Europe? Instead, with the benefit of a divided continent he used the pattern of picking off one country after another.
With J.D. waiting in the wings I know now is the the time to start the elimination of gop parasites/Madcowski,Collins,Freezeframe Cocaine Mcturtle and their followers. This means weeding them out from dog catchers on up the swamp gravytrain. Get them pre-addiction to the public teat and attempt re-hab ONCE then bury the addicts.
Best poll yet. Being rather unserious myself, I suppose you can guess how I voted.
The other day, watching the Chiefs game took quite a while, but the network finally had the "obligatory" Taylor Swift shot showing she and Kelce had not broken up.
Thanks for the update, Scotty. I was so worried about that...
So no song about him yet?
01/24/25: Thanks. I was worried about her welfare. I do hope that she lives happily ever after, and not buried next to Jimmy Hoffa.
Red China may be the biggest threat at this moment, but if the insane mullahs in Tehran obtain nuclear weapons, all bets are off. They are literally effing crazy. All they care about is spreading their barbaric religion by any means necessary, including the sword. I see preventing them from getting nukes as the number one priority for world peace at this time.
And the WEF will finance them.
I heard reporters find Davos a "dump."
Well look who they attract?
Attractive and expensive nièces..
01/24/25: Meanwhile, we were exposed to the obscenity of the "expensive niece" of Pretty Woman (the film) banging the drum for Willie Brown's "niece" during the presidential 2024 election.