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I’m glad I am not the only one that looks forward to the choices in the daily poll. As silly as that seems for a 64 year old professional (a college professor… we are not all idiots!) it is exactly what you say: sometimes we need a break from the sublime to the ridiculous… I think that’s why Don’s columns are the best read of my day after the good book. It is helpful to know there are other sane and based people out there (like Don and his readers) and his columns tend to bring sanity back to the insane events of the world.

I’ve never felt so relieved after an inauguration before. I rationed whether something would happen to prevent his swearing in… I think that’s why most Americans don’t pay attention to government stuff: they elect someone they think will make changes and the uniparty never changed. We became disillusioned and vaguely unattached. It was like a form of abuse. And we felt hopeless. Fighters like Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and others kept the faith alive by pointing out the glaring failure to intact the changes we were promised, but it became a sad joke on us by the uniparty that we would vote for whoever had the “R” next to their name. They hate Trump because he wasn’t part of that crowd and they knew his power would open the eyes of the population and destroy the illusion. Boy did he.

There is hope again. We see it and they hate that. Weasel politicians and unscrupulous billionaires who are more interested in themselves than anyone else are now cozying up to him like the two faced hypocrites they are. And as the saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. So Trump is gonna use them like a cheap tool to get what we want done. We all benefit but we still don’t trust the big tech bros and they know it. What a stooge hypocrite and obvious weathervane Zuck is. Elon is the real deal and was for a while. But Zuck and WaPo owner Bezos (one of the most lib papers out there) suddenly become Trumpers?! How convenient. Wow! What a sudden and complete 180. Frauds. Self-absorbed, fearful, and hypocritical. But, Trump is smart enough to keep them close. I’d tell them to … how to put this nicely… “flake“ off. 🙄. And I think that’s Trump’s genius: don’t let your emotions over ride your ability to win. Be strategic, and let your enemies know your foot is on their neck, gently.

Anyway, Don: thank you for what you do. I don’t know how many readers/subscribers you have but it’s not enough. Since Limbaugh died, you and Tucker are the guiding light for common sense. Thank you. Please don’t retire. Please drive carefully in that convertible and grow your readership to the point your wife will allow you to buy a Bentley 😀. And know at least TeaPartyGal and me are super glad you do what you do…

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MarkEMark2, it must be very hard to be a college professor these days-- you probably feel very isolated politically. Dr. Phil, who has his own network now, has called-out the academic environment as "ivy-covered intellectual rot". How ironic (and nearly incomprehensible) that a field long known for "intelligence", has fallen so badly into groupthink insanity.

But you have found a home here, among the readers of Don Surber--Welcome! We recognize and appreciate the clarity Don brings to the political arena. His truth-telling (calling a spade a spade) and his wit are SO refreshing after the buckets of propaganda and strident Marxist ideology that have been dumped on America in recent years.

Agree with you on Trump--he's not looking at Zuckerberg and Bezos through rose-colored glasses. He's being pragmatic and will take what they have to offer and leave the door open for their new-found conservatism to grow some roots. One thing about billionaires--I would think they are repelled by incompetence. The Democrats are losing the billionaire class, because their gross incompetence has been destroying everything they touch.

I thought it was HILARIOUS--when Trump responded to criticism at one point by declaring "I'm a very stable genius!" I still regret I didn't snatch up one of those "Very Stable Genius" T-shirts when they were available.

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Thank you. I am VERY fortunate to work as a professor in the Business College where there is some, but not nearly as much of the typical “college professor” liberal mindset. After all, they are teaching concepts of how to succeed in business. And, I live in a very (currently) red state, so that helps. I’ve enjoyed reading the comments on Don’s blog as they tend to be more reasoned and thoughtful than the majority of comments on other sites, primarily due to the higher intellectual readers here 😀.

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The commenter Shrugged here on Don Surber's column is also a professor who works in the Business College of his University. Like you said, the Business School is not as stridently hard Left, because business, by its nature, is oriented to practical results, not touchy-feely "talk". You would enjoy Shrugged's comments--always interesting and as you say "sane and based".

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