I guess once certain men get successful and wealthy they need to dump the woman who stood by them and helped them get there. Gates, Bezos, the list is long. The Obamas are like the Clintons, just slick snake oil salesmen. They have built nothing of value, they just live off their BS.
I was hoping Jennifer Aniston would be an option. He’s by far the most convincing trans woman I’ve ever seen.
I guess once certain men get successful and wealthy they need to dump the woman who stood by them and helped them get there. Gates, Bezos, the list is long. The Obamas are like the Clintons, just slick snake oil salesmen. They have built nothing of value, they just live off their BS.
As a Trump voters we would have to include him also.
White liberal guilt Reddog.
Apparently he/she's smitten with BHO. Whoda thunk it?
I suggest using she/he/it which is easily abbreviated as shit.
Who is the he/she, Jennifer or Barry?
Maybe………for now. Until another Brad Pitt comes along.
She’s well used goods @ this point.
01/224/25: Used? They found what's left of her in a recently excavated Eygptian pyramid.
???? Went straight over my head .