To what extent they betrayed him is unclear, due to the things we don't know.
One part unknown is how aware he was of what was going on 4 years ago, when he came to office. What we can be sure of is that whatever diminished state he was in then, it got worse during his 4 years.
Another unknown is the extent to which Biden agreed with those…
To what extent they betrayed him is unclear, due to the things we don't know.
One part unknown is how aware he was of what was going on 4 years ago, when he came to office. What we can be sure of is that whatever diminished state he was in then, it got worse during his 4 years.
Another unknown is the extent to which Biden agreed with those who spoke for him, and/or the extent to which he was conscious of what was going on.
One thing we know for sure: the backroom, gang betrayed us, by faking the existence of a fully functional, responsible president.
Possibly, although the now-departed WH crowd might call it informed deliberations, or some such thing. What I DO know is that facilitating an invasion does amount to treason -- it's in the Constitution.
To what extent they betrayed him is unclear, due to the things we don't know.
One part unknown is how aware he was of what was going on 4 years ago, when he came to office. What we can be sure of is that whatever diminished state he was in then, it got worse during his 4 years.
Another unknown is the extent to which Biden agreed with those who spoke for him, and/or the extent to which he was conscious of what was going on.
One thing we know for sure: the backroom, gang betrayed us, by faking the existence of a fully functional, responsible president.
And THAT ought to be a crime.
It is a crime-- called treason.
Possibly, although the now-departed WH crowd might call it informed deliberations, or some such thing. What I DO know is that facilitating an invasion does amount to treason -- it's in the Constitution.