Amazing how the thieves that control congress have suddenly taken the electorate's temperature, and came to a screeching halt. They did an abrupt about face. Their slime is so evident now, that their terms in office and powerful positions on committees are at peril. Well, goody, goody. But we have to keep the pressure on, and primary every damn one of them. Thin the herd, do it rapidly, save our country, and destroy the democrat majority.
Yes, keep the pressure on. Attempt to educate the people (or at least those who would be educated). Convention of States keeps pressing forward. Hope springs eternal.
I practicing with my secretary. Well goody goody! Yep. She got it right. I'd give her a raise but Google works for free as long as you let her advertise that sounds kind of wicked.
Good column, Don. Repelled for now is what I would say. To repel the invasion in the long run, Trump needs to be elected and the Republicans --all of them -- need to keep their spines. Every day Americans also need to keep seeing the results of open borders. When it comes to your city and town and it affects your services, people get opinions and they're not good.
Just check out the latest Jobs Report...dig into the details...the jobs created were part-time jobs and (I believe) since 2021 new jobs are going to illegals and NOT REAL AMERICANS.
Breitbart and other sites are reporting on this, along with certain substack authors.
Well, the latest jobs reports all overstate the number of new jobs created. I mention this at my own site, just released. Of course, illegal aliens hurt low wage workers the most, and the sweeping $15/hr minimum wage is doing its own damage to employment prospects of many Americans.
Frequently not the goal, but always the effect. I believe there are a fair number of liberals who actually do not understand the cause and effect here - because they are actually pretty dumb. But others who are smarter know it can do damage, but because it sounds nice, they know it will get them votes. Or that it will work towards getting support for a guaranteed annual income.
The next busload of illegals Abbot sends needs to go to Sen. Lankford's state of Oklahoma. That is a very conservative state, and it will END Lankford's career. Maybe the Republicans in Oklahoma will even recall him immediately.
“McConnell said the problem isn’t what Lankford negotiated, it’s that the political mood in the country has changed.” Changed? No, Mitch, the word is maniacal. We are angry as hell.
Pet a cat backwards. He may not claw you the first time, maybe not the second time either, but you can bet he doesn't like it and won't tolerate it for long.
Do not think for a moment that they will quit. The totalitarian never never ever ever ever gives up. The most current totalitarian has to be obliterated destroyed and buried until the next one emerges. Thus one is far from destroyed.
Then we need some type of political action akin to pouring gas onto their anthills and lighting them on fire, or find some political candidates that are akin to anteaters.
They for sure want Trump gone, MT: he shut down the money spicket. The money going to Senators making them millions, was shut down completely. They hate his guts. And, until Trump came along, those kickbacks had been going on for decades.
Here’s the underlying problem. Immigrants, legal or otherwise, couldn’t care less about the loss of American liberty as we’ve known it for our entire lives. They are enjoying more liberty in their lives than they ever had. They’re so used to putting up with tyrants and corruption that what they see here is infantile. We hate it. They are loving their lives in Amerika.
Of course, illegal aliens are loving their lives in Amerika. Everything they need to live—and more—is provided to them for free and our laws don’t apply to them.
“ Senator Chuck Schumer said in a speech on the Senate floor on Monday afternoon, “The $64,000 question now is whether or not senators can drown out the outside noise, drown out people like Donald Trump who want chaos and do the right thing for America.”
That has always been ALL of our so-called DC representatives total M.O.: drown out their constituents voices and do whatever the frig they feel like doing.
The border showdown has made that considerably more difficult for them this go ‘round.
Abbott and the other border governors could’ve done this in 2021 if they’d had the balls, and we might not be in the utter peril we now find ourselves in, with God knows how many, and just who are the millions upon millions who have poured over our border like a flood since then. And even at this point, closing the border still won’t happen in any meaningful way unless a Trump administration gets into the Whitehouse in 2025.
We’re in such a dangerous place it is truly scary, and the things that will go down this year will be the greatest test of this Nation since the Revolution. But one thing has become patently clear: it is entirely up to We the People, and their State’s governors - not those corruptocrats in DC - who will determine how things will go down if they have the will and the backbone to stand up to them. Hopefully, they will and it’s not too little too late.
I do not understand why our country cannot shut down our borders by simply enforcing current laws. How can we see this simple solution but DC needs to make yet another “deal” that they will ignore as they have ignored so many other past “deals”?
Our federal government has one primary job: to protect us—our rights as citizens and our country from invasion.
It seems to me that 118 billion dollars is only another misguided attempt to insure the economic destruction of our country.
They've forgotten their "one primary job" - they think it is to enrich themselves at our expense (through taxation and printing meaningless dollars that cause inflation). They don't give a damn about us, honey.
Oh, I know what you say is true. I lament the collapse of our Republic. We no longer live in a just nation state when our elected governmental officials (at all levels) use their position for their personal gain at our expense.
But nothing will convince me that “we the people” should just shrug and let those nefarious creatures continue their self-enriching behavior with impunity.
They are doing this on purpose to destroy any Conservative opposition. They hope all these illegals will illegally vote Democrat and they will get unopposed power over everyone. We will lose our free speech, freedom of religion, guns etc. Just look at what they try to do with opposition. We will be Communist China or worse. They are ruthless, Godless, people.
Schumer, Washington, DC wants to "do the right thing for America.” ???!!!
If Schumer and DC want to do THE RIGHT THING FOR AMERICA, then they would RESIGN.
DC is now the city of Rome, Ruling over the outer regions, oblivious to the harm they PURPOSELY do to the American People. Grabbing unearned loot, stealing American Tax Dollars on every Foreign War.
Not one American Politician has to live with the abject consequences of Illegal Invaders in their personal lives, except for the division of the loot from Foreign Countries, the Mules and the Drug Cartels who pay them.
You are getting scammed America, by Scam Artists in suits.
I liken DC more to the Capital in The Hunger Games. We are the slaves toiling away out in the various Districts. The only difference is that DC hasn’t started to hold the Games yet.
No need for the hunger games to control population. The "safe and effective" vax that was neither is having monstrous death rates that aren't being reported. I am not trying to change the subject from today's topic, but this latest report from a good source has some very scary news for all of us. I couldn't miss this follow up to your comment. Fauci, CDC, NIH, and FDA (ie. the capital in the Hunger Games) should be prosecuted for the crime of murder.
Free stuff and election-box “stuffing.” Democommies have been engaging in “creative electioneering” at least since 1960 when Cook County “votes” tipped the presidential win to JFK. I suspect many earlier elections were “fixed” before then and certainly thereafter.
The stealing of the White House and the Senate of 2020 cured me of my belief in free and fair elections. I live in Georgia. In 2020 both our Republican Senators lost as well as our Electors shifted from the will of the people to dems because of vote-counting shenanigans in Atlanta.
Oh, Sophie, I feel for you--it must be very frustrating to live in Georgia. A terrible governor and secretary of state, and Marxist Senator Warnock. Plus the Fani Willis and the Stacey Abrams sideshows.
I'm glad to see you feel that besides the Presidency, the US Senate was also stolen in 2020. That burned me up. We were on schedule to come out of that election with a 4-5 seat majority in the Senate. Hershel Walker should have won instead of Warnock. So much vicious fraud.
I appreciate the references you sometimes make to faith and spirituality in your comments. I am right with you on that. That is where the real power rests.
It’s not as frustrating as you may think for us living in Georgia. First of all, we are northern transplants so we have no deep family attachment. Secondly, we live far enough removed from crazy Atlanta and try to consider living in Georgia as a purgatory of sorts.
Mostly it is a deep knowing that we are but sojourners here on earth as our true citizenship lies elsewhere. And one day we shall awaken in that Place and our memories of this world will seem more like a dream.
I look forward to reading your comments, too! I know I’ll read new ideas and from your unique perspective. It’s a great place that Mr Surber has created for his readers. We are so blessed.
Your sweet words are so touching and much appreciated. Thank you, TPG.
Right back 'atcha, Sophie! I agree, Don Surber has created a strong forum by what he has allowed in the comments. It is a thoughtful, respectful place where together we can assimilate what is happening to our country and what Don masterfully brings together every day from the broad spectrum of the news and ties together with wise analysis.
I fully agree with your paragraph: "Mostly it is a deep knowing that we are but sojourners here on earth as our true citizenship lies elsewhere. And one day we shall awaken in that Place and our memories of this world will seem more like a dream." Well put! I feel we are grounded in spiritual reality, and that gives a steadiness in the midst of our world's various surface turmoils.
Not only ‘Stick to your Guns’ but buy new ones. Say somehow they cork the whole border today. I heard there are close to 30M illegals already here, having children, sucking social services, expensive medical services, educational services, your tax$, you name it, dry.
That figure, if true, puts the illegals frighteninly close to the % of Blacks in the country…the d-rats just might get their race war after all but not in the way they thought…Shadenfreud alert…HeHeHe!
What’s gonna happen when that funding stops or fails, and all these ‘military aged males’ can’t find work or whatever? You can paint the scenario yourself. That’s why every one of the MF’s who engineered this needs to be charged with Treason and summarily dealt with that same day! If it goes back to Bush so be it!
Stick to your guns and buy more with the ammo that they’re chambered in. Watch for the phrase ’From my Cold Dead Hands’ to become hot again!
I expect some serious (gunslinging) conflicts between blacks and arriving browns - it’s beginning as blacks are being moved from locations (like community centers) in order to house arriving browns. Blacks are not known for being tolerant of browns or yellows. They compete on gang territory with browns and just hate yellows.
Yes, MT-- they have been using that same "11 million figure" for a few DECADES now, and finally now they say 22 million. For sure, as you say, the true number of illegals here now is at a minimum 50 million.
And worse yet, they have been INCLUDING the illegals in the census every 10 years, and the blue states have gotten more representatives in Congress, while the red states have gotten fewer. The whole thing is a racket. Talk about convicting the Left under RICO--Amen.
"while authorizing the turncoat Homeland Security secretary to give blanket amnesty to the thugs, drug sellers, spies and terrorists" this sounds like a line from Blazing Saddles, but I’m not laughing.
How do we solve this problem? We must revisit history and look to the profound words of Hedley Lamarr: “I want you to round up every vicious criminal and gunslinger in the West. Take this down. I want rustlers, cutthroats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers, and Methodists!”
Luann, I believe Mel Brooks put that line in Blazing Saddles because of his belief that most Christians do not believe Methodists are truly Christian. Methodists are not Christian because they do not adhere to the traditional beliefs and practices of Christianity. Methodists are a Protestant denomination, and while they share many of the same beliefs as other Christians, they have their own unique doctrines and practices. For example, Methodists do not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, and they also believe in salvation through faith in God rather than through the atonement of Jesus Christ.
So long as Senate RINOs and Squishes elect "leaders" like Cocaine Mitch the GOP will remain the Senate minority party. Even if the numbers say there are more Republicans than Democrats we know that many of them will vote with the Left because it's easier than fighting.
That is like the Texas House. Sellouts allow Democrats as Cmte chairs to cancel conservative policies before the Rinos would have to vote on the record. Same rotters that voted to sham impeach great courageous Texas AG Ken Paxton.
Hope I live to see the roundup. We're gonna need a lot of cowboys. All the border criminals, including children, must go....back where they came from (or back into Mexico which deserves them), then they can get in line and ask to be considered for admission. Depending upon how they behaved while here, I suppose many would be admitted.
Can't deal with arrest and punishment of criminals, including children? Well, that would be the end of our national experiment.
Amazing how the thieves that control congress have suddenly taken the electorate's temperature, and came to a screeching halt. They did an abrupt about face. Their slime is so evident now, that their terms in office and powerful positions on committees are at peril. Well, goody, goody. But we have to keep the pressure on, and primary every damn one of them. Thin the herd, do it rapidly, save our country, and destroy the democrat majority.
Doesn’t mean they won’t try to slip it by again on a Friday night….. Puppets/Weasels to the core…
Tougher than most realize: 60 vote threshold.
President Trump, etal, have been making lotsa noise and this strategy won't work this time.
Trump can act as president even though he's not sitting in the White House....great!!
The rinos turning a blind eye to fraud in the elections are beginning to realize that same fraud can make them an EX senator.
How would things look if they had demanded honesty in 2020?
We would currently have control of the Presidency, and the Senate, and our majority in the House would be much bigger.
I like her fearless leaders praise, meat puppets.
death to tyranny.
Death to the DNC!
tally ho.
Release the Hounds…
Montgomery Burns
hoards of americans are clueless morons.
Also, the Cracken!
Sic semper tyrannys!
i see what you did there. excellent. sure to get an up vote from surber
Which is why I voted for "Primary the RINOS." Turn 'em all into Liz Cheneys.
I voted Trump but by primarying Rino's, Trump would help get rid of them. Win-Win
Yes, keep the pressure on. Attempt to educate the people (or at least those who would be educated). Convention of States keeps pressing forward. Hope springs eternal.
Here, Here!
I practicing with my secretary. Well goody goody! Yep. She got it right. I'd give her a raise but Google works for free as long as you let her advertise that sounds kind of wicked.
Look at Mitch McConnell trying to save his ass. Keep the pressure on, everybody. Let's drown the turtle.
He belongs at the end of a rope swinging from a tree branch.
Just call him the turd for short.
Good column, Don. Repelled for now is what I would say. To repel the invasion in the long run, Trump needs to be elected and the Republicans --all of them -- need to keep their spines. Every day Americans also need to keep seeing the results of open borders. When it comes to your city and town and it affects your services, people get opinions and they're not good.
Just check out the latest Jobs Report...dig into the details...the jobs created were part-time jobs and (I believe) since 2021 new jobs are going to illegals and NOT REAL AMERICANS.
Breitbart and other sites are reporting on this, along with certain substack authors.
Well, the latest jobs reports all overstate the number of new jobs created. I mention this at my own site, just released. Of course, illegal aliens hurt low wage workers the most, and the sweeping $15/hr minimum wage is doing its own damage to employment prospects of many Americans.
Is this not the goal of a minimum wage?
Frequently not the goal, but always the effect. I believe there are a fair number of liberals who actually do not understand the cause and effect here - because they are actually pretty dumb. But others who are smarter know it can do damage, but because it sounds nice, they know it will get them votes. Or that it will work towards getting support for a guaranteed annual income.
The next busload of illegals Abbot sends needs to go to Sen. Lankford's state of Oklahoma. That is a very conservative state, and it will END Lankford's career. Maybe the Republicans in Oklahoma will even recall him immediately.
Most of them aren’t republicans
Are you referring to the uni-party folk?///Sarc.
“McConnell said the problem isn’t what Lankford negotiated, it’s that the political mood in the country has changed.” Changed? No, Mitch, the word is maniacal. We are angry as hell.
and we're not going to take it anymore!
I try to remember to spell turtle with a d.
Pet a cat backwards. He may not claw you the first time, maybe not the second time either, but you can bet he doesn't like it and won't tolerate it for long.
Do not think for a moment that they will quit. The totalitarian never never ever ever ever gives up. The most current totalitarian has to be obliterated destroyed and buried until the next one emerges. Thus one is far from destroyed.
Oh they won't
They are persistent fireants
Then we need some type of political action akin to pouring gas onto their anthills and lighting them on fire, or find some political candidates that are akin to anteaters.
That's why they are afraid of President Trump and want him "gone".
They know they have met their match because President Trump believes in achieving the "impossible" and he has success at it.
His Revenge is Success in his endeavors; they cannot beat him on his terms.
They for sure want Trump gone, MT: he shut down the money spicket. The money going to Senators making them millions, was shut down completely. They hate his guts. And, until Trump came along, those kickbacks had been going on for decades.
Sic semper tyrannis!
Here’s the underlying problem. Immigrants, legal or otherwise, couldn’t care less about the loss of American liberty as we’ve known it for our entire lives. They are enjoying more liberty in their lives than they ever had. They’re so used to putting up with tyrants and corruption that what they see here is infantile. We hate it. They are loving their lives in Amerika.
Of course, illegal aliens are loving their lives in Amerika. Everything they need to live—and more—is provided to them for free and our laws don’t apply to them.
“ Senator Chuck Schumer said in a speech on the Senate floor on Monday afternoon, “The $64,000 question now is whether or not senators can drown out the outside noise, drown out people like Donald Trump who want chaos and do the right thing for America.”
That has always been ALL of our so-called DC representatives total M.O.: drown out their constituents voices and do whatever the frig they feel like doing.
The border showdown has made that considerably more difficult for them this go ‘round.
Abbott and the other border governors could’ve done this in 2021 if they’d had the balls, and we might not be in the utter peril we now find ourselves in, with God knows how many, and just who are the millions upon millions who have poured over our border like a flood since then. And even at this point, closing the border still won’t happen in any meaningful way unless a Trump administration gets into the Whitehouse in 2025.
We’re in such a dangerous place it is truly scary, and the things that will go down this year will be the greatest test of this Nation since the Revolution. But one thing has become patently clear: it is entirely up to We the People, and their State’s governors - not those corruptocrats in DC - who will determine how things will go down if they have the will and the backbone to stand up to them. Hopefully, they will and it’s not too little too late.
I do not understand why our country cannot shut down our borders by simply enforcing current laws. How can we see this simple solution but DC needs to make yet another “deal” that they will ignore as they have ignored so many other past “deals”?
Our federal government has one primary job: to protect us—our rights as citizens and our country from invasion.
It seems to me that 118 billion dollars is only another misguided attempt to insure the economic destruction of our country.
They've forgotten their "one primary job" - they think it is to enrich themselves at our expense (through taxation and printing meaningless dollars that cause inflation). They don't give a damn about us, honey.
Oh, I know what you say is true. I lament the collapse of our Republic. We no longer live in a just nation state when our elected governmental officials (at all levels) use their position for their personal gain at our expense.
But nothing will convince me that “we the people” should just shrug and let those nefarious creatures continue their self-enriching behavior with impunity.
That's why we chose our weapon, President Donald J. Trump, to go after each and everyone of them.
You know, President Trump and MAGA, has a far greater impact than just us in our localities.
This is a Worldwide Movement: Nationalism -vs- Globalism.
Why do you think the MSM is NOT showing Americans what is going on with the Farmers Protests around the world?
Why is that?
And why do the msm deride conservative electees in other countries?/hint is one world order.
It really is about Nationalism/Populism versus Globalism.
Its the benjamins Sophie.
Although that is true, it doesn’t make it right.
They are doing this on purpose to destroy any Conservative opposition. They hope all these illegals will illegally vote Democrat and they will get unopposed power over everyone. We will lose our free speech, freedom of religion, guns etc. Just look at what they try to do with opposition. We will be Communist China or worse. They are ruthless, Godless, people.
Chucky, those outside noises are your constituents.
Schumer, Washington, DC wants to "do the right thing for America.” ???!!!
If Schumer and DC want to do THE RIGHT THING FOR AMERICA, then they would RESIGN.
DC is now the city of Rome, Ruling over the outer regions, oblivious to the harm they PURPOSELY do to the American People. Grabbing unearned loot, stealing American Tax Dollars on every Foreign War.
Not one American Politician has to live with the abject consequences of Illegal Invaders in their personal lives, except for the division of the loot from Foreign Countries, the Mules and the Drug Cartels who pay them.
You are getting scammed America, by Scam Artists in suits.
Schumer is a Post Turtle. (Didn't get up on that post by himself.)
I liken DC more to the Capital in The Hunger Games. We are the slaves toiling away out in the various Districts. The only difference is that DC hasn’t started to hold the Games yet.
No need for the hunger games to control population. The "safe and effective" vax that was neither is having monstrous death rates that aren't being reported. I am not trying to change the subject from today's topic, but this latest report from a good source has some very scary news for all of us. I couldn't miss this follow up to your comment. Fauci, CDC, NIH, and FDA (ie. the capital in the Hunger Games) should be prosecuted for the crime of murder.
Thanks for the link!
I suspect the promise of free stuff is a far bigger immigration incentive than a place to find work and raise a family.
Free Stuff is what got Obama elected and re-elected.
Free stuff and election-box “stuffing.” Democommies have been engaging in “creative electioneering” at least since 1960 when Cook County “votes” tipped the presidential win to JFK. I suspect many earlier elections were “fixed” before then and certainly thereafter.
The stealing of the White House and the Senate of 2020 cured me of my belief in free and fair elections. I live in Georgia. In 2020 both our Republican Senators lost as well as our Electors shifted from the will of the people to dems because of vote-counting shenanigans in Atlanta.
Oh, Sophie, I feel for you--it must be very frustrating to live in Georgia. A terrible governor and secretary of state, and Marxist Senator Warnock. Plus the Fani Willis and the Stacey Abrams sideshows.
I'm glad to see you feel that besides the Presidency, the US Senate was also stolen in 2020. That burned me up. We were on schedule to come out of that election with a 4-5 seat majority in the Senate. Hershel Walker should have won instead of Warnock. So much vicious fraud.
I appreciate the references you sometimes make to faith and spirituality in your comments. I am right with you on that. That is where the real power rests.
It’s not as frustrating as you may think for us living in Georgia. First of all, we are northern transplants so we have no deep family attachment. Secondly, we live far enough removed from crazy Atlanta and try to consider living in Georgia as a purgatory of sorts.
Mostly it is a deep knowing that we are but sojourners here on earth as our true citizenship lies elsewhere. And one day we shall awaken in that Place and our memories of this world will seem more like a dream.
I look forward to reading your comments, too! I know I’ll read new ideas and from your unique perspective. It’s a great place that Mr Surber has created for his readers. We are so blessed.
Your sweet words are so touching and much appreciated. Thank you, TPG.
Right back 'atcha, Sophie! I agree, Don Surber has created a strong forum by what he has allowed in the comments. It is a thoughtful, respectful place where together we can assimilate what is happening to our country and what Don masterfully brings together every day from the broad spectrum of the news and ties together with wise analysis.
I fully agree with your paragraph: "Mostly it is a deep knowing that we are but sojourners here on earth as our true citizenship lies elsewhere. And one day we shall awaken in that Place and our memories of this world will seem more like a dream." Well put! I feel we are grounded in spiritual reality, and that gives a steadiness in the midst of our world's various surface turmoils.
All blessings to you!
Not only ‘Stick to your Guns’ but buy new ones. Say somehow they cork the whole border today. I heard there are close to 30M illegals already here, having children, sucking social services, expensive medical services, educational services, your tax$, you name it, dry.
That figure, if true, puts the illegals frighteninly close to the % of Blacks in the country…the d-rats just might get their race war after all but not in the way they thought…Shadenfreud alert…HeHeHe!
What’s gonna happen when that funding stops or fails, and all these ‘military aged males’ can’t find work or whatever? You can paint the scenario yourself. That’s why every one of the MF’s who engineered this needs to be charged with Treason and summarily dealt with that same day! If it goes back to Bush so be it!
Stick to your guns and buy more with the ammo that they’re chambered in. Watch for the phrase ’From my Cold Dead Hands’ to become hot again!
I expect some serious (gunslinging) conflicts between blacks and arriving browns - it’s beginning as blacks are being moved from locations (like community centers) in order to house arriving browns. Blacks are not known for being tolerant of browns or yellows. They compete on gang territory with browns and just hate yellows.
I expect it to move beyond gangland, and will soon consume civilians of both goups...and I can only look on with indifference.
Spot on Mom!
‘Blacks are not Tolerant’ actually needs its own sentence!
I believe currently they have brought in 30 million BUT I believe there are at minimum 50 million that are here illegally from prior years.
If anyone recalls Rush Limbaugh, before he died, one of his last shows was dedicated to this truth, with details.
It makes sense and we have to face it.
We should deport millions upon millions, anchor babies and ALL!
Close that border for at least 5 years.
Yes, MT-- they have been using that same "11 million figure" for a few DECADES now, and finally now they say 22 million. For sure, as you say, the true number of illegals here now is at a minimum 50 million.
And worse yet, they have been INCLUDING the illegals in the census every 10 years, and the blue states have gotten more representatives in Congress, while the red states have gotten fewer. The whole thing is a racket. Talk about convicting the Left under RICO--Amen.
.........and summarily executed.
"while authorizing the turncoat Homeland Security secretary to give blanket amnesty to the thugs, drug sellers, spies and terrorists" this sounds like a line from Blazing Saddles, but I’m not laughing.
"Sure, pal. Next he will be saying the bill will also cure covid, find Amelia Earhart and make Big Macs 45 cents again." Now I’m laughing.
How do we solve this problem? We must revisit history and look to the profound words of Hedley Lamarr: “I want you to round up every vicious criminal and gunslinger in the West. Take this down. I want rustlers, cutthroats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers, and Methodists!”
America is tired of the Feds. Now I understand what it was like to live in 1850.
Methodists?? Were they gun fighters??
Luann, I believe Mel Brooks put that line in Blazing Saddles because of his belief that most Christians do not believe Methodists are truly Christian. Methodists are not Christian because they do not adhere to the traditional beliefs and practices of Christianity. Methodists are a Protestant denomination, and while they share many of the same beliefs as other Christians, they have their own unique doctrines and practices. For example, Methodists do not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, and they also believe in salvation through faith in God rather than through the atonement of Jesus Christ.
Thanks for the explanation, Mark.
I had to look that one up. The only thing I remembered from Blazing Saddles was the communal farting.
So long as Senate RINOs and Squishes elect "leaders" like Cocaine Mitch the GOP will remain the Senate minority party. Even if the numbers say there are more Republicans than Democrats we know that many of them will vote with the Left because it's easier than fighting.
That is like the Texas House. Sellouts allow Democrats as Cmte chairs to cancel conservative policies before the Rinos would have to vote on the record. Same rotters that voted to sham impeach great courageous Texas AG Ken Paxton.
I watched that play out and was too very pissed.
Doesn't say much for the caliber of men and women alike does it?
Hope I live to see the roundup. We're gonna need a lot of cowboys. All the border criminals, including children, must go....back where they came from (or back into Mexico which deserves them), then they can get in line and ask to be considered for admission. Depending upon how they behaved while here, I suppose many would be admitted.
Can't deal with arrest and punishment of criminals, including children? Well, that would be the end of our national experiment.
Indeed. Some of those Anchor Babies are in their 20's and 30's!! Buh bye, ninos.