No need for the hunger games to control population. The "safe and effective" vax that was neither is having monstrous death rates that aren't being reported. I am not trying to change the subject from today's topic, but this latest report from a good source has some very scary news for all of us. I couldn't miss this follow up to your co…
No need for the hunger games to control population. The "safe and effective" vax that was neither is having monstrous death rates that aren't being reported. I am not trying to change the subject from today's topic, but this latest report from a good source has some very scary news for all of us. I couldn't miss this follow up to your comment. Fauci, CDC, NIH, and FDA (ie. the capital in the Hunger Games) should be prosecuted for the crime of murder.
No need for the hunger games to control population. The "safe and effective" vax that was neither is having monstrous death rates that aren't being reported. I am not trying to change the subject from today's topic, but this latest report from a good source has some very scary news for all of us. I couldn't miss this follow up to your comment. Fauci, CDC, NIH, and FDA (ie. the capital in the Hunger Games) should be prosecuted for the crime of murder.
Thanks for the link!