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Not only ‘Stick to your Guns’ but buy new ones. Say somehow they cork the whole border today. I heard there are close to 30M illegals already here, having children, sucking social services, expensive medical services, educational services, your tax$, you name it, dry.

That figure, if true, puts the illegals frighteninly close to the % of Blacks in the country…the d-rats just might get their race war after all but not in the way they thought…Shadenfreud alert…HeHeHe!

What’s gonna happen when that funding stops or fails, and all these ‘military aged males’ can’t find work or whatever? You can paint the scenario yourself. That’s why every one of the MF’s who engineered this needs to be charged with Treason and summarily dealt with that same day! If it goes back to Bush so be it!

Stick to your guns and buy more with the ammo that they’re chambered in. Watch for the phrase ’From my Cold Dead Hands’ to become hot again!

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I expect some serious (gunslinging) conflicts between blacks and arriving browns - it’s beginning as blacks are being moved from locations (like community centers) in order to house arriving browns. Blacks are not known for being tolerant of browns or yellows. They compete on gang territory with browns and just hate yellows.

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I expect it to move beyond gangland, and will soon consume civilians of both goups...and I can only look on with indifference.

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Spot on Mom!

‘Blacks are not Tolerant’ actually needs its own sentence!

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I believe currently they have brought in 30 million BUT I believe there are at minimum 50 million that are here illegally from prior years.

If anyone recalls Rush Limbaugh, before he died, one of his last shows was dedicated to this truth, with details.

It makes sense and we have to face it.

We should deport millions upon millions, anchor babies and ALL!

Close that border for at least 5 years.

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Yes, MT-- they have been using that same "11 million figure" for a few DECADES now, and finally now they say 22 million. For sure, as you say, the true number of illegals here now is at a minimum 50 million.

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And worse yet, they have been INCLUDING the illegals in the census every 10 years, and the blue states have gotten more representatives in Congress, while the red states have gotten fewer. The whole thing is a racket. Talk about convicting the Left under RICO--Amen.

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.........and summarily executed.

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