“ Senator Chuck Schumer said in a speech on the Senate floor on Monday afternoon, “The $64,000 question now is whether or not senators can drown out the outside noise, drown out people like Donald Trump who want chaos and do the right thing for America.”
That has always been ALL of our so-called DC representatives total M.O.: drown out th…
“ Senator Chuck Schumer said in a speech on the Senate floor on Monday afternoon, “The $64,000 question now is whether or not senators can drown out the outside noise, drown out people like Donald Trump who want chaos and do the right thing for America.”
That has always been ALL of our so-called DC representatives total M.O.: drown out their constituents voices and do whatever the frig they feel like doing.
The border showdown has made that considerably more difficult for them this go ‘round.
Abbott and the other border governors could’ve done this in 2021 if they’d had the balls, and we might not be in the utter peril we now find ourselves in, with God knows how many, and just who are the millions upon millions who have poured over our border like a flood since then. And even at this point, closing the border still won’t happen in any meaningful way unless a Trump administration gets into the Whitehouse in 2025.
We’re in such a dangerous place it is truly scary, and the things that will go down this year will be the greatest test of this Nation since the Revolution. But one thing has become patently clear: it is entirely up to We the People, and their State’s governors - not those corruptocrats in DC - who will determine how things will go down if they have the will and the backbone to stand up to them. Hopefully, they will and it’s not too little too late.
“ Senator Chuck Schumer said in a speech on the Senate floor on Monday afternoon, “The $64,000 question now is whether or not senators can drown out the outside noise, drown out people like Donald Trump who want chaos and do the right thing for America.”
That has always been ALL of our so-called DC representatives total M.O.: drown out their constituents voices and do whatever the frig they feel like doing.
The border showdown has made that considerably more difficult for them this go ‘round.
Abbott and the other border governors could’ve done this in 2021 if they’d had the balls, and we might not be in the utter peril we now find ourselves in, with God knows how many, and just who are the millions upon millions who have poured over our border like a flood since then. And even at this point, closing the border still won’t happen in any meaningful way unless a Trump administration gets into the Whitehouse in 2025.
We’re in such a dangerous place it is truly scary, and the things that will go down this year will be the greatest test of this Nation since the Revolution. But one thing has become patently clear: it is entirely up to We the People, and their State’s governors - not those corruptocrats in DC - who will determine how things will go down if they have the will and the backbone to stand up to them. Hopefully, they will and it’s not too little too late.