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I do not understand why our country cannot shut down our borders by simply enforcing current laws. How can we see this simple solution but DC needs to make yet another “deal” that they will ignore as they have ignored so many other past “deals”?

Our federal government has one primary job: to protect us—our rights as citizens and our country from invasion.

It seems to me that 118 billion dollars is only another misguided attempt to insure the economic destruction of our country.

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They've forgotten their "one primary job" - they think it is to enrich themselves at our expense (through taxation and printing meaningless dollars that cause inflation). They don't give a damn about us, honey.

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Oh, I know what you say is true. I lament the collapse of our Republic. We no longer live in a just nation state when our elected governmental officials (at all levels) use their position for their personal gain at our expense.

But nothing will convince me that “we the people” should just shrug and let those nefarious creatures continue their self-enriching behavior with impunity.

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That's why we chose our weapon, President Donald J. Trump, to go after each and everyone of them.

You know, President Trump and MAGA, has a far greater impact than just us in our localities.

This is a Worldwide Movement: Nationalism -vs- Globalism.

Why do you think the MSM is NOT showing Americans what is going on with the Farmers Protests around the world?

Why is that?

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And why do the msm deride conservative electees in other countries?/hint is one world order.

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It really is about Nationalism/Populism versus Globalism.

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Its the benjamins Sophie.

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Although that is true, it doesn’t make it right.

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They are doing this on purpose to destroy any Conservative opposition. They hope all these illegals will illegally vote Democrat and they will get unopposed power over everyone. We will lose our free speech, freedom of religion, guns etc. Just look at what they try to do with opposition. We will be Communist China or worse. They are ruthless, Godless, people.

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