Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t let strangers in my home without a knowing who the hell they are. If I need a plumber he has to be vouched for by a reputable licensed company.

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Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

The reality you describe is hideous and abhorrent and civilized people should be repelled by their “government” engaging in this human trafficking. I do NOT want my tax dollars spent on supporting the criminal “charitable” organizations that run this operation. It’s despicable. Those who “like to cook” are the sunny part of the picture: some untold number of women, children, girls and boys are doing their time as sex toys. They have already been “housed” and no one seems to care where. Your words are so much better than my incoherent outrage.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

I see in this morning's news that the Deep State is breaking its collective neck trying to find a top-secret folder exposing the Obama CIA's blueprint for manufacturing the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax.

Suddenly I realized that the corruption and chaos that is the large-city Democrat administration is replicated at all scales up and down the line - from the U.S. Presidency all the way down to the smallest Soros-owned Big Fani in the most obscure prosecutor's office. Like an ever self-replicating fractal, it is baked into the cake and inseparable from the Democrat party at every level.

Sometimes there is no solution other than demolish and rebuild. If we can't get Alleged President Joe Stolen out of office and begin a massive clean-up, we are done.

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Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

Per the Hill, a faux-Republican (undocumented Democrat) publication:

“ we do not have an illegal immigration problem; what we have is an illegal employment problem.”

Ah, so then, the implied solution is to make them legal and give them work permits….and a voter registration while we’re at it, I suppose?

The Hill also says, “Some argue that we have an illegal immigration problem that requires building a $20 billion wall to keep our neighbors out. Others call for tougher border security at the cost of $8 billion a year“…. Funny. No mention of the astronomical costs that are necessary to house them, or to the healthcare and education systems, to say nothing of the exorbitant welfare payments, all to be added to our ever-ballooning debt the country now languishes under, like an axe ready to fall at any minute.

And those costs are just the tip of the iceberg, an iceberg which is hiding the the greater costs and threats of danger to the security of our nation by illegal immigrant actors now here solely to do harm to us in untold ways.

The people at the Hill, along with our entire government apparatus, are aiding and abetting all these threats and dangers, not just to our economy, but to our very lives and futures.

They are delusional at best, but more likely malevolent. They are definitely traitors to their oaths to the Constitution to preserve and protect this nation and its people, from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

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Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

Slavery is alive and well in every big city in America. This is the Democrats raison d'être. And as long as the slaves continue to support their big city masters the plantations will thrive until there is no more cotton to pick.

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Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

When did Repub Senators become a bigger problem to us than the Dems? We need O’keefe, Tucker and Trump to expose their dark secrets, to includes their top supporters in their respective states.

If impeaching Majorkas is going to die in the Senate- Houston, we have a problem.

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Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

No surprise that a woke family in the Jewish stronghold of Brookline would take in a migrant family. Doubt anyone in the North End (Italian) or Southie (Irish) will be as kind ( or stupid). The patriots who led the freedom revolution from Massachusetts are long dead. They have been replaced by weak communists who lead our country into self destruction and self loathing. FJB

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Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

I'm not a liberal woman with white guilt, so I'd never invite illegals or strangers into my home.

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Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

Good morning, all.

So, if I break any laws now, I'll be cool as long as I have a nice smile, and I can cook? Wow! So many things I've not done before, that I can try! ;D

Have a great day, everybody.

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Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

When I see these politicians who are pushing for this in your home deal actually walk the walk and have a houseful illegals in their house I’ll take note but not join the rush to have one anywhere near me.

Ought to be fun when the newness of their new dependents runs out and they want the migrants out. Will the migrants get lawyers and sue the host for cruelty? Or just sue them as squatters who won’t leave.

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Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

I saw an article the other day and can't recall the source. The essence was that Minorities on welfare were totally pissed that incoming illegals were receiving better payments and benefits than they were receiving on welfare. Free travel, gift cards, money and vouchers, housing, medical services, legal services, etc. This has to backfire at some point, and when it does, I hope it tears up the Blue sanctuary cities from the riots.

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Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

"Fish and relatives begin to stink after 3 days".

That was the philosophy I was raised with growing up and 9 out of 10 visits; it's all very real and true.

This story reminds me of the day our 15 yr. old daughter, (in the late 1980's), made arrangements with her Spanish teacher to participate in the local school district's foreign exchange program. My husband and I were notified, after the arrangements were made and the district needed our consent. That's when the fun started.

Long story short; we agreed with certain restrictions. Ultimately, this lovely young girl, also 15 years old, came to live with us for what was to be the full semester, however, she was sent back to her wealthy parents' home in Guatemala, where they indeed had many servants and Violetta did NOT contribute her fair share to our household, as was agreed to, by all parties involved.

I remember her departure day. Our daughter, who was originally a "great friend" to her, now would not look at her or speak to or with her about anything, refused to ride along to the airport. Our older son, on the other hand, wanted desperately to go along, not to say "Good-bye, Gook Luck, Keep in Touch"...ohhh nooo... He wanted to make sure that she did indeed, get on that plane and that the airplane, did indeed take off, and did NOT circle back to the airport where we were waiting and watching it fly, far, far away. We had had enough of helping and reaching out to our "neighbors" in 3rd world countries.

As I read your excellent writing this morning, Mr. Surber, this exact scenario entered my mind because we lived through a similar situation, however, not involving a known illegal invader BUT an unknown home invader, none-the-less.

I look forward to the very day that these white, liberal wokesters are shakin' A-Wake by the reality of their mis-guided, self-righteous, arrogant, high-mindedness and realize : "Shut-Up You Silly Woman! You knew I was a Snake when you took me in!"

The Best is Yet to Come.

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I always ask people who are favorable to unquestioned illegal immigration: "Do you lock your doors?"

Blank stares. I often think of dropping off two illegals to their house, but this article highlights how that might be a mistake.

Good piece, Donnie Boy.

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Welcome to the new, improved Democrat plantation work-around - where field slaves are taxed to pay for rich people's imported house slaves.

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Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

I’m curious…what is the rest of the story? Who pays for these people to be housed (and enslaved/indentured) in do-gooders homes (and for how long)? Similar to a foster home situation, will our tax dollars now be going toward that cause? Appealing to the heartstrings of those who would make kind-hearted but unsound emotional decisions is what the Dems live for.

As you said, Don, it’s only the beginning. What a mess.

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14Liked by Don Surber

Thanks, Don. Now I understand why wind currents circle us like water in a flushed toilet.

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