When I see these politicians who are pushing for this in your home deal actually walk the walk and have a houseful illegals in their house I’ll take note but not join the rush to have one anywhere near me.
Ought to be fun when the newness of their new dependents runs out and they want the migrants out. Will the migrants get lawyers and su…
When I see these politicians who are pushing for this in your home deal actually walk the walk and have a houseful illegals in their house I’ll take note but not join the rush to have one anywhere near me.
Ought to be fun when the newness of their new dependents runs out and they want the migrants out. Will the migrants get lawyers and sue the host for cruelty? Or just sue them as squatters who won’t leave.
if some bleeding heart liberal is stupid or ignorant enough to throw open his/her doors to an unvetted unvaccinated illegal "immigrant ", they deserve what they get. As for this household, we will not be joining them even if we should happen to get a smiling cook (just waiting to stab us in our sleep!)
When I see these politicians who are pushing for this in your home deal actually walk the walk and have a houseful illegals in their house I’ll take note but not join the rush to have one anywhere near me.
Ought to be fun when the newness of their new dependents runs out and they want the migrants out. Will the migrants get lawyers and sue the host for cruelty? Or just sue them as squatters who won’t leave.
if some bleeding heart liberal is stupid or ignorant enough to throw open his/her doors to an unvetted unvaccinated illegal "immigrant ", they deserve what they get. As for this household, we will not be joining them even if we should happen to get a smiling cook (just waiting to stab us in our sleep!)