Per the Hill, a faux-Republican (undocumented Democrat) publication:
“ we do not have an illegal immigration problem; what we have is an illegal employment problem.”
Ah, so then, the implied solution is to make them legal and give them work permits….and a voter registration while we’re at it, I suppose?
The Hill also says, “Some argue that we have an illegal immigration problem that requires building a $20 billion wall to keep our neighbors out. Others call for tougher border security at the cost of $8 billion a year“…. Funny. No mention of the astronomical costs that are necessary to house them, or to the healthcare and education systems, to say nothing of the exorbitant welfare payments, all to be added to our ever-ballooning debt the country now languishes under, like an axe ready to fall at any minute.
And those costs are just the tip of the iceberg, an iceberg which is hiding the the greater costs and threats of danger to the security of our nation by illegal immigrant actors now here solely to do harm to us in untold ways.
The people at the Hill, along with our entire government apparatus, are aiding and abetting all these threats and dangers, not just to our economy, but to our very lives and futures.
They are delusional at best, but more likely malevolent. They are definitely traitors to their oaths to the Constitution to preserve and protect this nation and its people, from enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Per the Hill, a faux-Republican (undocumented Democrat) publication:
“ we do not have an illegal immigration problem; what we have is an illegal employment problem.”
Ah, so then, the implied solution is to make them legal and give them work permits….and a voter registration while we’re at it, I suppose?
The Hill also says, “Some argue that we have an illegal immigration problem that requires building a $20 billion wall to keep our neighbors out. Others call for tougher border security at the cost of $8 billion a year“…. Funny. No mention of the astronomical costs that are necessary to house them, or to the healthcare and education systems, to say nothing of the exorbitant welfare payments, all to be added to our ever-ballooning debt the country now languishes under, like an axe ready to fall at any minute.
And those costs are just the tip of the iceberg, an iceberg which is hiding the the greater costs and threats of danger to the security of our nation by illegal immigrant actors now here solely to do harm to us in untold ways.
The people at the Hill, along with our entire government apparatus, are aiding and abetting all these threats and dangers, not just to our economy, but to our very lives and futures.
They are delusional at best, but more likely malevolent. They are definitely traitors to their oaths to the Constitution to preserve and protect this nation and its people, from enemies, both foreign and domestic.
I'm going with malevolent.
Yes, only to Democrats (and the Hill) do two wrongs make a right.