The main thing is no one ever apologizes, even when they flip-flop like this.
It would be so much better if he said, "I was wrong. I was influenced by the government. I shouldn’t have done it. I apologize, and I will never do it again."
And then I can reply. Tough shit loser. You're done.
My question is: if they can attempt to divest TikTok from China for its anti-American algorithms why shouldn’t Zuckerberg also be “divested” from ownership of his media empire for having willingly aided and abetted in thwarting the Constitution?
There’s still a case to be heard this year regarding the government’s abuse and flagrant obstruction of the First Amendment, violating the Constitution, and Zucky-boy was all in on that effort, in addition to throwing hundreds of millions of dollars into Biden’s 2020 election coffers.
He should, at the least, be stripped of his ownership of his media empire for such.
Dump Blackrock, I did. And my portfolio increased over the next year. Worth every bit of the trouble doing so. Had to argue with my financial advisor about it but he "got it".
Yeah, but he is a runt worm, and he just gave $1M to Trump for the cost of the inauguration to make sure he doesn't get summoned to DC by the DOJ in the next four years.
Totally agree. The Lizard Man can't be trusted. He'll side with anyone who he thinks will benefit him. He has no scruples. I dropped Facebook probably a dozen years ago and won't be going back to that horse shit.
My family is always on me to get a FB account. But what for? If I want to share something with them, I call, text, or email them. If more important than that I drive 3000 miles to go see them. Don't need to support FB to communicate.
You got it Dennis , Zuck must be covering up something he doesn't want the world to know . Or he's afraid the lawyers will figure out that he's a large pool of civil suit rewards for the violations of our civil rights by his election bribery. One can hope !
01/08/25: Thank you, Dennis. Zuckerberg's act won't fool anyone, in the long run.
Watch him go out to sea in 2025.
--- Article recently described the WaPo employees resigning as a "talent exodus."
If WaPo had any talent, they'd be profitable.
--- "Because of that, Keir Starmer is a double-digit midget as they said in my day when men were men (and women were women) and you counted the days down to when your enlistment ended."
--- Do a Trudeau blackface on Starmer and you've got a John Bull Big Mike.
One day we may find out how the Democrats were stopped in stealing the 24 election. It seems like there is more to the story. For now it’s enjoyable to watch them all grovel. The 3 minutes of Kamala certifying the election was truly satisfying. Hopefully we can soon see Schiff and Pelosi walk the plank. FJB
Part of the explanation, although not publicized much, seems to have consisted of paying more attention to voting procedures. Also, with COVID in the rear mirror, the crooked states had no justifications for keeping them as loose as they were 4 years earlier.
That said, we should not overlook the effects of the virtual political suicide of the Left -- suicide by repeated outbreaks of insanity.
In addition, the mainstream media seem to have purposely ignored the positive signs for a Trump win. The obvious intent of that was to discourage Trump voters, but it didn't work; it may even have motivated them instead. Prior to the election at least one perceptive observer cautioned that Trump had much better prospects than conventional opinion assumed. That was Park MacDougald with "The Democrats' Insanity Defense" in Tablet Magazine on October 28, a week BEFORE the election:
"Polls and early voting returns suggest that Trump may be poised to recapture the White House and potentially even win the popular vote, despite a near daily stream of invective from Democrats and their press allies casting him and his supporters as some version or another of Hitler."
While your theory seems plausible, it was clear that the Democrats stole the down ballot elections in the Senate in such states as Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona, that’s not even looking at the house races and the local elections that were stolen. I suspect that Trump with the help of multiple allies prevented the offshore transmission of votes that were done in the last presidential election.
01/08/25, In my opinion, they were stopped, but not before tossing in at least five million bogus votes. It is impossible that K.H. got as many legitimate votes as her official total states.
I also remember a day in my earlier lifetime when California elected many more Republicans than today. The liberal takeover is NOT from a majority of legitimate votes. The conservatives are there and getting their voices heard at the polls is procedural.
Back when we had paper ballots there was ballot stuffing going on so we went to computer voting. I don't know how to get an honest system anymore with people so dishonest now.
The people who can, move. The others just turn the other cheek and tell their friends what a great place CA is to live...................until it all burns down or falls into the sea.
I say, the more wildfires that burn out the cliffside or deeply forested homes that never should have been built without better utilities supporting them is Mother Nature returning herself to homeostasis.
My only regret in saying this is actor James Woods had to evacuate his home due to fire, but to your point, when California restricts water access, there's not much you can do.
Southern California is an arid, desert region with little water. They had the chance to build de-salinization plants back in the 60's but chose not to because they thought they would convince Oregon to divert water from the Columbia to them. First mistake. Then they decided against the plants because they require fossil fuels to run. Second mistake. Then they chose to not build impoundment reservoirs to catch and hold the rainfall they do get in storms and allow it instead to run back to the sea. Third strike. Then they pushed out all conservative thought and marginalized conservatives who objected to the lunacy and became a defacto socialist run one party state. They are out of strikes now. Now mother nature said time has run out and she is taking back her desert.
They have that idiot governor Brylcream to thank for that brilliant save the whatever kind of fish move that actually killed the fish they were allegedly saving
Sad to see all those multi-million dollar homes going up in flames. But to your point, karma is a bitch and all the idiotic enviros in CA are now reaping what they have sown.
Yes, the climate folks like to see rainfall flow straight to the sea in Monterey County. And Sacramento shuts off water to Central Valley farmers over some endangered obscured lizard. I’ve stopped trying to figure it out.
It's okay, when the mayor of LA gets back from Africa she will call for more new taxes to but water from other states who will promptly tell her to go pound sand.
Is there a bigger weasel on the planet than Mark Zuckerberg? He is to the billionaire class as Sleepy is to politics. They both go whichever way the wind is blowing. Both always were and always will be genuine pieces of s**t.
“The other half is the end of the FJB presidency, which showed the true goal of the American left is destruction.”
Truer words never written; the Left never builds anything except dependency. It’s always destroy; destroy accepted norms, destroy the nuclear family, destroy history in order to remake a society, destroy, destroy, destroy. The irony here is that - by painting themselves into a corner with identity politics- they just may have destroyed themselves for a generation.
Let’s hope so. That said, Zuckerberg is no hero merely a - pragmatic? - opportunist; you think if the election had gone the other way & Klamydia had won he’s be doing this?
He’s scrambling - as they all are - to save their miserable hides.
Amen, amen, amen, Dutchmn007-- that was my favorite line of Don's column today as well--"...the FJB presidency, which showed the true goal of the American left is destruction."
The level of destruction was shocking. The American GOVERNMENT flying in planeloads of illegal immigrants from 3rd World countries to dump in America. Allowing murderous gangs and drug cartels to just stroll over the Southern border. Overwhelmingly, the illegal immigrants allowed in were young, single, military-aged men from terrorist countries and enemy countries (e.g., China) not the "innocent families" the Left media pretended it was.
And not to mention that our currency and financial stability still hangs precariously, and despite Trump taking office, he may still have to face this Left-created disaster.
And the attack on everything wholesome in our culture.
Destruction so aggressive, that you could feel the hate behind it.
I'm waiting for the MSM to be next. Their business model is failing badly. It would be smart business to adapt. Acting absolutely stupid is no way to go through life or prosper.
They have for decades, nearly 100yrs. It goes back to covering up for FDR; the press actively hid that he was handicapped from polio, refusing to publish pix of him using a walker. It’s only become worse since. Think under Clinton & Obama it really got ramped up into an openly partisan press. They were cheerleading for both & accepted the Hildabeast as Obama’s rightful heir; when Trump pulled out the upset they went apoplectic.
Going you one better here. Government builds nothing, it just pretends to do so. Just ask those hurt by Hurricane Helene in NC. Just ask people who can no longer afford healthcare. Just ask the kids graduating from high school who read and write at a fifth grade level and have no idea how to balance a checkbook or review a credit card statement.
Yes, the entire world seems to be reversing its trajectory away from destruction with the ascendancy of Trump.
But I won’t be satisfied until I see such a sea change take place within his own Republican Party in Congress.
They arrogantly feel empowered having won back the Senate and House, giving little to zero credit to Trump for having made such an occurrence even possible.
The hearings to approve Trumps picks for his Cabinet are around the corner, and while we know the Left will pull out all the stops to obstruct and disallow them from taking office, we shall see how the President’s own party members perform.
They need to feel the real Fear of the Lord, to kick their haughty and high minded asses off their perches and get with the program.
The one thing that might keep recalcitrant Senators and Congress reps in line is knowing that Elon Musk and his mega billions are out there waiting to finance a primary challenge. That is a politicians greatest fear.
They are inherently, RINO's. We will see if they can get his appointee's confirmed and make tax cuts permanent or not. They are always the last to see that THEY are the problem.
On a movie night last year, my son took me out to a movie instead of watching a taped one. He took me to see "Sound of Freedom:" starring Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino, etc., about child abduction for sexual abuse in Columbia. Help from our government was sought, but none forthcoming. I was too angry to cry and sat for the entire movie with my fingernails deep into the arm rests.
Saw it as well. Made me realize how many people have truly lost their humanity. Almost zero outrage over this problem and most could care less ...............until it happens to their family, but too late then.
They're even predicting snow here in Georgia. We get a half inch of snow that lasts 24 hours but, it paralyzes the residents. This northern boy, who passed his driver’s test in a snow storm stays in and reads. I can drive in snow but, my neighbors can’t. Thus it isn’t safe to venture out
I saw Zuc.k’s video yesterday. Many people don’t trust Mr. Z. I am cautiously optimistic. Here’s hoping that those who still use the platform will find out their world is different from what they thought. Are there still conservatives who use the platform? Frankly I don’t care what someone is having for dinner.
Elon Musk is changing the world. Keir Starmer will soon be gone. Perhaps London town will get rid of their Muslim mayor.
I hope we get to see Epstein’s list plus the JFK assignation report. Exposing pedophiles and corrupt Government agencies will go a long way to fix what is broken.
As I said the other day, had Trump been re-elected in 2020 we would not have the 2024 version. The 2024 version is going far mightier.
The normal procedure in politics is blackmail. I'm curious whether the Trumpster holds these asshats accountable or uses the information to move MAGA forward. I'm guessing he'll do both.
Releasing the epstein list and the JFK report is the opposite of black mail. It is shining a light on the roaches. How many people are going to go to a movie that stars a raging pedophile? Or vote for one?
So much dirt, so many politicians. There are lots of other crimes that are unreported. The Epstein list must come out to scare the rest of the offenders. We might find out what the Dems hold over Chief Justice Roberts.
Roberts was never a true Conservative. He was a GW Bush style conservative, a moderate. His opinions bear this out. If he were in congress we would call him a centrist. He isn't a bad person, but he is far too timid with opinions and always tries to soften opinions in my judgement.
The mid-south is expecting a visit from the Alberta Clipper on Friday-Sunday. Well, there goes my standing hair appointment!! We could get anywhere from a trace to several inches. My BFF was a teacher. How she loved a forecast like this one!
Zuckerberg is a phony POS.
The main thing is no one ever apologizes, even when they flip-flop like this.
It would be so much better if he said, "I was wrong. I was influenced by the government. I shouldn’t have done it. I apologize, and I will never do it again."
And then I can reply. Tough shit loser. You're done.
My question is: if they can attempt to divest TikTok from China for its anti-American algorithms why shouldn’t Zuckerberg also be “divested” from ownership of his media empire for having willingly aided and abetted in thwarting the Constitution?
There’s still a case to be heard this year regarding the government’s abuse and flagrant obstruction of the First Amendment, violating the Constitution, and Zucky-boy was all in on that effort, in addition to throwing hundreds of millions of dollars into Biden’s 2020 election coffers.
He should, at the least, be stripped of his ownership of his media empire for such.
Agree. We are in need of some old fashioned corporate busters & while social media is in dire need, Blackrock/Vanguard/state street top my list.
Dump Blackrock, I did. And my portfolio increased over the next year. Worth every bit of the trouble doing so. Had to argue with my financial advisor about it but he "got it".
Yeah, but he is a runt worm, and he just gave $1M to Trump for the cost of the inauguration to make sure he doesn't get summoned to DC by the DOJ in the next four years.
Totally agree. The Lizard Man can't be trusted. He'll side with anyone who he thinks will benefit him. He has no scruples. I dropped Facebook probably a dozen years ago and won't be going back to that horse shit.
I never joined unless it was accidentally. Those outfits are slimy that way.
My family is always on me to get a FB account. But what for? If I want to share something with them, I call, text, or email them. If more important than that I drive 3000 miles to go see them. Don't need to support FB to communicate.
We think alike my friend.
I don't disagree but I am willing to give him a chance. Let's see what he does.
You got it Dennis , Zuck must be covering up something he doesn't want the world to know . Or he's afraid the lawyers will figure out that he's a large pool of civil suit rewards for the violations of our civil rights by his election bribery. One can hope !
He's a loser that stole a product (allegedly) from someone else and got rich. That doesn't make him smart, it just makes him a rich loser.
01/08/25: Thank you, Dennis. Zuckerberg's act won't fool anyone, in the long run.
Watch him go out to sea in 2025.
--- Article recently described the WaPo employees resigning as a "talent exodus."
If WaPo had any talent, they'd be profitable.
--- "Because of that, Keir Starmer is a double-digit midget as they said in my day when men were men (and women were women) and you counted the days down to when your enlistment ended."
--- Do a Trudeau blackface on Starmer and you've got a John Bull Big Mike.
Sure, he is bending with the wind. But he did, within what corporate speak defines it, apologize. And note government's influence.
Do I trust him? No. Do I have a facebook account? No. Getting one? Nope.
One day we may find out how the Democrats were stopped in stealing the 24 election. It seems like there is more to the story. For now it’s enjoyable to watch them all grovel. The 3 minutes of Kamala certifying the election was truly satisfying. Hopefully we can soon see Schiff and Pelosi walk the plank. FJB
Part of the explanation, although not publicized much, seems to have consisted of paying more attention to voting procedures. Also, with COVID in the rear mirror, the crooked states had no justifications for keeping them as loose as they were 4 years earlier.
That said, we should not overlook the effects of the virtual political suicide of the Left -- suicide by repeated outbreaks of insanity.
In addition, the mainstream media seem to have purposely ignored the positive signs for a Trump win. The obvious intent of that was to discourage Trump voters, but it didn't work; it may even have motivated them instead. Prior to the election at least one perceptive observer cautioned that Trump had much better prospects than conventional opinion assumed. That was Park MacDougald with "The Democrats' Insanity Defense" in Tablet Magazine on October 28, a week BEFORE the election:
"Polls and early voting returns suggest that Trump may be poised to recapture the White House and potentially even win the popular vote, despite a near daily stream of invective from Democrats and their press allies casting him and his supporters as some version or another of Hitler."
While your theory seems plausible, it was clear that the Democrats stole the down ballot elections in the Senate in such states as Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona, that’s not even looking at the house races and the local elections that were stolen. I suspect that Trump with the help of multiple allies prevented the offshore transmission of votes that were done in the last presidential election.
And most definitely they screwed with the down ballot elections in CA. That was obscene but I hardly saw any pushback from the RNC? Why was that?
RNC gave up on CA. after Arnold.
Pelosi will never, but Schiff on the otherhand....
She's too intoxicated to stagger that far.
I doubt she’ll survive the broken hip for 3 years….
I wish it would be lethal injection at Terre Haute's federal facility that claims her but the appeals process would take twenty years.
It suffices to know she's in GOD'S hands for eternity.
01/08/25, In my opinion, they were stopped, but not before tossing in at least five million bogus votes. It is impossible that K.H. got as many legitimate votes as her official total states.
I went to a gender reveal party the other day, but I was the only one naked.
Bill Clinton went to see his doctor, a new graduate from Pakistan, concerned about his declining libido.
After examining him the doctor asked if he had a picture of his wife which worthless Willie immediately produced.
After looking at the photo, the doctor suggested that he get a goat.
What he really needs is separate bedrooms. Hers in Chappaqua and his someplace else.
One part of their prenup is they can sleep with whoever they want as long as it's not each other.
Her's in Hazelton West Virginia, his in the federal Supermax in Florence Colorado.
Of course we could make her the Ambassador to Libya.
Or Somalia.
Or Gaza or Syria. Maybe Iran.
They haven't slept in the same house or bedroom in years.
01/09/25: The problem with that joke is that he's been married to a goat since 1975.
that's funny!
Roared with laughter. Thanks, Kels.
Make an example out of Zuckerberg.
Charge him for denial of Constutional rights. Force the sale FB to highest bidder, ban Zuckerberg from ever owning another media company.
Breaking the law at the bequest of an unlawful regime you spent 500 million to put in place, dosen't give you a get out of jail card.
I don’t think Zuck deserves the treatment he is currently getting from Trump. He is another cockroach.
I agree, but I'm not worried. Trump knows what he's doing. He's a whole lot smarter than Zuck.
The old saying is keep your friends close and your enemies closer. The Trumpster is keeping Zuck closer. It's a good move by the sly one.
Trump is gna treat him like a rented mule.
Great comment!
They hate dams in California and now they don’t have enough water to fight fires.
LA and San Francisco overwhelm the votes of the regular folks in California. What they are doing to that beautiful state is a sin.
Remove the illegal votes, use paper ballots, and hand count in one day, and it may be closer to a tie - or a win for conservatives.
Didn't Trump suggest that all votes should be counted by 10PM on election day in his presser yesterday?
Great idea
It's California man, theres's not a lot of that happening anytimime soon.
I hear you.
I also remember a day in my earlier lifetime when California elected many more Republicans than today. The liberal takeover is NOT from a majority of legitimate votes. The conservatives are there and getting their voices heard at the polls is procedural.
This seems to be the perfect climate for changing the vote back to old school paper ballots, same day voting, etc.
Back when we had paper ballots there was ballot stuffing going on so we went to computer voting. I don't know how to get an honest system anymore with people so dishonest now.
The people who can, move. The others just turn the other cheek and tell their friends what a great place CA is to live...................until it all burns down or falls into the sea.
I say, the more wildfires that burn out the cliffside or deeply forested homes that never should have been built without better utilities supporting them is Mother Nature returning herself to homeostasis.
My only regret in saying this is actor James Woods had to evacuate his home due to fire, but to your point, when California restricts water access, there's not much you can do.
Southern California is an arid, desert region with little water. They had the chance to build de-salinization plants back in the 60's but chose not to because they thought they would convince Oregon to divert water from the Columbia to them. First mistake. Then they decided against the plants because they require fossil fuels to run. Second mistake. Then they chose to not build impoundment reservoirs to catch and hold the rainfall they do get in storms and allow it instead to run back to the sea. Third strike. Then they pushed out all conservative thought and marginalized conservatives who objected to the lunacy and became a defacto socialist run one party state. They are out of strikes now. Now mother nature said time has run out and she is taking back her desert.
They have that idiot governor Brylcream to thank for that brilliant save the whatever kind of fish move that actually killed the fish they were allegedly saving
He is truly the return of Karl Marx.
This horrific tsunami of fire raging through CA now will bring that state to its knees.
The destruction is incalculable.
And you and I will pay to rebuild it yet again, thanks to a spineless GOP.
Sad to see all those multi-million dollar homes going up in flames. But to your point, karma is a bitch and all the idiotic enviros in CA are now reaping what they have sown.
Yes, the climate folks like to see rainfall flow straight to the sea in Monterey County. And Sacramento shuts off water to Central Valley farmers over some endangered obscured lizard. I’ve stopped trying to figure it out.
It's okay, when the mayor of LA gets back from Africa she will call for more new taxes to but water from other states who will promptly tell her to go pound sand.
She exhibited a modicum of brain power on her return by remaining mute. The press were ready to fry her.
Is there a bigger weasel on the planet than Mark Zuckerberg? He is to the billionaire class as Sleepy is to politics. They both go whichever way the wind is blowing. Both always were and always will be genuine pieces of s**t.
No kidding. He was given the government program called LifeLog in 2004. It was handed to him and he gives NOTHING back to society.
“The other half is the end of the FJB presidency, which showed the true goal of the American left is destruction.”
Truer words never written; the Left never builds anything except dependency. It’s always destroy; destroy accepted norms, destroy the nuclear family, destroy history in order to remake a society, destroy, destroy, destroy. The irony here is that - by painting themselves into a corner with identity politics- they just may have destroyed themselves for a generation.
Let’s hope so. That said, Zuckerberg is no hero merely a - pragmatic? - opportunist; you think if the election had gone the other way & Klamydia had won he’s be doing this?
He’s scrambling - as they all are - to save their miserable hides.
Amen, amen, amen, Dutchmn007-- that was my favorite line of Don's column today as well--"...the FJB presidency, which showed the true goal of the American left is destruction."
The level of destruction was shocking. The American GOVERNMENT flying in planeloads of illegal immigrants from 3rd World countries to dump in America. Allowing murderous gangs and drug cartels to just stroll over the Southern border. Overwhelmingly, the illegal immigrants allowed in were young, single, military-aged men from terrorist countries and enemy countries (e.g., China) not the "innocent families" the Left media pretended it was.
And not to mention that our currency and financial stability still hangs precariously, and despite Trump taking office, he may still have to face this Left-created disaster.
And the attack on everything wholesome in our culture.
Destruction so aggressive, that you could feel the hate behind it.
I'm waiting for the MSM to be next. Their business model is failing badly. It would be smart business to adapt. Acting absolutely stupid is no way to go through life or prosper.
They have for decades, nearly 100yrs. It goes back to covering up for FDR; the press actively hid that he was handicapped from polio, refusing to publish pix of him using a walker. It’s only become worse since. Think under Clinton & Obama it really got ramped up into an openly partisan press. They were cheerleading for both & accepted the Hildabeast as Obama’s rightful heir; when Trump pulled out the upset they went apoplectic.
I remember hearing about Hillary going Ape-apoplectic.
Oh, the irony. Here’s Exhibit A:
They are already irrelevant and on life support. We need to let them go and embrace alternate media.
Going you one better here. Government builds nothing, it just pretends to do so. Just ask those hurt by Hurricane Helene in NC. Just ask people who can no longer afford healthcare. Just ask the kids graduating from high school who read and write at a fifth grade level and have no idea how to balance a checkbook or review a credit card statement.
Yes, the entire world seems to be reversing its trajectory away from destruction with the ascendancy of Trump.
But I won’t be satisfied until I see such a sea change take place within his own Republican Party in Congress.
They arrogantly feel empowered having won back the Senate and House, giving little to zero credit to Trump for having made such an occurrence even possible.
The hearings to approve Trumps picks for his Cabinet are around the corner, and while we know the Left will pull out all the stops to obstruct and disallow them from taking office, we shall see how the President’s own party members perform.
They need to feel the real Fear of the Lord, to kick their haughty and high minded asses off their perches and get with the program.
There's a target on Cornyn's back in Texas. He's going to get primaried this time. McConnel is going out feet first.
I am 100% for primarying (sp?) 90% of the bloodsuckers, but that’s not for two years. The hearings begin next week.
Maybe Trump should take a walk through the Capitol himself and say, “nice office you got there. Remind me how you got here?”
Good idea, Suzie. As for Cronyn, he's a flip-flopping RINO.
The one thing that might keep recalcitrant Senators and Congress reps in line is knowing that Elon Musk and his mega billions are out there waiting to finance a primary challenge. That is a politicians greatest fear.
They are inherently, RINO's. We will see if they can get his appointee's confirmed and make tax cuts permanent or not. They are always the last to see that THEY are the problem.
Liked to see the word cockroaches used to describe Starmer and other pedo-friendly British government officials.
We have a lot of cockroaches here as well and no better term could be used to describe them. Keep up the good work.
On a movie night last year, my son took me out to a movie instead of watching a taped one. He took me to see "Sound of Freedom:" starring Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino, etc., about child abduction for sexual abuse in Columbia. Help from our government was sought, but none forthcoming. I was too angry to cry and sat for the entire movie with my fingernails deep into the arm rests.
It's very powerful. I made a point of going to see it when it came to theatres.
Saw it as well. Made me realize how many people have truly lost their humanity. Almost zero outrage over this problem and most could care less ...............until it happens to their family, but too late then.
Jim Caviezel is not only a great actor but a Great American .
Locusts is the other bug I like to apply, but not the same cringe factor, and leans more to grift than sheer revulsion..
They're even predicting snow here in Georgia. We get a half inch of snow that lasts 24 hours but, it paralyzes the residents. This northern boy, who passed his driver’s test in a snow storm stays in and reads. I can drive in snow but, my neighbors can’t. Thus it isn’t safe to venture out
I saw Zuc.k’s video yesterday. Many people don’t trust Mr. Z. I am cautiously optimistic. Here’s hoping that those who still use the platform will find out their world is different from what they thought. Are there still conservatives who use the platform? Frankly I don’t care what someone is having for dinner.
Elon Musk is changing the world. Keir Starmer will soon be gone. Perhaps London town will get rid of their Muslim mayor.
I hope we get to see Epstein’s list plus the JFK assignation report. Exposing pedophiles and corrupt Government agencies will go a long way to fix what is broken.
As I said the other day, had Trump been re-elected in 2020 we would not have the 2024 version. The 2024 version is going far mightier.
The normal procedure in politics is blackmail. I'm curious whether the Trumpster holds these asshats accountable or uses the information to move MAGA forward. I'm guessing he'll do both.
Releasing the epstein list and the JFK report is the opposite of black mail. It is shining a light on the roaches. How many people are going to go to a movie that stars a raging pedophile? Or vote for one?
So much dirt, so many politicians. There are lots of other crimes that are unreported. The Epstein list must come out to scare the rest of the offenders. We might find out what the Dems hold over Chief Justice Roberts.
Roberts was never a true Conservative. He was a GW Bush style conservative, a moderate. His opinions bear this out. If he were in congress we would call him a centrist. He isn't a bad person, but he is far too timid with opinions and always tries to soften opinions in my judgement.
The mid-south is expecting a visit from the Alberta Clipper on Friday-Sunday. Well, there goes my standing hair appointment!! We could get anywhere from a trace to several inches. My BFF was a teacher. How she loved a forecast like this one!