Don, I enjoy your clever and witty essays highlighting daily stuff (and nonsense along the way.) But I appreciate even more your calm, thoughtful and measured comments addressing the most serious of real life. Like today. Civilization has to be defended every day and today is one of the most important of those days of choosing to be civilized.

Vote for Liberty.

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This election is absolutely a fight between good and evil. I pray that God sees fit to get DJT over the finish line.

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Thank you LuAnn and I join in your fervent prayer.

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Indeed. The jungle does creep ever closer. There be beasts therein!

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Hill Street blues it's a jungle out there. There was a time in Hill Street blues when they were all trapped during a sting operation and one guy was just sitting there smiling and they said why are you smiling and he said I left animal outside and then the next scene is the guy complaining that the guy bit his here as he's going into the into the police station. I want you folks to relax sheriff mad dog is on duty God is in charge I feel the elephant herd of Republicans coming it's. All. Said. Up.

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The guy was complaining that animal bit his ear off. Correction to my very beautiful but whatever AI secretary.

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"Rodents of unusual size? I don't think they exist."


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11/05/24: Well said! Enjoy the fun this evening...

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That’s precisely where we’d gone wrong over the last decades.

We must never let down our guard again and remain vigilant holding our representatives and governments feet to the fire.

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my best friend didn't vote. it makes me sad but he's 82 so i will let it rest.

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Re Hitler and the Democrats: Projection is not just for movie theaters.

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11/05/24: Correct. Movie theaters are for racist Democrats all decked out in Trudeau-Kimmel Blackface.

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Trying to remember as many of these epic quotes as I can so I can steal them like I'd have with a lot of dogs Don's. Should I say that the AI is just like a woman? She only does exactly what you want when you yell I better not say that.

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Well and truly said. For me, the best reason to vote for Trump/Vance is that the people who support Harris/Walz hate me and want to steal my stuff before killing me. I could elaborate, but that pretty well sums it up.

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They want to "Peanut" us and steal all our "nuts" we've worked all our lives to gather. They are truly evil.

Just remember; "they're like grass that flourishes in the morning, and in the evening it withers". Their time is short, and they're grasping to hang on to a short life that will be over so, so soon.

I'm reading Psalm 37 every day this week...it is the antidote to my anxiety about this election and these evil people. God is still on the throne, and sees all. Amen!

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For those who have been making light of Peanut and Fred, the larger issue than needlessly killing a couple's pets is the governmental authoritarian overreach. Really, they needed a judge to sign a warrant and search the couple's house for five hours? Sickening. And it can now happen to anyone.

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Here’s the one I’ve been reading today and hope it is prophetic of our win:


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Today one verse keeps “fugue-ing” in my mind—“This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

As long as God remains on His throne, we have nothing to fear either way. Psalm 68 is a most welcome addition on which to meditate today.

Thank you.

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First thing I say EVERY morning is the Psalm 118:24 verse. 👍

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Yepper it's a keeper.

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Hey, I’ve had these nuts for a long time, and I don’t plan on giving them up!

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I just shared a graphic comment with my liberal but wonderful friend who's complaining about Trump's whining and I said you beautiful Democratic women are gripping him by the nuts and then you say he's whining? Yeah it's going to be a long mental health session for the next 4 years. But I'm up for the job and I can do it.

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Good idea Reverend Mikey Mac. Wow. Yay got that one the AI got that one. This is kind of like a marriage.

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and preferably torturing you and your family before killing you, the are gleeful in their hate.

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You will own nothing and you will like it.

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I'm halfway in agreement with the libertarians moderate taxation is wise excessive taxation is theft is that a good compromise?

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That screed by Joyless Reid is probably the most severe case of projection that I’ve ever read. I’d rather not imagine what life is like being her.

Thank you for mentioning the Ceausescu’s. I served at the American Embassy in Bucharest for 3 years during their dictatorship. As with Bill and Hillary, the true evil of that regime dwelt not in Nicolae but in his wife, Elena. That same evil dwells in Kamala and is why I refer to her as Commie-La.

If leftists in America had an inkling about the truth of life under communism, they would crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump. That ignorance, learned from their professors and their media, could be lethal for this country. But having said that, I do believe that freedom will prevail today with God’s help.

Pray and vote!

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Wasn't it Shrillary Clinton who told Moscow Maddow that the federal government should criminally prosecute Americans who share “propaganda” — which she didn't bother to define? And didn't she also say that "deplorables", another word for Trump supporters, should be put into "re-education camps"?

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She did.

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I have already been sent 2 beautiful prayers this morning for Trump’s protection and our guidance and wisdom

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I have been saying the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel this morning. It asks him to defend us in battle with the power of God. Never doubt - we are at war.

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Yes we are, Plays. This prayer is very important.

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On my knees last night. Praying not just for Pres. Trump and our country, but for the aftermath.

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More people need to read "The Possessed" by Dostoevsky - accurately portraying 20th-century totalitarianism. It should be required reading by every highschooler. Let's start with mandating that academia read it or their contracts are not renewed.

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More people need to read.


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While watching Reid blather, which I don't do very much, it occurred to me: do some people mutilate themselves -- like the tattoo crowd, and Reid who cut off her hair and then bleached her baldness -- in order to be taken seriously? If so, it doesn't work, except maybe in masochistic circles.

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Their mirror of insecurity Wim .

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I am and I did

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Saw this today:

• In 2020, the 18-29 year old vote for Trump was around 14%

• In 2024 it is estimated at 48% !

Hope springs eternal!!

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Bravo, Plays! I believe every word you said.

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These comments will be mined for their wisdom for the decades ahead because this is a great moment and historians usually young homeschooled or smart school kids will be looking over this for years and writing books for their thesis for doctorates etc Lord Jesus this is a great time to be alive.

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The problem was Jezebel was she was overconfident and held on to power even as her destruction came through the door and said is there anyone that's for the Lord and sure enough somebody threw Jezebel over the balcony. I'm not going to call any woman of Jezebel for sure that I would mistake the wrong one but God can take care of this He's in charge and he knows what he's doing.

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I want to give an example of why experts cannot be trusted. “We traded permanent liberties in the hope of temporary relief from an overblown virus that killed 0.1% of those infected.” It was so called Dr. Fauci who confused infection fatality rate which was as stated 0.1% with CASE fatality which was in the neighborhood of 1%. A case is an individual sick enough to seek medical attention. He, Fauci single handedly lead to the defeat of DJT in 2020 and the real tyranny that we have experienced the last 3+ years.

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If President Trump wins today, perhaps Fauxci will finally get his just reward. He deserves to be tried and imprisoned at the very least for mass murder and crimes against humanity.

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Fauci is the tip of the COVID criminal iceberg. There are dozens right beside him who should have looonnngg prison sentences, possibly for manslaughter. The iceberg inhabitants below waterline - a vast number - are the executives and board members for every hospital, surgical center and health system who demanded compliance to the mandates. Then, there are the physicians who were led by the AMA to be the henchmen of death.

May there be a day of justice that confronts EVERY criminal player in this biggest lie and most successful coup every pushed on a free society.

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There is a Judgment Day coming. We're all impatient for it's arrival, yet we should pray that "God tarries" in his mercy so that some will repent.

I often have to remind myself (and others) that only God can make Hell hot enough for long enough to bring justice against the truly evil people of this world. Meanwhile, we're all sinners in need of his grace and redemption, none of us is without our failures. We need to examine our own lives and come clean before the One to whom we will all answer on that Day.

Blessings on our nation and people today! Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy!

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The AMA has no legitimacy since failing to follow the actual science. I’ll never believe any pronouncement from them or a so-called physician member that supported the lie for profit. They turned from their oath to Hippocrates to filthy for sale hypocrites.

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It's very strange the AMA, CDC, and FDA have ignored all the protocols of science and scientific procedures.

They are all fake.

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I’d like to see Fauci held accountable - by a noose after being tried and convicted for Genocide / Crimes Against Humanity. There are many others who he can watch go first.

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He needs to have his head jammed into a box full of flesh-eating bugs, with his vocal cords severed so he can’t vocalize his agony. And given a COVID booster every 8 hours. Just my opinion

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What about all the sequestered patients in hospitals who died without family or love tortured with breathing tubes in their throats. Barbarism at it's more primitive.

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He was just following orders.....

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"It was so called Dr. Fauci who confused infection fatality rate which was as stated 0.1% with CASE fatality which was in the neighborhood of 1%."

I don't think he confused it. Whatever else, I bet he knows a little about statistics.

I think he purposely presented them that way to sow confusion and give room room the worst number to stick in our minds.

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Let’s see what happens. If enough people have had the “aha” moment, the good guys win.

Trump isn’t Hitler. He isn’t even Biff the bully from Back to the Future.

Right now America needs to go back to first principles to have a future.

What would great Americans of generations past do?

Think of all the sacrifice and effort that went into building America. We’re gonna throw it away to elect another Marxist America hater

who will continue its destruction so she and her elitist incompetent pals can cash in? No.

Do the right thing.

Trump/Vance 2024

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We've finally arrived at the starting line of the final race we've all been waiting for. It is a final race if we lose which is why it has demanded so much time, effort, and commentary.

Once Trump wins, our energy must be focused on 2028 immediately. No time for a relaxing vacation because the left will be in full gear to take it from us. From recent years, the hope of the MAGA charge after Trump's term is finished lies in JD Vance or Vivek Ramaswamy perhaps with some help from Ron DeSantis. We MUST carry this forward at least TWO TERMS after Trump's term to get the deep-rooted problems fixed for good.

A Trump victory will feel good when it happens, but we're only at the starting line of meeting the objective. When Trump prevails, we win the battle not the war.

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lol. Rest? We will be in battle literally for the foreseeable future.

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The down ballot races are just as important as the big one.

School boards, city and county officials really do make an enormous difference in our lives. Get a woke city council and your city is on the way to being San Francisco. Like illegals wandering around your city or state? Vote Democrat!

Personally I wouldn’t vote for a Democrat this time around especially if that person was running for Senate. Dem senators do what Chuck U tells them to do so a vote for a Democrat Senate candidate might as well be you’re voting for Chuck U.

Let’s all hope and pray and vote for the good guys and gals today.

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"The down ballot races are just as important as the big one"

Yes, for sure. This has been emphasized in the last several weeks, but should have been stated much earlier. The left's big weapon if Trump wins is to stop him at the House of Representatives by not certifying the election and impeaching him for insurrection. They will do that if they take the house. By their campaign spending on the most vulnerable house seats, the Dems have plowed a ton of money into those races to achieve this goal. A bullet didn't stop Trump but Jamie Raskin may.

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I voted early in Illinois about two weeks ago and, after voting for Trump/Vance, I voted for every single Republican on my ballot. Illinois is deep blue, but I figured, maybe a few Republicans might get into office.

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Likewise in California, OA. I’d love to see Jimmy Panetta retired from Congress. He replaced his daddy’s long political career. I live in their district, out numbered by Democrats but I do dream big.

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And there was a time that Illinois was at least pink if not red. A lot of people who ran their own businesses and voted Republican have left the state. I guess that's the same in California.

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Fear v. Hope. This sums up the 2024 election.

Fear is all the left has: Fear of the Fuhrer, even though Trump could have called the National Guard/Martial law during the Floyd riots and Covid. But he didn’t do that, and in fact, in both cases, we saw what Real Federalism looks like (i.e., how NY handled Covid v. how Florida handled Covid.)

Now, Trump has RFK, Jr., Elon, Vivek, Tulsi, Vance, and other freedom loving Americans behind him that allow Americans to really “Dream Big Again.”

What will win? Fear v. Hope? (That's assuming the election isn't rigged.)

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That’s a heckuva big assumption! OTOH I think PDJT’s got this this time around.

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From your lips to God’s ears !

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“Donald Trump is not running against Kamala Harris. That contest has already been decided. Donald Trump is running against Election Fraud.”

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Those bird brains diminish all women.

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Kamala_la _la is just a ventriloquist's dummy for the Deep State. She'll say and do what they want when they pull her strings.

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Nailed it Bubble !!

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Joy Reid, man, if I never hear her name or have to read her comments again, it will be too soon. She makes you understand that politics today is the new “reality TV”, and it is all a corrupt media has left to keep itself afloat. The MSM picked a side and now must live with the consequences of that decision. They picked a side that is increasingly looking more and more like the old USSR. The media is now stuck with that decision and can only get more and more hard left in its comments and actions. If it continues, are they really that far from calling for an end to the first and second amendment and advocating for imprisonment of those that do not agree? How long before they condone violence against the same people? Sound familiar? If so it’s because it’s already happening today. Somewhere in the last few years we crossed the rubicon and today the media sounds just like the old Pravda. Did you notice how compared to previous years there were far less campaign signs out this election cycle? Not so subtle voter intimidation is the reason. DJT has promised much if elected and will never be able to deliver on most of it because four years is really only about two and a half in real get-things-done years. Even if we take control of the House and Senate, the GOP will have to be dragged and kicking to get them to fix anything and give up their big spending and small ball ways. Activism by voters is the only thing that will prod them to act. Lets see if all the activism now present to get DJT elected will persist after the election. Remember; cultures get corrupted very quickly but take decades to fix. Pray we have enough time to do so. And pray that Trump prevails today.

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Thank God that our Founding Fathers gave us the 2nd Amendment! I pray not, but it may be our only hope of saving what those geniuses created.

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Agreed, Red. Although it didn’t develop legs my hair literally stood on end when one Congress critter openly promoted ‘camps for the unvaccinated’…for the greater good doncha know. I instantly knew they were serious but maybe peaked too soon. I’m still wary of the next big lie.

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"politics today is the new “reality TV”,"

Politics is just entertainment.


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I hope I'm not being hypocritical as I'm not a praying person, but I'm praying now for a Trump victory.

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Well, today's a good day to start praying...

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Everyday is !!

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It's a start for you. Give thanks to the dude above us all every day.

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And if you decide to pursue this further, I can recommend a great website with verse by verse Bible commentary: enduringword.com

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Well done Poca-Man and the truth is at hand.Talked to someone yesterday whose young friends had voted bidet in 2020 but did a 180 going PDJT this year and having many acquaintance's vote the same. May we MAGA/MAHA 2024 on thru at least 2040 and save the world's finest experiment in freedoms !

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Let freedom ring!

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“We have little room to talk. Our government uses face recognition not to get mobsters, terrorists or illegal aliens but to drag ordinary Americans who dared protest the counting of the ballots in 2020.”

And to wantonly seize & kill people’s pets: see “Peanut, The Squirrel”.

Sick bastards.

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Don’t forget Fred the raccoon. Collateral damage.

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Four, count ‘em, FOUR government agencies took part in that home invasion and murdered that squirrel and raccoon!!

It’s head spinning!!

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I'm feeling good about it.

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I’m enjoying the heck out of the many last minute endorsements by naysayers. Too many to mention. Hope they don’t want to high five me.

That thought gave me this one. When you’re on the green, you use your putter. If you make the putt, no one says- ‘Smart of you to choose the putter.’

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Occurs to me a non-golfer might not get my point. It’s this: the putter is the only club in the bag designed for putting. Using it is a no-brainer

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This non-golfer would like to know: What is putting? In Dutch a PUT is a hole in the ground, like a well, so maybe that says it.

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18 “holes” on a golf course. You use the clubs that allow you to hit far to reach the “green”, then you use the shorter clubs to make your ball land softly on the “green”.

Once on the green, the grass being cut extremely short, you tap your ball with a putter, towards the “hole”, which is intentionally cut into the green. It is extremely satisying when it falls in the hole. (Yes, it has sexual underpinnings)

God created the game, to be not only the epitome of all games, but so as to mimic life. That means- its frustrating as hell, and meant to destroy pride and build a tenacious, godly character, wherein you learn to forgive yourself.

It was given to the Calvinist Scots, as was their shitty weather, because they needed humbling more than the rest.

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I will try to remember this explanation to tell my buds if I golf again Steve.

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The phase most commonly used is "nice putt".

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Nice Steve .

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Thx Marlan

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