That screed by Joyless Reid is probably the most severe case of projection that I’ve ever read. I’d rather not imagine what life is like being her.
Thank you for mentioning the Ceausescu’s. I served at the American Embassy in Bucharest for 3 years during their dictatorship. As with Bill and Hillary, the true evil of that regime dwelt not …
That screed by Joyless Reid is probably the most severe case of projection that I’ve ever read. I’d rather not imagine what life is like being her.
Thank you for mentioning the Ceausescu’s. I served at the American Embassy in Bucharest for 3 years during their dictatorship. As with Bill and Hillary, the true evil of that regime dwelt not in Nicolae but in his wife, Elena. That same evil dwells in Kamala and is why I refer to her as Commie-La.
If leftists in America had an inkling about the truth of life under communism, they would crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump. That ignorance, learned from their professors and their media, could be lethal for this country. But having said that, I do believe that freedom will prevail today with God’s help.
Wasn't it Shrillary Clinton who told Moscow Maddow that the federal government should criminally prosecute Americans who share “propaganda” — which she didn't bother to define? And didn't she also say that "deplorables", another word for Trump supporters, should be put into "re-education camps"?
I have been saying the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel this morning. It asks him to defend us in battle with the power of God. Never doubt - we are at war.
More people need to read "The Possessed" by Dostoevsky - accurately portraying 20th-century totalitarianism. It should be required reading by every highschooler. Let's start with mandating that academia read it or their contracts are not renewed.
While watching Reid blather, which I don't do very much, it occurred to me: do some people mutilate themselves -- like the tattoo crowd, and Reid who cut off her hair and then bleached her baldness -- in order to be taken seriously? If so, it doesn't work, except maybe in masochistic circles.
These comments will be mined for their wisdom for the decades ahead because this is a great moment and historians usually young homeschooled or smart school kids will be looking over this for years and writing books for their thesis for doctorates etc Lord Jesus this is a great time to be alive.
The problem was Jezebel was she was overconfident and held on to power even as her destruction came through the door and said is there anyone that's for the Lord and sure enough somebody threw Jezebel over the balcony. I'm not going to call any woman of Jezebel for sure that I would mistake the wrong one but God can take care of this He's in charge and he knows what he's doing.
That screed by Joyless Reid is probably the most severe case of projection that I’ve ever read. I’d rather not imagine what life is like being her.
Thank you for mentioning the Ceausescu’s. I served at the American Embassy in Bucharest for 3 years during their dictatorship. As with Bill and Hillary, the true evil of that regime dwelt not in Nicolae but in his wife, Elena. That same evil dwells in Kamala and is why I refer to her as Commie-La.
If leftists in America had an inkling about the truth of life under communism, they would crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump. That ignorance, learned from their professors and their media, could be lethal for this country. But having said that, I do believe that freedom will prevail today with God’s help.
Pray and vote!
Wasn't it Shrillary Clinton who told Moscow Maddow that the federal government should criminally prosecute Americans who share “propaganda” — which she didn't bother to define? And didn't she also say that "deplorables", another word for Trump supporters, should be put into "re-education camps"?
She did.
I have already been sent 2 beautiful prayers this morning for Trump’s protection and our guidance and wisdom
I have been saying the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel this morning. It asks him to defend us in battle with the power of God. Never doubt - we are at war.
Yes we are, Plays. This prayer is very important.
On my knees last night. Praying not just for Pres. Trump and our country, but for the aftermath.
More people need to read "The Possessed" by Dostoevsky - accurately portraying 20th-century totalitarianism. It should be required reading by every highschooler. Let's start with mandating that academia read it or their contracts are not renewed.
More people need to read.
While watching Reid blather, which I don't do very much, it occurred to me: do some people mutilate themselves -- like the tattoo crowd, and Reid who cut off her hair and then bleached her baldness -- in order to be taken seriously? If so, it doesn't work, except maybe in masochistic circles.
Their mirror of insecurity Wim .
I am and I did
Saw this today:
• In 2020, the 18-29 year old vote for Trump was around 14%
• In 2024 it is estimated at 48% !
Hope springs eternal!!
Bravo, Plays! I believe every word you said.
These comments will be mined for their wisdom for the decades ahead because this is a great moment and historians usually young homeschooled or smart school kids will be looking over this for years and writing books for their thesis for doctorates etc Lord Jesus this is a great time to be alive.
The problem was Jezebel was she was overconfident and held on to power even as her destruction came through the door and said is there anyone that's for the Lord and sure enough somebody threw Jezebel over the balcony. I'm not going to call any woman of Jezebel for sure that I would mistake the wrong one but God can take care of this He's in charge and he knows what he's doing.