I want to give an example of why experts cannot be trusted. “We traded permanent liberties in the hope of temporary relief from an overblown virus that killed 0.1% of those infected.” It was so called Dr. Fauci who confused infection fatality rate which was as stated 0.1% with CASE fatality which was in the neighborhood of 1%. A case is …
I want to give an example of why experts cannot be trusted. “We traded permanent liberties in the hope of temporary relief from an overblown virus that killed 0.1% of those infected.” It was so called Dr. Fauci who confused infection fatality rate which was as stated 0.1% with CASE fatality which was in the neighborhood of 1%. A case is an individual sick enough to seek medical attention. He, Fauci single handedly lead to the defeat of DJT in 2020 and the real tyranny that we have experienced the last 3+ years.
If President Trump wins today, perhaps Fauxci will finally get his just reward. He deserves to be tried and imprisoned at the very least for mass murder and crimes against humanity.
Fauci is the tip of the COVID criminal iceberg. There are dozens right beside him who should have looonnngg prison sentences, possibly for manslaughter. The iceberg inhabitants below waterline - a vast number - are the executives and board members for every hospital, surgical center and health system who demanded compliance to the mandates. Then, there are the physicians who were led by the AMA to be the henchmen of death.
May there be a day of justice that confronts EVERY criminal player in this biggest lie and most successful coup every pushed on a free society.
There is a Judgment Day coming. We're all impatient for it's arrival, yet we should pray that "God tarries" in his mercy so that some will repent.
I often have to remind myself (and others) that only God can make Hell hot enough for long enough to bring justice against the truly evil people of this world. Meanwhile, we're all sinners in need of his grace and redemption, none of us is without our failures. We need to examine our own lives and come clean before the One to whom we will all answer on that Day.
Blessings on our nation and people today! Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy!
The AMA has no legitimacy since failing to follow the actual science. I’ll never believe any pronouncement from them or a so-called physician member that supported the lie for profit. They turned from their oath to Hippocrates to filthy for sale hypocrites.
I’d like to see Fauci held accountable - by a noose after being tried and convicted for Genocide / Crimes Against Humanity. There are many others who he can watch go first.
He needs to have his head jammed into a box full of flesh-eating bugs, with his vocal cords severed so he can’t vocalize his agony. And given a COVID booster every 8 hours. Just my opinion
What about all the sequestered patients in hospitals who died without family or love tortured with breathing tubes in their throats. Barbarism at it's more primitive.
I want to give an example of why experts cannot be trusted. “We traded permanent liberties in the hope of temporary relief from an overblown virus that killed 0.1% of those infected.” It was so called Dr. Fauci who confused infection fatality rate which was as stated 0.1% with CASE fatality which was in the neighborhood of 1%. A case is an individual sick enough to seek medical attention. He, Fauci single handedly lead to the defeat of DJT in 2020 and the real tyranny that we have experienced the last 3+ years.
If President Trump wins today, perhaps Fauxci will finally get his just reward. He deserves to be tried and imprisoned at the very least for mass murder and crimes against humanity.
Fauci is the tip of the COVID criminal iceberg. There are dozens right beside him who should have looonnngg prison sentences, possibly for manslaughter. The iceberg inhabitants below waterline - a vast number - are the executives and board members for every hospital, surgical center and health system who demanded compliance to the mandates. Then, there are the physicians who were led by the AMA to be the henchmen of death.
May there be a day of justice that confronts EVERY criminal player in this biggest lie and most successful coup every pushed on a free society.
There is a Judgment Day coming. We're all impatient for it's arrival, yet we should pray that "God tarries" in his mercy so that some will repent.
I often have to remind myself (and others) that only God can make Hell hot enough for long enough to bring justice against the truly evil people of this world. Meanwhile, we're all sinners in need of his grace and redemption, none of us is without our failures. We need to examine our own lives and come clean before the One to whom we will all answer on that Day.
Blessings on our nation and people today! Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy!
The AMA has no legitimacy since failing to follow the actual science. I’ll never believe any pronouncement from them or a so-called physician member that supported the lie for profit. They turned from their oath to Hippocrates to filthy for sale hypocrites.
It's very strange the AMA, CDC, and FDA have ignored all the protocols of science and scientific procedures.
They are all fake.
I’d like to see Fauci held accountable - by a noose after being tried and convicted for Genocide / Crimes Against Humanity. There are many others who he can watch go first.
He needs to have his head jammed into a box full of flesh-eating bugs, with his vocal cords severed so he can’t vocalize his agony. And given a COVID booster every 8 hours. Just my opinion
What about all the sequestered patients in hospitals who died without family or love tortured with breathing tubes in their throats. Barbarism at it's more primitive.
He was just following orders.....
"It was so called Dr. Fauci who confused infection fatality rate which was as stated 0.1% with CASE fatality which was in the neighborhood of 1%."
I don't think he confused it. Whatever else, I bet he knows a little about statistics.
I think he purposely presented them that way to sow confusion and give room room the worst number to stick in our minds.