Speaker of the House Mike Johnson leading the way to pass all the GOP legislation you suggest, means that you believe a limp-wrist, soft spoken, wimp leading the cavalry into battle can succeed. You've gotta be kidding. Your premise is great, but the execution stinks to the high heavens. I mean, who follows a leader that needs help lifting a gavel?
I have to gently disagree. Johnson at least hasn't lost me yet.
With the resigning of the POS McCarthy, who is now waging a primary election REVENGE tour campaign AGAINST Matt Gaetz (MY congressman) and other members who OUSTED HIS WORTHLESS ass, so that now Johnson has a one vote (I think?) "majority", there is SO LITTLE he can do, I think it's wise for him to work smarter not harder.
It IS frustrating, but imo it is the fault of POS RINOs like Ken Buck and Kevin McCarthy who PUT Johnson IN this position.
It is UNKNOWN if Johnson himself is a RINO until we see what he does if (HOPE TO G_D!!!) he gets the chance to wield the gavel with a REAL majority.
No need to wait or hope: They are Do Nothings! These most recent flock of RINO's are either total wimps, or aligned with the ChiComs.
Paul Ryan/McCarthy and that GANG of THUGS were Nancy's little bitches and insider grifters of the persecute Trump(all of us)Deep State. Follow the money, which amazingly, no one ever seems to ever be able to do!
When researchers “on the Hill” follow the money and discover that a nominee is corrupt or holds unconstitutional views, the Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee will quash the information and vote the nominee out of committee so as not to embarrass the sitting Republican Senator from that state.
It is evident that our GOP-elected Senators’ primary concern is to protect the reputations of their Republican colleagues without giving one consideration for the welfare of our country or of “we the people.”
This is why so many leftist judges are confirmed with the help of Republican votes. And there is not a thing we can do about it. Once elected, new Republican Senators learn that their first loyalty is to Republican members of “the Club.”
I happen to know a former researcher. No one in the Senate wants to know the truth let alone act on it. Truly a sad state of affairs.
Gail W, you got alot of disparaging comments, but I'm with you. Johnson hasn't lost me yet either. He has already done some things Kevin McCarthy never would have done, and I expect Johnson will still come through for us, especially if we can deliver a greater than 1-vote Majority for him to work with.
There is no question it was a major triumph to finally get rid of McCarthy.
Eh, it's ok. I can dish it out pretty hard so I have to be able to take it too. 🥴
But I understand why people are as cynical as they are regarding Speaker Johnson. We've been let down SO PERPETUALLY by elected officials, that it is nearly impossible to not assume it will never change. I just haven't gotten there yet and the position he's in (the nearly zero majority) means there is really NOT MUCH he can really DO. I was just at a little rally this afternoon with Matt Gaetz (my congressman in FL-1) and Tim Burchett (congressman in TN). Matt alluded to a funding battle before Nov 5 that it struck me that he would be all for it. As much as I desperately want our govt to be accountable I just don't think that would be a winning strategy right before the election since the media is entirely against us/ Trump and they'd spin such an effort as the 'fault' of the GOP. But I understand how 'purists' want the fight irrespective of strategy. So who knows what's right? Not me. 🤷♀️
I have not heard of the allegation regarding the donation to his wife's church but I'll look into it. However it's a bit ignorant to question whether or not A LAWYER can afford to buy his own Rolex!! A more realistic question would be what lawyer DOESN'T own a Rolex!
I've searched online today but I have not been able to find anything regarding any $5M donation to Mike Johnson's wife's church. If you could give me any more information or tell me where you got that information I would love to look into it further. Thanks.
I think you and telephoneman are both right. He's a weak man, and when the powers that be presented him with their "research", he folded before their very eyes.
Gayle, it was MAGIC Johnson who gave the $5 mil - to West Hollywood COGIC (Church of God in Christ) where his WIFE also attends. MIKE Johnson's wife runs a Christian Counseling service.
08/15/24: Mike Johnson: The Command Sergeant Major Squish.
Big Talk when elected Speaker of the House. Then he squished faster than Chuck Schumer at a Rally For Kookamunga Harris when he exhorted attendees to "please clap [dead silence face Grapefruit Red] that's OK you don't have to."
(OK, that's not a Squish. I just wanted to make fun of Schumer backpedaling on his rhetorical unicycle. Re-write: "He's such a squish, he'd run on a Harris-Johnson ticket. Better?)
Walter Kirn said during the RNC convention that he was afraid that Johnson might find out that Kirn agreed with him on something "because then he'd want to shake my hand."
I'm looking forward to MJ on Halloween wearing a Nancy Pelosi fright wig. How he will get it off Nancy's head I do not know.
I hope someone who is a Republican House member reads this post. Those are absolutely brilliant suggestions. Unfortunately the opposition party, unlike the evil party is full of craven politicos only interested in their own sinecures
Brilliant, indeed. So simple and clean. The language of each bill should be identical to and as long as the title. That way the reps might even read what they are voting on.
Quick research tells me that while others get enthused about a project, the first thing you think about is "How much will this cost? How practical an idea is this?"
State Department is offended at that moniker, FIB will knock on your door after they can’t pick your lock to pee their processed coffee after they got free ones at the donut shop…
08/15/24: The man (yes, a man) has too much personal dignity to align himself with the Swamp Rats. Besides, his thumb is stuck in a Bud Light bottle neck, the result of a salacious show-and-tell story he was relating to his pals one night at the Stonewall bar in NYC; he'll be hors de combat until at least December. May I suggest as a replacement the urn containing the ashes of Richard Simmons?
Not taxing tips would "cost" the government $10 billion per year? I have a simple solution. Cut $10 billion from the budget. There. Problem solved. They can thank me later.
Don, we all see why you would never be effective as a DC politician. You have great ideas but like the KISS Principle too much. If only there was someone in the Stupid Party smart enough to grab and run with your ideas.
In an age where computers are becoming the food waiters, we are concerned about tip jars. This is why no one pays attention to the campaigns before Labor Day.
Yes, it can - and it COULD - but it won't. While perhaps fewer in number, the vast majority of the majority in the HoR are RINOs, and closeted NeverTrumpers - including SotH Mike "Louis Tully" Johnson.
It's a great title, though - it got an audible "HA!" out of me as I welcomed the daybreak on the patio in back of my home, this morning!
Congressional Republicans, for the most part, prefer to be controlled opposition - to them, accountability has the same effect as does the name of Jesus to demons - they tremble in fear.
No, the Republicans in the US HoR are just biding their time until they can once again draw their salaries without having to cloak their contempt for the voters who elected them.
that's why they should lose and get this shin dig started....let the unraveling begin to cull the herd of Marxists that want to be Jacobins, I say let them eat cake
He will RINO his way to the Minority Leader's position because that is what RINO's do. Lose. And like every other DC Sewer rat winning or losing for the American people always plays second fiddle to keeping ones membership in the slime infested Swamp. But the idea of putting a vote out right now for no tax on the tips is a GREAT idea. And why they won't do it.
Exactly why I am not bothering to vote anymore. Think about when all the voters cast their wish, for an actor pretending to be a representative of theirs. Ask yourself, when did they actually represent my interests? I'm deplorable so , no one in office suits me, less of course one starts to pass Don's ideas here. Then I would vote if common sense were on the ticket. Right now it's just more pretending the GOP is racist and they don't bother to disagree or suggest any of these ideas for one page bills
I appreciate your enthusiasm. I have withdrawn my consent to be governed by these criminals. For God's sake, they pretended building 7 collapsed from office furniture fires....the country is already gone Gail, I'm not pretending anymore. The people that ignore this are going to need a crash to understand what lying and pretending result in. I'm helping by hastening the reckoning by ignoring them ALL and living for now. When the crap hits the fan, I'll be prepared and fine with it.
I understand your philosophy BUT what is your plan if/ when the islamo-fascists gain full control?? Are you living off the grid and somehow have a fully reinforced and defendable bunker or you're like Eric Rudolph (before he got caught) and you're living 'native' in the woods so you'll never be discovered? I'm just not seeing the full execution of your plan for when "the crap hits the fan". How do you avoid ending up in a gulag? 🤔
He wont, he will end up with a tank track going over his dead body, right next to the same with his family. I have seen it. Commies don’t just kill you, they kill your whole family.
I also went with Hillary, because with her penchant for Arkanicide and hunger for the Presidency, at least Walz would no longer be able to torture Minnesota.
08/15/24: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "You ask, why aren't I fifty points ahead? Because I'm Hillary Clinton, that's why!" Oh, I do hope I'll live long enough to be able to read her obit (other than the ones written in November 2016).
You just brought me a sweet memory of my dad. His sense of taste and smell was diminished over the years of his work with zinc and printer ink. So we'd hand him the milk or the mayo and ask, "Is this still good?"
I've said elsewhere that Kamala got the nod because Dems figured Trump was going to win anyway so why not throw an expendable candidate into the fire. All those who were possibles quickly endorsed Kamala, figuring Trump is a one-termer and the job would be a jump ball in 2028.
Now that she's beginning to get out front a tiny bit, with the DNC on deck in days, if fear takes hold in the class of Dem wannabes that Kamala might just pull off a win, look for leaks from friendly fire. Those same possibles who endorsed Kamala surely can't risk having her win. She must remain cannon fodder this cycle to preserve the 2028 opportunity. She's shown that she isn't a threat in an actual primary.
Remember when tips were not taxed? How difficult was it to start taxing them?
It is usually easier to take something apart than put it back together. We as a nation are ill-served by corporate news media with an agenda the majority of Americans do not share.
I was waiting tables while in college when taxes on tips started. Was told the IRS would send agrnts out to watch us so I was naive and scared enough to report some but not all
Tips have been taxed in Quebec for almost 30 years. No one that I know declares the full amount of tips received on their tax form. It just shows how desperate a government is for money.
Tips have been taxed forever. I worked F&B in college (mid to late 80s) and it was happening then. They would take the actual credit card tip from the CC machine, and then calc 8% tip on cash sales (pre tax). So it's been around a long time. And people still don't understand about cash tips.
What I do is add $1 or 2 on my credit card, then tip the rest in cash. This is the ONLY way you can ensure the tip is not taxed.
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson leading the way to pass all the GOP legislation you suggest, means that you believe a limp-wrist, soft spoken, wimp leading the cavalry into battle can succeed. You've gotta be kidding. Your premise is great, but the execution stinks to the high heavens. I mean, who follows a leader that needs help lifting a gavel?
How hard could it be? It’s hard to imagine though isn’t it? One would think Congressional GPOe doesn’t really want a Trump presidency.
I have to gently disagree. Johnson at least hasn't lost me yet.
With the resigning of the POS McCarthy, who is now waging a primary election REVENGE tour campaign AGAINST Matt Gaetz (MY congressman) and other members who OUSTED HIS WORTHLESS ass, so that now Johnson has a one vote (I think?) "majority", there is SO LITTLE he can do, I think it's wise for him to work smarter not harder.
It IS frustrating, but imo it is the fault of POS RINOs like Ken Buck and Kevin McCarthy who PUT Johnson IN this position.
It is UNKNOWN if Johnson himself is a RINO until we see what he does if (HOPE TO G_D!!!) he gets the chance to wield the gavel with a REAL majority.
Time will tell....🙏🙏🙏
You’re right but name one fight that Johnson FOUGHT to win? He’s a loser, and I was one of his biggest supporters initially.
Well, name me one of the fights that he had even a CHANCE to WIN? 🤷♀️
Were there ANY since he's taken the gavel???
Sorry but I have no idea what your post here means.
No need to wait or hope: They are Do Nothings! These most recent flock of RINO's are either total wimps, or aligned with the ChiComs.
Paul Ryan/McCarthy and that GANG of THUGS were Nancy's little bitches and insider grifters of the persecute Trump(all of us)Deep State. Follow the money, which amazingly, no one ever seems to ever be able to do!
When researchers “on the Hill” follow the money and discover that a nominee is corrupt or holds unconstitutional views, the Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee will quash the information and vote the nominee out of committee so as not to embarrass the sitting Republican Senator from that state.
It is evident that our GOP-elected Senators’ primary concern is to protect the reputations of their Republican colleagues without giving one consideration for the welfare of our country or of “we the people.”
This is why so many leftist judges are confirmed with the help of Republican votes. And there is not a thing we can do about it. Once elected, new Republican Senators learn that their first loyalty is to Republican members of “the Club.”
I happen to know a former researcher. No one in the Senate wants to know the truth let alone act on it. Truly a sad state of affairs.
Great insight, Gail
Gail W, you got alot of disparaging comments, but I'm with you. Johnson hasn't lost me yet either. He has already done some things Kevin McCarthy never would have done, and I expect Johnson will still come through for us, especially if we can deliver a greater than 1-vote Majority for him to work with.
There is no question it was a major triumph to finally get rid of McCarthy.
Thanks TPG. 😊
Eh, it's ok. I can dish it out pretty hard so I have to be able to take it too. 🥴
But I understand why people are as cynical as they are regarding Speaker Johnson. We've been let down SO PERPETUALLY by elected officials, that it is nearly impossible to not assume it will never change. I just haven't gotten there yet and the position he's in (the nearly zero majority) means there is really NOT MUCH he can really DO. I was just at a little rally this afternoon with Matt Gaetz (my congressman in FL-1) and Tim Burchett (congressman in TN). Matt alluded to a funding battle before Nov 5 that it struck me that he would be all for it. As much as I desperately want our govt to be accountable I just don't think that would be a winning strategy right before the election since the media is entirely against us/ Trump and they'd spin such an effort as the 'fault' of the GOP. But I understand how 'purists' want the fight irrespective of strategy. So who knows what's right? Not me. 🤷♀️
I have not heard of the allegation regarding the donation to his wife's church but I'll look into it. However it's a bit ignorant to question whether or not A LAWYER can afford to buy his own Rolex!! A more realistic question would be what lawyer DOESN'T own a Rolex!
I've searched online today but I have not been able to find anything regarding any $5M donation to Mike Johnson's wife's church. If you could give me any more information or tell me where you got that information I would love to look into it further. Thanks.
Creeps me out.
They don't.
I think your last sentence a lot.
Yup, so far he is just another RINO pussy. Dime a dozen in DC.
It’s not too late for bicep curls, 10# each side to start. But you have to do them to build them.
I really had hoped Speaker Johnson was going to be the real thing.
They got to him somehow, he lost his path
No, no one got to him - the job just revealed what he always was.
I think you and telephoneman are both right. He's a weak man, and when the powers that be presented him with their "research", he folded before their very eyes.
Reminds me of a song (One is the lonliest number).
Good man, just a crappy leader.
I believe you are being generous, on both counts...
I get the I wouldn't let him babysit my kids vibe.
They get to all of them.
Gayle, it was MAGIC Johnson who gave the $5 mil - to West Hollywood COGIC (Church of God in Christ) where his WIFE also attends. MIKE Johnson's wife runs a Christian Counseling service.
On target.
Wait a minute - wasn’t a soft spoken wimp leading the cavalry into battle the premise of the sit com “F-Troop”?
08/15/24: Mike Johnson: The Command Sergeant Major Squish.
Big Talk when elected Speaker of the House. Then he squished faster than Chuck Schumer at a Rally For Kookamunga Harris when he exhorted attendees to "please clap [dead silence face Grapefruit Red] that's OK you don't have to."
(OK, that's not a Squish. I just wanted to make fun of Schumer backpedaling on his rhetorical unicycle. Re-write: "He's such a squish, he'd run on a Harris-Johnson ticket. Better?)
Walter Kirn said during the RNC convention that he was afraid that Johnson might find out that Kirn agreed with him on something "because then he'd want to shake my hand."
I'm looking forward to MJ on Halloween wearing a Nancy Pelosi fright wig. How he will get it off Nancy's head I do not know.
I hope someone who is a Republican House member reads this post. Those are absolutely brilliant suggestions. Unfortunately the opposition party, unlike the evil party is full of craven politicos only interested in their own sinecures
They don’t read, their unpaid staffers do that for them. The Lobbyists staffers probably do, in order to head any of this stuff off at the pass…
Believe me, your right.
Brilliant, indeed. So simple and clean. The language of each bill should be identical to and as long as the title. That way the reps might even read what they are voting on.
The Deep State won't let these brilliant ideas get traction. They'll abort them just like the whores they are.
Lee, I think you're being awfully rough on whores with that comment.
"KKK Kamala" is brilliant. Thank you.
Let’s just say Johnson does put forth the No Tax on Tips bill and it would “cost” the federal government some coin in lost tax revenue.
So off set the estimated loss with a cut of equal proportion on say the National Endowment for the Farts… er Arts or PBS, emphasis on the BS part.
Seems like the right thing to do.
How do I “Like” this twice?
"Congress can help elect Trump"
congress can also help block trump....as in 2020 with their complacency to the supreme courts no standing edict.
A belated Happy Birthday to you, sir!
how did you know it was my birthday?
Because you told us so, about two days ago.
yes i did. born on friday the 13th august of 1948. also...i'm left handed.
go trump.
Quick research tells me that while others get enthused about a project, the first thing you think about is "How much will this cost? How practical an idea is this?"
i've been outed.
Sod Off Swampy! Act has a nice ring to it. Can you put exclamation marks in the name of a bill? I think they should.
State Department is offended at that moniker, FIB will knock on your door after they can’t pick your lock to pee their processed coffee after they got free ones at the donut shop…
I was thinking Dylan Mulvaney for VP. He really added to the Bud Light ticket.
08/15/24: The man (yes, a man) has too much personal dignity to align himself with the Swamp Rats. Besides, his thumb is stuck in a Bud Light bottle neck, the result of a salacious show-and-tell story he was relating to his pals one night at the Stonewall bar in NYC; he'll be hors de combat until at least December. May I suggest as a replacement the urn containing the ashes of Richard Simmons?
Not taxing tips would "cost" the government $10 billion per year? I have a simple solution. Cut $10 billion from the budget. There. Problem solved. They can thank me later.
Yes! But it amazes me that people never consider that solution.
Great idea; start with the Department of Education (what a misnomer!). And why not also burn Horace Mann in effigy?
Don, we all see why you would never be effective as a DC politician. You have great ideas but like the KISS Principle too much. If only there was someone in the Stupid Party smart enough to grab and run with your ideas.
as usual, they would cut tips and add 10x the spending on pet projects
In an age where computers are becoming the food waiters, we are concerned about tip jars. This is why no one pays attention to the campaigns before Labor Day.
"Congress can help elect Trump"
Yes, it can - and it COULD - but it won't. While perhaps fewer in number, the vast majority of the majority in the HoR are RINOs, and closeted NeverTrumpers - including SotH Mike "Louis Tully" Johnson.
It's a great title, though - it got an audible "HA!" out of me as I welcomed the daybreak on the patio in back of my home, this morning!
Congressional Republicans, for the most part, prefer to be controlled opposition - to them, accountability has the same effect as does the name of Jesus to demons - they tremble in fear.
No, the Republicans in the US HoR are just biding their time until they can once again draw their salaries without having to cloak their contempt for the voters who elected them.
that's why they should lose and get this shin dig started....let the unraveling begin to cull the herd of Marxists that want to be Jacobins, I say let them eat cake
He will RINO his way to the Minority Leader's position because that is what RINO's do. Lose. And like every other DC Sewer rat winning or losing for the American people always plays second fiddle to keeping ones membership in the slime infested Swamp. But the idea of putting a vote out right now for no tax on the tips is a GREAT idea. And why they won't do it.
Exactly why I am not bothering to vote anymore. Think about when all the voters cast their wish, for an actor pretending to be a representative of theirs. Ask yourself, when did they actually represent my interests? I'm deplorable so , no one in office suits me, less of course one starts to pass Don's ideas here. Then I would vote if common sense were on the ticket. Right now it's just more pretending the GOP is racist and they don't bother to disagree or suggest any of these ideas for one page bills
AT LEAST FOR TRUMP even if nothing else down-ballot!!!
If you give me an address, I'll buy you a lollipop if you send me a photo of your "I voted" sticker! 😊
I appreciate your enthusiasm. I have withdrawn my consent to be governed by these criminals. For God's sake, they pretended building 7 collapsed from office furniture fires....the country is already gone Gail, I'm not pretending anymore. The people that ignore this are going to need a crash to understand what lying and pretending result in. I'm helping by hastening the reckoning by ignoring them ALL and living for now. When the crap hits the fan, I'll be prepared and fine with it.
You’re dead wrong. Nothing is ever lost so long as people fight for their freedom.
I understand your philosophy BUT what is your plan if/ when the islamo-fascists gain full control?? Are you living off the grid and somehow have a fully reinforced and defendable bunker or you're like Eric Rudolph (before he got caught) and you're living 'native' in the woods so you'll never be discovered? I'm just not seeing the full execution of your plan for when "the crap hits the fan". How do you avoid ending up in a gulag? 🤔
He wont, he will end up with a tank track going over his dead body, right next to the same with his family. I have seen it. Commies don’t just kill you, they kill your whole family.
Yep, that is what I'm afraid of and think we would see happen.
Instead of (Mike's perspective) of withdrawing and ceding the territory to the enemy, imo we FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT to the END!
I'd rather die on my FEET than live on my KNEES! (Words never uttered by Kamala) <wink>
It sounds as if you may as well save your money and cancel your membership dues. Why pay to be bothered?
As soon as I see a comment in ALL CAPS, I scroll on to the next one. Too IRRITATING.
Gayle has explained a few times that she has a vision problem, so the CAPS are necessary for her.
Interesting Vim, I was just going to say that. Tiresome.
Scott Adams says people do that when they are drunk. If that is turue, we have lots of them today.
I understand but if you don’t vote then you can’t complain.
Please vote, but take the high country just in case.
I went with Hillree because I like seeing her lose
Well she’s the Most Likely to Run You Down to take the spot, any spot. Isn’t she?
Now that Sheila Jackson Lee has passed, that is a true Statement.
Still voting in November.
So did I.
Crafty lil dickens, aren't you? I do very heartily approve.
I also went with Hillary, because with her penchant for Arkanicide and hunger for the Presidency, at least Walz would no longer be able to torture Minnesota.
08/15/24: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "You ask, why aren't I fifty points ahead? Because I'm Hillary Clinton, that's why!" Oh, I do hope I'll live long enough to be able to read her obit (other than the ones written in November 2016).
A classic column today just filled with wisdom and wit.
Smell this was the topper. It proves than males are different from females. However, it doesn't seem to be as funny at 74 as it was at 14....
Speaking as a female, trust me it wasn't funny at 14 either!!
it was to us.. as a grandpa, "pull my finger" still works on the 4yr old
I know. Bless your fellas' hearts! 😊
Hey at least we don't ask you to taste things.
I think this is bad, taste it.
You just brought me a sweet memory of my dad. His sense of taste and smell was diminished over the years of his work with zinc and printer ink. So we'd hand him the milk or the mayo and ask, "Is this still good?"
Yeah, he probably thought you guys were a riot.
I've said elsewhere that Kamala got the nod because Dems figured Trump was going to win anyway so why not throw an expendable candidate into the fire. All those who were possibles quickly endorsed Kamala, figuring Trump is a one-termer and the job would be a jump ball in 2028.
Now that she's beginning to get out front a tiny bit, with the DNC on deck in days, if fear takes hold in the class of Dem wannabes that Kamala might just pull off a win, look for leaks from friendly fire. Those same possibles who endorsed Kamala surely can't risk having her win. She must remain cannon fodder this cycle to preserve the 2028 opportunity. She's shown that she isn't a threat in an actual primary.
I hope you're right.
Me too!
I thought the same thing about Biden in 2020…and you see how THAT turned out. I’m slightly worried again.
I am getting worried that Kamala will win.
Hoping God has inflicted enough pain to deliver us from the lunatic left in Nov.
Remember when tips were not taxed? How difficult was it to start taxing them?
It is usually easier to take something apart than put it back together. We as a nation are ill-served by corporate news media with an agenda the majority of Americans do not share.
I was waiting tables while in college when taxes on tips started. Was told the IRS would send agrnts out to watch us so I was naive and scared enough to report some but not all
Tips have been taxed in Quebec for almost 30 years. No one that I know declares the full amount of tips received on their tax form. It just shows how desperate a government is for money.
Tips have been taxed forever. I worked F&B in college (mid to late 80s) and it was happening then. They would take the actual credit card tip from the CC machine, and then calc 8% tip on cash sales (pre tax). So it's been around a long time. And people still don't understand about cash tips.
What I do is add $1 or 2 on my credit card, then tip the rest in cash. This is the ONLY way you can ensure the tip is not taxed.
If he picks HiLlARy he's dead in a week when a mysterious outbreak of Arkancide sweeps Minnesota.
Your proposals read like Chip Roy submittals. Yo' Chip! you up yet?