I appreciate your enthusiasm. I have withdrawn my consent to be governed by these criminals. For God's sake, they pretended building 7 collapsed from office furniture fires....the country is already gone Gail, I'm not pretending anymore. The people that ignore this are going to need a crash to understand what lying and pretending result …
I appreciate your enthusiasm. I have withdrawn my consent to be governed by these criminals. For God's sake, they pretended building 7 collapsed from office furniture fires....the country is already gone Gail, I'm not pretending anymore. The people that ignore this are going to need a crash to understand what lying and pretending result in. I'm helping by hastening the reckoning by ignoring them ALL and living for now. When the crap hits the fan, I'll be prepared and fine with it.
I understand your philosophy BUT what is your plan if/ when the islamo-fascists gain full control?? Are you living off the grid and somehow have a fully reinforced and defendable bunker or you're like Eric Rudolph (before he got caught) and you're living 'native' in the woods so you'll never be discovered? I'm just not seeing the full execution of your plan for when "the crap hits the fan". How do you avoid ending up in a gulag? 🤔
He wont, he will end up with a tank track going over his dead body, right next to the same with his family. I have seen it. Commies don’t just kill you, they kill your whole family.
Well she's pretty inconsistent -- plenty of her comments up-thread in lowercase. All she has to do is command+ and the entire page will enlarge, easy peasy. I sense BS.
I appreciate your enthusiasm. I have withdrawn my consent to be governed by these criminals. For God's sake, they pretended building 7 collapsed from office furniture fires....the country is already gone Gail, I'm not pretending anymore. The people that ignore this are going to need a crash to understand what lying and pretending result in. I'm helping by hastening the reckoning by ignoring them ALL and living for now. When the crap hits the fan, I'll be prepared and fine with it.
You’re dead wrong. Nothing is ever lost so long as people fight for their freedom.
I understand your philosophy BUT what is your plan if/ when the islamo-fascists gain full control?? Are you living off the grid and somehow have a fully reinforced and defendable bunker or you're like Eric Rudolph (before he got caught) and you're living 'native' in the woods so you'll never be discovered? I'm just not seeing the full execution of your plan for when "the crap hits the fan". How do you avoid ending up in a gulag? 🤔
He wont, he will end up with a tank track going over his dead body, right next to the same with his family. I have seen it. Commies don’t just kill you, they kill your whole family.
Yep, that is what I'm afraid of and think we would see happen.
Instead of (Mike's perspective) of withdrawing and ceding the territory to the enemy, imo we FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT to the END!
I'd rather die on my FEET than live on my KNEES! (Words never uttered by Kamala) <wink>
Mike's solution sounds sort of like Biden abandoning Afghanistan
It sounds as if you may as well save your money and cancel your membership dues. Why pay to be bothered?
As soon as I see a comment in ALL CAPS, I scroll on to the next one. Too IRRITATING.
Gayle has explained a few times that she has a vision problem, so the CAPS are necessary for her.
Well she's pretty inconsistent -- plenty of her comments up-thread in lowercase. All she has to do is command+ and the entire page will enlarge, easy peasy. I sense BS.
I don't buy that. She obviously has no problem reading what other people -- normal people -- write.
Interesting Vim, I was just going to say that. Tiresome.
Scott Adams says people do that when they are drunk. If that is turue, we have lots of them today.
We should be charitable, and assume she has a balky, sticky keyboard.