08/15/24: Mike Johnson: The Command Sergeant Major Squish.
Big Talk when elected Speaker of the House. Then he squished faster than Chuck Schumer at a Rally For Kookamunga Harris when he exhorted attendees to "please clap [dead silence face Grapefruit Red] that's OK you don't have to."
(OK, that's not a Squish. I just wanted to make fun of…
08/15/24: Mike Johnson: The Command Sergeant Major Squish.
Big Talk when elected Speaker of the House. Then he squished faster than Chuck Schumer at a Rally For Kookamunga Harris when he exhorted attendees to "please clap [dead silence face Grapefruit Red] that's OK you don't have to."
(OK, that's not a Squish. I just wanted to make fun of Schumer backpedaling on his rhetorical unicycle. Re-write: "He's such a squish, he'd run on a Harris-Johnson ticket. Better?)
Walter Kirn said during the RNC convention that he was afraid that Johnson might find out that Kirn agreed with him on something "because then he'd want to shake my hand."
I'm looking forward to MJ on Halloween wearing a Nancy Pelosi fright wig. How he will get it off Nancy's head I do not know.
08/15/24: Mike Johnson: The Command Sergeant Major Squish.
Big Talk when elected Speaker of the House. Then he squished faster than Chuck Schumer at a Rally For Kookamunga Harris when he exhorted attendees to "please clap [dead silence face Grapefruit Red] that's OK you don't have to."
(OK, that's not a Squish. I just wanted to make fun of Schumer backpedaling on his rhetorical unicycle. Re-write: "He's such a squish, he'd run on a Harris-Johnson ticket. Better?)
Walter Kirn said during the RNC convention that he was afraid that Johnson might find out that Kirn agreed with him on something "because then he'd want to shake my hand."
I'm looking forward to MJ on Halloween wearing a Nancy Pelosi fright wig. How he will get it off Nancy's head I do not know.