Heard loud and clear at the MMA fight last night as Trump walked in: "F*** Joe Biden.." Maybe MMA fights are a good place to recruit poll watchers.

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Agreed. See above

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I have no second favorite candidate. Trump must win. It’s kinda scary to feel that way, but the USA is hanging on a thread. So much damage has been done to the trust of the citizenry that no other outcome will even begin to restore hope for the future.

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03/11/24: Molly Ball comes up in my data as yet another "Kiss Your Ass Goodbye" on 11/05/24.

It's November THIRD, 2024 that has me worried. The potential on that date for upheaval or worse is unlimited.

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Nancy Mace should have reminded Stephanopoulous that he used to work for Bill Clinton.

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I don't understand why Nancy Mace (Or any Trump supporter) would appear there (or any mainstream site) in the first place. It gives undeserved viewership to Stephanopoulos and is fraught with scripted questions designed to destroy. The interviewer has the upper hand.

Mace did quite well and deserves credit, but we already knew that about her. She probably didn't gain an ounce with the viewers of the show or help the campaign. The risks far outweighed the potential benefit.

Attorneys have a saying I'll apply here, "The juice ain't worth the squeeze". Nancy had to squeeze really hard and didn't get much from it, especially with the audience tuning in.

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Great point. Like all the past idiot Republicans agreeing to the debates with the MSM...just tell them to F-off like MTG did to the British "journalist".

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MTG had a good opportunity to make a few good points before the BBC reporter pulled out the questions about "conspiracy theories" and "insurrection".

MTG's response was what the reporter deserved.

England (especially London) is gone. The Brits are idiots. Why isn't that BBC reporter over there covering their own issues and failures?

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Maybe she was their foreign propagandist.

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Been saying that for years. Could never understand why any R gives them the time of day.

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Because many Rs are actually Ds. They are Republicans for fund raising purposes only. Never, ever trust a Republican.

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Gary, you've been saying this for as long as I have subscribed here and I chuckle every time you repeat it. It never gets old and it always applies.

My only adjustment to it would be "Never trust a Republican in name only" because that is what a Democrat pretending to be a Republican really is. That sounds like some other dishonest Democrat tactics we've seen. No surprise there, I guess.

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Mar 11, 2024
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We conservatives have been voting for Republicans for decades and what do we have to show for it? Of course there are honest Republicans but we can barely count them on one hand. So, my statement is true for a huge percentage of the double-dealing, RINO bastards. A true Republican would have been shouting from the rooftops very single say about the J6 political prisoners. Instead, we hear crickets. And there are many more examples. I rest my case.

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Check out Dan Bongino's national radio show or daily podcast. He often says exactly the same thing - "MOST Republicans are actually Democrats but NO Democrats are actually Republicans" - because it's true.

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That is why unless I can press cold hard cash into Trump, Jr.'s hand I will never give another cent, dime or farthing to the GOP. Circus people must feed their own elephant. I could buy a fine 2nd hand Infinity for what I've donated to R's over the years. I'll just have to thank the Almighty for my limited income.

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She’s my rep and you can bet your arse that I don’t trust her! I’m still sitting on the fence about whether or not I will vote for her in November.

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The time to vote against a Republican is NOT in the General election, it is in the Primary election.

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Totally agree Shrugged.

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Indeed. Would have been a perfect come back when he asked her how she could indorse Trump after losing an obviously rigged civil case for rape. But she did a great job standing up to the POS anyway.

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Amen and amen!

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Yes. She should have said Biden is a rapist.

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Second favorite presidential candidate? Might as well be a possum you caught in your back yard; there is no alternative.

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I look as this choice as to who should be VP so the Deep State doesn't JFK Trump, otherwise we will have a better MAGAt than Trump calling the shots. God Bless Trump, but Vivek speaks the walk better than anybody in the entire GOP.

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Okay, but my response is the same: possum. No one else seems capable of withstanding or even recognizing the deep state threat (and Ramaswamy strikes me as a likely deep state plant). Of course, once the conspiracies are as thick as they are now, even Trump could be controlled opposition. I think this is God preparing a "Gideon's 300" moment for us to build up our faith in Him.

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I don’t know if Vivek was so much a plant as he was a “useful tool” to the Left’s strategy to dilute votes from Trump. Had he been successful and by some sheer fantasy became the front runner, they would have unleashed the hounds of hell against him, and unearthed God knows what to destroy him.

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Or they would have made it appear so and when he achieved office, he would have shown his true colors with "the dog ate my homework" excuses.

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I also voted for Vivek in the poll; but was just listening to Byron Donalds on Hannity a little bit ago while driving, and Byron Donalds actually would be pretty good. He new, but nowhere near as new as Vivek. Donalds has been thru some battles and is not naive. Also, being black, he would help demographically. He's VERY articulate, he would red-pill alot of independents and Democrats.

Actually, the more I think about it, the more I like him best for VP. Ben Carson is a fine man, but he does not have the fighter instinct that Byron Donalds has.

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As much as I like Ben Carson, he is from a much more civil era. He hasnt been through as much of the fire as some of the others. I am sure he would fight back but not on a daily basis which would be needed. Donalds has.

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Agree. But I just remembered Byron Donalds is also from Florida, and there's some thing about the Pres. and VP can't be from the same state, I guess.

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yeah, forgot that. They cant be and with all the shenanigans, Trump has to stay located in Florida. If he moved back to NY, 'they' would probably find another couple lawsuits about him breathing their precious crime filled air.

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Unfortunately Donalds is also from Fla.

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Thank you Marlan, forgot.

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That possum is still better than Joe Biden, and come 2025, will articulate about as well too.

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Hissing sneak-thieves the lot of them. My apologies to possums.

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Cue the music: Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves. (Cher looks her age, now.)

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Possum? I bet the Poll cat is reading over Don's shoulder. We may meet your possum again. That was funny, David!

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“But the election comes down to Trump stopping a second steal. He rightly has bitched about it for years. Now it is put up or shut up. My tough love for him is to dare to remind him: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

…and there you have it Kids. Trump either has a bigger plan for an end run on the d-rats (which in truth, might not be wise to devulge to the plebs at this point) or he don’t. When the cities explode this summer with blm, antifa, the trans rights assholes (not originally a pun) and now the palestinian miscreants keeping our attention elsewhere, watch the d-rats initiate another series of strategies to steal the election.

They’ve been war-gaming this out since 2019 (and were upfront about it) and they know better than we do what’s in store for them if they lose, so they’ have a huge head start, they have money and they have motive.

We have Pure Hearts, Pure Blood and God (and a lot of guns and ammo)…and Texas and Florida! What do you think!

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“…comes down to Trump stopping a second steal.” I disagree. It’s up to US to stop the steal. So many of the shenanigans which happened last time occurred after the demonicrat poll workers threw the Republican watchers out. We can’t let that happen this time. No more not allowing Republicans poll watchers in, no more papering over the windows to hide their actions, no more “broken water pipes”. The only way this stops is for US to stand strong, refuse to be bullied and stop the steal ourselves.

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The 15 counties in the seven states that determine the election are under Democrat control, often with the compliance of the RINOs. It's too late to stop it at the precinct level. The Dems have multiple lawyers on site or on call, and the judges and magistrates in their pockets.

In PA, they all laughed at Supreme Court Justice Alito's 2020 order to keep all mail-in ballots separate. No judge in Allegheny County or Philadelphia County was going to "disenfranchise" a "voter's" ballot. The U.S. Supreme Court (and Alito) just let the issue smolder until it burned itself out.

We have to stop the steal before it happens, and that is what Jay Valentine and his team at Omega4America.com are doing. If you live in one of those 15 counties--and you know who you are--visit that website and volunteer for the group in in your county to stop the steal before it happens.

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Finally. Something that at least sounds like a solid way to push back…Thanks Alan

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I'm not in a swing county but THANK YOU for this site. I have not ever heard about it before so I will check it out now.

Another group that seems to be doing excellent work is called United Sovereign Americans (U.S.A.) Their website is https://unite4freedom.com/ Their mission is to make sure the voter ROLLS are not illegitmate even before the election occurs.

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Yes to that, Plays

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Well put Plays !

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Every GOP precinct worker needs to stay vigilant. Especially in all the BLUE states.

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All of the above

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I agree with everything except your assumption that the Democrats will use the same tactics this summer as last time around. They may (since there has been no accountability), but these days it seems like they've set their sights on WWIII and financial collapse. They don't seem to have enough power to push either past the tipping point (thanks, God!) but they are running lots of "scare stories" to try and induce us to panic.

(Reminds me of 1 Peter 5:8 "Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."; Satan is all roar, no claws – but if you panic and run off a cliff...)

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The Hot WWIII scenario is very much a possibility (which is another reason to keep Ukraine percolating even though they are finished in theory and in fact).

What a mess!

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I was surprised at the biological attack (covid/"vaccine"). It seems ineffective and it did not appear to be ethnically targeted.. Perhaps it really was a leak that they just decided to run with. If they ever managed to create something effective, it would be truly horrifying beyond even nukes.

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The Demons within have been planning on killing BILLIONS for many decades, however, President Trump stopping the killing of Billions, which enrages the Demons. 80 Million Deaths are similar to War-Time collateral damage.

We are at War, right now and have been for a long time.

Don't misunderstand me, I lost 2 sisters in NYS due to this Covid Jab Policy and when I predicted it; other family members were not very happy with me.

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The covid thing was designed to eliminate the old, the sick and those whose immune systems are suppressed.. You can see where that would be a huge help in a place like China where the numbers of ‘useless eaters’ are astronomical. Also, imagine what that would do to the cost effectiveness of a program like Medicare.

They’ll fix the weak spots in that the next time around. But the good news is that it’ll take some time to accomplish that in a reliable manner. In the meantime, wait for a ‘leak’ from a lab dealing with Ebola, Small Pox or a re-energized version of Bubonic Plague.

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I fear you are right but pray you are wrong Chuck.

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My small understanding of Ebola (unless something is done to weaponize it) is that it kills it's victims 'too quickly' to create a pandemic. It's the long incubation and infection period diseases that are airborne that are the ones to worry about.

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Unless they wanted an excuse to kill off those who account for the vast majority of medical costs - the old and the infirm - the two groups who were most vulnerable to the China virus.

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But it also kills off the most fit athletes, hence the new term SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) – as if they don't know the cause. That makes it ineffective.

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I keep thinking about the thousands of military aged men who have illegally crossed the border - now in hiding until called. A report the other day from a border crossing point stated that at least half of those crossing were Chinese males.

This summer will be more than riots. The lead-up to the election will be war games and terrorist events worse than Portland.

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Spot on, this invasion of young illegal males has everything to do with the election- a viewpoint that is not articulated nearly as often as it needs to be by conservative media. My situational awareness is in hyperdrive with each passing day, wondering when these sleeper cells will be activated. Locked and loaded with my head on a swivel everywhere I go is not how I expected to be living in America.

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Amen--"situational awareness is in hyperdrive".

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One good thing...Chinese are much easier to identify. Is that racist? A good policy might be, "Guilty until proven innocent."

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Side bar: My computer was frozen recently. Until the PC Doc could get to me, I just called the number shown. A male voice answered. I hung up immediately. The PC Doc said to block that number because the hacker probably intended to call me forever. PC doc cured the 'puter illness quickly. Racist or not, you are correct. They call us "round eyes."

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Trust but verify Laura Trump. Sure hope you have Alan West’s phone # in Dallas, and outer parts in Houston & San Antonio & Austin…and yes El Paso….to effectively counteract stop-the-steal, including a dirty ticks team to waylay USPS trucks of fake ballots, detain crooked Election workers, and computer & election lawyers, AND honest judges …..to stop the crooked computer vote counting…..

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It truly is a massive enterprise they’ve engineered.

We need to be like the Resistance during WWII and blow up (figuratively, not literally), their “supply lines”.

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Great column, Don. You've summarized what's at stake. I've said this before and I still basically believe (with some wiggle room) that Trump won't be allowed to win and take office. The Republicans have to embrace ballot harvesting, mail-in voting, and any other legal tactics. Election day turnout will not get Trump elected. I will not endorse outright cheating, though.

Pray, my friends. DJT needs our prayers.

I watched that Tik Tok video with the priest talking about Ted Bundy vs the Rosary (God). I was blown away too, but when I stopped to think about it -- it all made sense.

We have to, we need to, believe that somehow God's will is going to get done. Your country needs God and a miracle in November now, more than ever.

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Kim Clement prophesized 2 terms for Trump back in '08.. now passed on.. he never said conclusive terms.. God let the last steal happen to awake us to the deep state

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Yes ma’am, I’ll be on my knees with my rosary November 5th. President Trump needs all our prayers as much as he needs our votes.

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Truer words were never spoken LuAnn/Stolen quote.

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in 1983 the American Cancer Society turned our dining room into a hospice for my grandmother. Winifred Healey was 93, an Irish Immigrant and a serious woman. A short profile, Gram was a widow for 30 years, lived on a pension and social security and until her 10 day stay at our house, lived alone. She prayed the Rosary daily. She died on a Sunday night; Friday morning (I was in the room) my Mother asked her how she was feeling and if she could get her any pain medication. My grandmother responded "I'm fine....the Blessed Mother sat on the edge of my bed and told me I will be with her very soon". Gram was not a fun loving, jovial kidder type of person. I have no doubt was she said happened...happened. 41 years ago this month...it continues to anchor my faith.

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I worked in a geriatric dementia facility and was helping two residents get settled for the night. Edie gazed into the next room and said, "Who's the man in the white coat?" I scanned the other room and saw no one. There was only one man living there at the time, and I replied it was probably Wayne. "No," said Gladys, looking where Edie was looking, "he came to get Louise."

When I arrived at work the next day I was told Louise had passed in the night.

That experience had a profound effect on me, too, When I hear of a death I always wonder who came for them.

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Loving memory turns into long lived blessing.

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Judging by the comments to "F*** Joe Biden", the chant is more popular than MAGA as a slogan. Couple that with a massive coast-to-coast poll watching recruitment campaign at MMA fights, Hell's Angels events, and wherever else bruisers congregate. Ballot cheaters beware. If Biden drops out or gets replaced, we will serenade his successor with F***Open Borders and force his replacement to live with the consequences of the Democrat's destruction of America. Ain't that better than MAGA in a free-for-all campaign?

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We will "... force his replacement to live with the consequences of the Democrat's destruction of America." How is that supposed to work? Can you give any details?

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Any Dem who replaces FJB is responsible for more of the same. Shove it up their keister.

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Sorry; although the thought has its charms, that's not an answer to my question. Fulminating and cussing, while they may be satisfying, solve nothing.

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Plugs. God Bless Rush who first introduced me to this nickname for Xiden.

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Nobody broke it down better than Rush. He was absolutely brilliant. Amazing how the left hated this guy's guts...without even ever listening to him.

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He was the very first to expose the Left and all their minions - decades before Trump!

His most oft repeated remark, “they must be utterly defeated at every turn as they are the ruin of the nation!”

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Yup... and it wasn't really a fair fight between the left and Rush. Because he really could tie half his brain behind his back just to make it fair!!!

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I’ve never had enthusiasm for ballot harvesting, since its always seemed we’re going to try to disprove “two wrongs don’t make a right”. You’ve long advocated for it, Don.

I’ve never entirely disagreed with you, but hoped we could outlaw it before it became necessary. Of course, that never happened and we (cough) Repubs (cough) have no one to blame but our sorry-ass elected Repubs (those who were too cool to sit at the lunch table with the Freedom Caucus).

Time is short, so its probably necessary (to ballot harvest). So I grudgingly admit you were right.

But can we do it like Nehemiah and the Wall (Re)builders, with a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other? Can we try to match them harvested ballot for harvested ballot while putting as much effort into killing those laws.

I also liken it to the bombing of Dresden. I used to take grief from a pastor who said we should feel guilty about bombing such a non-militarily significant site such as Dresden (which doesn’t fact check). I basically argued FAFO. We bombed Dresden because Hitler bombed London, and for the same reason.

So (since I’m out of breath), yes- ballot harvest away. I just hope those that do it for Trump, and us, know martial arts.

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I’ve never been a fan of copying their harvesting tactics either, but can’t balk when I realize the enemies penchant for stealing by any means necessary.

I believe the key is to maintain overwhelming, vigilant shared control of the count, which translates to never letting the Dems have sole access to the votes or voting mechanisms, along with a scrupulous focus on investigating the validity of each and every single mail-in ballot.

Some or even many invalid ballots may sneak through but not enough to makeup the necessary difference especially IF PEOPLE VOTE IN PERSON!!

Arizona’s effort - a successful one, I might add- at f”ing with in-person voting by monkeying with the machines during Kari Lake’s run for governor was not only egregious, (and obvious), but was aided and abetted by the REPUBLICANS in that state!

When your own party is playing for the enemy team to throw the game, then I don’t know what you can do to frustrate that effort. And the courts have made clear they want nothing to do with any of it.

So, at the end of the day, we’re left with God answering our fervent prayers to intervene on our behalf and for the sake of our country. His will be done. Pray much. It’s the best weapon we have in this war.

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Yes - especially - to pray for God's divine intervention (whether we deserve it or not; we're living by grace anyway).

But along with both previous comments about harvesting, there's the bigger issue of "electronic harvesting" being done by/with voting machines. How do we stop that? Unplug them all? Take hammers to them all?

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They were not repubs but McStain rinos Suzie.

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Either way, they were traitors to this country.

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Agree with everyone above. We have a natural distaste for engaging in ballot harvesting, but have to be practical. The problem is, WE will ballot harvest legally--meaning by "ballot harvesting" (I think), that we would seek out identified Republicans (every precinct in the country has lists of registered Repubs and Dems, that are freely available and used by all campaigns), and make every effort to contact those Repubs and make sure they cast their votes, and assist them with transportation to the poll or to the post office, etc.

But the Democrats engage in ILLEGAL "ballot harvesting"--they get the uncleaned-up voter registration lists, and identify and vote the dead people, the people who've moved, the vulnerable people (aged, nursing homes, probably the drug addicted, etc.), the people who may be registered but have been apathetic and show no recent voting history, and fill out fraudulent ballots in those people's names. Then in addition, they manufacture votes out of thin air based on phony registrations (i.e., the addresses turn out to be a Walmart, or an empty warehouse, etc,). Someone else may have more details about this.

So it isn't just getting "raw ballots" in, it's verifying that all ballots that were not cast in person are actually "REAL ballots". Which is an audit process-- and presently, there is virtually no true audit process for mail in ballots that would catch this easily.

And what about all those instances when there were hundreds of ballot (in Detroit) all filled out identically IN RED INK PEN and somehow those got entered into the system? And the ballots that came in by truck at night from New York that were added to the Pennsylvania votes? And the stacks of "mail-in votes" in Georgia that were 8-1/2 x 11 sheets of paper that had NEVER BEEN FOLDED (i.e., therefore clearly never went through the mail)? And the boxes of ballots the Georgia workers pulled out from under the table late at night (it's on video) after they sent the Republican poll watchers home?

Our election processes are full of holes at every level, and we have virtually zero audit processes. Even if we 'legally ballot harvest' that alone cannot offset the myriad ways by which fraud occurred last time.

There have been excellent efforts by groups like Judicial Watch and others to clean up the voter registration rolls (this is just now occurring in Illinois by Judicial Watch), and many red states have already done their voter roll clean up (e.g., West Virginia), which reduces the number of deceased/moved/etc. registrations which can be used to file illegal votes. This needs to be done in all 50 states. Red states will do it voluntarily, but lawsuits by groups like Judicial Watch are required to get blue states to do it. (Give $$$ to Judicial Watch.)

But it still doesn't address the totally phony bulk ballot stuffing described above. And as mentioned, the machines themselves are another prime area where the fraud is occurring.

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Last paragraph says it all TPG.

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Pray AND watch your back! Good plan.

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Like the late, great Charles Krauthammer often said: "First you have to get the politics right." Meaning first you have to WIN the political battle before you will have the chance to make the policy right. Let's do everything legal we can to win and then we'll outlaw election criminality! If it's any hope, I have heard that a few states ARE already outlawing ballot harvesting and other election shenanigans. This is why getting LOCAL (state) elections right is SO crucial!

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I appreciate this. Good thinking!

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This column, as is frequently the case here, is like reading my own thoughts. The election fraud enterprise runs deep and wide, and it’s supremely difficult for one man to overcome. The judges here in AZ are in on it, and that seems to be the case in various jurisdictions around the country. A lot of these judges are RINOs. So it’s going to be an uphill struggle.

Besides the poll. I’m not crazy about any of those folks. Talk is cheap and the world is an old, treacherous place. Trump has proven he will stand in the breach. Nobody else on that list ( that I recognize lol) has done the same. You forgot Evan McMuffin or whatever his name was btw, the deep state Utah plant from the 2020 fake election.

The Democrats don’t plan to win the election because of the excellence of their candidate or their policies. They plan to win it by stealing, because practically nobody likes Joe Biden or his handling of just about anything. The Dems are replacing Americans with aliens and they are importing terrorists. The Americans are being killed off with fentanyl and meth and despair. The aliens boost the voter rolls in blue states, because like our elections, the census is corrupted - in this instance by the inclusion of illegal aliens, which makes zero sense to me. How can you allocate congressional districts based on the presence of people who aren’t legally supposed to be here?🤷🏼

This importation of people takes an even more sinister turn when you look at some of the people coming in and the infrastructure our government is providing for them to do it.

It isn’t that there might be some terrorists coming in, it’s that we seem to be deliberately importing them:


I am praying that with the new people at the RNC that we have a chance, but I’m not optimistic. The RNC has spent years assiduously ignoring the fraud problem, wasting their funds on manicures, expensive flower arrangements, and champagne instead. You can’t make this stuff up. Meanwhile to nobody’s surprise, must of us don’t want to give them our money. Duh.

Support Trump. There’s no rational alternative if you don’t like the trash running the country at the moment.

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Don speaks for every person with common sense.

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I share your same concern that with the new RNC leadership we're going to have more of the same. I read yesterday that a major focus now for the RNC is restoring faith and confidence in the election integrity. This would encourage more people to come out and vote if they thought it was an honest, fair process. Other than this, there was no other information on exactly what steps will be taken.

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At least the new mgmt said they were going to ballot harvest, should have been doing that years ago.

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Amen Tanto Amen.

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Tanto, I think the judges in Arizona are publicly elected-aren't they? I think only federal judges are appointed for life. So it should not really be hard to unseat them. I bet 90% of voters (often including myself) have NO IDEA of anything about any of the judicial candidates, and at best rely on a newspaper's endorsements as to who to vote for, i.e., vote for the 'conservative' paper's editorial picks for judges. But there are hardly any 'conservative' newspapers left.

It's starting to get to be too late to challenge them in the primary, but at least one can find out who is the "lesser of evils". It is hard to research judges, because often the position is listed as "non-partisan" (haha, what a joke), but with enough advance notice one can dig around and find out which ones would be horrible and vote for the less horrible. Still-- not many people vote in these judicial elections-- if we could get info about who these candidates are, I believe it would not take much effort at all to unseat them and get a good guy or gal in.

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I think you are correct. AZ judges are elected. And people do not pay much attention to most of the judicial races, especially if not AZ Supreme Court. I haven’t seen anything about replacing judges from conservative orgs or AZ Republican outlets. I would think that Kari Lake, Mark Finchem, and Abe Hamadeh know who the worst offenders are.

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And further, I guess most of us (and again I'm including myself) have not really wanted to have to "apply ourselves" and get involved in these elections for lesser offices. This was how a determined enemy got control of our school boards, the state Republican (and Democratic) party apparatuses, the judicial positions, etc.

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4 years ago, With Covid in full bloom, Joe campaigned from his basement. When they were able to chase him down and give him a blow dart of Adderal he took to the campaign trail to give scintillating speeches to one or two interested citizens who listened intently in crop circles. With that winning strategy he received 81 million votes.( Future historians will note the number was closer to 81 than 81 million).

Fast forward 4 years, with a booming economy, strong dollar world peace and secure border and race relations solved, Mr Biden packs in the crowds interested in hearing what he has to say. I believe 100 people showed up the other night (no Covid restrictions). I think 99 of them came to support rape and murder of Jews and were surprised when an old man started to mumble and drool.

Can Trump win? Only if he starts printing ballots now and puts about 400 million into the drop boxes at 2am. One hint for his campaign: don’t use white people’s names….SHHH

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How depressing. Nothing to add, really.

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Aah... Bill Barr. Where is the fat man now? Probably yucking it up with John Roberts at a DC country club. Two pathetically corrupt weasels in the same vein as the Biden family syndicate.

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drawing a pension...

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The Democrats are coming apart at the seams. Their solidarity is fractured. No matter how corrupt their approach may be, a Trump landslide is in the making. And it will get nothing but stronger as time goes on. You can sleep at night, Don. Continue on dreaming of Bentley Heaven. The Dems are headed for a shit hole in November.

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I admire your optimism, but sadly, fail to share it. The ravenous, rabid beast that is the current iteration of the democrat party--more properly identified as the American communist party--will not give up its power without a fight. By which I mean to state without equivocation that they are willing to engage in violence of all kinds to stay in power. They will, of course, resort to outright, blatant cheating in the election itself, as they did last time and will again be insulated from criticism by what laughingly passes for our "news media," most of whom support their agenda. Should that prove insufficient, they will again enlist their shock troops of BLM, Antifa and God-knows-who-else to ignite violence in the streets of all the major cities in retribution for electing the "wrong" president. Meanwhile the denizens of the "administrative state" who have dug themselves in like chiggers on a dog's back will subvert, delay, obstruct and outright refuse to implement the changes sought by a new administration. The only question is then, what do we--the law-abiding citizens--do in response? Are we willing to engage in the necessary counteraction? And you know what that means, don't you? I for one do not expect people whose only goal is to live a normal life, working to support a family without government interference and outright oppression to resort to arms. But I fear that may be the only recourse. I pray I am wrong.

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You already alluded to it, but I'll say it out loud: they won't need to use BLM/Antifa this time because the FBI/CIA/State Dept., etc. have become so brazen and bullying in their tactics... I don't think we've seen the end of their oppressive activities yet (as they go after another 1,000+ J6'ers for their role in "Trump's Insurrection" [while the true criminal dodders around in the WH]).

Only by God's divine intervention do we survive this. Keep looking up, but also stiffen your spine and be ready to join whatever version of Washington's army (from some red state?) comes together...

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"If my people, who are called by my name ..." Trump knew the verse well enough to call it Two-Chron 7:14, but he was ridicules for it. Doesn't make it any less true nor any less effective.

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I got popcorn for the fight.. (and triple ought buckshot)

I was a resident of Chicago (shitcago) in '68 what a show Daley put on

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Would agree if it were a fair fight. But it ain't. Dems -- with the aide of the masters of the universe, four branches of government, (4th being the IC, the most powerful), George Soros and son, mail-in cheating, 98% of the media -- are not going down without a fight to the death. This is how important this is to them.

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Might happen. That's why they're lining up to steal the electoral college vote and nullify the popular vote that doesn't match their plans. Flooding the zone with illegals to up representation and then getting reps on the electoral college to vote against the popular vote is coming. You can see it happening around the edges.

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from your lips to God's ears!

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