Judging by the comments to "F*** Joe Biden", the chant is more popular than MAGA as a slogan. Couple that with a massive coast-to-coast poll watching recruitment campaign at MMA fights, Hell's Angels events, and wherever else bruisers congregate. Ballot cheaters beware. If Biden drops out or gets replaced, we will serenade his successor …
Judging by the comments to "F*** Joe Biden", the chant is more popular than MAGA as a slogan. Couple that with a massive coast-to-coast poll watching recruitment campaign at MMA fights, Hell's Angels events, and wherever else bruisers congregate. Ballot cheaters beware. If Biden drops out or gets replaced, we will serenade his successor with F***Open Borders and force his replacement to live with the consequences of the Democrat's destruction of America. Ain't that better than MAGA in a free-for-all campaign?
We will "... force his replacement to live with the consequences of the Democrat's destruction of America." How is that supposed to work? Can you give any details?
Judging by the comments to "F*** Joe Biden", the chant is more popular than MAGA as a slogan. Couple that with a massive coast-to-coast poll watching recruitment campaign at MMA fights, Hell's Angels events, and wherever else bruisers congregate. Ballot cheaters beware. If Biden drops out or gets replaced, we will serenade his successor with F***Open Borders and force his replacement to live with the consequences of the Democrat's destruction of America. Ain't that better than MAGA in a free-for-all campaign?
We will "... force his replacement to live with the consequences of the Democrat's destruction of America." How is that supposed to work? Can you give any details?
Any Dem who replaces FJB is responsible for more of the same. Shove it up their keister.
Sorry; although the thought has its charms, that's not an answer to my question. Fulminating and cussing, while they may be satisfying, solve nothing.