He speaks that way because he ISNT a politician, like Trump. A business man turned to politics to save the people from the bureaucracy. It should be required that in order to serve in the bureaucracy at any level one must have to first have worked in the real economy that has payrolls and profit incentives, or the military.
I'm not voting for anyone because the republic is gone. I have withdrawn my consent to be governed and am rooting for the collapse of the bureaucracy by ignoring it and letting it implode under its own corruption and retardation of logic and reason and science. When Trump wins and the government keeps growing, it will eventually collapse under its own weight. Maybe a Libertarian will eventually rise to the top like in Argentina, but the time it will take to get there means more pain is coming. I pray it happens sooner so if Commiela steals it, maybe so.
I am taking a stand, just one that isn't to your liking. Thats the beauty of LIBERTY. When your votes are stolen again ,and your politicians ignore you again, maybe the next time the votes will matter...They don't care who wins as long as they know you still think voting matters, they keep taking away your liberties under the guise of "public service"...HAHAHA thats a lark. Most everyone is an indentured servant at this point. Let it burn. Their solutions are imprisoning us for speaking truth. I say MOLON LABE. no more voting.
OR filing tax returns. But only one of us is willing to fight city hall by telling them to go piss up a rope while you all safely vote again,.... how's that working? ABC news got your tongue?
If you are unable to understand economics and are looking for Jesus Christ instead of the best fallible man to lead us and preserve our nation, you are useless.
Think we all pray Trump will win and make a difference. But can he really? Especially in only four years. The Deep State needs only to hold things up in court for four years. Four years to a lawyer is about 10 minutes to you and I. Argentina sounds pretty good either way.
Your perspective is not wrong, but however much good he can accomplish is multiplied many times over because Obama/Soros/Harris won’t continue to weaken us and take us spiraling ever downward.
And because Trump had the foresight to gift us with a strong Bukele/Milei type VP, our future will be brighter.
He, God, is really all we’ve got to turn to if we are to be given another chance.
“ALL things are possible with God.” And as impossible and daunting as this may appear to us, if we turn to Him, and He is willing, it will happen. But He needs our hearts to genuinely turn to Him for us to be saved, both as individuals, and as a country.
You are right about this which is why the VP choice was Trump's most important decision in the campaign. We need someone who (after Trump deeply fixes the election system), will carry the mission forward for two additional terms. That takes us to 2036. In that time, I think we can identify and terminate the deep state actors.
I'll let readers apply their own definition to what "terminate" may mean in this regard.
09/26/24: This poll was a tough one! I initially liked "not British," but Trudeau isn't a member of the BBC (Best Boy's Companion), so I pirouetted over to admire "All ballerinas are straight," before finally opting to "No man will have him."
As is indubitably the case.
Collin Rugg tweeted, “Comedian Shane Gillis*** ... Why is Trudeau not gay?"
--- He said he's not 4%
--- Castro didn't have gay sons 27%
--- He's not British 2%
--- All ballerinas are straight 5%
--- No man will have him 62%
Hats off to Mr. Surber. "Why is [Ms. Trudeau] not gay?"
There is no substitute for mental ingenuity.
*** Headline: "Shane Gillis Bounced Back From ‘S.N.L.’ Debacle. On Saturday, He’ll Host. The comedian was abruptly fired in 2019 ... when offensive comments he’d made surfaced. Now ... he is set to appear on the show this weekend" --- NY Times (02/23/24).
Eight months later, what's the Vegas line AGAINST his being re-invited by SNL?
Pray like you mean it. A man prays for rain but leaves the house without an umbrella. What does that tell God about his faith? Don't just pray for Trump, pray for the nation to come to God.
Noone can do more in four years than Trump, and we need a speedy jumpstart. If JD Vance follows him for eight years, (and doesn't pull a George H. W. Bush) we will be OK. I'm not planning on moving right away: I want to give them the oppertunity to bury the dems for at least 3 or 4 genertations: they, the dems, have been tearing this country down for 140 years.
Don't be discouraged. Think instead of the tremendous obstacles that have already been overcome.
Millei has managed to make huge differences in Argentina in less than a year. Buckle similarly has turned around a h*llhole.
Unbelievably, there was a hearing in Congress recently that featured a vindicated FBI whistleblower accompanied by Inspector General Horowitz, validating that the FBI had confidential human sources at the Capitol on Jan 6, and proving that Wray lied. We knew this but it is heartening that it is now verified via public testimony. Listen to this man, just amazing:
Maybe I thought Trump would be able to make a difference back in 2016 (& he probably felt the same way too), but we all began to realize how rotten the bushel was. What these 2 men showed us was the level of reality that will be necessary. I think Trump knows this & probably has the wherewithal to do it, but at this point, I think he knows his real job is to just keep his foot in the door just so they aren’t able to completely close it. That is what I saw in his Fight! Fight! Fight! moment. He wasn’t saying I am going to fight, he was telling us we need to fight.
A funny thing happened in the Left’s rush to accrue total power over the masses, which they only accelerated during their deployed Covid “crisis” in 2020.
They ended up culling the very best and brightest within all fields of endeavor from their midst, because these righteous and reasonable minds had the temerity to question authority and call out the insane, illogical, illegal and dangerous efforts by the Left to attempt to alter reality.
As a result, those greatest of minds, of men and women from all the corners of economics, science, history, and more were awakened to discover that the system had been turned against reason itself, against humanity itself. So they went looking for a new harbor, to align and to fight against this crazed evil tide that threatened civilization itself.
The Left is now nothing more than a hollowed out version of itself, filled not just with the worst of the worst, but the dumbest of the dumb. They are now in a death throes, flailing about, spouting nonsensical and irrational screeds into the wind.
With their mask now removed they are revealed to be nothing more than a conglomerate of greedy hucksters, unscrupulous power mad lunatics, and weak, cowardly hanger’s on.
The Left is now nothing but a vulnerable shell, easily cracked, and ready to be crushed into dust.
Pray with me that by the Grace and Mercy of God, this country and all of Western civilization based upon the Judeo-Christian values that enabled it to become the greatest benefactor of good to all nations, and peoples, may still be given one more chance to put away the evil from amongst us, and reignite that truth, and that thus, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness may once again flourish here at home in this country, and around the world. In Jesus name, Amen.
Way to go, Suzie. The Left is screaming hard now, I agree, it sure seems like they are in "death throes".
For so long, they operated in stealth, under a pretense of "virtue". So their success was built on deception. And now, with all the unmasking that has gone on; all the clarity that has been achieved (including the clarity Don Surber has labored to articulate day by day in these columns); the Left's methods of deceit and their frauds are out in the open. That saying applies: "Evil exposed is two-thirds destroyed; and the last third destroys itself."
And what we can all see now is an aggressive group of people who have sunk into a moral abyss but have deluded themselves that they are of "superior righteousness"; whose ideology is a true deadend; who are incompetent at actual government that can construct anything good; whose intellects are stuck deep in the sand like an ostrich--they refuse to even "peek" at Right-wing news sources or engage in conversation with any person on the Right; and whose candidates for President and VP are the height of absurdity.
They are dangerous in this last phase, and we just pray their death throes are not catastrophically destructive to America. But hold steady everyone and stand strong. I do believe we have already won the intellectual war; now we just have to pry their fingers off the levers of power.
Each and every day I get a dozen or so emails from Trump along with a tassel of other Republicans, all begging for contributions. I've given several, though not big ones; I simply don't have that kind of money. And the main response I get is more such emails, often with ludicrous proposals. And then my mailbox -- the one by the street, not Outlook -- fills up with letters begging for more yet. I'm all for Trump/Vance, but I no longer bother reading their missives and frankly , I resent them spending my money on the US Mail, which is bound to be far more costly than simple emails.
But the real question is this: it's all very well, to have campaigns and rallies and emails and other hoopla, but this time around, is anything being done to counter cheating by the ballot-box-counters? THAT, to me is what really counts, and I haven't heard anything about it. But then -- maybe that's to be expected, and it's better to be quiet about such things. Don't tip off the enemy, and all that.
I agree with your comments regarding the never ending pleas for more $$$ and I either toss them in the trash or hit delete. They are completely annoying plus when one does send a donation, that generates even more pleas. Even hitting the STOP button doesn't help
Agree - the method of soliciting funds needs to be tweaked.
BUT… funding is critical to victory.
And the annoyance is a tiny sacrifice compared to the Maoist political and cultural revolution, that will rampage through our country without restraint or conscience, if the Maoist ticket takes office.
So, my unsolicited advice is to ignore the small irritant and give til it hurts, to save our nation. No matter how much the solicitations and giving pain us now, it is much less pain than confiscation of property, persecutorial imprisonment, beatings, bullets and bayonets.
It's hard to disagree with that, and yet -- it seems to me that in this day and age, and given our technological achievements, the annoyance factor could easily be minimized. For example, it could be built into their mailing program system to pause pursuing, say, for a couple of weeks, those who have recently given.
Ah, well, I'm exempt from that. I never have started texting -- most of it is compulsive busyness -- and I absolutely refuse to give out my phone numbers. In fact, on one occasion when I was going to make a small donation the system would not process it without the phone number, so I abandoned my effort. Serves 'em right.
Although -- come to think of it -- I COULD just give them a made-up number. They wouldn't know.
This is a conversation my mother and I had recently. She gave to Trump. I want to give to Trump. She regrets giving to Trump and cautions me to not do so. She is sick and tired of the letters and emails. Mother has tried to stop the emails and letters and they continue. I have searched and searched for a way to give cash. I will not give my identity to the government as a donator to anyone. I will not abide constant groveling for more. It’s a shame. I can’t be the only one. Think of how much money Trump could raise if he fixed it. So I give to Scott Pressler and Charlie Kirk who are doing good things for Trump.
"Trump is not alone. He is not the only patriot fighting a system so corrupt that it would embarrass Cook County Democrats in Chicago."
No, he is not alone but he was the first. What these two men have done in their respective countries of El Salvador and Argentina most likely were inspired by Trump's election run for the 2016 campaign and the four years that followed. His words resonated with America . . . and with the world too. The world honestly DOES respect (and fear) him not because he is wicked or threatening. It is because he stands on universal Godly principle.
Trump didn't do this by himself. He was - and is - an instrument of God for some purpose we have yet to see. That is why he has been spared in spite of tremendous legal battles and attempts on his life. The same God is doing the same things in El Salvador and Argentina. God is good.
Two things: first, my understanding is that "life, liberty, and property" were the original words of the Declaration of Independence, but were changed from "property" to "the pursuit of happiness." I'll bet Milei knows that.
Second, you never know where things will go. I remember sending messages to a friend on the nascent Internet in the early 'eighties via the "mail" client, all text. Look at it now. The reason nobody can get ahead in the United States is that, for the common man, at least 80% of everything he earns goes to some form of tax. Yes, it's that high. If Trump starts a "Gub'ment Efficiency" department, especially with Elon at the helm, it just may be the fluttering butterfly that starts the hurricane. We can always hope.
O/T but has any one noticed the disappearing news reports on Hunter/Goldbar Bob m./Trump assassination attempts/ etal as the msm circles the wagons to promote the chosen ones lie of the day all while ignoring easily found truths ??
Great post and point this morning Poca-Man bolstering the hopes of PDJT supporters and sane
voters across America. Socialism has nearly run its course in deference to Islamic invaders across Europe and the left in America is trying to imitate Europe .They demand we follow the EU in all government systems but conveniently ignore the voting methods and rules. Maybe the tide is turning courtesy of free-lance digital information sites.Did not do poll as it can be whatever it desires in life and hopefully early retirement by vote. MAGA 2024 and FJB?KH?TW !!
How this election polls so closely is really amazing when you think about the vision each one has for the country.
Trump has a plan that has worked but Kamala won’t say what she intends to do.
Why this election isn’t a Trump over Kamala wipeout baffles me.
Fritz Mondale was a decent guy but he got waxed by Reagan. Kamala is not a decent person. Would you invite her or Trump over for dinner? I thought you might say that. I wouldn’t let Kamala on the property least she try to siege it somehow and give it to someone else.
Why Kamala isn’t getting waxed in the polls show to me just how stupid we have become and how outright corrupt the lame stream media has become and so open about it.
09/26/24: Speaking of polls, Don's was a tough one!
I initially liked "not British," but Trudeau isn't a member of the BBC (Best Boy's Companion), so I pirouetted over to admire "All ballerinas are straight," before finally opting to "No man will have him."
As is indubitably the case.
Collin Rugg tweeted, “Comedian Shane Gillis*** ... Why is Trudeau not gay?"
--- He said he's not 4%
--- Castro didn't have gay sons 27%
--- He's not British 2%
--- All ballerinas are straight 5%
--- No man will have him 62%
Hats off to Mr. Surber. "Why is [Ms. Trudeau] not gay?"
There is no substitute for mental ingenuity.
*** Headline: "Shane Gillis Bounced Back From ‘S.N.L.’ Debacle. On Saturday, He’ll Host. The comedian was abruptly fired in 2019 ... when offensive comments he’d made surfaced. Now ... he is set to appear on the show this weekend" --- NY Times (02/23/24).
Eight months later, what's the Vegas line AGAINST his being re-invited by SNL?
It could be that, certainly -- or it could be that the polls are purposely skewed to preserve the illusion that Kamala/Timpon remain viable candidates. This can be done by skewing the sample -- and the crooks have many ways. For a simple example, they could claim to have interviewed only businessmen, implying that a large majority favor Kamala/Timpon, but keep quiet about the fact that they were all New Yorkers.
Trump is going to have his hands full over the next four years. This time, however he will have real help. Not the BS help the RNC gave him the first time around.
J.D. Vance is sharp. I love watching/listening to him spare with the media. He is articulate and won’t be bamboozled into saying something stupid. He’ll have Bobby Kennedy cleaning up the FDA. Tulsi Gabbard, will also be formidable in whatever post she takes on. I love watching the debate in 2019 where she picks Kammie apart with documented facts and figures. I do not care if she was a democrat people change. She is now on the terror watch list. She’s been having trouble getting through gate security at airports. And don’t forget Rudy G.
I think Trump’s team is going to hit the ground running and won’t stop for 4 years. Barry O will have immunity but his partners in crime will not.
I agree. According to updates on War Room, Steve has been busy during his enforced 4 month sabbatical. I’m betting he has many surprises ready for the Dems.
four years ago i was mowing my lawn, just minding my own business. a neighbor walked into my yard and up to me. i turned off my rider, smiled and said: "what's up?" she said: "can i ask you a question?" "of course." "why do you support trump?" i looked her right in her eyes and simply said: "because i don't get my information from liberal media?" started my mower up and left her standing there in my front yard.
fast forward four years. my trump sign is out once again. she now keeps walking but hasn't the desire to stop. one note....my town has never seen so many trump signs and it's a hard core vipers nest of democrat cretins. population of around 10k. hundreds of trump signs but you couldn't find 10 harris signs if you drove down every street in town. the blm signs are gone too. also the pride signs. if fenton,mi is any gauge perhaps trump can win....not michigan of course but other states.
I admire your honesty. I am surrounded by Democrats. Over the weekend I attended an extended family event (in-laws of a grandson and new expectant parents). I almost choked upon seeing a Harris/Walz sign at the top of the host’s driveway. At 86, and now family Matriarch, I had to maintain social etiquette and leave politics alone for the next few hours until I could manage a polite escape. With a new great granddaughter on the way alienation is not. I did find comfort that in the long winding road to the event theirs was the only sign in hundreds of houses along the route. That signals to me that there are many Trump supporters in Leon Panneta & son Jimmy’s territory. There are no bumper stickers, yard signs bc our opponents are aggressive. They tear down signs, key your car and will even attack old ladies. I speak within the family when I can point out a Harris/Obama policy that will harm them. Almost daily now.
Within my senior community I stick with other Trump supporters, all of whom will be voting in 11/5.
We have the equivalent to MS-13 right here in America. It is called the Deep State. Our MS-13 is, however, much more subtle but just as deadly. Their turf is both here in the U.S. and abroad (think Ukraine and Iran). Trump's job is going to be exceedingly more difficult than Bukele's in that our MS-13 doesn't sport face tattoos and the like. The first job is electing DJT and the second job is cleaning house at the DOJ and DHS. He can start with going after those 700 folks who signed the letter endorsing Kamala and, of course, the 51 former intelligence leaders who lied about the laptop. (I am sure that there is a lot of overlap there). Trump will need a lot of help to do this so I hope he selects some real stalwart people in key positions to do the leg work. If Milieu and Bukele can do it, so can we.
Comparing two small countries that are the equivalent of a couple states here in the US, is a far reach. That's like saying Maine and Delaware have become the blue print for changing the United States. Great story, Poca man, indeed, but this country is a behemoth in comparison. Trump will make a dent in four years. The question in my mind is how can he clean out the rot of people like George Soros who is buying 200 radio stations with warp speed to poison the citizen's minds with the Dems plowing the way for him? It's an apple and oranges comparison.
As a 25 year veteran of the radio business, believe me, Georgie Porgy can buy all the radio stations he wants to. It will not do him any good. That once great industry is all but dead. Any station owner would gladly get rid of their albatross. A number of years ago I asked the young men and women working in the office what radio stations they listened to. They all looked back at me blankly. Young people don’t listen to radio anymore. There are so many different music sources available. Apps like Spotify, Pandora, and others are what the kids listen too. They can’t be bothered with the network news either. The internet is everything. A lot of people grumble about Twitter/X but it is still a huge news source. The last guy to have any radio following at all was the late GREAT MahaRushie. May he rest in peace. Boy, do I miss that guy.
One VERY young man, armed with nothing more than a sling-shot, empowered by the grace of God, declaring, “Is there not a cause!” would like a word with you about changing the course of history.
Respectfully, I disagree. Milei and Bukele DO provide applicable examples. El Salvador is a small country, as you say, but the cultural and historical complexities are challenging and in some ways, more challenging than in the USA. For one, they do not have the reference point of a historical tradition of Liberty such as we have. And they are emerging from a horrible but thankfully failed communist led revolution, which led to enormous societal & economic changes, including (Marxists favored) land redistribution. Argentina on the other hand, tho its population is < 20% of ours, is the 8th largest country in the world by land mass, larger than any European country west of Russia. Its people are a diverse “melting pot” and mostly of European origin, like the U.S. population. Its topography, natural resources and climate are as diverse as ours. Argentina, due to its long history of government corruption, socialism and economic upheavals, is arguably, like El Salvador, more challenging to reducing bloated government, instituting more Liberty, especially economic liberty, than it should be in the USA. So, in conclusion, I think we would do well to follow Bukele and Milei very closely, to listen, watch and learn … and to glean hope for the huge fight ahead of us.
“Some say that we have imprisoned thousands, but the reality is we have freed millions.” This is how a politician should speak.
He speaks that way because he ISNT a politician, like Trump. A business man turned to politics to save the people from the bureaucracy. It should be required that in order to serve in the bureaucracy at any level one must have to first have worked in the real economy that has payrolls and profit incentives, or the military.
Who are you voting for ?
I'm not voting for anyone because the republic is gone. I have withdrawn my consent to be governed and am rooting for the collapse of the bureaucracy by ignoring it and letting it implode under its own corruption and retardation of logic and reason and science. When Trump wins and the government keeps growing, it will eventually collapse under its own weight. Maybe a Libertarian will eventually rise to the top like in Argentina, but the time it will take to get there means more pain is coming. I pray it happens sooner so if Commiela steals it, maybe so.
Enjoying the benefits of our country while refusing to take a stand. Coward.
I am taking a stand, just one that isn't to your liking. Thats the beauty of LIBERTY. When your votes are stolen again ,and your politicians ignore you again, maybe the next time the votes will matter...They don't care who wins as long as they know you still think voting matters, they keep taking away your liberties under the guise of "public service"...HAHAHA thats a lark. Most everyone is an indentured servant at this point. Let it burn. Their solutions are imprisoning us for speaking truth. I say MOLON LABE. no more voting.
OR filing tax returns. But only one of us is willing to fight city hall by telling them to go piss up a rope while you all safely vote again,.... how's that working? ABC news got your tongue?
If you are unable to understand economics and are looking for Jesus Christ instead of the best fallible man to lead us and preserve our nation, you are useless.
My favorite part of a great piece.
Hear, hear!!
Think we all pray Trump will win and make a difference. But can he really? Especially in only four years. The Deep State needs only to hold things up in court for four years. Four years to a lawyer is about 10 minutes to you and I. Argentina sounds pretty good either way.
Your perspective is not wrong, but however much good he can accomplish is multiplied many times over because Obama/Soros/Harris won’t continue to weaken us and take us spiraling ever downward.
And because Trump had the foresight to gift us with a strong Bukele/Milei type VP, our future will be brighter.
Yes, I think J.D. Vance has a future. Hopefully Trump will keep him in the limelight during the next four years.
Amen and we pray you are right in a Trump Victory !
Yes, pray God is merciful to us in our time, as He is in eternity
He, God, is really all we’ve got to turn to if we are to be given another chance.
“ALL things are possible with God.” And as impossible and daunting as this may appear to us, if we turn to Him, and He is willing, it will happen. But He needs our hearts to genuinely turn to Him for us to be saved, both as individuals, and as a country.
Pray without ceasing!
You are right about this which is why the VP choice was Trump's most important decision in the campaign. We need someone who (after Trump deeply fixes the election system), will carry the mission forward for two additional terms. That takes us to 2036. In that time, I think we can identify and terminate the deep state actors.
I'll let readers apply their own definition to what "terminate" may mean in this regard.
09/26/24: This poll was a tough one! I initially liked "not British," but Trudeau isn't a member of the BBC (Best Boy's Companion), so I pirouetted over to admire "All ballerinas are straight," before finally opting to "No man will have him."
As is indubitably the case.
Collin Rugg tweeted, “Comedian Shane Gillis*** ... Why is Trudeau not gay?"
--- He said he's not 4%
--- Castro didn't have gay sons 27%
--- He's not British 2%
--- All ballerinas are straight 5%
--- No man will have him 62%
Hats off to Mr. Surber. "Why is [Ms. Trudeau] not gay?"
There is no substitute for mental ingenuity.
*** Headline: "Shane Gillis Bounced Back From ‘S.N.L.’ Debacle. On Saturday, He’ll Host. The comedian was abruptly fired in 2019 ... when offensive comments he’d made surfaced. Now ... he is set to appear on the show this weekend" --- NY Times (02/23/24).
Eight months later, what's the Vegas line AGAINST his being re-invited by SNL?
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 30,000-1.
Pray like you mean it. A man prays for rain but leaves the house without an umbrella. What does that tell God about his faith? Don't just pray for Trump, pray for the nation to come to God.
Perfection D.T. !!
Noone can do more in four years than Trump, and we need a speedy jumpstart. If JD Vance follows him for eight years, (and doesn't pull a George H. W. Bush) we will be OK. I'm not planning on moving right away: I want to give them the oppertunity to bury the dems for at least 3 or 4 genertations: they, the dems, have been tearing this country down for 140 years.
I am not leaving. Pray all you want but don’t wait for God. God does things through people. We need to act.
Don't be discouraged. Think instead of the tremendous obstacles that have already been overcome.
Millei has managed to make huge differences in Argentina in less than a year. Buckle similarly has turned around a h*llhole.
Unbelievably, there was a hearing in Congress recently that featured a vindicated FBI whistleblower accompanied by Inspector General Horowitz, validating that the FBI had confidential human sources at the Capitol on Jan 6, and proving that Wray lied. We knew this but it is heartening that it is now verified via public testimony. Listen to this man, just amazing:
Maybe I thought Trump would be able to make a difference back in 2016 (& he probably felt the same way too), but we all began to realize how rotten the bushel was. What these 2 men showed us was the level of reality that will be necessary. I think Trump knows this & probably has the wherewithal to do it, but at this point, I think he knows his real job is to just keep his foot in the door just so they aren’t able to completely close it. That is what I saw in his Fight! Fight! Fight! moment. He wasn’t saying I am going to fight, he was telling us we need to fight.
The Deep State needs only to hold things up in court for four years.
I do believe that's the plan.
A funny thing happened in the Left’s rush to accrue total power over the masses, which they only accelerated during their deployed Covid “crisis” in 2020.
They ended up culling the very best and brightest within all fields of endeavor from their midst, because these righteous and reasonable minds had the temerity to question authority and call out the insane, illogical, illegal and dangerous efforts by the Left to attempt to alter reality.
As a result, those greatest of minds, of men and women from all the corners of economics, science, history, and more were awakened to discover that the system had been turned against reason itself, against humanity itself. So they went looking for a new harbor, to align and to fight against this crazed evil tide that threatened civilization itself.
The Left is now nothing more than a hollowed out version of itself, filled not just with the worst of the worst, but the dumbest of the dumb. They are now in a death throes, flailing about, spouting nonsensical and irrational screeds into the wind.
With their mask now removed they are revealed to be nothing more than a conglomerate of greedy hucksters, unscrupulous power mad lunatics, and weak, cowardly hanger’s on.
The Left is now nothing but a vulnerable shell, easily cracked, and ready to be crushed into dust.
Pray with me that by the Grace and Mercy of God, this country and all of Western civilization based upon the Judeo-Christian values that enabled it to become the greatest benefactor of good to all nations, and peoples, may still be given one more chance to put away the evil from amongst us, and reignite that truth, and that thus, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness may once again flourish here at home in this country, and around the world. In Jesus name, Amen.
Way to go, Suzie. The Left is screaming hard now, I agree, it sure seems like they are in "death throes".
For so long, they operated in stealth, under a pretense of "virtue". So their success was built on deception. And now, with all the unmasking that has gone on; all the clarity that has been achieved (including the clarity Don Surber has labored to articulate day by day in these columns); the Left's methods of deceit and their frauds are out in the open. That saying applies: "Evil exposed is two-thirds destroyed; and the last third destroys itself."
And what we can all see now is an aggressive group of people who have sunk into a moral abyss but have deluded themselves that they are of "superior righteousness"; whose ideology is a true deadend; who are incompetent at actual government that can construct anything good; whose intellects are stuck deep in the sand like an ostrich--they refuse to even "peek" at Right-wing news sources or engage in conversation with any person on the Right; and whose candidates for President and VP are the height of absurdity.
They are dangerous in this last phase, and we just pray their death throes are not catastrophically destructive to America. But hold steady everyone and stand strong. I do believe we have already won the intellectual war; now we just have to pry their fingers off the levers of power.
Well said TPG !
Very well said!
I greatly admire Milei, Miloni, Orban & Bukele. Thank you for this very positive way to begin the day
If you read the lockstep media, you are dumber for doing so.
If you read Surber, you come away smarter for doing so.
Each and every day I get a dozen or so emails from Trump along with a tassel of other Republicans, all begging for contributions. I've given several, though not big ones; I simply don't have that kind of money. And the main response I get is more such emails, often with ludicrous proposals. And then my mailbox -- the one by the street, not Outlook -- fills up with letters begging for more yet. I'm all for Trump/Vance, but I no longer bother reading their missives and frankly , I resent them spending my money on the US Mail, which is bound to be far more costly than simple emails.
But the real question is this: it's all very well, to have campaigns and rallies and emails and other hoopla, but this time around, is anything being done to counter cheating by the ballot-box-counters? THAT, to me is what really counts, and I haven't heard anything about it. But then -- maybe that's to be expected, and it's better to be quiet about such things. Don't tip off the enemy, and all that.
I agree with your comments regarding the never ending pleas for more $$$ and I either toss them in the trash or hit delete. They are completely annoying plus when one does send a donation, that generates even more pleas. Even hitting the STOP button doesn't help
Agree - the method of soliciting funds needs to be tweaked.
BUT… funding is critical to victory.
And the annoyance is a tiny sacrifice compared to the Maoist political and cultural revolution, that will rampage through our country without restraint or conscience, if the Maoist ticket takes office.
So, my unsolicited advice is to ignore the small irritant and give til it hurts, to save our nation. No matter how much the solicitations and giving pain us now, it is much less pain than confiscation of property, persecutorial imprisonment, beatings, bullets and bayonets.
It's hard to disagree with that, and yet -- it seems to me that in this day and age, and given our technological achievements, the annoyance factor could easily be minimized. For example, it could be built into their mailing program system to pause pursuing, say, for a couple of weeks, those who have recently given.
Or even a pause for just a couple days would be appreciated! Though I have to say, I wonder if some of the texted money requests are fraudulent.
I don't reply to any texts. I only give direct to a candidate through the candidate's own website's link to winred.
Ah, well, I'm exempt from that. I never have started texting -- most of it is compulsive busyness -- and I absolutely refuse to give out my phone numbers. In fact, on one occasion when I was going to make a small donation the system would not process it without the phone number, so I abandoned my effort. Serves 'em right.
Although -- come to think of it -- I COULD just give them a made-up number. They wouldn't know.
Well, thanks! After all, misery likes company.
This is a conversation my mother and I had recently. She gave to Trump. I want to give to Trump. She regrets giving to Trump and cautions me to not do so. She is sick and tired of the letters and emails. Mother has tried to stop the emails and letters and they continue. I have searched and searched for a way to give cash. I will not give my identity to the government as a donator to anyone. I will not abide constant groveling for more. It’s a shame. I can’t be the only one. Think of how much money Trump could raise if he fixed it. So I give to Scott Pressler and Charlie Kirk who are doing good things for Trump.
Don't give 10 bucks to who you like, give 10 bucks to who you don't like, they will spend 100 trying to get another 10.
Sounds interesting, but I can't see spending money to be inundated with even more junk mail. There is an annoyance factor.
"Trump is not alone. He is not the only patriot fighting a system so corrupt that it would embarrass Cook County Democrats in Chicago."
No, he is not alone but he was the first. What these two men have done in their respective countries of El Salvador and Argentina most likely were inspired by Trump's election run for the 2016 campaign and the four years that followed. His words resonated with America . . . and with the world too. The world honestly DOES respect (and fear) him not because he is wicked or threatening. It is because he stands on universal Godly principle.
Trump didn't do this by himself. He was - and is - an instrument of God for some purpose we have yet to see. That is why he has been spared in spite of tremendous legal battles and attempts on his life. The same God is doing the same things in El Salvador and Argentina. God is good.
May this good spread like wildfire.
From your lips Shrugged .
Two things: first, my understanding is that "life, liberty, and property" were the original words of the Declaration of Independence, but were changed from "property" to "the pursuit of happiness." I'll bet Milei knows that.
Second, you never know where things will go. I remember sending messages to a friend on the nascent Internet in the early 'eighties via the "mail" client, all text. Look at it now. The reason nobody can get ahead in the United States is that, for the common man, at least 80% of everything he earns goes to some form of tax. Yes, it's that high. If Trump starts a "Gub'ment Efficiency" department, especially with Elon at the helm, it just may be the fluttering butterfly that starts the hurricane. We can always hope.
O/T but has any one noticed the disappearing news reports on Hunter/Goldbar Bob m./Trump assassination attempts/ etal as the msm circles the wagons to promote the chosen ones lie of the day all while ignoring easily found truths ??
Fewer and fewer people are watching and listening to them.
Great post and point this morning Poca-Man bolstering the hopes of PDJT supporters and sane
voters across America. Socialism has nearly run its course in deference to Islamic invaders across Europe and the left in America is trying to imitate Europe .They demand we follow the EU in all government systems but conveniently ignore the voting methods and rules. Maybe the tide is turning courtesy of free-lance digital information sites.Did not do poll as it can be whatever it desires in life and hopefully early retirement by vote. MAGA 2024 and FJB?KH?TW !!
How this election polls so closely is really amazing when you think about the vision each one has for the country.
Trump has a plan that has worked but Kamala won’t say what she intends to do.
Why this election isn’t a Trump over Kamala wipeout baffles me.
Fritz Mondale was a decent guy but he got waxed by Reagan. Kamala is not a decent person. Would you invite her or Trump over for dinner? I thought you might say that. I wouldn’t let Kamala on the property least she try to siege it somehow and give it to someone else.
Why Kamala isn’t getting waxed in the polls show to me just how stupid we have become and how outright corrupt the lame stream media has become and so open about it.
The polls are bogus and will be unit Nov. 1st. when they all want to be 'right'.
09/26/24: Speaking of polls, Don's was a tough one!
I initially liked "not British," but Trudeau isn't a member of the BBC (Best Boy's Companion), so I pirouetted over to admire "All ballerinas are straight," before finally opting to "No man will have him."
As is indubitably the case.
Collin Rugg tweeted, “Comedian Shane Gillis*** ... Why is Trudeau not gay?"
--- He said he's not 4%
--- Castro didn't have gay sons 27%
--- He's not British 2%
--- All ballerinas are straight 5%
--- No man will have him 62%
Hats off to Mr. Surber. "Why is [Ms. Trudeau] not gay?"
There is no substitute for mental ingenuity.
*** Headline: "Shane Gillis Bounced Back From ‘S.N.L.’ Debacle. On Saturday, He’ll Host. The comedian was abruptly fired in 2019 ... when offensive comments he’d made surfaced. Now ... he is set to appear on the show this weekend" --- NY Times (02/23/24).
Eight months later, what's the Vegas line AGAINST his being re-invited by SNL?
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 30,000-1.
It could be that, certainly -- or it could be that the polls are purposely skewed to preserve the illusion that Kamala/Timpon remain viable candidates. This can be done by skewing the sample -- and the crooks have many ways. For a simple example, they could claim to have interviewed only businessmen, implying that a large majority favor Kamala/Timpon, but keep quiet about the fact that they were all New Yorkers.
Great article about people the MSM ignore on purpose.
We need to get out of the UN and kick them out of our country. They hate us anyway
Well, that is certainly a positive!
Trump is going to have his hands full over the next four years. This time, however he will have real help. Not the BS help the RNC gave him the first time around.
J.D. Vance is sharp. I love watching/listening to him spare with the media. He is articulate and won’t be bamboozled into saying something stupid. He’ll have Bobby Kennedy cleaning up the FDA. Tulsi Gabbard, will also be formidable in whatever post she takes on. I love watching the debate in 2019 where she picks Kammie apart with documented facts and figures. I do not care if she was a democrat people change. She is now on the terror watch list. She’s been having trouble getting through gate security at airports. And don’t forget Rudy G.
I think Trump’s team is going to hit the ground running and won’t stop for 4 years. Barry O will have immunity but his partners in crime will not.
plus Steve Bannon will be out of prison in about 30 days! Clearly our man is assembling a trusted team and will be ready to hit the ground running
I agree. According to updates on War Room, Steve has been busy during his enforced 4 month sabbatical. I’m betting he has many surprises ready for the Dems.
Hadn't thought of that but you're right.
four years ago i was mowing my lawn, just minding my own business. a neighbor walked into my yard and up to me. i turned off my rider, smiled and said: "what's up?" she said: "can i ask you a question?" "of course." "why do you support trump?" i looked her right in her eyes and simply said: "because i don't get my information from liberal media?" started my mower up and left her standing there in my front yard.
fast forward four years. my trump sign is out once again. she now keeps walking but hasn't the desire to stop. one note....my town has never seen so many trump signs and it's a hard core vipers nest of democrat cretins. population of around 10k. hundreds of trump signs but you couldn't find 10 harris signs if you drove down every street in town. the blm signs are gone too. also the pride signs. if fenton,mi is any gauge perhaps trump can win....not michigan of course but other states.
I admire your honesty. I am surrounded by Democrats. Over the weekend I attended an extended family event (in-laws of a grandson and new expectant parents). I almost choked upon seeing a Harris/Walz sign at the top of the host’s driveway. At 86, and now family Matriarch, I had to maintain social etiquette and leave politics alone for the next few hours until I could manage a polite escape. With a new great granddaughter on the way alienation is not. I did find comfort that in the long winding road to the event theirs was the only sign in hundreds of houses along the route. That signals to me that there are many Trump supporters in Leon Panneta & son Jimmy’s territory. There are no bumper stickers, yard signs bc our opponents are aggressive. They tear down signs, key your car and will even attack old ladies. I speak within the family when I can point out a Harris/Obama policy that will harm them. Almost daily now.
Within my senior community I stick with other Trump supporters, all of whom will be voting in 11/5.
*Panetta* not that it matters. I won’t vote for Jimmy.
Bravo, Donald.
We have the equivalent to MS-13 right here in America. It is called the Deep State. Our MS-13 is, however, much more subtle but just as deadly. Their turf is both here in the U.S. and abroad (think Ukraine and Iran). Trump's job is going to be exceedingly more difficult than Bukele's in that our MS-13 doesn't sport face tattoos and the like. The first job is electing DJT and the second job is cleaning house at the DOJ and DHS. He can start with going after those 700 folks who signed the letter endorsing Kamala and, of course, the 51 former intelligence leaders who lied about the laptop. (I am sure that there is a lot of overlap there). Trump will need a lot of help to do this so I hope he selects some real stalwart people in key positions to do the leg work. If Milieu and Bukele can do it, so can we.
I feel that those 700 signed the support letter in order to cry foul when DJT goes after their crimes.
Comparing two small countries that are the equivalent of a couple states here in the US, is a far reach. That's like saying Maine and Delaware have become the blue print for changing the United States. Great story, Poca man, indeed, but this country is a behemoth in comparison. Trump will make a dent in four years. The question in my mind is how can he clean out the rot of people like George Soros who is buying 200 radio stations with warp speed to poison the citizen's minds with the Dems plowing the way for him? It's an apple and oranges comparison.
As a 25 year veteran of the radio business, believe me, Georgie Porgy can buy all the radio stations he wants to. It will not do him any good. That once great industry is all but dead. Any station owner would gladly get rid of their albatross. A number of years ago I asked the young men and women working in the office what radio stations they listened to. They all looked back at me blankly. Young people don’t listen to radio anymore. There are so many different music sources available. Apps like Spotify, Pandora, and others are what the kids listen too. They can’t be bothered with the network news either. The internet is everything. A lot of people grumble about Twitter/X but it is still a huge news source. The last guy to have any radio following at all was the late GREAT MahaRushie. May he rest in peace. Boy, do I miss that guy.
I agree about Rush. The dems tried radio in a big way: nobody listened to them. And still don't. I don't think that will change any time soon.
None of those others have even come close to Rushbo-quality. If one turns up, he WILL acquire a Rush-size audience.
See my comment
He is buying Spanish speaking stations. The poor older low info voter has it on all day every day.
DJ - you gotta start somewhere - Rome wasn't built in a day!
Elon Musk!
The battle of the Billionaires! I love it.
One VERY young man, armed with nothing more than a sling-shot, empowered by the grace of God, declaring, “Is there not a cause!” would like a word with you about changing the course of history.
He can have the FCC pull Soros's license.
That's a slippery slope.
He has received it improperly.
Respectfully, I disagree. Milei and Bukele DO provide applicable examples. El Salvador is a small country, as you say, but the cultural and historical complexities are challenging and in some ways, more challenging than in the USA. For one, they do not have the reference point of a historical tradition of Liberty such as we have. And they are emerging from a horrible but thankfully failed communist led revolution, which led to enormous societal & economic changes, including (Marxists favored) land redistribution. Argentina on the other hand, tho its population is < 20% of ours, is the 8th largest country in the world by land mass, larger than any European country west of Russia. Its people are a diverse “melting pot” and mostly of European origin, like the U.S. population. Its topography, natural resources and climate are as diverse as ours. Argentina, due to its long history of government corruption, socialism and economic upheavals, is arguably, like El Salvador, more challenging to reducing bloated government, instituting more Liberty, especially economic liberty, than it should be in the USA. So, in conclusion, I think we would do well to follow Bukele and Milei very closely, to listen, watch and learn … and to glean hope for the huge fight ahead of us.
(My 2cts, after inflation)
There is no way in hell we could throw every gangbanger in jail.
We could feed them to the fishes.
George Soros is 94. How much longer could he hang on?