He speaks that way because he ISNT a politician, like Trump. A business man turned to politics to save the people from the bureaucracy. It should be required that in order to serve in the bureaucracy at any level one must have to first have worked in the real economy that has payrolls and profit incentives, or the military.
I'm not voting for anyone because the republic is gone. I have withdrawn my consent to be governed and am rooting for the collapse of the bureaucracy by ignoring it and letting it implode under its own corruption and retardation of logic and reason and science. When Trump wins and the government keeps growing, it will eventually collapse under its own weight. Maybe a Libertarian will eventually rise to the top like in Argentina, but the time it will take to get there means more pain is coming. I pray it happens sooner so if Commiela steals it, maybe so.
I am taking a stand, just one that isn't to your liking. Thats the beauty of LIBERTY. When your votes are stolen again ,and your politicians ignore you again, maybe the next time the votes will matter...They don't care who wins as long as they know you still think voting matters, they keep taking away your liberties under the guise of "public service"...HAHAHA thats a lark. Most everyone is an indentured servant at this point. Let it burn. Their solutions are imprisoning us for speaking truth. I say MOLON LABE. no more voting.
OR filing tax returns. But only one of us is willing to fight city hall by telling them to go piss up a rope while you all safely vote again,.... how's that working? ABC news got your tongue?
If you are unable to understand economics and are looking for Jesus Christ instead of the best fallible man to lead us and preserve our nation, you are useless.
“Some say that we have imprisoned thousands, but the reality is we have freed millions.” This is how a politician should speak.
He speaks that way because he ISNT a politician, like Trump. A business man turned to politics to save the people from the bureaucracy. It should be required that in order to serve in the bureaucracy at any level one must have to first have worked in the real economy that has payrolls and profit incentives, or the military.
Who are you voting for ?
I'm not voting for anyone because the republic is gone. I have withdrawn my consent to be governed and am rooting for the collapse of the bureaucracy by ignoring it and letting it implode under its own corruption and retardation of logic and reason and science. When Trump wins and the government keeps growing, it will eventually collapse under its own weight. Maybe a Libertarian will eventually rise to the top like in Argentina, but the time it will take to get there means more pain is coming. I pray it happens sooner so if Commiela steals it, maybe so.
Enjoying the benefits of our country while refusing to take a stand. Coward.
I am taking a stand, just one that isn't to your liking. Thats the beauty of LIBERTY. When your votes are stolen again ,and your politicians ignore you again, maybe the next time the votes will matter...They don't care who wins as long as they know you still think voting matters, they keep taking away your liberties under the guise of "public service"...HAHAHA thats a lark. Most everyone is an indentured servant at this point. Let it burn. Their solutions are imprisoning us for speaking truth. I say MOLON LABE. no more voting.
OR filing tax returns. But only one of us is willing to fight city hall by telling them to go piss up a rope while you all safely vote again,.... how's that working? ABC news got your tongue?
If you are unable to understand economics and are looking for Jesus Christ instead of the best fallible man to lead us and preserve our nation, you are useless.
My favorite part of a great piece.
Hear, hear!!