Sep 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Why I LOVE the woods of western Arkansas... Years ago I was in a little gas station/ store way off the beaten path when I noticed one of those "need a penny" cups on the counter; it had a little sign attached to it that read..."Need a penny, take one...NEED 2, GET A JOB"!

There you go, short and to the point WISDOM!

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Like it!!!!!!

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Get them food, water, a place to sleep and a place to eat. If they want anything else, get a job. Under NO circumstances do you give them money,

I donate monthly to a place called "The Alpha Project" out of San Diego, CA and if cities really wanted to end homelessness, I'm sure The Alpha Project could give them a few pointers.

The San Francisco Chronicle gave THE most accurate reason for the failures of these "Tent Cities." When 80% of funding goes to overhead because most of those who run these programs are related to politicians, of course you are going to fail.

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Nice weather. Better food and housing than one would have dreamed of. No responsibilities. What’s not to like?

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And no taxes!

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The "homeless" gravitate there because its suits their lifestyles. They really don't want homes. They'd rather be living their hedonistic, drug-addled lives on the street. And the weather is good. I feel badly for the mentally ill, who need help and compassion.

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Turn off the money and the supply of drugs. Problem solved.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023

....and give all the hard working neighbors of these "homeless camps" permits and pistols so that they might protect themselves.

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You don't know how right you are.

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and the city gives you drugs which of course is not mentioned....

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Certain types of drugs they will, but even SF won't produce a full laundry list of what is available.

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no they wont but enough of them. CA is in the process decriminalizing more too....


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You get more of what you subsidize and less of what you penalize.

As one who has dealt with an addicted family member, I see most of the hard core homeless as addicts who actively choose their addictions over all else and a few mentally ill who are incapable of recognizing their illness. Their families have done everything possible for them for years only to broken-heartedly leave them to either hit rock bottom to be willing to get help or succumb to Darwin's survival of the fittest.

Recognize these people for the bums they choose to be because addiction IS a choice. If they were temporarily down on their luck a family member, friend, neighbor, church group, non-profit, government social safety net, would have taken them in - and probably has. Repeatedly. These are not people you want around your family. They lie, they cheat, they steal. Don't make it easy.

It is heartless to make the public their prey. It is cruel to tax the prey to nurture the predators.

Enforce the law for thieves, vagrants, public nuisances and threats to public safety. Reopen asylums for those truly mentally ill.

We need to demand an end to rewarding behavior we don't want and penalizing productive self-reliance.

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When people understand that ALL countries combined give an estimated 10 TRILLION a year to solve homelessness and the problems ONLY gets worse, we need to start over..

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Burn. It. Down. PDJT. Look at Catholic Charities among one of probably the 1,000s. Been resettling 'refugees' and now Illegals by the 100s now 10.000s - they get what - like $75,000 per 'family' to pay for 6 month rent & helpers to get plugged in to welfare (local Diocese all the way to the Pope gets their cut - like the Big Guy) - and don't forget EITC - about $4000 per 'child' in taxpayer money each year, even if the don't earn any income. That's why you see all the 'tax prep' storefronts in illegals slumlord apartment areas - to get their cut of all the taxpayer funds that are paid to Illegals. EVERYONE is making money on the illegals - cartels, open borders NGOS, illegal relocation companies/charities, bus companies here & central america, US Border Patrol Welcome Wagon, fentanyl chemists in China, Mexico, Fresno and Houston, landlords, state welfare workers, teachers & their unions, school book makers, school building architects & builders, grocery stores.....gracias taxpayers....why the illegal kis probably already have free college with Federal tuition GRANTS - probably are too poor for student LOANS...

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

These “camps” serve as money laundering operations for the Democrats ( closer than Ukraine, but sadly for Dems less money to grift), and mills for voter fraud. The bonus will be in the future, they will be the brown shirts to terrorize any working Americans that are left.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Thank you Poca-man for this post as it is perfectly timed.Yesterdays local rag ran a front page story crying that the Cap.city does not get a new tax on workers they will be forced to close librarys,firestations,and shut down the homeless camp clean-up crews they want to create.Best way to stop this is end the flow of money and benefits. Poll today says Dr.cat is bored and needs action.Great post and thank you again for the refs line.

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That was a last minute addition

I love Geno Smith. Ex WVU QB. He hung in there in the NFL when many wrote him off.

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I remember him from before they became The National.Felonious Felons League.Very smart young man!

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"All of the above" tell the cat.

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The vast majority of "the homeless" are mentally ill to some degree, or they are drug addicts - very few are on the street because a lender foreclosed on their home, or they were evicted from their apartment.

I'm glad you had the stomach to read that LA Times piece - advocacy "journalism" - because I'm sure I would not have.

My lot is with the faceless, nameless rabble - this is not an elite group of which I have any desire to be a part.

Perhaps it's time for homelessness to be a crime - one as serious as homicide. If one of these homeless were incarcerated, I'll bet less would be spent on that individual as part of the prison population than is spent on him as one who is homeless.

If tax dollars are going to be spent on the "problem" anyway, why not find a way to spend as few dollars as possible?

No, spending our tax dollars on the "homeless" is not good because it helps get Democrats elected and re-elected. While it doesn't go directly to Mr. Green T-shirt, eventually Z will go away - either via coup, revolution, or courtesy of the KGB.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I would like to see - wonder if there even exists - a study of a city or state that does not have homeless giveaway programs, just for the comparison, and evidence, that when you cut off the goodies the problem tends to disappear. Another would be a look at the problem in states where they experience winter, which by itself tends to cut the numbers, as it’s a lot harder to survive in such climates.

Another idea is to have each recipient of any kind of goody, be it a tent, a meal, any monetary handout, etc., have a definite period of time allowable to receive such, a deadline, say, one month or whatever, and then it expires and they have to relocate.

Or move them all out to old, unused military base barracks where they can be evaluated as mentally ill and/or drug addicted and involuntarily committed, and those not diagnosed as such have to get a job. In other words, stop making it so comfortable, but install consequences.

One thing’s for sure, as someone else here already pointed out, the more you give them for nothing, the more they will come.

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"Get your money for nothin and your chicks for free" - Dire Straits (with Sting), 1985

How can these homeless afford Prostitutes if they aren't free?

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What if it turns out that homeless does NOT mean broke? Just they are cheap or have gotten used to OPM?

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bartering stolen items for the services would be my first guess.

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Yeah, since they can loot at will and not be prosecuted.

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In Or. the homeless get money and benefits while leaving a garbage dump behind as they relocate.Yet if a person tells them to stop littering this person is subject to a 1,000.00 fine for harassment.Go figure!!

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one of the cities in CA, just cleaned up their homeless problem. Basically did the opposite of the expected SJW stuff. Now I need to go find the article.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I think these tent cities are the deep state's dream for us i.e. the vanishing middle class. Perhaps our future landlords will be SJWs from a non-profit like this.

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There have always been "homeless" people who have chosen to be homeless (I exclude some of the mentally ill.) That is a first-world problem that we are feeding and nuturing.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"Homeless is sometimes a choice."


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I watched the video, however, I hollered out some unladylike obscenity after nearly every paragraph. I must not have been the intended target.

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Unfair that we can only pick one of the two.

"We need more funding for the homeless." whereby we will keep 50% of the funding. That is the entire government game.

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more like 80%, I think even the Red Cross got into trouble (dont know if they fixed it) for the 90% to over head, only 10% to the recipients that needed it.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

So long as the Homeless-Democrat complex can make money off of the unhoused (PC term for homeless) the problem will not be solved.

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Take away them not getting "Free" money and the homeless problem would be solved in a day.

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Some call it Domicile Challenged. LOL

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

This is so F’d Up it defies a coherent Comment. We will never get all these parasites out of the Country…NEVER!

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I have found that if you quit feeding the pigeons they quit showing up.

Wonder if that might work with the “unhoused” people… give them nothing and see what happens. We do have places for some of them. It’s called jail and it features 3 meals and a place to sleep relatively safely.

On another note- the European trip and the thoughts on Slo Joe from folks around the world that I come in contact with. Let’s just say Trump is winning… biggly.

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