You get more of what you subsidize and less of what you penalize.
As one who has dealt with an addicted family member, I see most of the hard core homeless as addicts who actively choose their addictions over all else and a few mentally ill who are incapable of recognizing their illness. Their families have done everything possible for th…
You get more of what you subsidize and less of what you penalize.
As one who has dealt with an addicted family member, I see most of the hard core homeless as addicts who actively choose their addictions over all else and a few mentally ill who are incapable of recognizing their illness. Their families have done everything possible for them for years only to broken-heartedly leave them to either hit rock bottom to be willing to get help or succumb to Darwin's survival of the fittest.
Recognize these people for the bums they choose to be because addiction IS a choice. If they were temporarily down on their luck a family member, friend, neighbor, church group, non-profit, government social safety net, would have taken them in - and probably has. Repeatedly. These are not people you want around your family. They lie, they cheat, they steal. Don't make it easy.
It is heartless to make the public their prey. It is cruel to tax the prey to nurture the predators.
Enforce the law for thieves, vagrants, public nuisances and threats to public safety. Reopen asylums for those truly mentally ill.
We need to demand an end to rewarding behavior we don't want and penalizing productive self-reliance.
When people understand that ALL countries combined give an estimated 10 TRILLION a year to solve homelessness and the problems ONLY gets worse, we need to start over..
You get more of what you subsidize and less of what you penalize.
As one who has dealt with an addicted family member, I see most of the hard core homeless as addicts who actively choose their addictions over all else and a few mentally ill who are incapable of recognizing their illness. Their families have done everything possible for them for years only to broken-heartedly leave them to either hit rock bottom to be willing to get help or succumb to Darwin's survival of the fittest.
Recognize these people for the bums they choose to be because addiction IS a choice. If they were temporarily down on their luck a family member, friend, neighbor, church group, non-profit, government social safety net, would have taken them in - and probably has. Repeatedly. These are not people you want around your family. They lie, they cheat, they steal. Don't make it easy.
It is heartless to make the public their prey. It is cruel to tax the prey to nurture the predators.
Enforce the law for thieves, vagrants, public nuisances and threats to public safety. Reopen asylums for those truly mentally ill.
We need to demand an end to rewarding behavior we don't want and penalizing productive self-reliance.
When people understand that ALL countries combined give an estimated 10 TRILLION a year to solve homelessness and the problems ONLY gets worse, we need to start over..