Forbes magazine is 95% owned by a Hong Kong based company. Hong Kong is run by communist China. Enough said.

And Trumpenfreude lives on.

I used to subscribe to Forbes until my best friend went on a business show on Fox Business. Steve Forbes was also a guest that day. When my friend told me of Forbes’ comments on various topics while waiting in the green room, I cancelled.

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“They were not protesters. They were attackers.”

“…protesters behaved like ‘dogshit.’”

“Always bear in mind Democrats banned black people from eating at Woolworth’s.”


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Why we read this column

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Don's wit caught my eye years ago...

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The left eats their own. I'm just hoping they get it done before they drive the rest of us insane.

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As an RVN vet, I Must vote "Jane".

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Same here. Welcome home.

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Jane Fonda (makes me puke to write her name) should have been arrested for treason upon her return from north viet nam and hung as punishment for all the harm she did to our soldiers. I hope I live long enough to spit on her grave!

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When jobs and money are obtained based on skin color and righting a faux past wrong our society is doomed. At some point there will be another “shot heard around the world and the left will join the Dodo bird in history’s junk heap.

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So so so disappointed in Steve Forbes. Trump does exaggerate but lies? Point them out please especially all the lies laid against Steve like when he threw his hat in the ring. Trump moved the Conservative Ball down field farther than anyone in recent memory yet under the Bus he must go. It's all so insane.

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These lies and distortions are evidence of a spiritual darkness that is falling all over the earth. At the risk of engendering the displeasure of Don Surber or any others here who may disagree, I am posting the following remarks I have already posted in the Open Thread at Conservative Tree House. These are the bottom-line facts regarding this darkness of evil now afflicting every living thing on earth:

Religion, or, more precisely, the revealed doctrine of Christ in western civilization has not grown much past where apostle Paul left it when he departed from this side of heaven. If it were not so, we all would be living in a much different kind of world. But, as a consequence of the failure to grow and bear its promised fruit, man-made doctrines of denominational Christianity no longer serve or advance the Doctrine of the Christ-man, Jesus of Nazareth.

This does not mean that Christ’s Doctrine itself has failed. The Great Implication of Christ’s Doctrine is that every element of every human life, especially those elements of which we are unaware and cannot know in our present state–all of THAT is naked and opened in God’s Sight. For anyone who is willing, anyone in whose heart the Christ is formed by Christ’s Faith (he is the author and finisher of faith), God our Father will, by His Spirit, coordinate and harmonize everything that He sees, right now, in each one of us, with everything else that He sees: which is everything. He will not make our choices for us. But in the lively Spirit, Faith and Doctrine of Christ, God our Father will lead us, and guide us, and help us make better choices.

Man-made interpretations of Christ’s Doctrine always fail. Man-made religion has no power to give anyone any kind of genuine hope. Only God can do that, “not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the LORD of hosts.” Man-made religion (of all kinds) cannot ever teach or bring to life the living truth of Christ’s Doctrine. And yet, the Holy Spirit abides with us.

“I am the way, the life and the truth” is now only a pretty saying of empty words in the lives of most humanity. The arrow of time flies toward its final mark. The Christ’s grim promise is shown more truthful in every passing hour: “Many are called, few are chosen.” The lies, terror, and darkness of the evil one take their toll. Memorize verses 1-10 of Psalm 91 and revolve those great words in your mind for the rest of your time on this side of heaven. Amen.

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Amen and Amen.

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Can’t quite identify the specific theological framework you’re coming from, but do wholeheartedly agree about the importance of the spiritual dimension in all this.

Your phrase “Man-made religions (of all kinds)” to me would include Marxism itself, whose cult-like aspects have become sharply clear. Marxism in the U.S. has draped itself in the outward trappings of a substitute for religion, which is why it was able to seduce so many Democrats, who had already come to think of themselves as enlightened atheists, but still craved a structured group endorsement of their ‘righteousness’.

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Hey TPGal. Thanks for a thoughtful reply. I agree with you about the religion of Marxism. Same is true for the religions of climate change, gender-fluid dystopia, violent activism (ANTIFA & BLM), Lawfare, treating clinically insane people as normal, the labor movement, and all the other demented "causes" dreamed up by the evil ones who mean nothing but harm and destruction to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Left in any way, shape or means no good for anybody, ever; not even themselves. Leftists are all the same as Barack Obama and Bill & Hillary Clinton: they are all so completely corrupt, they are delusional. They believe what they are working for is a better life but it's all DEATH all the time. They are all worshippers of abortion. They believe destroying the life of a child is a right and good thing. How insane is that?

My theological framework is built from the words of The Word Himself: Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth, the eternal Christ and only begotten son of God. God is not religious. God is God.

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These activists/ protesters are being paid by someone. Follow the money, locate them, and take them out. ( Legally, of course). Far be it for me to promote violence. ( see Avatar). Seriously conservatives. Stop playing pussyfoot with these idiots. As a Christian, I believe in turning the other cheek, ONCE. The next sound you hear, will be your last.

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I'm fine with the less-than-legal option.

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If I recall correctly (and I may not), early when Obama was in office, Van Jones was in his Cabinet. However Van Jones was so openly known as a Communist that there was pressure and Van Jones had to leave the Cabinet. And where did he end up? Well, he became head of another progressive organization that had an office in a particular office building in New York. And it was the SAME office building as where Occupy America had its headquarters, AND Van Jones‘s office and Occupy America were even on the SAME floor. No way was that a coincidence. I forget what the rest of the background was but I clearly had the impression that Van Jones‘s new job after he had to prematurely leave Obama’s Cabinet was being a coordinator and probably a paymaster for Occupy America. I believe there was another prominent communist agitators group that was also on the same floor.

Another interesting tidbit about Van Jones, when he became a commentator on CNN, they always had a caption that showed right below him when he was speaking, that said “Van Jones, Communist Party” or “Communist Party of America”. I remember being shocked that CNN so prominently featured an openly identified Communist commentator. But they clearly stopped labeling him that way a long time ago. Most CNN viewers have no clue that when they are listening to Van Jones, they are listening to a true Communist perspective.

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I just want to add, that I actually respect Van Jones quite a bit. Today he is in the news for suggesting that the NY D.A. may not pursue the indictment of Donald Trump, as it is a weak case. He also made a good succinct point— “History will not judge Donald Trump by Stormy Daniels.”

It seems to me that Van Jones is indeed a dedicated Communist that truly believes in it and believes it would be good for America. There is a sincerity that radiates from him, and (tho many might not like this comment), I believe that that sincerity is an element of spirituality.

I would call him the most articulate and practical thinker among the Communist voices out there. He doesn’t appear to be driven by emotional hate for the right, and doesn’t engage in the self-righteous preening so many other Marxist voices do.

I have sometimes thought I would really like to sit down with him and have a deep discussion about Marxism vs. American freedom. I suppose I’m naive, because he is clearly a profoundly committed Communist, but I really think he is so essentially intelligent that he could be persuaded to realize how very precious and liberating for all mankind our American way of freedom is.

Communication among people is so important. I truly believe honest deep discussions could resolve most of the political divisions we face, and that’s probably why there’s such an extreme effort right now to shut down and avoid those discussions. Even tho such discussions would rarely lead to either side changing their position, I am certain that they WOULD increase mutual respect and establish a degree of brotherhood.

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The article says:

“Actor says Barron Trump should be ripped from mother’s arms, put in cage with pedophiles.”

I say:

Interesting choice of words. So by saying this, the left is admitting that pedophilia and as such, homosexuality, is wrong. It takes a strong people to stand up to this onslaught from the left, NOT pro child molesters such as Disney and Pepsi. As far as the poll at the end of this article says, my answer was Henry Fonda because everything wrong with a child today can be traced back to the parents, who in all cases, have too much money.

When was the last time you say a child molester/homosexual come from a poor country.

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The Mexican culture is rife with child rape!!! So to answer your question, often!

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The animals that rape and molest children are the people wyhave the money and everything else evil on their side. Why do you think Mr. Biden, a known child molester, supports them.

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Sorry, but rapists and child molesters cut across every cultural, social and economic spectrum, in all shapes and sizes. The “moneyed crowd” amongst them are just able to fund enable more of it.

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I had a up close, nasty experience with the lovely Hanoi. In an airport lobby nasty , evil, woman. She had the family Gulfstream chained to fuel truck for not paying a bill. Her fit was epic.

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I’d have paid to see that

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Jane Fonda is a really terrible person. Her narcissism fits right in with the current moment. ‘Can’t stand to even look at her.

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I swear a year or so ago I read somewhere that Forbes is now Chinese owned.

It shocked me at the time, that even a “capitalist business magazine” would have been captured by the CCP.

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Sorry, Schlongtavious, I hadn’t seen your comment above about their Hong Kong/China ownership.

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Forbes Jr sold out. Living in the shadows of the wealth from his Scotch dad & granddad.

I don't think you can blame his positions on Princeton, not sure it had decayed to where it is now in the late 1960s. At least he did make the profitable transition to digital. Unlike Stanford alum Jim Maroney that flubbed the Dallas Morning News transition with Cue Cat. TV stations are valuable, but DMN is just a wire service regurgitator.

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"And now Forbes the man has to put up with loony lefties who want to cancel him."

Not sure what about him you like, Don, but that's your business - I don't. He did nothing but inherit Malcolm's media enterprise. He's the kind of country-club RINO that the editorial staff of National Review, The Heritage Foundation, The American Enterprise Institute, Club for Growth, the Chamber of Commerce, and the GOPe love - and I loathe.

"Gopnik concluded, 'And what about civility? Well, fundamental to, and governing the practice of, civility is the principle of reciprocity: your place at my table implies my place at yours.'"

Wrong. You run a place of business - technically, yes, you reserve the right to deny service to anyone, for any reason. Hence, Woolworth's was barely within its rights to deny blacks service at the lunch counter, but it's a bad practice.

The market may not punish such at first, but once you begin discriminating on ideological grounds, watch out - the day may come when you are a second-class citizen, or less - and when it does, don't expect anyone to speak up for you.

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I ate at Woolworth's as a kid. Meh. Popping the balloons for a penny banana split was nice

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It's funny, when I read the article about the protest at the book signing I immediately wondered why would they pick that event. It seemed like a rather low key event. But I have been programmed to smell a rat in every news item I read today, from the left or the right. The actual actions were relatively modest, a drink thrown at Steve Forbes and cackling lefties spewing generic lefty sayings. But now this droll event has been lifted to a "CALL TO ACTION" for conservatives! Yesssir! Step right up and buy your newest controversial book and get pissed at lefties again. I am probably wrong but perhaps not?

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The truth is elusive these days

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I suspect restauranteur Gopnik has a different motive, Don. It would be interesting to see how many of her employees are here legally.

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Smug as a Prius owner. in W.Va. ,classic Surber and the reason I subsribed.There is no way to reason with closed minds but hope springs eternal.Per yesterdays column merging into todays the most intolerant are those who declare we must be tolerant of their abberations.

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