Can’t quite identify the specific theological framework you’re coming from, but do wholeheartedly agree about the importance of the spiritual dimension in all this. Your phrase “Man-made religions (of all kinds)” to me would include Marxism itself, whose cult-like aspects have become sharply clear. Marxism in the U.S. has draped itself i…
Can’t quite identify the specific theological framework you’re coming from, but do wholeheartedly agree about the importance of the spiritual dimension in all this.
Your phrase “Man-made religions (of all kinds)” to me would include Marxism itself, whose cult-like aspects have become sharply clear. Marxism in the U.S. has draped itself in the outward trappings of a substitute for religion, which is why it was able to seduce so many Democrats, who had already come to think of themselves as enlightened atheists, but still craved a structured group endorsement of their ‘righteousness’.
Hey TPGal. Thanks for a thoughtful reply. I agree with you about the religion of Marxism. Same is true for the religions of climate change, gender-fluid dystopia, violent activism (ANTIFA & BLM), Lawfare, treating clinically insane people as normal, the labor movement, and all the other demented "causes" dreamed up by the evil ones who mean nothing but harm and destruction to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Left in any way, shape or means no good for anybody, ever; not even themselves. Leftists are all the same as Barack Obama and Bill & Hillary Clinton: they are all so completely corrupt, they are delusional. They believe what they are working for is a better life but it's all DEATH all the time. They are all worshippers of abortion. They believe destroying the life of a child is a right and good thing. How insane is that?
My theological framework is built from the words of The Word Himself: Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth, the eternal Christ and only begotten son of God. God is not religious. God is God.
Can’t quite identify the specific theological framework you’re coming from, but do wholeheartedly agree about the importance of the spiritual dimension in all this.
Your phrase “Man-made religions (of all kinds)” to me would include Marxism itself, whose cult-like aspects have become sharply clear. Marxism in the U.S. has draped itself in the outward trappings of a substitute for religion, which is why it was able to seduce so many Democrats, who had already come to think of themselves as enlightened atheists, but still craved a structured group endorsement of their ‘righteousness’.
Hey TPGal. Thanks for a thoughtful reply. I agree with you about the religion of Marxism. Same is true for the religions of climate change, gender-fluid dystopia, violent activism (ANTIFA & BLM), Lawfare, treating clinically insane people as normal, the labor movement, and all the other demented "causes" dreamed up by the evil ones who mean nothing but harm and destruction to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Left in any way, shape or means no good for anybody, ever; not even themselves. Leftists are all the same as Barack Obama and Bill & Hillary Clinton: they are all so completely corrupt, they are delusional. They believe what they are working for is a better life but it's all DEATH all the time. They are all worshippers of abortion. They believe destroying the life of a child is a right and good thing. How insane is that?
My theological framework is built from the words of The Word Himself: Yeshua, Jesus of Nazareth, the eternal Christ and only begotten son of God. God is not religious. God is God.