“Newspapers”, heck, “news” barely exists today. Whatever you read or hear on MSM outlets is almost 99% propaganda for the “State”.

You have to be extremely cautious about whatever you’re reading or hearing because there’s an agenda in almost everything being leveraged - left and right.

It is not a coincidence that at this last WEF Summit the #1 topic on their agenda was how to be more aggressive in fighting “mis-, dis-, and mal- information”. In other words, how to more forcefully stifle and suffocate the truth, or any dissent against the powers that be and their oh so benevolent plans for further enslaving us and destroying the world as we’ve known it.

The First Amendment, Freedom of speech in particular, is become their #1 enemy, closely followed by the the 2nd Amendment. If they should succeed in smothering the First, they’ll come face to face with the Second.

That pesky Constitution still has some life left in it yet!

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You nailed it Suzie. The first two amendments are a "must go" according to the globalists. Remove all rights and liberty from each individual and they have their desired state. We'll all live like a litter of three day-old puppies with eyes closed, hardly moving around, and simply living between suckles from the state.

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I always believed that the term "news" was short for "New Events". But today the term is just a short version of "what we want you to know". Actual news as we have long known it died a long time ago. I wonder if the country would have been settled west of the Mississippi at all if news back then was the same as news today?

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North, East ,West, South NEWS

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That phrase reminds me of the Movietone News reel lead-in.

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Amen Suzie.

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Good morning, all.

I miss newspapers most for their use as training pads for incontinent puppies.

Have a great week, everybody!

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Or, the newsprint paper they are printed on burns quickly to establish a chimney draft in a wood burning fireplace for a cozy fire.

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And they were very helpful for getting the fireplace going. Thankfully there still are paper grocery bags. Since childhood the local paper from my hometown was/is The Evening Capital derisively known as “The Crab Wrapper” since that’s about all it’s good for; layering over tables for Annapolitans to collect crab shells/refuse during crab feasts.

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One of my college friends (a Journalism major) said his local small town newspaper was known as "The Daily Wipe". 😉

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Well, in the day - in the right location - it might have been an alternative to Charmin. During the TP shortage in Covid season, we might have had to resort to it.

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I miss using Silly Putty to transfer off color comics panels.

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Well, you still have Mr. Biden to listen to for nonsensical fun.

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Haha, except I think the MSM must be censoring most of Biden's gaffes--I get the impression from the liberals I know that they actually, literally, do not realize how bad Joe has dementia. They see mainly sanitized excerpts and blurbs where he sounds somewhat OK. You've got to be REALLY in the dark to not realize Joe is gone.

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I have decided some people just cannot handle the facts or truth so they continue to lie to themselves to get thru the day. A grade school kid can see old Joe is lost. Then there are those who just don't care and think the system will carry on regardless. Very foolish.

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I think you're on to something there. Many of the liberals I know well recently seem to have an emotional fragility about them. Most of them are very decent people, and do genuinely seem ripe for "red-pilling"; yet, I am hesitating to challenge their thinking because I get the feeling they just couldn't handle it.

We know how WE feel-- we have gone through feeling discouraged, under attack, outnumbered. But we may not realize that this barrage of propaganda is also battering down the liberals. I'm sensing there's something going on with liberals, too-- they seem to lack resilience and buoyancy, they seem quietly very tense and touchy, like they're "barely getting by" emotionally--and these are normal, good, capable people. I don't know what it is, but I think you might be right when you say it seems "some people just cannot handle the facts or truth". Guess I'm being repetitive, but I really don't know what it is, but it seems like something is going on.

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Can't add a thing to your comment. You obviously are a good observer of human actions and see this like I do. There are extremes of everything in life. But have you noticed how many left wing fruitcakes have gone off and started shooting up churches, schools and such? Are they mentally ill? Sure, but I see them as leftists who simply cannot deal with or accept that in life everyone gets an opinion. They just don't know how to deal with this. Many young people are the worst at this as well. We have all known people who are good people but for a variety of reasons, cannot deal with news of traumatic events or horrible crimes and simply refuse to listen to such news. Emotionally, they just can't deal with or accept it. This country today has too many people who advocate for a litany of things but refuse to accept or even debate the consequences of the very issues they are so passionate about. That is just irrational and troubling at so many different levels. In my experience, I find liberals or progressives or Marxists (or whatever they are calling themselves today) emotionally driven humans. Reality, facts, experiences, and the truth never seem to enter into their judgements. They are just not able to reconcile reality with how they feel.

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Yes, Marlan and Reddog. We are groping to understand this. Another hypothesis I have is that it's one of the side-effects of a decline in spirituality in our culture. I truly think spirituality has a real "grounding" effect on folks. It seems any sense of a divine presence or reality gives one a "Rock" (as the Bible terms it) under their feet. But, I may be completely wrong, because some of the liberals I'm referring to above are strong Christians.

One thing I know for sure, is that everyone in this commenting community should pat themselves on the back, because we are at least showing a type of courage to be able to LOOK at these things that have been distressing. We've been attacked alot, but we should recognize and honor this courage in ourselves.

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Fear of the unknown? truth?Just my guess TPG

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That was one blessed Christmas Day when my sister and I both got an egg of Silly Putty. We nearly wore out the comics that Sunday!

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We couldn't afford a newspaper when we were first married. No joke. We were that cash-poor. Then my husband got a promotion, and we were transferred to a new community. My new neighbor was getting me acquainted with everything and said that of course I'll want to subscribe to the local paper. You get to read who's getting into all sorts of trouble, she said. So we subscribed to the local paper, and guess whose husband ended up headline news years later?

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....well? You just going to leave us hanging here? What was headline?

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Convicted of insurance fraud.

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And btw, he was an insurance salesman.

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I hope he had insurance for that . . .:)

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I hope it wasn’t in the obituary section. 😎

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The damage done to traditional journalism by The Washington Compost, the Failing New York Times and those of their ilk cannot be overstated. We in flyover country may not be as smart as the Elite, but having been raised on farms, we are keenly attuned to the smell of bullshit. Nobody trusts these people now, and the sad fact is that trust is built over decades, destroyed in minutes. If they survive - and I'd lay odds most won't - it's going to be a long uphill pull.

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I will never admit we are not as smart. I would propose we aren't as gullible or as susceptible to their condescension.

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I live in Northern Virginia right now ..........unfortunately. It just floors me how arrogant people get here regarding their opinion's vs those of everyone outside of the area. You would think that every place outside the beltway was still the frontier after talking to the predominately liberal government teat employees here. When the crash comes, let's just see who the smart people are then.

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I'm in southern Virginia. If there is any way possible, please encourage these people to break away and form their own state. They are as different from the Old Dominion as possible. Of course, living as a parasite on the work of others will make you that way, they say .... as for you, there is land available here.

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The Old Dominion vs Rich Men North of Richmond.

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Yeah, that guy is from my little town. Basic good ol' boy struggling with today's lower middle class life. The old days of "work hard, keep your nose clean, marry, and have a good, solid life" are gone, and men like him are struggling just to keep body and soul together. Couple that with all the other arrows coming his way, and it's no wonder he sings his heart out. Really good guy. Woody Guthrie and Hank Williams rolled into one.

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I'm envious that you are from Oliver's neck of the woods. Have you seen his recent snippet on his tour in Scotland?


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Thanks Jim. I am originally from out west. The General and I are looking for someplace to relocate to out in Idaho or there abouts. Just too stifling here. As I tell my friends, this is a different country here in northern VA. And it has never been more so than today.

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Very true. I have wondered for a while why the LA Times always gets left off when we talk about far leftist newspapers? The WaPo and NYT always get the mention but the LAT, not so much. They are just as bad or worse that the other two. There are far more but these three are the basis for the rest.

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Don't forget the two soiled pantysheilds known as The Chicago Tribune, and The Chicago Sometimes (Sun-Times).

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The Sun-Times is the size & shape of the Enquirer and the stories are probably indistinguishable

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Thanks for the coffee spurt!

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Almost an endless list, eh?

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Merely carelessness on my part.

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No not carelessness, just that there are so darn many of them we tend to just lump them all under one or two titles or groups I guess. Kind of like using the term MSM to mean all left wing news outlets and the propaganda arm of the DNC.

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well stated

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Psst. In your heart you know we are smarter than the Elite. That said, Goldwater enthusiasts taunted skeptics with buttons that said “In your heart you know he’s right.” His critics countered with “In your guts, you know he’s nuts.”

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Very few people know the backstory on Barry Goldwater. He tried to get in the service but failed the medical; he owned a private airplane and after the war personally flew servicemen from the ports to their homes at his own expense. His book, "Conscience of the Conservative" has never been equalled. He was also an amateur radio operator; I was never able to make contact with him, though. Quite a man.

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Newspapers had ultimate power. The owners with their yellow journalism were responsible for fostering the Spanish American war, watergate, and our defeats in many recent conflagrations. Social media took their mantle, until Elon Musk bought twitter. Newspapers are the selectric typewriter in the computer age.

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Spot on. Randoph Hearst was a mega-giant in the industry. The Murdoch family is the current king along with a couple other huge corporations but not for long. It will be interesting to see how the world looks and who the players are in the media business in a couple years.

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Why do newspapers think they are protected from economic law of Creative Destruction. Let Adam Smith's invisible hand crush this dinosaur 🦕 .

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Part of what helps that them survive, even if on life-support, is many of the big ones are being subsidized by the Federal Govt. Also, many are owned by billionaires and huge corporations with bottomless dough to throw away.

They are really nothing other than newsletters printing the latest pronouncements dictated by the “State”.

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Amen Suzie.

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What I really miss are the obituaries. Need to check if I am in them.

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the available online obituaries are shamefully inept

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Just the other day, when CNN said they canceled a failing program, I told my wife, "All these idiot bullshitters have to do, is report the news of the day––straight down the middle. Just the news. No opinions, no discussion. The one who does it first will own the TV news market. But they are run by dumb bells who can't see their way out of a paper bag. Amazing, isn't it?

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Amazing or sad?

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Re the poll: I answered "comics", but I meant funny, none leftist comics, or the interesting ones like Dick Tracy. When the Boson Globe cancelled Scott Adams I cancelled it.

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Some states were way ahead of others in the demise of honest journalism.

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Back in the days where they illustrated….”we found another floater…(in the river)…or D/T’s 2 way picture watch….

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We unsubscribed to the NYTIMES about 5 years ago after being 40-year readers. It just got to be so stupid and not informative. The editorial became comedy and tragedy depending on the topic. We don’t miss it at all. That said, the Wall Street Journal published the stupidest editorials today; one on Trump and his interest in reevaluating NATO after 75 years- a well worn topic. And another on something that Elise Stefanik said but is no longer applicable because laws have changed. Two very silly and uninformative pieces. There’s a lot better writing to be had on Substack.

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Yep, the left leaning news sources are just now covering what was real news in the altmedia world a couple years ago.

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My mother gave part of my upbringing up to Dear Abby and her sister Ann Landers…I had to read it every day and I’d better have an opinion on it by dinner.

Thanks to Feminism, Woke-ism, university Journalism schools and the D-rats both up here and in the US, it really looks like Newspapers have not only dug their own graves but keep digging. I get my news from CFP, Rantingly, a news source up here and select accounts on X. I bet most of us do something similar.

But here’s the rub kids. When the grid goes down and its not a question of if. What do we do then? Maybe time to look into that ham radio course you’ve been putting off taking , no!

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Chuck, you are on target. Due to frequent outages I have reluctantly installed a whole house emergency generator at home. I did it because here in Northern Virgina they are still relying on above ground electric lines everywhere except new subdivisions. Sadly, they just don't care about existing neighborhoods anymore I guess but we have outages all the time, summer and winter. So we say this as a precursor of things to come. Like everyone else, we are all tied to electrical devices for almost everything. God forbid the day that some country decides we are ripe for takeover and explodes a device that takes out the grid. Most where I live will not last two weeks because they don't have any stockpile of items needed to survive. I often wonder if the push to all electric everything has something to do with control. Or maybe my old brain is just getting very suspicious of national events.

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"I often wonder if the push to all electric everything has something to do with control."

You need not wonder any longer - that is exactly the intended end. 

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Guess I'm getting a little slow today because it has taken me a while to come to that realization. Wish I knew the names of all these people who are colluding to control us all.

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I have never subscribed to a newspaper until recently, and I am 73. I could get the Washington Times for free when it first started up. Now I subscribe to The Epoch Times. Like TWT, they are sneered at by the established rags, probably because they do real journalism.

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The Epoch Times is working very hard to gain the thousands like you (and me) who want engagement with a diversity of news topics, not just politics. They have resorted to billboard advertising in my Northeast Ohio town to gain local subscribers. I suppose their research shows their demo of subscribers to classic print are best reached with billboards. Interesting.

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they recently put up a billboard near me too, oddly enough across the street from a high school

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Been subscribing for a couple of years now. They have balanced reporting. Also the features from a old time dailey. Comics, life and leisure, crosswords, and other brain games.

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I tried reading my local paper over the weekend and just couldn’t. There was a time I would gladly read 3 papers in a single day.

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I’m happy for you. And you did it without a ten-step program.

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"Democracy thrives when people with different viewpoints are able to debate and discuss contrasting views with respect and civility. That cannot begin to happen when people cannot even agree on the facts."

A couple of thoughts regarding this most important statement:

(1) Whether one-sided reporting is done with paper or electronics it is a critical control factor for the deep state. That is, to keep inquiring minds from cross-pollinating and curating a complex understanding. Keep everyone in the dark about what really is happening. Don't forget that Fox removed Tucker's voice from the news cycle and Tucker struggled for an outlet for his work. It wasn't until Musk bought and reversed Twitter (X) that he gained a platform. How long before they take out Musk?

(2) This is why PDJT had to use Twitter to blitzkrieg the media with aggressive language. He was one voice fighting Goliath. It seems even the NYT has recently admitted they were wrong about some issues they blindly reported.

(3) Despite internet channels offering diversity of opinion - and even dialogue on topics - we can't get overconfident it will be any different (see #1 above). The major gatekeepers of news search stifle different opinions through censorship and biased algorithms. One has to work to find the few places to engage with news. It has been said we will own nothing and be happy. Applying that goal to media, the deep state wants us to be clueless and unquestioning and eventually disinterested in what is happening to us.

(4) As long as Don Surber is typing, he will fight this fight and we will help him.

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Our government education system ensures that we remain clueless, unquestioning and disinterested. Hey! Is that Taylor Swift??

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Yes, You are right. The dumbing down is really getting scary. Being dumb opens the door to socialism and prevents the work it takes to live in a capitalist free market society. If you ever had one of those ant farms as a kid, that little half inch wide slice of sand between two plexiglass panes will be our life.

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I don't know if I help him all that much, but I certainly do applaud Don's efforts and his news savvy.

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Haven’t subscribed to the paper (Columbus Dispatch- which I carried as a boy) since 2003 or so. Our son was home from his first tour of duty in Iraq w/ Army Reserves (which, in my day, was a weekend/mth, 2 wks every summer).

First morning home he picked up the paper and read on first page the a few Marines had been killed the day before. He said, “Damn, if we had to read this shit every day, we’d never leave the compound.”

It was the same with Vietnam, at least on the evening news.

Wasn’t that way when last we actually won a war.

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