Very true. I have wondered for a while why the LA Times always gets left off when we talk about far leftist newspapers? The WaPo and NYT always get the mention but the LAT, not so much. They are just as bad or worse that the other two. There are far more but these three are the basis for the rest.
Very true. I have wondered for a while why the LA Times always gets left off when we talk about far leftist newspapers? The WaPo and NYT always get the mention but the LAT, not so much. They are just as bad or worse that the other two. There are far more but these three are the basis for the rest.
No not carelessness, just that there are so darn many of them we tend to just lump them all under one or two titles or groups I guess. Kind of like using the term MSM to mean all left wing news outlets and the propaganda arm of the DNC.
Very true. I have wondered for a while why the LA Times always gets left off when we talk about far leftist newspapers? The WaPo and NYT always get the mention but the LAT, not so much. They are just as bad or worse that the other two. There are far more but these three are the basis for the rest.
Don't forget the two soiled pantysheilds known as The Chicago Tribune, and The Chicago Sometimes (Sun-Times).
The Sun-Times is the size & shape of the Enquirer and the stories are probably indistinguishable
Thanks for the coffee spurt!
Almost an endless list, eh?
Merely carelessness on my part.
No not carelessness, just that there are so darn many of them we tend to just lump them all under one or two titles or groups I guess. Kind of like using the term MSM to mean all left wing news outlets and the propaganda arm of the DNC.