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The damage done to traditional journalism by The Washington Compost, the Failing New York Times and those of their ilk cannot be overstated. We in flyover country may not be as smart as the Elite, but having been raised on farms, we are keenly attuned to the smell of bullshit. Nobody trusts these people now, and the sad fact is that trust is built over decades, destroyed in minutes. If they survive - and I'd lay odds most won't - it's going to be a long uphill pull.

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I will never admit we are not as smart. I would propose we aren't as gullible or as susceptible to their condescension.

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I live in Northern Virginia right now ..........unfortunately. It just floors me how arrogant people get here regarding their opinion's vs those of everyone outside of the area. You would think that every place outside the beltway was still the frontier after talking to the predominately liberal government teat employees here. When the crash comes, let's just see who the smart people are then.

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I'm in southern Virginia. If there is any way possible, please encourage these people to break away and form their own state. They are as different from the Old Dominion as possible. Of course, living as a parasite on the work of others will make you that way, they say .... as for you, there is land available here.

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The Old Dominion vs Rich Men North of Richmond.

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Yeah, that guy is from my little town. Basic good ol' boy struggling with today's lower middle class life. The old days of "work hard, keep your nose clean, marry, and have a good, solid life" are gone, and men like him are struggling just to keep body and soul together. Couple that with all the other arrows coming his way, and it's no wonder he sings his heart out. Really good guy. Woody Guthrie and Hank Williams rolled into one.

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I'm envious that you are from Oliver's neck of the woods. Have you seen his recent snippet on his tour in Scotland?


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Nope. The last time I heard of him was when a music publishing company tried to buy him out with money - which he desperately needed - and he refused.

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A man of moral values. They would have ruined him.

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Thanks Jim. I am originally from out west. The General and I are looking for someplace to relocate to out in Idaho or there abouts. Just too stifling here. As I tell my friends, this is a different country here in northern VA. And it has never been more so than today.

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Very true. I have wondered for a while why the LA Times always gets left off when we talk about far leftist newspapers? The WaPo and NYT always get the mention but the LAT, not so much. They are just as bad or worse that the other two. There are far more but these three are the basis for the rest.

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Don't forget the two soiled pantysheilds known as The Chicago Tribune, and The Chicago Sometimes (Sun-Times).

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The Sun-Times is the size & shape of the Enquirer and the stories are probably indistinguishable

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Thanks for the coffee spurt!

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Almost an endless list, eh?

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Merely carelessness on my part.

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No not carelessness, just that there are so darn many of them we tend to just lump them all under one or two titles or groups I guess. Kind of like using the term MSM to mean all left wing news outlets and the propaganda arm of the DNC.

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well stated

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Psst. In your heart you know we are smarter than the Elite. That said, Goldwater enthusiasts taunted skeptics with buttons that said “In your heart you know he’s right.” His critics countered with “In your guts, you know he’s nuts.”

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Very few people know the backstory on Barry Goldwater. He tried to get in the service but failed the medical; he owned a private airplane and after the war personally flew servicemen from the ports to their homes at his own expense. His book, "Conscience of the Conservative" has never been equalled. He was also an amateur radio operator; I was never able to make contact with him, though. Quite a man.

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