I'm not watching but the clips on X of the guy on the pommel horse and the upset win in women's rugby for a Bronze are good. Athletes didn't do this. The Satanists at IOC did
07/31/24: The Olympics lost me in Atlanta (I hear that Fanni Willis that year got a bronze medal in BS-Discus tossing. Then they had a Fulton County Special, "The Recount," and she was awarded the gold, instead. Funny thing is, in this category, she didn't NEED any "help.").
I quit watching years ago. However, it’s an insult to Americans that America hating, national anthem sitting LeBron James was the one selected to carry the American flag.
Back in the early 90's I worked for a company that was an Olympic sponsor and I was on the company's Olympic team setting up events, buying Olympic themed swag, and as such, spent time at the USOC HQ in Colorado Springs dealing with their folks in charge of sponsorships. The one big take away from that experience was that the USOC's (and, no doubt the IOC's) biggest concern was wringing as much money out the sponsors as they could. I was totally disillusioned by the whole experience and have, for the most part ignored the Olympics ever since. BTW, having LeBron as the U.S team flag bearer is like having Lizzo as a sponsor for Jenny Craig.
I quit watching about 3 or 4 Olympics back, when I came across a story about the phenomenal, ginormous quantity of condoms the athletes were being issued when they arrived. The article went into the heavy duty hook-up culture that now goes on behind the scenes at the Olympics. And many of the young athletes involved in the Olympics are minors. Like Don says, this is the fault of the "adults", the IOC, to basically condone and endorse this culture of flagrant sexual immorality.
The Olympics did not sink to the level of this year's "Last Supper opening" overnight-- the debauchery has been building behind the scenes for quite a while.
i'm trying to be positive this morning. being less than positive may not be weird but certainly isn't productive. sam burns is my hero. i came back from vietnam and basically was a pot head for three years before i finished growing up (not that i will ever complete the process) while sam simply went to work on his mission to make america great again.
Don't feel bad. Men usually don't grow up until their early forties or so. I'm in my 70's and still have trouble with acting immature. Drives my wife nuts. She still thinks she can fix it.
I grew up quickly but didn't get understanding until I was 55 or so. Acting responsible actually made me responsible? Being the oldest of six, I was always the one that was responsible, and if anything went wrong, they made sure I was responsible for it, so I always had a program of keeping the underlings entertained which made me a great youth pastor and youth choir director. Church leaders also use me to loosen up the stodgy set their ways music programs, always under the cover of something or other so that I wouldn't take too much fire. Lord Jesus I had too much fun. I still am. Later Gators. MAD DOG
I think many of the Karens are obsessed with the idea of "fixing" other people. Can't be done. I'm sure though your wife is using humor to even the rough spots...:)
It’s our future hell. The left will turn is into the pariahs or worse criminalize our normal yet “weird” behavior and imprison us. Or worse. It’s only true in history.
Look at Venezuela. Typical. Maduro is threatened so he will arrest his enemies. It’s coming here soon.
We’re the weird ones? Fine, your terms are acceptable. We will co-opt the “weird” moniker and wear it as a badge of honor, just as we did with “deplorable”. But what’s REALLY gonna be weird is when we kick your a***s in November.
I don’t think Trump will win. The media will lie lie lie until enough people believe that we want to turn the country into a Handmaiden’s gulag. The women are going to flock to this cankerous pathetic excuse enough to hide the steal again.
I also believe that Obama knows this is his last chance so the steal will be big: house and senate. They will complete the fundamental transformation and plunge us into chaos.
I hate this feeling. I’m very intuitive. I knew Trump would win in 2016. I could tell with all the genuine enthusiasm for him. I knew he won in 2020 for the same reason. But the left fixed it. They will fix it again because they know IF they lost control of White House and Congress, they will be hanged. They’re not going to let this happen.
They've committed a soft coup and tried to assassinate a rival candidate and Congress is ok with it. That's pretty scary. A harbinger of things yet to come.
Can you explain to me why it is better to vote early? “Early voting is the best way to ensure your vote is cast and counted.” I get that you might wind up in the hospital or something on election day and not get to vote. What I don’t understand is, if the Dems are using fake ballots to make up the difference to steal a win, doesn’t voting early give them a better idea of how many ballots they need to have and be able to act earlier themselves? Wouldn’t their not knowing until election day make it more difficult for them to cheat?
Yes, I can explain why it's better to "Bank your Vote" and vote as early as possible. You basically already answered it though. Not only does it eliminate the single point of failure of waiting until Election Day (flat tire, migraine, kid gets sick, etc etc) but also (in theory) if the Republican Party in your area has its act together (BIG "IF") then they don't have to keep bugging YOU to GOTV (Get Out The Vote). They will see in the system that your ballot has already been cast and so they can move onto getting other R's who haven't voted yet to make sure they vote.
But I fully acknowledge your concerns/ points about telegraphing a number to the left as to how many fraudulent ballots they need to print. I'm going with Trump's entreaty that Republicans MUST make this election TOO BIG TO RIG!! In other words, let's say there are 200M registered voters in America (I'm making up a round number. I have no idea how many there are.) So Trump supporters MUST cast 125M votes! Then let the leftists try to claim their puppet got 130M votes!
What's really weird is that some company actually invested time and money to make that odd contraption that Pete Butt-Head has strapped to his very male, very empty chest.
Another is that guy, last name Cherry, first name I can’t remember, who was recently appointed to the Pedo Joe administration. His photos and persona are even more weird than Brinton’s. If anyone can remember his full name, please post it so everyone can see the left’s newest example of “normal”.
Those people are not hired for their expertise, they are hired to send a giant middle finger to all of us that says "the federal government can do whatever it wants and we can do nothing about it".
You want weird? Anyone in our military services holding a flag officer rank must be confirmed to that rank by the Senate. A flag officer is anyone in the Navy, Army, Marine Corps, Air Force or Space Force wearing a star on their shoulder, i.e., admirals and generals. Weird is the Senate confirming DEI/LGBQXYZ/et all candidates for flag officer rank. Those weird people running our military are all Senate approved. Now that is weird and disgraceful and frightening.
It is clear if the election was not fixed Trump would have 540 electoral votes to Kamala 0. Until we clean house, America is forced to deal with these devils. FJB
"Weird" is just another word now like "racist" for anyone who opposes their radical racial agenda, or really any part of their agenda at all, and "right wing" is anyone to the right of Lenin, while "Islamophobe" is reserved for you if you don't like terrorists flying planes into buildings. I couldn't answer your poll today because I refuse to watch a second of the rubbish commie Olympics.
That would be a huge mistake by the left because they haven’t managed to disarm us and the vast majority of privately owned guns are in the hands of conservatives.
The military may be headed up by leftists but the rank and file aren’t. How many of them would be willing to kill their families, friends and neighbors if ordered to do so? When Nicolae Ceausescu ordered his troops to fire on their fellow citizens, they hunted he and his wife down and executed them.
As I have said before here, the rank and file troops are NOT going to turn on their countrymen and families. The leadership has been compromised and needs to be fixed. Yesterday I watched a bit of the political theater that now defines our congress when they gang attacked the acting SS director. Sickening to watch. A bunch of our elected leaders pretended they were outraged at what has happened to the SS yet not a one of them does a single thing to fix anything today. The first thing they should do is break up the DHS and make each organization accountable. The SS is under DHS, a huge bureaucracy that effectively insulates everyone under its authority for any accountability. The FBI needs to be out from under the DOJ as well and accountable directly to congress. The CIA needs to be cleaned out as well. We are living in a police state that is accountable to no one.
I’m with you. And as a combat vet wish to avoid conflict. But I think it a foregone conclusion at this point. Neither side is going to give up. One will get power and try to force the other into their way of life. It always comes to blows.
My fear is these leftists have demonstrated time and time again their complete lack of concern for life other than their own. They will use all the weapons in the arsenal to stay in power. And unlike civil wars past where weaponry was basically equal, this time they control far more powerful stuff than the people have.
Quoth Don: "Calling someone weird only works if you are not weird."
It seems weird they wouldn't notice this, doesn't it? I mean, when most people come up with a strategy – especially one where they tell all of their subordinates to follow it slavishly and publicly – they think about possible responses to it. Is the left unable to understand how anyone else thinks? Are they blinded by their contempt for us?
Either way, it is a gift from God that their strategy is ineffective.
Even the sum of young (but voting age) women and illegal aliens is not more than the number of voting-age people put off by such weirdness. It will take additional cheating to overcome such a strategy. They may show themselves capable of such a cheat, but I pray not.
Also, there are plenty of women who love God, who love the truth, who don't like naked men with boners in their bathrooms, who don't want to kill their babies, and who don't want to wreck the economy to pander to the fears of those who reject faith in God.
Do you remember, over a decade ago, all the news outlets simultaneously, and right on cue, started using the word, "gravitas," saying Republicans lacked it? They're like a bunch of trained seals, barking on every command issued from their puppet masters. Every day, their credibility ebbs away. Do they have any left? No. They have finally attained full clown status.
I remember. I was still working downtown at the time. It became our joke of a buzzword. As in "Can I bring you anything?" "Yep, a cup of gravitas, no sugar."
“The fascists depend on fear. The fascists depend on us going back. But we are not afraid of weird people. We’re a little bit creeped out, but we are not afraid.”
Me too. However, our Lt Gov Peggy Flanagan is a full-on lunatic communist. My state senator told me SHE was the 'force' behind our rabid lockdowns because she was terrified of the flu.
I hear you. We're not natives, but have lived here long enough (since 1990) to remember when the governor, both US senators and our member of Congress were all republicans.
All of these psyops are designed to make you doubt yourself and reality. It’s part and parcel of the same plan- disorientation, alienation, and then submission. So the New Commies attack the things that people see as stable elements in their lives - family, sexual orientation, patriotism, belief in God, belief in rule of law, and they insult you and try to make you feel guilty and hopeless while they promote scumbags and engender chaos.
They can go to hell. The Dems are a cancer and their platform is evil and destructive . If you understand that, don’t get caught up in the noise. Just do what you can to defeat them. They hate you and they want to rule over you permanently. It’s a fact, Jack. Fight or the country dies. We are now a third world country politically. No different than Venezuela. Doubt is the mind killer. Move forward. It’s not over till the fat lady, who is not a tranny, sings. Courage.
Amen. Just keep your head above water and press on. Pray for the mental clarity of our fellow citizens and do your part to keep our overall national consciousness alert and unhypnotized by stupid psyops.
Don, you missed a few of the weird democrats. Namely, the entire Biden clan. Hunter naturally leads the list with his out-of-control lifestyle and never a hint at taking responsibility for his actions. Shacking up with his dead brother's wife would seem weird in most non-weird people's view. Of course, Joe 'Never f$#k with a Biden' morphed into a special kind of weirdness as his dementia kicked into high gear. His inflated ego couldn't stop him from telling the world so many provably false tales. And then his poor daughter who actually wrote in her diary of taking showers with her father. Now that is one weird family.
Favorite Olympic event. Not watching.
I'm not watching but the clips on X of the guy on the pommel horse and the upset win in women's rugby for a Bronze are good. Athletes didn't do this. The Satanists at IOC did
07/31/24: The Olympics lost me in Atlanta (I hear that Fanni Willis that year got a bronze medal in BS-Discus tossing. Then they had a Fulton County Special, "The Recount," and she was awarded the gold, instead. Funny thing is, in this category, she didn't NEED any "help.").
I quit watching years ago. However, it’s an insult to Americans that America hating, national anthem sitting LeBron James was the one selected to carry the American flag.
Back in the early 90's I worked for a company that was an Olympic sponsor and I was on the company's Olympic team setting up events, buying Olympic themed swag, and as such, spent time at the USOC HQ in Colorado Springs dealing with their folks in charge of sponsorships. The one big take away from that experience was that the USOC's (and, no doubt the IOC's) biggest concern was wringing as much money out the sponsors as they could. I was totally disillusioned by the whole experience and have, for the most part ignored the Olympics ever since. BTW, having LeBron as the U.S team flag bearer is like having Lizzo as a sponsor for Jenny Craig.
The Olympics has always been just another global money laundering scheme.
Lebrun is a hypocrite.
He won the gold for being racist prick to a young fan....so messed up.
Amen! I quit watching when they started allowing professionals to compete.
Don’t kid yourself, they were always professionals.
I quit watching about 3 or 4 Olympics back, when I came across a story about the phenomenal, ginormous quantity of condoms the athletes were being issued when they arrived. The article went into the heavy duty hook-up culture that now goes on behind the scenes at the Olympics. And many of the young athletes involved in the Olympics are minors. Like Don says, this is the fault of the "adults", the IOC, to basically condone and endorse this culture of flagrant sexual immorality.
The Olympics did not sink to the level of this year's "Last Supper opening" overnight-- the debauchery has been building behind the scenes for quite a while.
Don't give them birth control.
Olympic babies are the best.
The condoms were a guard against HIV.
07/31/24: Oh, Greg. You beat me to the punch. Which in turn became an Olympic sport.
It was on the tv while I was waiting for my oil change. I read a book.
i'm trying to be positive this morning. being less than positive may not be weird but certainly isn't productive. sam burns is my hero. i came back from vietnam and basically was a pot head for three years before i finished growing up (not that i will ever complete the process) while sam simply went to work on his mission to make america great again.
Don't feel bad. Men usually don't grow up until their early forties or so. I'm in my 70's and still have trouble with acting immature. Drives my wife nuts. She still thinks she can fix it.
I grew up quickly but didn't get understanding until I was 55 or so. Acting responsible actually made me responsible? Being the oldest of six, I was always the one that was responsible, and if anything went wrong, they made sure I was responsible for it, so I always had a program of keeping the underlings entertained which made me a great youth pastor and youth choir director. Church leaders also use me to loosen up the stodgy set their ways music programs, always under the cover of something or other so that I wouldn't take too much fire. Lord Jesus I had too much fun. I still am. Later Gators. MAD DOG
I think many of the Karens are obsessed with the idea of "fixing" other people. Can't be done. I'm sure though your wife is using humor to even the rough spots...:)
"Growing older, but not up" ~ Jimmy Buffett 🏝️🏝️🏝️
You have my salute Dear Sir!!!
it's actually a horrify window into their world view: normal is now weird.
It’s our future hell. The left will turn is into the pariahs or worse criminalize our normal yet “weird” behavior and imprison us. Or worse. It’s only true in history.
Look at Venezuela. Typical. Maduro is threatened so he will arrest his enemies. It’s coming here soon.
I'm pretty sure it's already COME here.
See:J6, DJT, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Roger Stone....
…and Pro-Life protestors.
That’s the atom on the tip of the spear. Is going to get a lot worse.
We’re the weird ones? Fine, your terms are acceptable. We will co-opt the “weird” moniker and wear it as a badge of honor, just as we did with “deplorable”. But what’s REALLY gonna be weird is when we kick your a***s in November.
I don’t think Trump will win. The media will lie lie lie until enough people believe that we want to turn the country into a Handmaiden’s gulag. The women are going to flock to this cankerous pathetic excuse enough to hide the steal again.
I also believe that Obama knows this is his last chance so the steal will be big: house and senate. They will complete the fundamental transformation and plunge us into chaos.
I hate this feeling. I’m very intuitive. I knew Trump would win in 2016. I could tell with all the genuine enthusiasm for him. I knew he won in 2020 for the same reason. But the left fixed it. They will fix it again because they know IF they lost control of White House and Congress, they will be hanged. They’re not going to let this happen.
They've committed a soft coup and tried to assassinate a rival candidate and Congress is ok with it. That's pretty scary. A harbinger of things yet to come.
If that happens I think we find ourselves in another civil war. Actually, no matter who wins, we may find ourselves in that scenario.
PLEASE go to protectthevote.com !!!
If you live in one of the states that the RNC is targeting, TAKE the poll watcher training and BE a poll watcher!!
It's better to DIE ON YOUR FEET THAN TO LIVE (or be executed) ON YOUR KNEES.
Can you explain to me why it is better to vote early? “Early voting is the best way to ensure your vote is cast and counted.” I get that you might wind up in the hospital or something on election day and not get to vote. What I don’t understand is, if the Dems are using fake ballots to make up the difference to steal a win, doesn’t voting early give them a better idea of how many ballots they need to have and be able to act earlier themselves? Wouldn’t their not knowing until election day make it more difficult for them to cheat?
Hi Belle,
Yes, I can explain why it's better to "Bank your Vote" and vote as early as possible. You basically already answered it though. Not only does it eliminate the single point of failure of waiting until Election Day (flat tire, migraine, kid gets sick, etc etc) but also (in theory) if the Republican Party in your area has its act together (BIG "IF") then they don't have to keep bugging YOU to GOTV (Get Out The Vote). They will see in the system that your ballot has already been cast and so they can move onto getting other R's who haven't voted yet to make sure they vote.
But I fully acknowledge your concerns/ points about telegraphing a number to the left as to how many fraudulent ballots they need to print. I'm going with Trump's entreaty that Republicans MUST make this election TOO BIG TO RIG!! In other words, let's say there are 200M registered voters in America (I'm making up a round number. I have no idea how many there are.) So Trump supporters MUST cast 125M votes! Then let the leftists try to claim their puppet got 130M votes!
I too am horrified by that possible outcome but think that this time low-propensity voters will come out, and it will be enough.
Or not.
Happy you get to test out how reliable your intuition is. I’m very ‘hopey’ and I hope you get the opportunity to recalibrate.
Me too. Often wrong. Never in doubt.
What's really weird is that some company actually invested time and money to make that odd contraption that Pete Butt-Head has strapped to his very male, very empty chest.
Weird? Yeah.
My wife thought it was photo-shopped.
Nope, said I, that's just one example of the freaks who are (allegedly) running this country.
Another is that guy, last name Cherry, first name I can’t remember, who was recently appointed to the Pedo Joe administration. His photos and persona are even more weird than Brinton’s. If anyone can remember his full name, please post it so everyone can see the left’s newest example of “normal”.
Those people are not hired for their expertise, they are hired to send a giant middle finger to all of us that says "the federal government can do whatever it wants and we can do nothing about it".
Butthole baby feeders.
Not weird, just sick.
Yep. Right after I sent the pix to my like-minded California relative as a joke, I realized it wasn't so much a joke as it was a travesty.
Well - people make sex dolls for people to interact with also. That was probably weird at one time... now - not so much.
Indeed. I remember the scene with the autopilot from the comedy Airplane!, the 1980 film.
You want weird? Anyone in our military services holding a flag officer rank must be confirmed to that rank by the Senate. A flag officer is anyone in the Navy, Army, Marine Corps, Air Force or Space Force wearing a star on their shoulder, i.e., admirals and generals. Weird is the Senate confirming DEI/LGBQXYZ/et all candidates for flag officer rank. Those weird people running our military are all Senate approved. Now that is weird and disgraceful and frightening.
Another favorite Olympic event—when an athlete on the podium sings our national anthem.
I remember those from back when I watched the Olympics.
The Democrat Party’s new “Weird”campaign by employing nasty teenage “Mean Girls” bullying tactics.
How mature.
It is clear if the election was not fixed Trump would have 540 electoral votes to Kamala 0. Until we clean house, America is forced to deal with these devils. FJB
Actually, I think it should be FBHO and the horse he rode in on!
Cookie. God will take care of Satan’s Spawn.
Double dittos. Wait, make that triple.
"Weird" is just another word now like "racist" for anyone who opposes their radical racial agenda, or really any part of their agenda at all, and "right wing" is anyone to the right of Lenin, while "Islamophobe" is reserved for you if you don't like terrorists flying planes into buildings. I couldn't answer your poll today because I refuse to watch a second of the rubbish commie Olympics.
Which is why I fear we will be hunted down.
That would be a huge mistake by the left because they haven’t managed to disarm us and the vast majority of privately owned guns are in the hands of conservatives.
The military may be headed up by leftists but the rank and file aren’t. How many of them would be willing to kill their families, friends and neighbors if ordered to do so? When Nicolae Ceausescu ordered his troops to fire on their fellow citizens, they hunted he and his wife down and executed them.
As I have said before here, the rank and file troops are NOT going to turn on their countrymen and families. The leadership has been compromised and needs to be fixed. Yesterday I watched a bit of the political theater that now defines our congress when they gang attacked the acting SS director. Sickening to watch. A bunch of our elected leaders pretended they were outraged at what has happened to the SS yet not a one of them does a single thing to fix anything today. The first thing they should do is break up the DHS and make each organization accountable. The SS is under DHS, a huge bureaucracy that effectively insulates everyone under its authority for any accountability. The FBI needs to be out from under the DOJ as well and accountable directly to congress. The CIA needs to be cleaned out as well. We are living in a police state that is accountable to no one.
I’m with you. And as a combat vet wish to avoid conflict. But I think it a foregone conclusion at this point. Neither side is going to give up. One will get power and try to force the other into their way of life. It always comes to blows.
My fear is these leftists have demonstrated time and time again their complete lack of concern for life other than their own. They will use all the weapons in the arsenal to stay in power. And unlike civil wars past where weaponry was basically equal, this time they control far more powerful stuff than the people have.
And they will use it.
You can steal a tank with a knife.
Yeah. But it’s not the tanks I’m worried about.
Consider this, there are more veterans than active duty.
Quoth Don: "Calling someone weird only works if you are not weird."
It seems weird they wouldn't notice this, doesn't it? I mean, when most people come up with a strategy – especially one where they tell all of their subordinates to follow it slavishly and publicly – they think about possible responses to it. Is the left unable to understand how anyone else thinks? Are they blinded by their contempt for us?
Either way, it is a gift from God that their strategy is ineffective.
The answer to all your questions is Yes.
Unless the word is effective with women, especially young women.
Even the sum of young (but voting age) women and illegal aliens is not more than the number of voting-age people put off by such weirdness. It will take additional cheating to overcome such a strategy. They may show themselves capable of such a cheat, but I pray not.
Also, there are plenty of women who love God, who love the truth, who don't like naked men with boners in their bathrooms, who don't want to kill their babies, and who don't want to wreck the economy to pander to the fears of those who reject faith in God.
Do you remember, over a decade ago, all the news outlets simultaneously, and right on cue, started using the word, "gravitas," saying Republicans lacked it? They're like a bunch of trained seals, barking on every command issued from their puppet masters. Every day, their credibility ebbs away. Do they have any left? No. They have finally attained full clown status.
I remember. I was still working downtown at the time. It became our joke of a buzzword. As in "Can I bring you anything?" "Yep, a cup of gravitas, no sugar."
Yes. That was in 2000 when they all barked about Cheney bringing gravitas to the GW Bush ticket.
“The fascists depend on fear. The fascists depend on us going back. But we are not afraid of weird people. We’re a little bit creeped out, but we are not afraid.”
You just described yourself, Tyrant Tim...
Everyone - Please rip our MN governor to shreds.
I hope he's the VP pick. For Vance, debating Walz will be like shooting lutefisk in a barrel.
Me too. However, our Lt Gov Peggy Flanagan is a full-on lunatic communist. My state senator told me SHE was the 'force' behind our rabid lockdowns because she was terrified of the flu.
I hear you. We're not natives, but have lived here long enough (since 1990) to remember when the governor, both US senators and our member of Congress were all republicans.
All of these psyops are designed to make you doubt yourself and reality. It’s part and parcel of the same plan- disorientation, alienation, and then submission. So the New Commies attack the things that people see as stable elements in their lives - family, sexual orientation, patriotism, belief in God, belief in rule of law, and they insult you and try to make you feel guilty and hopeless while they promote scumbags and engender chaos.
They can go to hell. The Dems are a cancer and their platform is evil and destructive . If you understand that, don’t get caught up in the noise. Just do what you can to defeat them. They hate you and they want to rule over you permanently. It’s a fact, Jack. Fight or the country dies. We are now a third world country politically. No different than Venezuela. Doubt is the mind killer. Move forward. It’s not over till the fat lady, who is not a tranny, sings. Courage.
Amen. Just keep your head above water and press on. Pray for the mental clarity of our fellow citizens and do your part to keep our overall national consciousness alert and unhypnotized by stupid psyops.
And yet, and yet, that bastion of Liberocracy, Austin TX, proudly trumpets "Keep Austin weird"
The Republicans should used in campaign ads.
Socialist Oregon touts keep Portland weird as well.
Don, you missed a few of the weird democrats. Namely, the entire Biden clan. Hunter naturally leads the list with his out-of-control lifestyle and never a hint at taking responsibility for his actions. Shacking up with his dead brother's wife would seem weird in most non-weird people's view. Of course, Joe 'Never f$#k with a Biden' morphed into a special kind of weirdness as his dementia kicked into high gear. His inflated ego couldn't stop him from telling the world so many provably false tales. And then his poor daughter who actually wrote in her diary of taking showers with her father. Now that is one weird family.
News Letter has space limitations