That would be a huge mistake by the left because they haven’t managed to disarm us and the vast majority of privately owned guns are in the hands of conservatives.
The military may be headed up by leftists but the rank and file aren’t. How many of them would be willing to kill their families, friends and neighbors if ordered to do so? When Nicolae Ceausescu ordered his troops to fire on their fellow citizens, they hunted he and his wife down and executed them.
As I have said before here, the rank and file troops are NOT going to turn on their countrymen and families. The leadership has been compromised and needs to be fixed. Yesterday I watched a bit of the political theater that now defines our congress when they gang attacked the acting SS director. Sickening to watch. A bunch of our elected leaders pretended they were outraged at what has happened to the SS yet not a one of them does a single thing to fix anything today. The first thing they should do is break up the DHS and make each organization accountable. The SS is under DHS, a huge bureaucracy that effectively insulates everyone under its authority for any accountability. The FBI needs to be out from under the DOJ as well and accountable directly to congress. The CIA needs to be cleaned out as well. We are living in a police state that is accountable to no one.
I’m with you. And as a combat vet wish to avoid conflict. But I think it a foregone conclusion at this point. Neither side is going to give up. One will get power and try to force the other into their way of life. It always comes to blows.
My fear is these leftists have demonstrated time and time again their complete lack of concern for life other than their own. They will use all the weapons in the arsenal to stay in power. And unlike civil wars past where weaponry was basically equal, this time they control far more powerful stuff than the people have.
Which is why I fear we will be hunted down.
That would be a huge mistake by the left because they haven’t managed to disarm us and the vast majority of privately owned guns are in the hands of conservatives.
The military may be headed up by leftists but the rank and file aren’t. How many of them would be willing to kill their families, friends and neighbors if ordered to do so? When Nicolae Ceausescu ordered his troops to fire on their fellow citizens, they hunted he and his wife down and executed them.
As I have said before here, the rank and file troops are NOT going to turn on their countrymen and families. The leadership has been compromised and needs to be fixed. Yesterday I watched a bit of the political theater that now defines our congress when they gang attacked the acting SS director. Sickening to watch. A bunch of our elected leaders pretended they were outraged at what has happened to the SS yet not a one of them does a single thing to fix anything today. The first thing they should do is break up the DHS and make each organization accountable. The SS is under DHS, a huge bureaucracy that effectively insulates everyone under its authority for any accountability. The FBI needs to be out from under the DOJ as well and accountable directly to congress. The CIA needs to be cleaned out as well. We are living in a police state that is accountable to no one.
I’m with you. And as a combat vet wish to avoid conflict. But I think it a foregone conclusion at this point. Neither side is going to give up. One will get power and try to force the other into their way of life. It always comes to blows.
My fear is these leftists have demonstrated time and time again their complete lack of concern for life other than their own. They will use all the weapons in the arsenal to stay in power. And unlike civil wars past where weaponry was basically equal, this time they control far more powerful stuff than the people have.
And they will use it.
You can steal a tank with a knife.
Yeah. But it’s not the tanks I’m worried about.
Consider this, there are more veterans than active duty.
Yes. And the majority are in the rural areas. Believe me, I live in rural America. They are keeping their powder dry but champing at the bit.