All true, but these groups will still line up and vote D

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Agree. “Blue no matter Who” is Political Dysphoria.

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Why do you think they called them "Blue Dog Democrats?" They'd vote even for a blue dog if it identified as a D!

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Actually it was Yellow Dog Democrats you speak of.

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And may I gently remind you that my favorite president and I only have to go back to Teddy Roosevelt or the equivalency was a Democrat. And his cousin was a kick ass Democrat not Trump Teddy and they both have the most beautiful scary bears. You can probably find them at make a bear.

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Indeed most, not quite all. But if we could persuade just a small fraction to see the light it could change the political climate for a decade. Maybe this invasion is just the thing that will open the eyes and swallow the red pill.

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I think black men are especially waking up to how they have been used and abused by the Dems over the years. If enough vote for Trump and others stay home, Biden could be out.

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he's already out to lunch...

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Totally agree.

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Oh how I hate to sound repetitious. This was on the lips of my current sci-fi Marine. He hated it when his younger buddy said I told you so. Here goes. It's. All. Set. Up. And yes I've already screwed up since yesterday Lord I love being made humble.

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i wouldn't bet my 401 on it. men are running as fast as they can from women exactly because they haven't wised up and indeed are excellerating their nefarious chicanery. to date, there isn't a single female in either party that has shown a capability or the acuity to be president. not one. the closest would be kristi noem but for some reason i don't trust her and no i can't tell you why. well, i suppose i could but i'll keep it to myself for now.

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I hate to say this, but some women, especially Liberal women, have lost the plot. They are a disgrace to me.

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Its crazy. The liberal women dont seem to realize or care that the Trannies are erasing women, including them.

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Yup. They have let their "feelings" get in the way of their brains since the got the right to vote...

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I'm sure they'll swallow, it ain't a red pill

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I especially hope that Jews and blacks will leave that hellhole of voting D.

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mama says stupid is as stupid does...

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The definition of ‘stupid’…..

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i used to believe blacks and women were "stupid" too but now at 75 i have changed that view to malleable and corrupt, two different issues to be sure.

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Kinda the same thing...no?

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well...you can be malleable and be corrupted by others without realizing you have been duped into driving the getaway car of a bank robbery.

you can be corrupt (that guy with three islamic names comes to mind) and not be malleable in the least. he doesn't get used.....he constantly uses others.

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Move the illegals into those buildings. Come next January, when Trump is sworn in, he'll know where they are and can round them up to deport them.

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That is a great idea!!

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That's why the Democrat stronghold of dead voters is invaluable; they can be stabbed in the back frequently but will always be part of the Democrat base.

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There I go mixing metaphors... the article was about treating voters like disposable Kleenex. I should have said dead voters are like the snotty reusable handkerchief of the Democrat party. They are never cleaned from the rolls but always roll Democrat. Constantly soiled, 6 feet under.

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23000 in michigan alone. if any voted i am quite confident they voted donk.

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I know is several states the Dems are fighting like mad to keep the voter rolls without removing the dead. There is one state that has several over 100, one over 124, that have voted faithfully every election.

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Love that!

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These are biological males but moral cowards. What kind of man would even think of taking advantage of women in such an apprehensible way? Mentally ill ones, that's who.

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Up until recently, transgenderism was classified as a mental illness….

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Is that like the reverse Stockholm Syndrome? The Dems assume the mental illness of their captured constituency of Transgenders?

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Money to be made….Preezy did that..

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it still is one. as is homosexuality.

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I liked Rush claiming t/b a Male Lesbian….

He was ahead of his time as stating he was Trans..

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We've sunk very low as a civilization when we are letting men and other women do this to women and girls.

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100%. Is there a greater crime than robbing a child of their innocence?

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No, there is no greater crime. It shows that our society, overall, no longer values children. Most recent example -- extended school closings during COVID when children were at a very low risk of the virus.

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‭‭"'It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.'"

Luke 17:2

‭‭"'If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.'"

Mark 9:42

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Of whom there is NO shortage.

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Anyone who was surprised by how addicted people became to the three IRS COVID Economic Impact Payments can understand the affected groups have short-term memories. Handouts buy votes. Democrats know that.

I am infuriated to the point of spitting nails at the latest stunt by Biden to cancel $1.2 Billion in student loan debt to 153,000 students. This is vote buying at its worst. My wife and I worked and saved for decades to send three kids to college to graduate debt free. We never "upgraded" our cars or home to live and drive like the "cool" people in town in order to do that. Where is my REFUND Mr. Biden? You owe me several hundred thousand dollars. Pay up!

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What irks me even more is that people like my daughter will be paying for those loans. She opted not to go to college, went to vocational tech while still in high school, became a hair stylist and started a full time job two days after graduation. Until she married, she was self supporting and out living on her own, and not in our basement.

The “students” who are getting those billion$ can be earning up to $125K per year and still qualify. My daughter has never made anything close to that amount of money. And she’s now married and raising three kids.

How is this just?

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One of my dearest friends has a story similar to your daughter’s, only as a single-mom, (due to a deadbeat dad), she managed to raise her 4 black sons as a young mom, going back and forth to hairdresser school on the bus, while her Mom watched her young kids, having to battle almost daily against a public school system which continuously tried to keep her sons down, getting them involved in sports teams to keep them out of trouble, and eventually becoming a partner in a salon with her friend, establishing a moderate yet comfortable life for her and her family.

She and her salon partner also bravely stood up against the Covid mandate fearmania, and refused to force masks or other nonsense upon their salon’s clientele. They lost some clients then, but most have come back now!

All her sons are grown now, and men of extraordinary character, and she is even a proud member of the “Grandparents Club”.

She is one of the kindest, most generous, just and God-fearing women I know, and my absolute hero. She humbles me with her life story.

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Your friend’s daughter is one of today’s true “unknown” heroes. She’s a hero for overcoming two government programs that tried to “keep her in her place” instead of succeeding.

For two years in my early career I was a case worker making home calls in the largest welfare district in my county. I learned that the dads disappeared when the government gave mom aid and food stamps, negating the need for a breadwinner in the home. It was barely a living wage, if that. It was almost impossible to break those chains of welfare slavery the government created and shattered the families on the program. (BTW: my district case load had more white families than minority families so this isn’t a race issue).

The second government attempt to put your friend’s daughter back in her place was the obscene, criminal, unconstitutional COVID rules that had NO BASIS in science. It was about control and destruction.

Your friend’s daughter IS A HERO. She overcame two attempts on her family’s life and survival.

Encourage her to write a book.

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Great story! More of this, please.

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Kudos to your daughter and to you as her mom.

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It's not just.

Justice has gone the way of many other good things in life. It's all about grabbing as much grift as you can and believing you deserve it.

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Justice has become JUST-US to the regime in power now.

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You stated it perfectly with those few words!

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Trump will change "What have you done for me lately?" to "Look what I'm doing for you." TRUMP 2024.

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Trump told the Fox town hall that his revenge will be success. MAGA!

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Nothing says revenge like living well or smiling at the bully and being pleasant. That drives bullies insane, especially if you ignore them after that.

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My husband and I are doing that to a neighbour who is making our lives hell and threatening us with lawfare.

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Or, “Look what I’m doing TO you!”

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Biden’s panicked about his ‘student vote’ though and this week announced he would be forgiving $1.3 Billion in student loans. It just simple ‘vote buying’ on the back of the American taxpayer. So far, he’s forgiven close to $130 billion, against the ruling of the Supreme Court not to do so. Biden nose- thumbs anyone who gets in his way.

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With zero pushback from the so-called opposition party, per usual.

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Same principal to Build the Wall or deport 30 million illegals.

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Interesting to see how many students will actually bother to vote.

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"Ditching blacks, women and greens won’t cost [Biden] any votes because he will give them something else to distract them from the knife the party just placed in their backs."

Exactly. And why would blacks, women and greens switch to the GOP, when they see the GOP consistently knifes their base in the back, too? Such is the state of our uni-party system. It's also why I chose "the corrupted seek power" in today's poll.

The most rational vote for president in 2024 must be for the person who has the most incentive to destroy the uni-party, and only one person comes to mind.

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Corrupting power and corrupted power-seekers- two sides of the same coin.

All this should give the Repubs a home field advantage, but for the great number of their “leaders” that are no better.

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Yes, they are related but . . .

Not all who hold power fall prey to corruption and not all who are corrupt seek power, so which is the biggest source of our problems in government? I think the former. Too many good politicians have become turncoats. Whereas, those already corrupted often have a difficult time getting elected with their bad reputation and earn a living in smaller crime circles.

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But what if these groups didn’t line up and vote the Democrat party line?

I think we are seeing some cracks and chasms in the traditional Democrat voting blocks.

Some blacks are now openly stating things were better for them under Trump.

Pissed off blacks are now vocal about being displaced as top dog by illegals.

Other Democrat voters are alarmed at the increased crime in sanctuary cities and the unlivable hell hole some have become with more on the way.

No, I think the Dems have once again overplayed their hand and will suffer when enough of these people do something they rarely do… switch teams or stay home come election season.

We’ll see if they still have a memory come November.

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Election votes on Election Day only…..no mail in, early voting, etc….just 1 Day, all counted That Day.

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Now, that's how an election should be! We manage that in Canada!! Even France manages to do that.

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So what’s the greater problem- Pavlovian dog democrats or election fraud/interference?

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If we could truly eliminate election fraud/interference, there wouldn't be another Democrat elected again at the national level - except in some isolated or local locations.

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Maybe it isn't either/or; could it be both/and?

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Both definitely.

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3rd option on the poll…

Those who want to be corrupted seek Power

‘Blacks, Women and Greens discover the party used them like Kleenex’…correction… Toilet Paper

Destroy the DNC root and branch!

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You just need a young ambitious Rudy/Rudmilla Giuliani that wants to make a name for himself and indict a HUGE number of RICO democrats, republicans, postal workers, attorneys, judges, DAs, FBI agents, news reporters, usw…

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I remember what a HUGE difference Rudy made in NYC - it was amazing

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And it has all been destroyed and NYC is a shithole.

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...but they are patient and WILL get their revenge one way or the other - they waited 30 years to get Rudy, and they finally did...

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A dream devoutly to be wished and a possible trend in a Trump Administration

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Didn't he get hit by a huge court award -- a smaller version of what they're doing to Trump right now? He may not want to return to the spotlight.

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That was the old living-on-his-laurels Rudy that got sued for screwing around vs the determined Assistant DA that used RICO to destroy a generation of the NYC mafia, come up with the broken window policing, turn Times Square from drunks, druggies, & peepshows into the great clean, dynamic NYC. The Guiliani that led NYers after 9/11, inflicted by Clintons on coddling Islamists (followed by Preezy & Clueless Geo W). Not sure where the feisty NY attitude went that has rolled over & let the city become a 3rd world sh-t-hole.

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Good morning, all.

Somebody earlier mentioned Stockholm Syndrome. My take is that the demographics that have always voted D resemble nothing so much as the abused partner in an abusive relationship: Take a beating, abuser comes back with flowers, promises and, possibly, tears - abused partner reaction: "Oh, they are so contrite! This time it will be better." How many will continue to buy into the nonsense?

I shake my head in consternation... How is it that folks don't see the liars for what they are? Is it wishful thinking? Is it thinking at all??

<Le Sigh>

Some days this crap gets me down. Then I remember that it ain't me, and there is still plenty of joy in each day. Particularly when a certain soon-to-be three year-old short person sees me and hollers "There's Granpa!!!" Hoooeee, it don't get much better than that...

Have a great day, everybody.

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Always look for the good!

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Great outlook on life Kv

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Awesome! ♥️

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“Instead of essentially requiring automakers to rapidly ramp up sales of electric vehicles over the next few years . . ."

The auto industry is essentially telling the Dems that they can make electric cars, but they can't make people buy them. Duh!

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He also is under extreme pressure from the loud and violent pro-Hamas wing of his party to sacrifice Israel on the altar of political expediency.

He, and his merry band of national marauders, are hollow excuses for humans, solely motivated by an obscene lust for power and devastation.

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You are right about bidets campaign strategy and results but these voters will vote for a dem even if they cast zero ballots in 2024.Think 81 million votes for bidet in 2020.Nice poll today with an easy coin toss.PDJT is trying to win the indies and more minority votes and may well succeed.Lead on Mr.Surber in the charge to a MAGA 2024 for the HISTORY books. VDH has a new essay on this.

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Super insightful information, Don. Unfortunately until we accept that this is not a Democracy and turn the ship around by waking up, stock in KLEENEX is a good tip. PDJT is the Red Pill.

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