That was the old living-on-his-laurels Rudy that got sued for screwing around vs the determined Assistant DA that used RICO to destroy a generation of the NYC mafia, come up with the broken window policing, turn Times Square from drunks, druggies, & peepshows into the great clean, dynamic NYC. The Guiliani that led NYers after 9/11, infl…
That was the old living-on-his-laurels Rudy that got sued for screwing around vs the determined Assistant DA that used RICO to destroy a generation of the NYC mafia, come up with the broken window policing, turn Times Square from drunks, druggies, & peepshows into the great clean, dynamic NYC. The Guiliani that led NYers after 9/11, inflicted by Clintons on coddling Islamists (followed by Preezy & Clueless Geo W). Not sure where the feisty NY attitude went that has rolled over & let the city become a 3rd world sh-t-hole.
That was the old living-on-his-laurels Rudy that got sued for screwing around vs the determined Assistant DA that used RICO to destroy a generation of the NYC mafia, come up with the broken window policing, turn Times Square from drunks, druggies, & peepshows into the great clean, dynamic NYC. The Guiliani that led NYers after 9/11, inflicted by Clintons on coddling Islamists (followed by Preezy & Clueless Geo W). Not sure where the feisty NY attitude went that has rolled over & let the city become a 3rd world sh-t-hole.