We don’t need Canada in our Union. Way too liberal!

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Besides a good number of them speak French.

We have enough of a problem with press 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish. Don’t want to go to press3.

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A while back, I remember Congress took up the question of making English our official language. It was then I began to mistrust our government when they didn't

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Press one for English. Press two to go back to what ever shit hole you slithered out of.

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The only way it would work is to break up Canada. We do NOT want Quebec, Ontario or British Columbia. Northwest Territory, Yukon, Saskachiwan, Alberta, and Manitoba would be suitable new American States. Not one state of Canada. Forgive my spelling, it is still early.

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Uour borders need to be shorelines , bring them all in .

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My wife is Canadian. We could take Alberta, and maybe Manitoba. Then what would Canada do for money?

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Some Canadian MP last week suggested that Canada annex Washington, Oregon, and California. Politically, that would be a YUGE boost to MAGA, taking away all their Congresscritters (TM).

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Over my dead body. I live in Oregon, and besides, the state only turned sharp Left when they introduced virtually unrestricted mail-in ballots.

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No offense to your wife, but I couldn't help myself but to think of the old joke about the guy whose boss was married to a Canadian.

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Agree. We already have California. If we add a new state, it should be a conservative one.

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I disagree ; most of the libs are in 3 or 4 cities . Under our system the advantages to including the Canucks are greater than not incorporating them . Bring them in as provinces = states . Make the libs earn a living for a change ; they will get religion quickly.

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I heard one commentator make the suggestion to make Canada a territory to avoid the political (congressional) problems. (But I think they still get to vote in the presidential election for the popular vote, don't they? Do they have any EC votes? 🤔) I have no idea!

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I said Macron would be next to leave, most said Starmer. They both suck ass. Starmer may be worse. Either way I’m happy about these evil bastards going away. Starmer deserves to walk through a column of raped white girls with baseball bats…

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I chose zalensky. He’s already received WAY TOO MUCH of our $$$$$. The former comedian has now become threatening like the mafia if he doesn’t get his payoff

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Since in office, Biden has provided $185 BILLION to Zelensky- it’s criminal.

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Definitely hate Biden. He is evil to the core and most likely like Pilosi a psychopath.

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Ben Harwell, a Brit residing in Rome, a commentator with RAV Real America's, describes Biden and the Western leaders engaged in the ill-fated Operation Ukraine to depose President Putin and break up the Russian Federation as "OUR SOCIOPATHIC OVERLORDS". I believe it fits appropriately because of the deaths and destruction this half-baked, Operation Ukraine" has resulted in

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I’ll leave it at sociopath, his whole GD life.

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Not psycho’s, just hyper-entitled like most Dems in power.

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Cookie, he’s a closet Democrat. Arrogant, liar, and corrupt. But eventually the joke will be on him after Trump forces a ceasefire, and insists on a new government that he approves of before one dollar for rebuilding is sent to them. Maybe Zelensky will buy a few suits then and go back to comedy.

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I chose him too. His sell by date is long expired, time to take out the trash. OTH maybe God has a plan to use him in some way.

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As I recall, Zelensky has repeatedly "postponed" new elections (among his other crimes)

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I truly think they have no care whether we live or die.

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Me too! However, as much as Zelensky has done to Russia with the murders of Russian citizens I suspect that the Russian intelligence FSB? will deal with that scum in their appropriate manner when the time comes

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Are you nuts, or a stooge for Putin? He's the one who got this whole thing started, so Zelensky and his troops had a perfect right to kill the Russian invaders.

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🤫 I think you hit that one on the head !

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Agree was a toss up between Starmer & Marcon, but at least, for good or bad, the French people chose Marcon. No one chose Starmer. He got in via the back door. The parliamentary system is confusing as hell.

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Agree with you on Starmer. Macron is just reflective of his fellow French citizens. Grossly arrogant and beyond help. But no one is going to ride to save them when the civil war starts.

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I really think when he was born it was through the “back door.”

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I wouldn't call it a civil war or even an uncivil war. France is chock full of invasive species that tend to want to kill everyone who doesn't conform to their satanic beliefs. They will be strangled by the fifth column now inside their borders. Same for England and Germany.

We need to take massive steps to clean up our own nation or we will soon be sunk as well.

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Macron, like King Tampon of Britain, also married to his mom-wife.

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As did I. I'm afraid Britain is too far gone to reverse course. At least the French have a rural agricultural conservative base (I hope).

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The Brits will eventually rise up and clean up their country. The French will wait for someone else to clean up their country for them. But no one will come to the rescue this time. Fitting.

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Said to say. Marine Le Pen will maybe have a real chance.

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Sadly I agree. We have been in Britain often, and in annually in the past 3 years. It was surprising to see how little their citizens are willing to push back against their gov'ts overreach in their lives. Not to mention incompetence in many spheres.

UK has changed, between the influx of immigrants that don't assimilate, and the globalist/leftist cabal, it barely resembles its former character. One can hope for another Churchill or Thatcher. Farage can help, but I don't think he matches those two giants.

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If they put that on pay per view the UK could probably settle its national debt.

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Quite fitting!

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All the major Newspapers and news channels have little if anything to do with the actual reporting of news.

They have merely become covens of activists regurgitating in lock-step state party-line propaganda, 24-7, 365 days of the year. They are nothing more than the brainwashing arm of the state.

They should come with a warning:

Read or listen to them at great risk to your mental health and overall well being.

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Amen Suzie

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All are on downward spiral which will entail downsizing to stay solvent.

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The only things I care about from Canada are "Jane and the Dragon" and "Jacob Two-Two." Two of the better cartoons for children's programming. Funnier than any Disney and as off-beat as WB's Bugs Bunny & Yosemite Sam. Don't laugh. Two shows that keep me from cussin' and throwing shoes at the TV.

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I have come to the conclusion that network news, the MSM, is dead. But they wont die quickly enough for most of us. They keep pretending they are still relevant even though they lose money, make up stories to get clicks, and outwardly lie. Evolution has replaced them with other forms of media that more closely fit todays culture. But like the US Postal Service, they will not die. Todays network media is more aptly described as public relations for political parties than actual news. As todays boomer generation passes, so will network news. As a boomer, the death of network news can’t come soon enough. I plan to outlast them and lead the cheers at their funerals.

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I realized that I hate the MSM for destroying late night TV like Johnny Carson. I watched a clip last night of Johnny and it was funny as hell. Used to always stay up until after his monologue. There's nothing funny about the monologues now.

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I have cd’s of Carsons shows. Let my two adult sons watch some of them a while back and now they are fans. Especially like the Jon Winters and Robin Williams episodes.

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Would shout to the family to watch when they were on…no replays/DVRs back in the day…(ht Michael Fox in Back to the Future re: Uncle Joey)…

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"I'm gonna stand on the corner and grin when they drag that body in." Good lyrics from an old playlist.

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We need to tear the lid off the lying media and expose them for all to see. The same goes for the Pharma industry and their control over our healthcare, especially control of doctors and hospitals.

My God, we need to tear apart each administrative deep state 'industry' one at a time and get back to real science and real free markets without government controlling every blink of an eye.

As for Canada, and our good friends on this site who make it their home, they will do just fine as they navigate the changes they wish to see. They must create their solution. I hope we (Trump) can help if asked. The biggest step in that change - getting rid of Trudeau - has happened so he felt the pressure of the populace. It's working as it should.

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My how things have changed. The first "news/opinion" source I reach for on the computer every day is Don's column; then the WSJ; then the National Review; and the local paper, the Prescott Courier- that is right 5 days a week of middle of the road local news here. Works for me. NY Post is out (too Generation whatever for me and violent news) and never Wash Post or other rags like that. Life is good starting with Don. BBC follows later in the morning; Reuters is now out as they are going paywall all the way. Life is good. PS- There are a few other conservative opinion pieces I read as well; no point in naming them all.

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I read Don first thing six days a week, and James Kunstler on Monday and Friday.


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Forgot about Kunstler in my post...also Defending the Republic from Sidney Powell's team.

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Thanks for mentioning about Sidney Powell's Defending the Republic. I had not heard of it and just went to it and bookmarked it. She had alot of courage in challenging the 2020 election, and they beat her up bad for that. Was glad to learn she's running a site.

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the only conservative voice you named was don surber.

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Thanks for your opinion. Don't agree with you.

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no problem here. it's an open forum.

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dbw is right, you're missing alot.

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NY Post seems pretty middle of the road to me. I think they are trying to be fair and balanced, if that is at all possible today.

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I agree. For one thing, the Post had no qualms about reporting all the horrible crimes that black NY hoodlums were committing -- in broad daylight, too.

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I also start with Don...then devotions (I know - that sounds backwards, but I need a right perspective after Don reminds me each morning how screwed up the world is...).

Then Citizen Free Press, American Thinker, Revolver, and whatever those lead to. Then the non-political peeps at YouTube and Rumble (health, church and guitar/music related stuff).

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That reminds me of my favorite nephew; a retired police officer and retired Lutheran minister.

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After devotional at InTouch.org, then The Wright Report podcast (I download the transcript so I can read slower than he talks), by then Don’s substack is up, then Ace, Insty, Legal Insurrection, Stately McDaniel Mansion. CFP through the afternoon and evening. It’s fun.

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It amazes me that every week I learn of about 5 more news sources that people are regularly using that I had never heard of. There really is a very vibrant new media industry being built before our eyes.

While meanwhile the old 'mainstream' media continues to commit suicide on the alter of liberal advocacy.

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In 1980 when CNN came on the scene my FIL remarked about that being a game changer for news. Having live broadcasts from around the globe in real time would be so enlightening.

I reminded him of that observation 40 years later and he said something along the lines of "what a wasted endeavor that turned out to be".

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Jane Fonda liked it…

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I don't think anyone here is fonda Jane.

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i live in mid-michigan and have since i was born (on and off) and i can tell you that canada is full of good people who support bad governance because they lack confidence in the shadows of america.

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We have a place on lake Michigan. Lots of good people there. But you all keep voting for the worst Democrats over and over again. So Im not sure your argument holds true here. I think there is a bigger issue going on here that needs fixed before we start any nation building. Trumps joking and ribbing of Canada’s PM was just that, a joke. Can’t believe so many people have read so much into it. We are broke, suffocating in debt, and sharply divided as a country. Wee can’t afford Canada.

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i don't believe anyone seriously thinks canada is for sale or annexation. at least not anyone i know.

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They have a lot more spotted owls to save forests from…

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If that is true, the last four years of having Biden to watch has been an injection of high-energy confidence for them to go out and change the world and solve every problem known to mankind.

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``What is best in life?'' Surber the Barbarian's answer: ``To crush CNN, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.''

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That quote has been modernized to "hear the lamentations of the LGBTQ crowd".

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Nope, sorry, even at that I don't want to hear a sound made by Anderson Cooper.

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“Pulitzer prize winner Ann Telnaes had drawn a cartoon of the paper’s owner kneeling before Donald Trump.”

I searched Google images for Ann Telnaes cartoons. Every one of the results was an unhinged anti-Trump/anti-MAGA screed. I'm sure she'll find work elsewhere.

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My local paper here in Chattanooga has two editorial pages, one hard left and the other moderate right. The cartoonist for the left, Clay Bennett, is local and is a rabid Trump hater. On the right side, the cartoon is often a Michael Ramirez who, in my opinion, is the Michelangelo of political cartoonists. What I have found is that the right leaning cartoonists take their shots and both the left and the right (mostly left, of course), but that the left leaning cartoonists virtually never take shots at the leftists.

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Dittos on Ramirez as Michelangelo!

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Had never heard of Michael Ramirez, just looked him up. Thanks for drawing attention to him.

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50 stars and one maple leaf! What a charming idea! Or maybe the silhouette of a hockey player?

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If we could get a real discount on maple sugar, ... oh nevermind.

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Perhaps a simple circle - a hockey puck - for a star?

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The poor, poor legacy media. My heart bleeds for them. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place, they are losing money, laying off employees, and getting their asses sued all at the same time. Need I say that it couldn't happen to a more deserving group of slimeballs.

In the poll, I picked Starmer given that the U.K. is acting more like North Korea than ever. Glad that the Brits are finally waking up to their corrupt elites and hopefully throwing them into the gutter where they belong.

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"Truth will ultimately prevail where pains are taken to bring it to light." George Washington

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Not surprised about the Black Market aspect of the CNN trial. I lived in Ceausescu’s Romania for a few years and all of those Eastern Bloc countries operated on the Black Market because their own currencies were worthless. I’m sure that it was the same in the USSR. In Romania, all you needed was Kent cigarettes. They were the currency that everyone used and the packs got “spent” by everyone. If a Romanian actually smoked them, it was a form of bragging. So it fits in perfectly with the folks at the Communist News Network.

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Ahhh, Kent cigarettes. Bring back so many memories.

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I had a young economics teacher in college that related to us how the value of national currency is established. He was from Iran or Iraq as I recall and funny is heck. Where he came from he said they could have based it on Chevy Monte Carlos because everybody craved owning one. His last name was Barakat (sp?) and everybody referred to him as Bear Cat and he loved it.

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The Lamestream Media is largely populated with people with journalism degrees. 95% of journalism schools today are run by rat bastard commies. Think there just might be smidge of bias coming from them?

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I’m close to dropping the WSJ because the news division is leaning more and more to the left, and less and less well written. Adding a WaPo “journalist” isn’t boding well for my continued support.

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I left when non-stuttering Gigot editorial called the Tea Party Blood and Earthers…Blüt und Boden in Nazi parlance…

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It's Blut und Boden, without the umlaut on the u.

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