I also start with Don...then devotions (I know - that sounds backwards, but I need a right perspective after Don reminds me each morning how screwed up the world is...).
Then Citizen Free Press, American Thinker, Revolver, and whatever those lead to. Then the non-political peeps at YouTube and Rumble (health, church and guitar/music related stuff).
I also start with Don...then devotions (I know - that sounds backwards, but I need a right perspective after Don reminds me each morning how screwed up the world is...).
Then Citizen Free Press, American Thinker, Revolver, and whatever those lead to. Then the non-political peeps at YouTube and Rumble (health, church and guitar/music related stuff).
I also start with Don...then devotions (I know - that sounds backwards, but I need a right perspective after Don reminds me each morning how screwed up the world is...).
Then Citizen Free Press, American Thinker, Revolver, and whatever those lead to. Then the non-political peeps at YouTube and Rumble (health, church and guitar/music related stuff).
That reminds me of my favorite nephew; a retired police officer and retired Lutheran minister.