Ben Harwell, a Brit residing in Rome, a commentator with RAV Real America's, describes Biden and the Western leaders engaged in the ill-fated Operation Ukraine to depose President Putin and break up the Russian Federation as "OUR SOCIOPATHIC OVERLORDS". I believe it fits appropriately because of the deaths and destruction this half-baked, Operation Ukraine" has resulted in
Definitely hate Biden. He is evil to the core and most likely like Pilosi a psychopath.
Ben Harwell, a Brit residing in Rome, a commentator with RAV Real America's, describes Biden and the Western leaders engaged in the ill-fated Operation Ukraine to depose President Putin and break up the Russian Federation as "OUR SOCIOPATHIC OVERLORDS". I believe it fits appropriately because of the deaths and destruction this half-baked, Operation Ukraine" has resulted in
I’ll leave it at sociopath, his whole GD life.
Not psycho’s, just hyper-entitled like most Dems in power.