Gee, the media's heads are exploding. Take a Tylenol. They are doing it to themselves, but they blame everyone else. This week their coverage of the State of the Union will be a ratings disaster the likes of which they have never seen. I'm on my knees praying that Trump holds a rally while Turnip Head is at the podium. That will make my day...and my days are hard to make.
A Trump rally while the blithering idiot mumbles on and the bobble heads jump up to applaud after every inane statement is a marvelous idea! I truly hope a whole bunch of people are whispering this in The Donald's ear. I for one will not have my TV on otherwise.
Oh dear! That means that our fearless leader will have to watch the entire thing! I thank him in advance for doing something I am not quite up to doing. We have a Missions meeting at church, or something. Anything.
LOL, you scallywag. Maybe I should have indicated it is the "Foreign Missions" that meets. I can't possibly get medicated enough to watch FJB on TV without a MUTE button. I've quit driving at night, but if they want me at the meeting, they'll pick me up. Go ahead and get old if you're a mind to, I just try to make it look easy.
I'm slow on the draw today, said the Monday Man, which cannot be blamed it on TV. You and I bailed out on that garbage when Coolidge was staring down the Boston cops. My problem with age is that I've never made it look difficult. Need a brain freeze? Is The Turtle McConnell charging too much for his services (impersonation of mute totem pole)? Come on over to Discount Don's!
I gotta book for you: "Looking For Trouble," by Virginia Cowles, who weighed about 115 pounds but had b*lls of steel. Published in 1941-42; reprinted by Faber & Faber in 2021. My hardcover arrived today and it literally disintegrated one minute after it popped out of the box (cheap glue binding). Taped it up (Christmas-Gift-Wrap by Scotch is heaven-sent) and knocked off the first 50 pages in record time. Buy the softcover. I hear it's stitched together with rebars.
As with a Somerset Maugham booklet read last week, margin note: "It's amazing how fast the reading goes when the writers are competent."
Sage advice: "I give up on books I don’t like before getting to really dislike whoever wrote it." --- Brian Moynahan.
Oh wow! A reader of hardbacks (or even 2nd hand, or cheap paperbacks). You'll appreciate My Family Saga that happened one steamy August in Corpus Christi TX. The hottest book at the time, "To Kill a Mockingbird." It belonged to my sister, as did the house and the newborn that Mom, Dad and I were visiting. We all took turns sneaking the book to some covert place to read it. We didn't have enough sense to wipe our fingerprints off each time.
Annoyance at suspended animation of some people younger than I am, who assay to be our "leaders" causes a lot of my strum and drang! That, and knowing I am the oldest living person in my family line. Dammit, I started out the baby of the family. Fambly, if you prefer the southern voice. I accidentally took a nap while watching Judge Judy and so I'm up late enough to play with a fellow bibliophile. Good morrow, then.
That's some family, each surreptitiously dusting the book for the fingerprints! Reminds me of Nancy Mitford (UK) during WWII turning in her sister Diana Mosley as a potential traitor (DM and her husband proceeded to spend about two years in the clink!). I believe the story is that DM didn't find out who fingered her until years later (somehow, these two sisters later reconciled). Have a morrow good as well.
Oops, almost forgot, watch the Colorado Secretary of State (Griswold) lose her mind by the end of May 2024 (and this continues for the next year after that, possibly even out to December 2025)!
Sec. State Griswold errs in that she knows not the Constitution. In your lifetime, how many unanimous decisions have been rendered by the Supremes? That was delicious to watch.
03/04/24: "They are doing it to themselves, but they blame everyone else." Perfect... A Trump rally during the Vegetable State of The Union Regress would be a brilliant thing to do.
1. “ MSNBC talking head Joyce Vance is panicked. Trump is winning in court, the one territory that liberals believe they still own.”.
Well, they pretty much DO own them, especially in Blue states.
2. “ The Democrat plan is twofold.”
It is actually 3-fold. They want to also Bankrupt him.
3. “ The Jeff Bezos Post argued that President Trump is clogging up the Supreme Court with all these appeals.”
Biden’s open borders are now beyond overwhelming the court system with millions upon millions of phony asylum appeals, that would take the courts decades to adjudicate - if ever.
4. In the poll, I picked “Lee Harvey Oswald missing the shot” because it’s such an intriguing thought about what JFK might have done about the attack, particularly discovering the CIA’s direct involvement. It also would make a great book or movie.
I think saving MLK Jr would have been better for the country; JFK was a democrat after all and it is unclear how strong his faith was. MLK Jr would likely have brought this nation closer to God.
But MLK was playing footsie with the Commoes in his later years so that did not look promising for the future aims of his movement.
JFK, on the other hand, was getting shocking awareness of the corrupt adventures our military and IC were participating in and pledged to put a stop to it. Hence, he be dead.
plus if Lee Harvey Oswald had missed the shot, we wouldn't have had LBJ and his destructive War on Poverty and the subsequent destruction of the black family!
Some think the CIA was involved because had said he wanted disband it.
I voted for James Earl Ray's shot miss so MLK Jr. Was able to continue he work. His successors pretty much undermined everything he accomplished. Abernathy was useless and the of course There were the race baiting Reverends Jackson and Sharpton
I Love Good News, Don’t y’all Love good news… I thought so.
But this seems like deja vu all over again (credit to Yogi) don’t it. Trump gets stiffed and then winds up standing there like a Champ. Gd where has this played out before.
The d-rats are going to steal this one too folks if we don’t figure this out and fast.
Sometime last year T said he had a plan to counter the voter theft and cheating.
I hope so cause if all he has is ‘Vote Harvesting’ then we, the country, the nation the continent and all of Western Culture is F’d…
GOD IS IN CONTROL.... AND HEARS OUR PRAYERS! Let's not be FAINT of Heart! We are beyond grateful for this SCOTUS decision and it will carry us forward for a long time. We must keep up the work and support for the Chosen One, President Donald John Trump!
03-04-24: If he once again surrounds himself again with dinosaurs that don't understand the computerized voting grifters and their methods, all is lost. And if he hasn't, starting at this late date is the road to disorganization and defeat.
I do so agree Don, I’m sick of feeling this impending doom that while we’re blowing smoke, the d-rats are getting ready to drop the llumber on us. This summer is going to be terrible riot wise and who knows what they’re mixing in the viral soup to be realeased in the falll. We seem to sleep walking into this!
Oswald misses and we don't have an LBJ presidency. No big fight over the 1964 race relations bill.The welfare state would shrink. Different outcome in Viet Nam? What's not to like.
03-04-24: Fani's post-legal career will be doing Weight Watcher ads with Whoopi (now that The Chicago Wombat has taken her victory laps and stepped back from her six-year campaign to lose six pounds). Impossible? Money will melt the word "No" like an ice cube on a hot stove.
I don’t care how much she has lost. You ever see her without makeup? There ain’t enough Scotch that would allow me to wake up next to that along with the photos I’ve seen of her nasty bunions & hammer toes.
At that age, all they attract are the types that the one and only Moldy Oldie, Leona Helmsley, hired and then convinced herself that he was in love with her (hell-fire ensued when she discovered that Boy Toy was dating Jussie Smollett on the sly...).
03/05/24: I used to use that line until one day, I realized that the ladies were drinking twice as much trying to improve MY looks (faux humility ensued). As for Oprah, her rear end is still smoking from the spanking she got from Big Mike (possibly the only worthwhile mission accomplished by America's churlish Worst Lady).
Option 3 in the cat's survey is not valid, as there is no reliable proof that Obama was born in Hawaii. The long form birth certificate that was posted on the White House web site has been conclusively proven to be a forgery.
There's a high level of humor on this site, both in Don's columns and in the comments. 15% of it I KNOW goes completely over my head, cuz I puzzle over an odd statement that I suspect must be humor; and I bet an additional 15% is humor that I didn't even recognize enough to puzzle over.
It took a minute to piece the timing to the inferred event in the poll. That photoshopped birth certificate must have been slopped together by a kid in high school - it was so phony. Yet, the story died and nothing was ever provided as proof. Any reasonable person knew at that point all the "conspiracy" theories were true.
Ron Polland, a graphics expert (he created the original short form "birth certificate" that fooled everyone, including Snopes, for a while) thinks the long form forgery is as good as can be expected. He created his own that is 99% identical to the White House form using only what can be found on the Internet. You can read about it here:
It requires a Scribd account, but you can get a trial account, download the result, then cancel your account. I have saved all the pertinent information in pdf format, which I can't share here.
The Democrats (communists) believe that you are guilty once charged with a crime (unless of course you are a democrat being charged). The panic in the liberal hive is palpable. Expect a call to disband or stack SCOTUS later today after Trump wins 8-1 (KJB probable Birdbrain)
I once thought there was no one more ignorant than Sotomayor, she just needs to be chased on foot out of the country. But the Trash Bin in Georgia opened up, and out popped Fani Willis, the worst piece of trash ever to be thought up. There is no way in this world she qualifies legally as a Judge of anything or as a District Attorney. Harvard should be razed to the ground or turned into an asylum for Liars, Cheaters, and Trash.... among other things...
. I live in Georgia so my patience is long gone. show do we get her out of here? There are so many MORE AROUND WHO ARE JUST LIKE HER!!!!!!!! These people are so nervy, they just Do Whatever They Want to Do- her attitude is very common. Bring back Trump AND Citizens' Arrest.
I want to see Fani's and Letitia's LSAT scores for law school. Their grades would be a nice additional piece of evidence for proving their incompetence.
If Trump wins (when), sotomayor will resign, possibly Kagan too so FJB can nominate and get a younger crazier liberal on court for years (1st Transgender?)
Good things often come in 3's..... the Big Oaf in the Basement is near resignment..... retirement... re-location out of country.... life re-assignment... non-functional recalling..... whatever, it is waay past his time....
What did Trump say back in the beginning--(paraphrasing, can't remember exactly)--"There's going to be so much winning; you're going to get tired of winning." !!!!!
Last comment--but in Trumps live comments today at noon, he could raise the "frivolous lawsuit" point that the plaintiffs ought to have to pay his legal fees he had to spend defending himself.
Liberal heads would explode even more, and it would deflect alot of their criticism of the Supreme Court and focus it instead on defending themselves from the horrendous idea of them being liable for Trump's legal fees.
Today is a great Day , America is already becoming GREAT AGAIN! 9 to 1 VOTE for President Trump's case! I hear happy music playing.... na ... na na na, can't Touch This! And its only Monday!
Since he was sworn in, there has been a debate whether to push Biden aside and replace with Kamala, or Newsom at the 2024 convention. But in truth, their hands have been tied all along…
1. Invoking the 25th or simply removing him from the ticket on the convention floor without his blessing would be an admission they backed an unfit man in the first place. Their credibility would be wrecked, and Trump would effectively “pounce”. Joe himself cannot step out voluntarily and cite new health concerns because of potential legal concerns, and he can’t trust potential successors to place his interests above their own to make the, go away.
2. Biden cannot leave office without pardoning himself, his family, and his associates that could rat him out if a Trump justice department followed up on the mountains of evidence of serious wrongdoing.
3. Pardons of this sort before November would be an electoral disaster for him, or any subsequent candidate who would take his place. So he can’t trust Kamala, Gavin, or any other person to honor that commitment to do the pardons (but himself).Pardoning himself and leaving the race would doom the replacement. The replacement certainly couldn’t pardon him before the election and hope to win.
4. Even if a replacement candidate had won, they’d be harming their own chances in 2028 if they replicated what Ford did for Nixon, so Joe’s best way to guarantee protection for his family is to hang around until at least the election to do the pardons himself.
5. In the event of a loss, Biden’s story will be “a vengeful incoming administration is out to get me and my friends, so I have no choice but to protect them from this tyrant”. He may even simultaneously pardon Trump to appear magnanimous, but in reality to avoid the humiliation of losing those cases. He would claim to be placing the squabbles between both parties behind us, and want a cookie for it.
Even the mere plausiblilty of a Trump win traps Biden on the ticket because of his family’s shady dealings. He has to be in office when the votes are counted.
The Dems should play "Let's make a deal". They should ask their party this at the convention: "Should we choose the moron behind door No. 1, or the moron behind door No. 2, or the moron behind door No. 3?
Gee, the media's heads are exploding. Take a Tylenol. They are doing it to themselves, but they blame everyone else. This week their coverage of the State of the Union will be a ratings disaster the likes of which they have never seen. I'm on my knees praying that Trump holds a rally while Turnip Head is at the podium. That will make my day...and my days are hard to make.
Never interrupt your enemy when he’s in the process of destroying himself.
Kinda like the CCP's attitude toward us...
yeah like having your enemy make all your steel and all your medications......
Pretty much everything
Unfortunate that Trump wasn’t picked to rebut the SOTU address. That would have been…interesting.
He should do it anyway
03/04/24: Perfect. That mushroom from Alabama (rebuttal) would end up with six viewers (five more than FJB).
A Trump rally while the blithering idiot mumbles on and the bobble heads jump up to applaud after every inane statement is a marvelous idea! I truly hope a whole bunch of people are whispering this in The Donald's ear. I for one will not have my TV on otherwise.
Oh dear! That means that our fearless leader will have to watch the entire thing! I thank him in advance for doing something I am not quite up to doing. We have a Missions meeting at church, or something. Anything.
Lawsy: "A skydiving jump at that time of night?! I'm in!"
LOL, you scallywag. Maybe I should have indicated it is the "Foreign Missions" that meets. I can't possibly get medicated enough to watch FJB on TV without a MUTE button. I've quit driving at night, but if they want me at the meeting, they'll pick me up. Go ahead and get old if you're a mind to, I just try to make it look easy.
I'm slow on the draw today, said the Monday Man, which cannot be blamed it on TV. You and I bailed out on that garbage when Coolidge was staring down the Boston cops. My problem with age is that I've never made it look difficult. Need a brain freeze? Is The Turtle McConnell charging too much for his services (impersonation of mute totem pole)? Come on over to Discount Don's!
I gotta book for you: "Looking For Trouble," by Virginia Cowles, who weighed about 115 pounds but had b*lls of steel. Published in 1941-42; reprinted by Faber & Faber in 2021. My hardcover arrived today and it literally disintegrated one minute after it popped out of the box (cheap glue binding). Taped it up (Christmas-Gift-Wrap by Scotch is heaven-sent) and knocked off the first 50 pages in record time. Buy the softcover. I hear it's stitched together with rebars.
As with a Somerset Maugham booklet read last week, margin note: "It's amazing how fast the reading goes when the writers are competent."
Sage advice: "I give up on books I don’t like before getting to really dislike whoever wrote it." --- Brian Moynahan.
Oh wow! A reader of hardbacks (or even 2nd hand, or cheap paperbacks). You'll appreciate My Family Saga that happened one steamy August in Corpus Christi TX. The hottest book at the time, "To Kill a Mockingbird." It belonged to my sister, as did the house and the newborn that Mom, Dad and I were visiting. We all took turns sneaking the book to some covert place to read it. We didn't have enough sense to wipe our fingerprints off each time.
Annoyance at suspended animation of some people younger than I am, who assay to be our "leaders" causes a lot of my strum and drang! That, and knowing I am the oldest living person in my family line. Dammit, I started out the baby of the family. Fambly, if you prefer the southern voice. I accidentally took a nap while watching Judge Judy and so I'm up late enough to play with a fellow bibliophile. Good morrow, then.
That's some family, each surreptitiously dusting the book for the fingerprints! Reminds me of Nancy Mitford (UK) during WWII turning in her sister Diana Mosley as a potential traitor (DM and her husband proceeded to spend about two years in the clink!). I believe the story is that DM didn't find out who fingered her until years later (somehow, these two sisters later reconciled). Have a morrow good as well.
Oops, almost forgot, watch the Colorado Secretary of State (Griswold) lose her mind by the end of May 2024 (and this continues for the next year after that, possibly even out to December 2025)!
Sec. State Griswold errs in that she knows not the Constitution. In your lifetime, how many unanimous decisions have been rendered by the Supremes? That was delicious to watch.
03/04/24: "They are doing it to themselves, but they blame everyone else." Perfect... A Trump rally during the Vegetable State of The Union Regress would be a brilliant thing to do.
Awesome idea DJ
great point
Great idea!
A few of points:
1. “ MSNBC talking head Joyce Vance is panicked. Trump is winning in court, the one territory that liberals believe they still own.”.
Well, they pretty much DO own them, especially in Blue states.
2. “ The Democrat plan is twofold.”
It is actually 3-fold. They want to also Bankrupt him.
3. “ The Jeff Bezos Post argued that President Trump is clogging up the Supreme Court with all these appeals.”
Biden’s open borders are now beyond overwhelming the court system with millions upon millions of phony asylum appeals, that would take the courts decades to adjudicate - if ever.
4. In the poll, I picked “Lee Harvey Oswald missing the shot” because it’s such an intriguing thought about what JFK might have done about the attack, particularly discovering the CIA’s direct involvement. It also would make a great book or movie.
I think saving MLK Jr would have been better for the country; JFK was a democrat after all and it is unclear how strong his faith was. MLK Jr would likely have brought this nation closer to God.
But MLK was playing footsie with the Commoes in his later years so that did not look promising for the future aims of his movement.
JFK, on the other hand, was getting shocking awareness of the corrupt adventures our military and IC were participating in and pledged to put a stop to it. Hence, he be dead.
Actually, they both be dead.
Kinda says a lot.
Makes me feel like I'm not doing enough for my God and country... they haven't even tried to kill me yet.
He was also playing footsie with a bunch of underage groupies.
plus if Lee Harvey Oswald had missed the shot, we wouldn't have had LBJ and his destructive War on Poverty and the subsequent destruction of the black family!
Some think the CIA was involved because had said he wanted disband it.
I voted for James Earl Ray's shot miss so MLK Jr. Was able to continue he work. His successors pretty much undermined everything he accomplished. Abernathy was useless and the of course There were the race baiting Reverends Jackson and Sharpton
I Love Good News, Don’t y’all Love good news… I thought so.
But this seems like deja vu all over again (credit to Yogi) don’t it. Trump gets stiffed and then winds up standing there like a Champ. Gd where has this played out before.
The d-rats are going to steal this one too folks if we don’t figure this out and fast.
Sometime last year T said he had a plan to counter the voter theft and cheating.
I hope so cause if all he has is ‘Vote Harvesting’ then we, the country, the nation the continent and all of Western Culture is F’d…
GOD IS IN CONTROL.... AND HEARS OUR PRAYERS! Let's not be FAINT of Heart! We are beyond grateful for this SCOTUS decision and it will carry us forward for a long time. We must keep up the work and support for the Chosen One, President Donald John Trump!
03-04-24: If he once again surrounds himself again with dinosaurs that don't understand the computerized voting grifters and their methods, all is lost. And if he hasn't, starting at this late date is the road to disorganization and defeat.
I do so agree Don, I’m sick of feeling this impending doom that while we’re blowing smoke, the d-rats are getting ready to drop the llumber on us. This summer is going to be terrible riot wise and who knows what they’re mixing in the viral soup to be realeased in the falll. We seem to sleep walking into this!
Oswald misses and we don't have an LBJ presidency. No big fight over the 1964 race relations bill.The welfare state would shrink. Different outcome in Viet Nam? What's not to like.
Fanni caught in the wringer. Touche!
03-04-24: Fani's post-legal career will be doing Weight Watcher ads with Whoopi (now that The Chicago Wombat has taken her victory laps and stepped back from her six-year campaign to lose six pounds). Impossible? Money will melt the word "No" like an ice cube on a hot stove.
I don’t care how much she has lost. You ever see her without makeup? There ain’t enough Scotch that would allow me to wake up next to that along with the photos I’ve seen of her nasty bunions & hammer toes.
Still, waking up NEXT to her is better than waking up under her. You'd be pinned forever until she awakened.
At that age, all they attract are the types that the one and only Moldy Oldie, Leona Helmsley, hired and then convinced herself that he was in love with her (hell-fire ensued when she discovered that Boy Toy was dating Jussie Smollett on the sly...).
03/05/24: I used to use that line until one day, I realized that the ladies were drinking twice as much trying to improve MY looks (faux humility ensued). As for Oprah, her rear end is still smoking from the spanking she got from Big Mike (possibly the only worthwhile mission accomplished by America's churlish Worst Lady).
I think the Chicago Wambat owns weight watchers.
another Don great one!
“… Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Georgia, the prosecution got its Fani caught in the wringer …”
You did it again, Don. Priceless.
I still prefer the references to the upper portion of the anatomy...
Hey SL (or even Mrs SL)
If you’re reading this say Hi OK
If it weren’t for privacy issues, Don may be able to let us know ;)
Yep, many of us here have been thinking of you.
👋 SL!! Hope you’re doing well!
Hey SL, keep on a trucking. we are thinking of you and hope to see you sooner than later.
I want to add my well wishes too. Miss your posts first thing each weekday.
Option 3 in the cat's survey is not valid, as there is no reliable proof that Obama was born in Hawaii. The long form birth certificate that was posted on the White House web site has been conclusively proven to be a forgery.
Ah... thanks! That poll choice went completely over my head. Now I get it!
The cat went for subtle. Had to
There's a high level of humor on this site, both in Don's columns and in the comments. 15% of it I KNOW goes completely over my head, cuz I puzzle over an odd statement that I suspect must be humor; and I bet an additional 15% is humor that I didn't even recognize enough to puzzle over.
Dons secret sauce hooks ya.
I am right there with you....
Same here TPG
It took a minute to piece the timing to the inferred event in the poll. That photoshopped birth certificate must have been slopped together by a kid in high school - it was so phony. Yet, the story died and nothing was ever provided as proof. Any reasonable person knew at that point all the "conspiracy" theories were true.
Ron Polland, a graphics expert (he created the original short form "birth certificate" that fooled everyone, including Snopes, for a while) thinks the long form forgery is as good as can be expected. He created his own that is 99% identical to the White House form using only what can be found on the Internet. You can read about it here:
It requires a Scribd account, but you can get a trial account, download the result, then cancel your account. I have saved all the pertinent information in pdf format, which I can't share here.
The Democrats (communists) believe that you are guilty once charged with a crime (unless of course you are a democrat being charged). The panic in the liberal hive is palpable. Expect a call to disband or stack SCOTUS later today after Trump wins 8-1 (KJB probable Birdbrain)
Re: KJB, in fairness, she was one of the tougher interrogators of the idiot Colorado attorneys.
If anyone is a dissenter it would be most likely be Sotomayer, who was the most squishy on the issue.
Hard to know since Sotomayor likely to exit soon. If DJT wins expect her resignation 11/5 :)
I remain hopeful, it would be a reason to CELEBRATE!
Gayle, there is always someone worse than Sotomayor and Kagan. They are reasonable compared to those graduating Harvard and Yale Law today.
I once thought there was no one more ignorant than Sotomayor, she just needs to be chased on foot out of the country. But the Trash Bin in Georgia opened up, and out popped Fani Willis, the worst piece of trash ever to be thought up. There is no way in this world she qualifies legally as a Judge of anything or as a District Attorney. Harvard should be razed to the ground or turned into an asylum for Liars, Cheaters, and Trash.... among other things...
. I live in Georgia so my patience is long gone. show do we get her out of here? There are so many MORE AROUND WHO ARE JUST LIKE HER!!!!!!!! These people are so nervy, they just Do Whatever They Want to Do- her attitude is very common. Bring back Trump AND Citizens' Arrest.
I want to see Fani's and Letitia's LSAT scores for law school. Their grades would be a nice additional piece of evidence for proving their incompetence.
I think that Soto-Dumpy would be digging in her heels, trying to outlast Trump.
If Trump wins (when), sotomayor will resign, possibly Kagan too so FJB can nominate and get a younger crazier liberal on court for years (1st Transgender?)
Good things often come in 3's..... the Big Oaf in the Basement is near resignment..... retirement... re-location out of country.... life re-assignment... non-functional recalling..... whatever, it is waay past his time....
She will never exit and allow DJT to nominate her replacement.
Ah yes, the wise Latina...
I think there's a higher birdbrain count than that on the court.
Yes the BB count is 7 on the court with Alito and Thomas clear headed.
most of the time, anyway....
I DO so admire your faith!
SCOTUS has a little integrity. Case is a long shot.
9-0 yeah
What did Trump say back in the beginning--(paraphrasing, can't remember exactly)--"There's going to be so much winning; you're going to get tired of winning." !!!!!
That said, though, America likes a beleaguered underdog more than a gloating winner, as Don's column today points out. So low key is best, I'm sure.
Last comment--but in Trumps live comments today at noon, he could raise the "frivolous lawsuit" point that the plaintiffs ought to have to pay his legal fees he had to spend defending himself.
Liberal heads would explode even more, and it would deflect alot of their criticism of the Supreme Court and focus it instead on defending themselves from the horrendous idea of them being liable for Trump's legal fees.
PLEASANTLY SURPRISED.... I must admit, it was a bit worrisome....
Today is a great Day , America is already becoming GREAT AGAIN! 9 to 1 VOTE for President Trump's case! I hear happy music playing.... na ... na na na, can't Touch This! And its only Monday!
Since he was sworn in, there has been a debate whether to push Biden aside and replace with Kamala, or Newsom at the 2024 convention. But in truth, their hands have been tied all along…
1. Invoking the 25th or simply removing him from the ticket on the convention floor without his blessing would be an admission they backed an unfit man in the first place. Their credibility would be wrecked, and Trump would effectively “pounce”. Joe himself cannot step out voluntarily and cite new health concerns because of potential legal concerns, and he can’t trust potential successors to place his interests above their own to make the, go away.
2. Biden cannot leave office without pardoning himself, his family, and his associates that could rat him out if a Trump justice department followed up on the mountains of evidence of serious wrongdoing.
3. Pardons of this sort before November would be an electoral disaster for him, or any subsequent candidate who would take his place. So he can’t trust Kamala, Gavin, or any other person to honor that commitment to do the pardons (but himself).Pardoning himself and leaving the race would doom the replacement. The replacement certainly couldn’t pardon him before the election and hope to win.
4. Even if a replacement candidate had won, they’d be harming their own chances in 2028 if they replicated what Ford did for Nixon, so Joe’s best way to guarantee protection for his family is to hang around until at least the election to do the pardons himself.
5. In the event of a loss, Biden’s story will be “a vengeful incoming administration is out to get me and my friends, so I have no choice but to protect them from this tyrant”. He may even simultaneously pardon Trump to appear magnanimous, but in reality to avoid the humiliation of losing those cases. He would claim to be placing the squabbles between both parties behind us, and want a cookie for it.
Even the mere plausiblilty of a Trump win traps Biden on the ticket because of his family’s shady dealings. He has to be in office when the votes are counted.
The Dems should play "Let's make a deal". They should ask their party this at the convention: "Should we choose the moron behind door No. 1, or the moron behind door No. 2, or the moron behind door No. 3?