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A few of points:

1. “ MSNBC talking head Joyce Vance is panicked. Trump is winning in court, the one territory that liberals believe they still own.”.

Well, they pretty much DO own them, especially in Blue states.

2. “ The Democrat plan is twofold.”

It is actually 3-fold. They want to also Bankrupt him.

3. “ The Jeff Bezos Post argued that President Trump is clogging up the Supreme Court with all these appeals.”

Biden’s open borders are now beyond overwhelming the court system with millions upon millions of phony asylum appeals, that would take the courts decades to adjudicate - if ever.

4. In the poll, I picked “Lee Harvey Oswald missing the shot” because it’s such an intriguing thought about what JFK might have done about the attack, particularly discovering the CIA’s direct involvement. It also would make a great book or movie.

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I think saving MLK Jr would have been better for the country; JFK was a democrat after all and it is unclear how strong his faith was. MLK Jr would likely have brought this nation closer to God.

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But MLK was playing footsie with the Commoes in his later years so that did not look promising for the future aims of his movement.

JFK, on the other hand, was getting shocking awareness of the corrupt adventures our military and IC were participating in and pledged to put a stop to it. Hence, he be dead.

Actually, they both be dead.

Kinda says a lot.

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Makes me feel like I'm not doing enough for my God and country... they haven't even tried to kill me yet.

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He was also playing footsie with a bunch of underage groupies.

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plus if Lee Harvey Oswald had missed the shot, we wouldn't have had LBJ and his destructive War on Poverty and the subsequent destruction of the black family!

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Some think the CIA was involved because had said he wanted disband it.

I voted for James Earl Ray's shot miss so MLK Jr. Was able to continue he work. His successors pretty much undermined everything he accomplished. Abernathy was useless and the of course There were the race baiting Reverends Jackson and Sharpton

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