Going forward I will be asking this on a regular basis “Has the Secret Service removed the gas stoves from the White House to protect the President yet?”

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Wish I'd written that

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Dittos to you both.

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Dittos to both of you

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Gas is very very dangerous. All the scary gases. That’s why when you drive down the street you live on or on the highway, have you noticed how all the trees next to the road are dead? You know from all the bad poison gases coming out of the bad combustion engine exhausts 24/7/365, just covering those poor trees? What...the trees aren’t dead? They have to trim back the vigorously growing trees and the shrubs and the grasses to keep them off the road? Everything they tell us is a lie. But it’s not going to stop. Trump’s a Nazi, but Joe Biden and the Democrats stifle free speech, break the law, commit treason and rig elections. The status quo no longer serves the people, the taxpayers, or the national interests. It serves the interests of a small group of parasites. I don’t know how to fix this. It’s deep seated rot

and the edifice probably has to crumble and be bulldozed and rebuilt.

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How to "fix" things. PRAY!

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Let. It. Fall. Burn. Salt. The. Earth.

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Perfect refute but we are preaching to the deaf by design.

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You can’t fix dumb. We have about a 40% dumb problem in this country.

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They would be better off turning the power breaker off to them. My Gma had dementia. She would turn the stove on and forget. The stoves are usually on their own breaker so it was a simple solution that didnt upset her.

Of course with as idiotic as Xiden is, and his help, they would probably light the white house on fire.

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"The last president to get 59% of the vote (actually 61%) was Richard Nixon in 1972."

Not arguing, but how does an incumbent gain 12M voters and lose? 2020 was prolly more than Nixon, but that is the 'beauty' of ballots that are not signed...

Hell, even Jimmy Dore is broadcasting that hundreds of feds were instigating J6... I need to call my wife and tell her I love her as the world is ending :-D

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"Fire every political appointee" FROM A CANNON. There, I fixed it for you. 🤣

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"Fire every political appointee" - Would that be like standing political appointees in front of a wall before shouting, "Ready...Aim...FIRE!"?

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How about: First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers (Henry VI, Part 2) because most of them are the bureaucrats and appointees anyway.

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Actually, present (Don Surber) company excluded, I've recently been thinking 'First let's kill all the so-called journalists / reporters AND their editors.

Can you IMAGINE if they all actually thought there would be actual CONSEQUENCES to their lies of BOTH commission and omission!??

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Oh there are consequences and some day they will answer to GOD.

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That might be the case (but if you haven't noticed lately, God is on the ropes) But humans live in the here-and-now, and that is where the the consequences to the corrupt media-propagandists urgently must occur if we are to have a chance at anything good in the future.

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God? On the ropes? What God are you talking about? Not the God who created the heavens and the earth!

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Excellent upgrade.

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Not firing political appointees (by Obama, no less, so yukky) was Trump's biggest 1st Term mistake. He won't make that one again. He should have retired every Obama appointed military flag officer too, you know the ones, had to agree with women on the front combat lines and a fighting force to accommodate all the Corporal Klingers. After Biden I think it will be easier to just empty all the federal buildings, including the Pentagon, and restaff them from scratch.

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How about dual citizens. You either are loyal to the United States or not.

Start with the insider Ukrainian citizens, with their safe backstop of American citizenship, that are bringing the U.S. to the brink of Nuclear War with Russia.

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Yes. That means those roly poly Air Farce twins, for sure.

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Thank you for reading another article so we don’t have to.

I am shocked that she didn’t report that PDJT would be bringing in many Russian assets, including Vladimir Putin himself to set policy.

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A little too early in the campaign. "Government Media" has those articles ready for next year.

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7 fold Amen. Cue the choir.

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I'll sign up for that choir!

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Me too

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"Vote TRUMP! Or spay and neuter your kids. Your choice."

T-shirts and bumper stickers to follow.

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Society is treating children like cats and dogs.

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In my view, they're treating them even WORSE.

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Maybe because society prefers dogs and cats to children, in my view. I tell young people that animals won’t take care of them in their old age. Of course, the gubmint prefers no children because then old people can be put down as easily as dogs and cats, maybe more easily.

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Perhaps many of these federal agencies need to be relocated out of DC and moved to such places as the Arctic National Wildlife Preserve or Guam. The now empty buildings could then be used to house all the illegal “migrants “ in a safe and human way in what would be a true sanctuary city. Make them walk the talk.

I doubt Ron! is able to come up with such a novel approach to our nations woes.

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Not too many to Guam, please. It could tip over.

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Schlongy that is a flagrant foul!!!!!!

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It might tip over because it's experiencing hurricanes/storms now, I think. Where's Hank Johnson when you need him?

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The FBI headquarters should be moved to a strip mall in Timmonsville SC Hometown of of the last crime fighting FBI Agent Melvin Purvis.

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As far as your question of the day, Mr. Surber, every single employee of the Biden regime has been a disaster. Even my former hometown newspaper, The Boston Herald, tried to complement former town drunk Marty Walsh, the Biden regime's secretary of labor. The Herald actually said that "Marty Walsh has not been involved in the many scandals that take place daily against Biden political appointees"

That may be true, but The Herald was hard pressed to name anything he has accomplished either. It's pretty hard to screw up on a daily basis when you get hammered every morning and refuse to be seen in public. A regular "ButtplugPete" this guy is.

Walsh never did anything worthwhile as the mayor of Boston either.

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The fact that they are all disasters is a feature, not a bug.

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I'd like to expound on your comment. Joe Biden is a pathological liar about everything he has ever said or claimed. I know of no better way to keep the spotlight off himself than by surrounding yourself with people far worse than he is. Look at buttplugPete and tell me what she has accomplished besides nothing. Merrick Garland is not only incompetent, but also a pathological liar and it was THE most stupid president in United States history who nominated this ass to the Supreme Court

You couldn't ask Bidens press secretary, Karrine Jean Pierre, the time of day cuz she'd lie about that too.

Then there is the media. They have been lied to so often that they no longer can tell the truth, which is why outlets such as CNN only hire homosexuals, such as the fat eunoch Brian Shelter or the idiot Anderson Cooper.

Everything people see these days is a fraud.......and that is why I keep the Faith because there is no Hope otherwise. I find it interesting that the media says the same thing, only they offer no Hope. The Bible does. May God Bless and Protect Holy America--and He Will because He Said He would.

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“Ye shall know the truth and it will set you free. John 8:32”

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You do know Jesus is talking about Himself in that verse, right?

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Easy choice today. Not only should all these brain dead appointees be fired, the three-letter agencies should be scuttled next. Obviously the FBI, CDC, NIH, CIA, but also the Dept. of "Education" (indoctrination/dumbification)... Return those powers to the states and (even better) local communities.

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Government works best and most effective that is the nearest to where people live.

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If it is limited to allowable by constitutionality.

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That’s the thing, isn’t it? As we are closer to the members of local government, we stand a better chance of influencing and monitoring them than the DC creatures.

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Axios needs to report an in-kind donation to the Trump campaign for that article. That is pretty much every complaint I as an independent, slightly left of (old) center, have with the country right now. If we can't jail people for burning cities, no one should be jailed for making a mess in the Capitol because some lawmakers peed their pants that the people they serve came to visit. And we should not be doing invasive cosmetic surgery on children while filling them full of hormones that will destroy their bodies. And the "intelligence" agencies need to just flat out go because they can't be trusted to not turn into some kind of Stasi. So while I'm not sure about Trump 2024, I am sure that Axios's complaints are his selling points.

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Great column, Don! Trump is the only candidate that will take on DC with a fire hose. I think he understands the depth of the corruption now; in his first term he naively thought there were just a few bad apples, but that most of government was working for the people. I don't hear anyone one else who addresses the fact that most of government is working against us.

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Right on! Trump came to the White House first as a gentleman. This time, he will come as a Fire Marshall!

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The sheer chutzpah of insinuating Trump will instill more control of citizens than the rat bastard commies pulling the Biden strings is just mind blowing.

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If I wanted to read fiction, I would pick up a book by Ludlum or The NY Times. Axios is bird cage filler.

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Why subject your bird's guano to that? Doesn't it deserve better?

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Even the liberal, Democrat lawyer Dershowitz said the other day in his podcast that the front page of the NY Times reads 'like fiction' and the paper seemingly can't tell the difference between editorializing and reportage......

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It's option #2 today, followed by #1, but because those appointees and their staffs will refuse to leave, their terminations won't be processed. Therefore, what he needs to do is have the Mossad physically remove each and every one - the military won't because the Joint Chiefs of Staff will not give the orders - they will not recognize the CiC as such.

"The news site Axios promised its readers, 'Trump's 2025 vision, revealed.'"

"News site?" Seriously, Don?

"...not only is the press bad but it is undermining America."

You are far too kind - I'd replace, 'bad' with, 'evil.'

"'Is social media next?'"

Zuckerberg sure hopes so.

"'The U.S. surgeon general is...calling on tech companies, parents and caregivers to take "immediate action to protect kids now."'"

Wow. Is THAT ever the height of arrogance - an official of the US federal government instructing parents to do their jobs - being parents, protecting their own kids. Well, maybe in the ghetto.

"Is she the only person in America left who does not realize Obama’s FBI spied on Trump while he was running for president?"

Of course, not - it's fine with her.

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Sophia Cai, the budding journo, an Asian American woman would do well to peer down a little deeper and clear up the Biden Mystery. There is not much mystery to Donald Trump, since he tells you what he will do and then he DOES it. The FJB Corp., OTOH, hides their skeletons all the deeper and dares an illiterate press to try to run the peep on them. I would love to wax eloquent towards my ''enemies'' on the left, but we are now at the point where our prayers will avail much more. It's a long road to The Nomination and it is mostly uphill.

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But is Sophia an XX woman or an XY wimin? No one on the looney left can or even wants to answer that question.

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I see only a few agree with me but my first impulse is to lock down DC, PERMANENTLY. Fortunately I rarely act on my first impulses. But I sometimes express them, which is why my nickname is mad dog.

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Locked out, not locked down

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My choice was lock it down.

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Is 'blow it up' a choice? Asking for a friend.

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