As far as your question of the day, Mr. Surber, every single employee of the Biden regime has been a disaster. Even my former hometown newspaper, The Boston Herald, tried to complement former town drunk Marty Walsh, the Biden regime's secretary of labor. The Herald actually said that "Marty Walsh has not been involved in the many scandal…
As far as your question of the day, Mr. Surber, every single employee of the Biden regime has been a disaster. Even my former hometown newspaper, The Boston Herald, tried to complement former town drunk Marty Walsh, the Biden regime's secretary of labor. The Herald actually said that "Marty Walsh has not been involved in the many scandals that take place daily against Biden political appointees"
That may be true, but The Herald was hard pressed to name anything he has accomplished either. It's pretty hard to screw up on a daily basis when you get hammered every morning and refuse to be seen in public. A regular "ButtplugPete" this guy is.
Walsh never did anything worthwhile as the mayor of Boston either.
I'd like to expound on your comment. Joe Biden is a pathological liar about everything he has ever said or claimed. I know of no better way to keep the spotlight off himself than by surrounding yourself with people far worse than he is. Look at buttplugPete and tell me what she has accomplished besides nothing. Merrick Garland is not only incompetent, but also a pathological liar and it was THE most stupid president in United States history who nominated this ass to the Supreme Court
You couldn't ask Bidens press secretary, Karrine Jean Pierre, the time of day cuz she'd lie about that too.
Then there is the media. They have been lied to so often that they no longer can tell the truth, which is why outlets such as CNN only hire homosexuals, such as the fat eunoch Brian Shelter or the idiot Anderson Cooper.
Everything people see these days is a fraud.......and that is why I keep the Faith because there is no Hope otherwise. I find it interesting that the media says the same thing, only they offer no Hope. The Bible does. May God Bless and Protect Holy America--and He Will because He Said He would.
As far as your question of the day, Mr. Surber, every single employee of the Biden regime has been a disaster. Even my former hometown newspaper, The Boston Herald, tried to complement former town drunk Marty Walsh, the Biden regime's secretary of labor. The Herald actually said that "Marty Walsh has not been involved in the many scandals that take place daily against Biden political appointees"
That may be true, but The Herald was hard pressed to name anything he has accomplished either. It's pretty hard to screw up on a daily basis when you get hammered every morning and refuse to be seen in public. A regular "ButtplugPete" this guy is.
Walsh never did anything worthwhile as the mayor of Boston either.
The fact that they are all disasters is a feature, not a bug.
I'd like to expound on your comment. Joe Biden is a pathological liar about everything he has ever said or claimed. I know of no better way to keep the spotlight off himself than by surrounding yourself with people far worse than he is. Look at buttplugPete and tell me what she has accomplished besides nothing. Merrick Garland is not only incompetent, but also a pathological liar and it was THE most stupid president in United States history who nominated this ass to the Supreme Court
You couldn't ask Bidens press secretary, Karrine Jean Pierre, the time of day cuz she'd lie about that too.
Then there is the media. They have been lied to so often that they no longer can tell the truth, which is why outlets such as CNN only hire homosexuals, such as the fat eunoch Brian Shelter or the idiot Anderson Cooper.
Everything people see these days is a fraud.......and that is why I keep the Faith because there is no Hope otherwise. I find it interesting that the media says the same thing, only they offer no Hope. The Bible does. May God Bless and Protect Holy America--and He Will because He Said He would.
“Ye shall know the truth and it will set you free. John 8:32”
You do know Jesus is talking about Himself in that verse, right?