This was a good week indeed for Trump but no one should let their guard down now this close to the finish line. The unelected state has not gone anywhere. I would just add one thing to Dons excellent article here, and that is that we should remember the gentleman who was killed and the two people injured simply because they wanted to support their candidate. Those three people and their families will never be the same. They paid a very high price for their support in a country that prides itself on freedom to choose its leaders. God bless them.
After Saturday’s shooting due to such lax security (what an understatement!) some guy in Twitter was telling Trump just to “come on down to the hood and grab some guys and we’ve got your back! No problem.”
Even more telling about the irrational mentality of the SS boss lady...there will (likely) be zero resignations...not her's, nor her 'diversity is our strength' team of women involved in this most recent D.I.E. shitshow of absurdity.
Physical limitations should be enforced in any and all fields requiring the carrying or dragging of 230 pounds of dead weight! Also, required the mental hard-wiring to face terror, not flinch or freak out in a firestorm. Men and women are NOT CREATED THE SAME. Praise the Lord!!
Not funny.... but did you notice the one who was more concerned about getting her sunglasses on than getting Trump in the SUV!? The same one, whose height only reached to Trumps' stomach...where she was burying her head.
There are STILL those of us who wisely celebrate being from Venus and who TREASURE, APPRECIATE AND WORSHIP THOSE FROM MARS. Typically we marry, and give birth to our very own SECRET SERVICE DETAIL!
Which is exactly what happened in the stands behind President Trump as bullets were flying... SUPERDAD HERO of the day (CORY D. COMPERATORE) laid down his life, WITHOUT HESITATION, to save his family! HEARTBREAKING and SO WRONG for him to be gone due to all these sicko losers ruining our country. Give to his widow at GOFUNDME!
One of the purported reasons that Pres. Trump had the "B Team" (at best) is because both Dr. Jill and Kamala were in PA. Dr. JIll visiting the Pittsburgh Secret Service office reportedly. Really? When was that scheduled? Smells
If it's proven that the two police snipers on the roof behind Trump had their weapons trained on the shooter yet waited until he squeezed off several rounds before killing him, these three people may have a cause of action. Those two snipers need to be interrogated at length to get the truth. Their uniforms said "Police" but only God knows for sure who they work for.
None of it adds up. You got a cop climbing the ladder to confront the kid. He didn't have his weapon drawn but he has the sniper team covering him. The kid points his weapon at the cop but the counter sniper team doesn't take him out. The kid was an imminent threat at that point and should have been dropped. It doesn't add up??
IF the MONSTER actually pointed his rifle at the cop...then HOW was he able to turn and line up his shot, fire repeatedly before the SS(?)sniper watched the whole thing unfold but waited to take him out?
There is so much information coming out every hour it is mind boggling to me how the SS screwed this up. They had a sniper team in the very building that the shooter used to fire from!!!!!!!!!!!! Right now, the SS and DHS are busy rewriting history and getting stories to match. It will be a long time before we know what really took place that day. But I have a feeling that the SS head will be done shortly and she could very well take a lot of people with her out the door. I respect the SS but they have been terribly degraded this past ten years or so.
This whole thing stinks of DEI, as a life-&-death demonstration of its foolishness. Firstly, the new head of the Secret Service is a woman whose main qualification was that she was in charge of security at Pepsi-Cola; and she clearly failed to reconnoiter the terrain for potential threats. Maybe she was concerned about Coca-Cola interfering at the rally.
Then, during the incident, there are at least two women visible that are part of the SS group that's surrounding Trump, but they are utterly useless, with the one visible in front ducking -- DUCKING!!! -- instead of staying upright to do her job of protecting the President, which includes taking if bullet if necessary. In addition, she looks to be about 5'5", when all the guys are 6 feet or more (Trump is 6'3")
If anything shows the utter stupidity of the Wokeism that has infected DC, this is IT.
A bunch of people are going to take the fall for this orchestrated failure and she and her boss need to be among them. But first, get rid of DHS and get the subordinate agencies reorganized to make them more efficient.
Agreed, Never turn your back on your opponent. That is especially true even if they are beaten. MacArthur and Marshall understood that better than anyone. Sadly, we have leaders in both Houses of our congress who worry too much about optics and not enough about winning.
Indeed. I learned The Lesson first in sports when I was younger. 'Miraculous comebacks' snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. DO NOT take the foot off of the gas. Or the back of their neck.
It is heart breaking that those three families thought they were just going to a rally to enjoy the day and left it with such devastation. The story should be about them just as much as Mr. Trump. Too many Americans seem to take collateral damage like this much too calmly. I hope our party drubs the lefts nose in this senseless act for years to come. The Democrat party orchestrated and created this environment of hate just as surely as we are writing these comments. I hope the public backlash and the election in November is so painful for them that they never recover.
Donald Trump has turned the Republican Party into a cohesive, shoulder-to-shoulder army that is a threat to the evil forces in Washington DC. They have no idea what they are in for. It will be a steamroller four years followed by eight more under JD Vance's leadership. God Bless Donald Trump, who took a bullet for all of us, and never flinched. Always remember the clenched fist and the words, "Fight, fight, fight.". We owe our future to him. And we will fight like hell!
Indeed. Cautious optimism is in order. Trouble is 99.9% of politicians on the day they are elected start campaigning for the next election. Which usually means kissing EVERYONE's ass. We will see.
And your article doesn’t even mention Musk’s commitment to give the Trump campaign $45 million each month going up to the election.
I donated to Trump on Sunday as many others did. I’d like to see what the total for the first 24 hours after the attempt was. And now he gets a bump from the convention.
We the people must demand that Smith and Merrick Garland reimburse our Treasury for the millions they stole to prosecute the stupid classified documents case against Trump.
The accountability needs to be swift and painful - and displayed publicly. They'll call it retribution. We must reframe it as Constitutional justice. Merrick Garland must be driven from government and go to the assisted living center with Biden. Jack Smith just needs to go to hell.
And the $50 million the country spent litigating Hillary’s fake ‘Russian Dossier’ - but we all know that Dems like to spend, hence the current inflation, brought on ironically by the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’. 🙄🙄🙄
People say that government - municipal, state, and Federal - spend taxpayers' money like drunken sailors. As a Navy veteran, I wish to say that the money drunken sailors spend is THEIRS, not others.
We can only hope. If Trump crosses the finish line, can we actually convict some of these a-holes and send them to prison for a very long time? That's the only thing that will make other Dem operatives and deep staters think twice about illegal activity under the cover of their federal jobs ...
Predictably they are appealing Judge Cannon's dismissal, wasting more $$ and throwing more red meat to the Left.
One important note on the Constitutional issue re. the appointments clause, other Special counsels (Hur, Weiss for example) are U.S. attorneys and thus HAD been voted on by Congress. Jack Smith was not. Don't forget that Smith also persecuted Gov McDonnell and the resulting guilty verdicts were overturned by SCOTUS.
My son, an army veteran of two tours to Iraq when it was still hot, had mixed emotions about Vance- saying he was Ivy league and, of course, off course in his early disdain for Trump.
I explained growing up hillbilly (as did I- I called my grandparents mamaw and papaw too), joining USMC out of high school, then doing Ohio State in 2 years, before Yale Law- is no where close to being Ivy League.
The icing on the cake for my son though was me sending him a link of what Vance said in reply to a retired general saying derogatory things about Vance when he was running for Senate. Vance said something like: ‘Oh, how many wars did you win. Let’s see- ZERO. And how much fine wine did you imbibe with bigwigs when kids like me were dying in your wars. And how much would you profit from a war with Russia?’
My son said those words wonderful to a dad’s ears- “Yeah, I get it now”.
Here’s a great profile of JD you might want to read and share with your son. I found it extremely informative, heartening and encouraging about our our soon to be new VP
Yesterday's Republican Convention was like game one of the World Series. The good guys shellacked their deranged Democrat opponents. The standing room only crowd had more spirit than the Republican party has shown in the 89 years of my lifetime. When JD Vance was announced as the vice president candidate the ticket became unbeatable. But Monday was just the beginning. This is a short four game series, one that ends with DJT's triumphant acceptance speech on Thursday. I'm on the edge of my seat, like never before. Tune in folks, there's never been anything like it.
Probably more than half. But we also know they are opportunists and will go whichever way the wind is blowing. Remember, their first and foremost goal is keeping their place in the Swamp.
I am never sure just how many of our caucus are with us and how many are faking it. You may be right about the number. I just wish more of the ones who are with us would develop some leadership skills and pull the group together. We have a serious leadership shortage in the party in both the House and Senate.
Most ordinary decent people never even contemplate going into politics - ick. Unless they feel compelled because they feel things truly bad, like a Trump or a Vance and only a handful of others.
Those who do get into politics are as a rule egocentric, power-loving, conmen, with little to no moral fiber and easily able to lie to you to your face. It’s the nature of the beast.
That’s why a system of, by and for THE PEOPLE is the most essential form of government in order to keep the crooks and liars in line.
It's not like me but I think there might be reason for hope here. I saw a clip from the convention yesterday where Mitch McConnell was booed rather ferociously.
And right up until he was announced, Lindsey Graham and all the chief RINOs (like Mitch, Romney, Cheney, et al), were lobbying feverishly to keep Vance OFF the ticket!
Tells you all you need to know Trump picked the right guy.
Yes, people like McConnell start out being part of the team but then stick around so long that they start to see themselves as the power rather than the people's voice. McConnell isn't a bad guy. He is probably as much responsible for the three SCOTUS picks as Trump was. But that is not enough. He has hung around too long and now is part of the resistance.
Yes, very true. Funny thing about momentum, once you have it going for you, the naysayers don't have much room to fight you. I suspect that come 20 Jan 2025, the dynamic in the House and Senate is going to change by a factor of 10X. McConnell will likely be gone and I hope Johnson as well. There is simply no time left for people who want to maintain the status quo. And if I were Ukraine, I would be seeking a negotiated settlement right now.
The RINO's are like a chameleon, they campaign like a tough conservative, say all the right things, get re-elected, and go back to their own agenda. I agree, time to get rid of them at the ballot box and elect real conservatives.
Agree. DJT has Biden on the ropes, but without a down ballot win, the Congress and the Deep State can resist any reforms as they did in his first term of office.
NBC: “…(E)specially with the upheaval in the Democratic Party, you know, more and more people I think are a little bit confused as to who to vote for.”
BIDENI: “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t in your right mind.” REPEAT THE LINE
TRUMP: “If you come for the king…you better not miss.”
With the selection of Vance as VP, the Dems will have to shift to pushing Kamala Harris off the ticket. At this point, everyone knows a vote for Biden will be a vote for Harris, and her approval ratings are even lower than his. No one but the most delusional hard-line leftists believes she is qualified, nor is she a cogent defender of his record. As "Border Czar" she is very vulnerable on perhaps the most important policy failure in recent history. Vance will be a powerful proxy for Trump and actually elevate his candidacy among independent fence-sitters and some future-former never-Trumpers like himself.
Selecting Vance as his running mate was genius, in my opinion. His CV is unbelievably great and his populist creds are solid. He should mop the floor with Kamala in any debate. If the Dems somehow decide to dump her, they will have to replace her with another DEI (read black) Democrat or risk further alienating black voters.
The only reservation I had about Vance was that he's only been in the Senate a couple of years. But yesterday I watched him put a journalist in his place, and it was glorious.
He’s definitely got his head on straight, both personally and politically. Another is his expansive experience outside the world of politics, from his upbringing, to tech, well, to real life.
And he by no means suffers fools gladly.
He could very well be just the guy we want in the White House for the next 12 years!
I understand your concern, however, having only two years in D.C. is probably a good thing in that he hasn't been contaminated by the Inside the Beltway disease of graft and corruption. On the other side of the ledger is Joe Biden who has been in D.C. for decades and look how utterly corrupt he is. Also, Bob Menendez who was just convicted of taking bribes and influence peddling.
Gun control lefties on social media have been whining, “Why would God save just one man when he wouldn’t save an entire classroom of kids?” I reply, God didn’t save just one man, he saved an entire nation. GBDJT. FJB.
All of those lefties lamenting the loss of kids in a classroom (which I lament as well.) have no problem with the murder of 65 million unborn children. Those kids in the classroom are nothing but props for the left to use in their effort to disarm and rule over us.
Pullin Morning Joe off the air is a measure of the Left's fear. Your neighbor has allowed his nasty dog roam, attacking people and other dogs at will. Suddenly, a new sheriff comes to town to announce, "I shoot nasty dogs running loose." The dog owner thinks, "Maybe I should keep my dog in my yard today."
Chuckles the Schumer tweeted, “This breathtakingly misguided ruling flies in the face of long-accepted practice and repetitive judicial precedence. It is wrong on the law and must be appealed immediately. This is further evidence that Judge Cannon cannot handle this case impartially and must be reassigned.”
Agreed, she must be reassigned. President Trump can appoint her to the next federal appellate opening after January 20.
However, the Commie Democrats' obsession and maniacal lust for power knows no bounds. They will try again and level a whole city block with explosives if they have to...and blame it on a registered Republican, declare martial law, install a new puppet.
Or on white supremacists and and compare it to Timothy McVey's assault on Democracy. Ugh. They are predictable and ever so dangerous because they feel cornered.
This was a good week indeed for Trump but no one should let their guard down now this close to the finish line. The unelected state has not gone anywhere. I would just add one thing to Dons excellent article here, and that is that we should remember the gentleman who was killed and the two people injured simply because they wanted to support their candidate. Those three people and their families will never be the same. They paid a very high price for their support in a country that prides itself on freedom to choose its leaders. God bless them.
I wish this was mine but it isn’t…
Trump has 3 Baby Momma’s, a mug shot and 34 Felony convictions AND now has also been shot. He has more street cred than most new gen Rappers
Now that is hilarious! Dana White of UFC fame says Trump is the baddest badass of all time.
After Saturday’s shooting due to such lax security (what an understatement!) some guy in Twitter was telling Trump just to “come on down to the hood and grab some guys and we’ve got your back! No problem.”
I saw BubblePuppy has the link to him above!!
Great for up close protection - but nothing long range. They can't shoot. 🤔
Even more telling about the irrational mentality of the SS boss lady...there will (likely) be zero resignations...not her's, nor her 'diversity is our strength' team of women involved in this most recent D.I.E. shitshow of absurdity.
Physical limitations should be enforced in any and all fields requiring the carrying or dragging of 230 pounds of dead weight! Also, required the mental hard-wiring to face terror, not flinch or freak out in a firestorm. Men and women are NOT CREATED THE SAME. Praise the Lord!!
Not funny.... but did you notice the one who was more concerned about getting her sunglasses on than getting Trump in the SUV!? The same one, whose height only reached to Trumps' stomach...where she was burying her head.
There are STILL those of us who wisely celebrate being from Venus and who TREASURE, APPRECIATE AND WORSHIP THOSE FROM MARS. Typically we marry, and give birth to our very own SECRET SERVICE DETAIL!
Which is exactly what happened in the stands behind President Trump as bullets were flying... SUPERDAD HERO of the day (CORY D. COMPERATORE) laid down his life, WITHOUT HESITATION, to save his family! HEARTBREAKING and SO WRONG for him to be gone due to all these sicko losers ruining our country. Give to his widow at GOFUNDME!
One of the purported reasons that Pres. Trump had the "B Team" (at best) is because both Dr. Jill and Kamala were in PA. Dr. JIll visiting the Pittsburgh Secret Service office reportedly. Really? When was that scheduled? Smells
The Wednesday before his rally on Saturday I heard.
Trump is a gangsta! Who would have thought he would get that kinds of street cred?
If it's proven that the two police snipers on the roof behind Trump had their weapons trained on the shooter yet waited until he squeezed off several rounds before killing him, these three people may have a cause of action. Those two snipers need to be interrogated at length to get the truth. Their uniforms said "Police" but only God knows for sure who they work for.
None of it adds up. You got a cop climbing the ladder to confront the kid. He didn't have his weapon drawn but he has the sniper team covering him. The kid points his weapon at the cop but the counter sniper team doesn't take him out. The kid was an imminent threat at that point and should have been dropped. It doesn't add up??
IF the MONSTER actually pointed his rifle at the cop...then HOW was he able to turn and line up his shot, fire repeatedly before the SS(?)sniper watched the whole thing unfold but waited to take him out?
Yep! As Bongino says why was Pres. Trump on the stage when they had spotted the shooter 26 min earlier!
And I don't think we are ever going to find out other than it just doesn't add up.
There is so much information coming out every hour it is mind boggling to me how the SS screwed this up. They had a sniper team in the very building that the shooter used to fire from!!!!!!!!!!!! Right now, the SS and DHS are busy rewriting history and getting stories to match. It will be a long time before we know what really took place that day. But I have a feeling that the SS head will be done shortly and she could very well take a lot of people with her out the door. I respect the SS but they have been terribly degraded this past ten years or so.
This whole thing stinks of DEI, as a life-&-death demonstration of its foolishness. Firstly, the new head of the Secret Service is a woman whose main qualification was that she was in charge of security at Pepsi-Cola; and she clearly failed to reconnoiter the terrain for potential threats. Maybe she was concerned about Coca-Cola interfering at the rally.
Then, during the incident, there are at least two women visible that are part of the SS group that's surrounding Trump, but they are utterly useless, with the one visible in front ducking -- DUCKING!!! -- instead of staying upright to do her job of protecting the President, which includes taking if bullet if necessary. In addition, she looks to be about 5'5", when all the guys are 6 feet or more (Trump is 6'3")
If anything shows the utter stupidity of the Wokeism that has infected DC, this is IT.
Perfectly put Wim !
She has reportedly refused to step down.
We shall see.
A bunch of people are going to take the fall for this orchestrated failure and she and her boss need to be among them. But first, get rid of DHS and get the subordinate agencies reorganized to make them more efficient.
She needs to be fired.
Write your reps. I wrote both my senators and my congressman Sat eve.
If she won’t step down she needs to be fired
Well it will be fun when he fires her in January... but leaves her plenty of time to try again.
Should be fired Day 1 of (may God grant this) Pres. Trump's return to the presidency.
You got that right. Never, NEVER let the opponent up and get back in the game.
Run them thru.
Agreed, Never turn your back on your opponent. That is especially true even if they are beaten. MacArthur and Marshall understood that better than anyone. Sadly, we have leaders in both Houses of our congress who worry too much about optics and not enough about winning.
Because their hobbies to look like they do something, not to actually do something.
Fat fingering everything this AM plus autocorrect is ridiculous
*job not “hobbies”
And they are good at it too.
Indeed. I learned The Lesson first in sports when I was younger. 'Miraculous comebacks' snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. DO NOT take the foot off of the gas. Or the back of their neck.
Amen to that, brother.
“If you aim for the king, you’d best not miss.”
💔😢 Amen.
“Some gave all”
It is heart breaking that those three families thought they were just going to a rally to enjoy the day and left it with such devastation. The story should be about them just as much as Mr. Trump. Too many Americans seem to take collateral damage like this much too calmly. I hope our party drubs the lefts nose in this senseless act for years to come. The Democrat party orchestrated and created this environment of hate just as surely as we are writing these comments. I hope the public backlash and the election in November is so painful for them that they never recover.
Fabulously put!
Donald Trump has turned the Republican Party into a cohesive, shoulder-to-shoulder army that is a threat to the evil forces in Washington DC. They have no idea what they are in for. It will be a steamroller four years followed by eight more under JD Vance's leadership. God Bless Donald Trump, who took a bullet for all of us, and never flinched. Always remember the clenched fist and the words, "Fight, fight, fight.". We owe our future to him. And we will fight like hell!
That’s exactly what I thought in 2016. Eight years of Trump and at least four years of Pence. That didn’t work out so well.
But hope remains…..
Indeed. Cautious optimism is in order. Trouble is 99.9% of politicians on the day they are elected start campaigning for the next election. Which usually means kissing EVERYONE's ass. We will see.
Which Trump doesn't need to do, since this will be his second and final term in office.
Spot on A.D.
And your article doesn’t even mention Musk’s commitment to give the Trump campaign $45 million each month going up to the election.
I donated to Trump on Sunday as many others did. I’d like to see what the total for the first 24 hours after the attempt was. And now he gets a bump from the convention.
Oh, the schadenfreude!
Missed that one. Sorry
I bought his stock when he was fined a half billion.
Me too. Heard on the radio today that it’s up 31% since the attempt on his life.
I did the same - ponied up $100 - and would do more if needed, but I think Elon has it covered!
We the people must demand that Smith and Merrick Garland reimburse our Treasury for the millions they stole to prosecute the stupid classified documents case against Trump.
The accountability needs to be swift and painful - and displayed publicly. They'll call it retribution. We must reframe it as Constitutional justice. Merrick Garland must be driven from government and go to the assisted living center with Biden. Jack Smith just needs to go to hell.
Yes. I said last week, being punished for a crime is not retribution. It’s justice.
Jack Smith and Merrick Garland are lucky that corporal punishment is prohibited by the Constitution.
Is it?
Yes - in the Eighth Amendment
I think treason is punishable by death.
It most certainly is.
Ah yes. Difference between corporal and capital.
And the $50 million the country spent litigating Hillary’s fake ‘Russian Dossier’ - but we all know that Dems like to spend, hence the current inflation, brought on ironically by the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’. 🙄🙄🙄
People say that government - municipal, state, and Federal - spend taxpayers' money like drunken sailors. As a Navy veteran, I wish to say that the money drunken sailors spend is THEIRS, not others.
Well said.
"Smith’s investigation and prosecution..."
Make that Smith’s investigation and PERSECUTION. There, I fixed it.
We can only hope. If Trump crosses the finish line, can we actually convict some of these a-holes and send them to prison for a very long time? That's the only thing that will make other Dem operatives and deep staters think twice about illegal activity under the cover of their federal jobs ...
Start with Joe Biden who, at one of his rallies, accused Trump of rape. He should be sued for defamation.
Predictably they are appealing Judge Cannon's dismissal, wasting more $$ and throwing more red meat to the Left.
One important note on the Constitutional issue re. the appointments clause, other Special counsels (Hur, Weiss for example) are U.S. attorneys and thus HAD been voted on by Congress. Jack Smith was not. Don't forget that Smith also persecuted Gov McDonnell and the resulting guilty verdicts were overturned by SCOTUS.
kind of humorous that they have to appeal to the 11th Circuit, that is Justice Thomas's venue.. did you read his dissenting opinion?
Should be a nice chuckle
My son, an army veteran of two tours to Iraq when it was still hot, had mixed emotions about Vance- saying he was Ivy league and, of course, off course in his early disdain for Trump.
I explained growing up hillbilly (as did I- I called my grandparents mamaw and papaw too), joining USMC out of high school, then doing Ohio State in 2 years, before Yale Law- is no where close to being Ivy League.
The icing on the cake for my son though was me sending him a link of what Vance said in reply to a retired general saying derogatory things about Vance when he was running for Senate. Vance said something like: ‘Oh, how many wars did you win. Let’s see- ZERO. And how much fine wine did you imbibe with bigwigs when kids like me were dying in your wars. And how much would you profit from a war with Russia?’
My son said those words wonderful to a dad’s ears- “Yeah, I get it now”.
Here’s a great profile of JD you might want to read and share with your son. I found it extremely informative, heartening and encouraging about our our soon to be new VP
Thx Suzie, ‘preciate that!
Also this in-depth interview is great
Thx again
Excellent article, Suzie.
Excellent, thanks for sharing the link
Yesterday's Republican Convention was like game one of the World Series. The good guys shellacked their deranged Democrat opponents. The standing room only crowd had more spirit than the Republican party has shown in the 89 years of my lifetime. When JD Vance was announced as the vice president candidate the ticket became unbeatable. But Monday was just the beginning. This is a short four game series, one that ends with DJT's triumphant acceptance speech on Thursday. I'm on the edge of my seat, like never before. Tune in folks, there's never been anything like it.
Amber Rose was amazing. What a beautiful girl -- in every sense of the word. Of course she is a Republican!
Not crazy about the tattoo across the forehead.
We've all done the stupid things when we were young...
All out win! We need all the marbles. And then, a cohesive Congress can repeal 60 years of liberal nonsense.
I agree Greg, but dont assume the entire GOP is going to get on board. Half of the party are RINOs.
Probably more than half. But we also know they are opportunists and will go whichever way the wind is blowing. Remember, their first and foremost goal is keeping their place in the Swamp.
I am never sure just how many of our caucus are with us and how many are faking it. You may be right about the number. I just wish more of the ones who are with us would develop some leadership skills and pull the group together. We have a serious leadership shortage in the party in both the House and Senate.
Most ordinary decent people never even contemplate going into politics - ick. Unless they feel compelled because they feel things truly bad, like a Trump or a Vance and only a handful of others.
Those who do get into politics are as a rule egocentric, power-loving, conmen, with little to no moral fiber and easily able to lie to you to your face. It’s the nature of the beast.
That’s why a system of, by and for THE PEOPLE is the most essential form of government in order to keep the crooks and liars in line.
It is estimated that 20% of the population are sociopaths. Politicians 99%.
Gotta get rid of career politicians.
Two and through?
It's not like me but I think there might be reason for hope here. I saw a clip from the convention yesterday where Mitch McConnell was booed rather ferociously.
And right up until he was announced, Lindsey Graham and all the chief RINOs (like Mitch, Romney, Cheney, et al), were lobbying feverishly to keep Vance OFF the ticket!
Tells you all you need to know Trump picked the right guy.
P.S. and the Biden campaign “warned” of Vance:
“he will do what Pence would not do!” (ref: Jan 6 electors)
Hahaha!! Talk about a glowing endorsement!!
Great observation!
Yes, people like McConnell start out being part of the team but then stick around so long that they start to see themselves as the power rather than the people's voice. McConnell isn't a bad guy. He is probably as much responsible for the three SCOTUS picks as Trump was. But that is not enough. He has hung around too long and now is part of the resistance.
John Cornyn is a leading candidate to replace him. Can't let that happen. He's been part of the problem too.
I’ve said previously I hope Cornyn gets primaried, the sooner the better!
Agreed. Amazing how the system seems to protect itself and keep promoting all the wrong people.
Good call Jake.
Yes sir. We need to keep pushing these clowns to work for us. ALL OF US.
Yes, very true. Funny thing about momentum, once you have it going for you, the naysayers don't have much room to fight you. I suspect that come 20 Jan 2025, the dynamic in the House and Senate is going to change by a factor of 10X. McConnell will likely be gone and I hope Johnson as well. There is simply no time left for people who want to maintain the status quo. And if I were Ukraine, I would be seeking a negotiated settlement right now.
The local voters need to replace them.
The RINO's are like a chameleon, they campaign like a tough conservative, say all the right things, get re-elected, and go back to their own agenda. I agree, time to get rid of them at the ballot box and elect real conservatives.
Pay attention to what they do not what they say
Agree. DJT has Biden on the ropes, but without a down ballot win, the Congress and the Deep State can resist any reforms as they did in his first term of office.
Let us start adding longer tails to PDJTs coat yesterday already.
NBC: “…(E)specially with the upheaval in the Democratic Party, you know, more and more people I think are a little bit confused as to who to vote for.”
BIDENI: “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t in your right mind.” REPEAT THE LINE
TRUMP: “If you come for the king…you better not miss.”
It's been like Christmas morning for a 6-year old these last couple of days - and about time, I say.
We need to keep our eyes on the ball, especially with millions of illegals voting in many states.
It ain't in the bag yet.
Truly! The roller coaster of emotion I went through from Saturday through last night, was like going from utter darkness into glorious jubilant light!
Only God can do that.
Keep praying! It is Most Assuredly working!! ♥️🙏♥️
Right on, Suzie!
Lots of ‘WINNING’ 🎉🎉🎉
Reportedly Musk's $45 million/month donation to a Trump PAC will be directed at ballot integrity
Faux news. NNTX.
? Musk's contributions widely reported.
Elons response on X was faux gnus
With the selection of Vance as VP, the Dems will have to shift to pushing Kamala Harris off the ticket. At this point, everyone knows a vote for Biden will be a vote for Harris, and her approval ratings are even lower than his. No one but the most delusional hard-line leftists believes she is qualified, nor is she a cogent defender of his record. As "Border Czar" she is very vulnerable on perhaps the most important policy failure in recent history. Vance will be a powerful proxy for Trump and actually elevate his candidacy among independent fence-sitters and some future-former never-Trumpers like himself.
Selecting Vance as his running mate was genius, in my opinion. His CV is unbelievably great and his populist creds are solid. He should mop the floor with Kamala in any debate. If the Dems somehow decide to dump her, they will have to replace her with another DEI (read black) Democrat or risk further alienating black voters.
The only reservation I had about Vance was that he's only been in the Senate a couple of years. But yesterday I watched him put a journalist in his place, and it was glorious.
He’s definitely got his head on straight, both personally and politically. Another is his expansive experience outside the world of politics, from his upbringing, to tech, well, to real life.
And he by no means suffers fools gladly.
He could very well be just the guy we want in the White House for the next 12 years!
I understand your concern, however, having only two years in D.C. is probably a good thing in that he hasn't been contaminated by the Inside the Beltway disease of graft and corruption. On the other side of the ledger is Joe Biden who has been in D.C. for decades and look how utterly corrupt he is. Also, Bob Menendez who was just convicted of taking bribes and influence peddling.
Stacey Abrams is available.
Gun control lefties on social media have been whining, “Why would God save just one man when he wouldn’t save an entire classroom of kids?” I reply, God didn’t save just one man, he saved an entire nation. GBDJT. FJB.
All of those lefties lamenting the loss of kids in a classroom (which I lament as well.) have no problem with the murder of 65 million unborn children. Those kids in the classroom are nothing but props for the left to use in their effort to disarm and rule over us.
Pullin Morning Joe off the air is a measure of the Left's fear. Your neighbor has allowed his nasty dog roam, attacking people and other dogs at will. Suddenly, a new sheriff comes to town to announce, "I shoot nasty dogs running loose." The dog owner thinks, "Maybe I should keep my dog in my yard today."
…Kristi Noem spotted nearby.
Oh come on! You were all thinking that! 😊
Damn Suzie !
They can keep him off the air. Garbage human being.
Without garbage human beings, the MSM and Disney airwaves would be empty. See the View for details.
Chuckles the Schumer tweeted, “This breathtakingly misguided ruling flies in the face of long-accepted practice and repetitive judicial precedence. It is wrong on the law and must be appealed immediately. This is further evidence that Judge Cannon cannot handle this case impartially and must be reassigned.”
Agreed, she must be reassigned. President Trump can appoint her to the next federal appellate opening after January 20.
However, the Commie Democrats' obsession and maniacal lust for power knows no bounds. They will try again and level a whole city block with explosives if they have to...and blame it on a registered Republican, declare martial law, install a new puppet.
I read and heard reports from attendees at the Convention that the Security there was off the charts.
However, as the saying goes, “they only have to get lucky once. We have to remain vigilant always.”
No, they’ll blame it on the Netanyahu
Or on white supremacists and and compare it to Timothy McVey's assault on Democracy. Ugh. They are predictable and ever so dangerous because they feel cornered.
Yes, a brilliant week already. And definitely "keep our noses to the grinding wheels" AND PRAY.
My “like” button hasn’t worked for months but it would still be insufficient to exclaim Amen and Amen!