“Government Shutdown” doesn’t have the same scary meaning it once had. Not even close. Shut it all down. This very minor Amazon strike will affect the economy worse.

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Ive always found “Government Shutdown” to be two of the most glorious words in the English language!

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It does and goes clear back to the Boston Tea Party.

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Yeah, as Dirty Harry said..."go ahead, make my day"!

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It’s a joke. No one gets hurt.

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So Sadzzz - no Extra Vacay pay for all the US Govt ‘workers’ and contractors ‘on the job’ in their Aruba home office….

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As a fed, this is concerning budget wise but then I’m always prepared for this. Don’t pay them this time.

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What budget? Gingrich was the Speaker the last time that term was used with any real meaning.

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I was an employee of the VA for 9 years before/while in pharmacy school in the late ‘80’s -‘90’s. I remember it shutting down briefly at least once and it was nbd. As a hospital very few employees are non essential, mainly office support staff and I’ve gone to work not knowing if I’d get my paycheck on time. I did get it on time. I was a single mom in college at the time and could not afford to miss a paycheck but I went to work anyway because the vets needed us and I knew I’d eventually get paid. That said I was happy to do my job knowing that balancing the budget is just as important as the work we were doing because it paid the bills. If my budget didn’t balance I had big problems! It should be no different for the government. They need to DO THEIR JOB and stop screwing the American people! I work Christmas all the time they can work one too.

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It does to the uninformed Charles. Thats the problem here, one issue voters.

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Politico, of course, lied. It was a lie of omission but still a lie. Having lived in the DC area for 34 years, I can tell you that during government shut-downs, “workers” do temporarily lose paychecks. What Politico left out was that, as soon as the shut down is over, all of those “workers” who sat at home on their arses will be paid for every minute that they weren’t “working”. It’s nothing less than extra paid vacation courtesy of you and me.

And, as I’ve posted over the last few days, those people are referred to as “non-essential” employees. If they aren’t essential, they shouldn’t be employed by the government at all. They need to go.

The new Three Musketeers, Trump, Musk and Ramaswamy may just finally get it done. They need our prayers for their health and safety now more than ever.

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" . . . as soon as the shut down is over, all of those “workers” who sat at home on their arses will be paid for every minute that they weren’t “working”.

70% of federal workers are STILL working from home since COVID. A shutdown would just be another day at work for them, except they'd be getting paid their real worth - ZERO.

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Most of them for sure.

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Should those who work for the government be penalized with no pay because Congress does not provide funding? They all have mortgages, car payments, everyday bills just like you. They have no say in this. If it lasts very long they have to run up credit cards until they are finally paid. The only federal workers that should be still at home are DOD related, the rest in the office. These workers will be able to keep the Supply chains, Pay systems etc. active from home should our country and DOD sites within be nuclear attacked. Decentralization prevents shutting down essential Gov't services. Yes there are a lot of bloated agencies but also a lot of really good everyday workers who do excellent work. Been there, done that, seen it 36 years.

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I hereby nominate P-Needles as the new Speaker. All in favor?

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Thank you, Reddog, but hubby and I got out of the DC area for a reason and we’re never going back to that shiitehole on the Potomac.

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As long as she sticks a needle in Mike Johnson's ass when inducted.

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And yet paying those employees for extra vacation is undoubtedly still cheaper than funding all the pork in the bill. Permanent “vacation” would be even better.

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They are the miracle we suffered terribly through Covid nonsense, Obama's attempt to revitalize race wars and Senile Biden and Wacky Harris thievery and more for and finally, the big payoff is here. Pray that it works, it will change the world and definitely Make America Great, Greater, Greatist to say the least. Praise the Lord and the strength of us all that persevered.

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Exactly, we’re here, too, and have heard the wailing and sad stories every time only to find out later they received all their pay plus extra.

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I’m reluctantly still here in Alexandria and surrounded by federal employees or retirees. Most are attorneys. Never heard one bit of grumbling over a threatened shutdown, both pre and post covid.

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👍You're good, Needles.

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Thanks! Back atcha.

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lol. Yep. I’m non essential. But thank you anyway. ☺️

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Yep, when I got hired by the VA dept - not the hospital, I was warned to have 6-8 weeks put back in case of a shut down. There were a few during my employment but we were considered essential. Used to make me mad cuz the 3 floors above me would go home and they still got paid.

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re: thugs, mugs, pugs. Easter egg! You thought I'd miss that one, didn't you, Hedley?

re: teen girls wanting tickets to Monkees. Boy are you behind the times! Now it's teen girls demonstrating their flexibility on Tik Tok and OnlyFans for tickets to that Tennessee-girl-with-no-butt-whose-name-I-can-never-remember's "concert."

re: X puts the RINOs, dinos, nincompoops, counterfeits,and psychopaths in the US "Congress" on notice. Oh, the humanity! Jefferson is said to have had the most reservation about creating Congress of all the branches of government. Once again, the Great Man drives center. FIRST: term limits. SECOND: no stock trading for congressmen/women while in office. None. Nada. Zilch. THIRD: no committment of money or men to foreign adventuring without a majority vote of congress, to be followed immediately by a lottery in which 10% of congress shall be inducted into the military.

Why oh why won't they make me king? Just for 24 hours. That's all I ask, but no more than that. I might start liking it.

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I'm stuck in the 1960s. Hoosier favorite radio station? WOWO

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ya got my vote, sire

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"Massive lost productivity from government bureaucrats." Isn't this exactly what we want? Good riddance. And BTW, Mike Johnson has to go. He is clearly a Chucky loving RINO.

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“Productivity from governement bureaucrats” is an oxymoron.

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Yeah...like "senate ethics", "military intelligence" and "congressional leadership"!

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Taking that thought one step farther, the oxymoron is "government worker."

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My neighbor retired from State government. She was originally hired, not because they needed an unskilled desk jockey, but because they had budget money left that needed to be allocated. She stayed 23 years. "I didn't do much and it was boring, but it paid well and the benefits were great." Hooray! I paid for that.

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Amen and Amen to that!

He’s proved himself to be just as bad, if not worse, than any Democrat. He is a fraud.

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Why does Mike Johnson remind me of Poindexter?

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He reminds me of a grownup version of Eddie Munster sans widow's peak.

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Reminds me of Ned Flanders....

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Is it the glasses? I was trying earlier to remember who, then there it was!

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Mike's kinda like the Wizard of Oz-'a good man who did a very bad thing'.

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And a fraud.

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…… over and over and over again.

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I have to disagree, if only temporarily. Unlike so many in the Congress, Johnson seems to be a modest, soft-spoken Christian man who is doing the best he can in the middle of a maelstrom. Let's exercise a little patience, and give him a chance.

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I think we did that with Mike Pence. Where did that get us? Mike's already F'd up a few other times since he became speaker.

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Those words have never been more true than they are today.

Yes, we won the election, but the enemy is not vanquished. It is still out there trying it’s damnedest to thwart the will of the people.

The fight against this Bill is just one of the myriad of battles that must be continuously waged if we are to be able to successfully KEEP THIS REPUBLIC.

Stay awake. Stay engaged. And “Fight, Fight, Fight” for this country.

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And whoever is pulling FJB's puppet strings is working overtime to do as much mischief as he/they/them possibly can prior to January 20

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Spot on!

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Washington and the crazy 1,547 page bill. Shutting down "government" until Jan 20th is no big deal. But a lot more pork is a big deal.

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Time to pass the line item veto. Yeah, go ahead with your pork sandwich. I'll redline everything I don't like. Go ahead, make my day...

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Its needed for sure. No more combined spending bills. Every single budget item should have its own up or down vote. These combined bulls are just a way for a member to hide his pork.

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I absolutely love it! Sen Tillis is whining about no funding for western North Carolina. He’ll block a CR that doesn’t have money for him. He’s getting “Ernsted” on X.

F@ck him. They’ve had 3 months to write and pass a stand alone bill to fund this. In the dead CR, they gave HUD 15 days to distribute funds. That violated all sorts of laws and rules. It takes 6 months just to write the freaking notice for the Federal register.


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Tillis is one of the poster boys for “arrogant, smug, entitled politician.”

May his days be numbered.

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And I moved to NC last year...he is a putz

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Shut it down. Everyone in DC will be gone literally until the next Congress is installed. Then, the Republican controlled (tongue in cheek) can write a budget to our liking. If Biden won’t sign it (which he won’t), then wait 10 more days until Trump is sworn in.

Trump can support the wimpy Republicans with MAGA voters. The Republicans won’t get hurt this time. It’s what we want.

And no one, NO ONE will miss the federal government for a month. We’ve done this before.


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Federal government has not been ‘working in the office’ since 2019….phoning it in….

Just stop mailing paychecks, and pass them out twice a month at their office desk…

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Much of what Feds do is pushing digital information. This can easily be done from anywhere save the truly classified stuff. What you need is a strong management structure and good metrics to evaluate employees. We don’t have that. Many buildings could be sold which saves billions. Not to mention, having people working in a decentralized manner is a security benefit in case of a drone strike on the Potomac.

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You need to work for Musk. Too many good ideas for the feds.

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Any suggestion as to who would buy those empty buildings? Whoops, an idea just occurred to me. How about the military, for testing bunker-busting ordnance?

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Nice idea, but they aren’t given paychecks. All of that is done by computers and direct deposit. Maybe we should go back to paper checks which can’t be deposited with a smart phone.

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Like in the movie Office Space.....'my check stopped coming'......cancel the direct deposit.....come to the office on pay days if you want to get paid.....What, your Parking Garage/Door Keycard is not working? You need to come to the office and see if yours has been canceled b/c you have not been coming to the office for the last 4 years....Sorry - we eliminated your position - you can go to the USAJOBS.gov and apply for a new one....or of course learn to code....

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Better yet, 5 times a week.

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Uh ... What if they get their pay transferred directly to their bank accounts?

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BTW: Written on the train into DC for another great day IN THE OFFICE for my decrepit federal agency. Which could benefit from electric clippers.

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If every citizen had a siren to blow when the government hacks fuck up, you'd never be able to hear yourself think.

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"While Social Security checks will go out and mail will be delivered, agency shutdowns cause massive lost productivity."

Seriously? Productive Federal employee is an oxymoron. This is a Federal government that hasn't returned to working in their offices in over three years! This is a Federal government (FEMA) who spent tens of millions of dollars giving "freebies" to illegal aliens at our expense and now use this bill as a guilt weapon that they need money for "disaster aid"? Bullshit. You idiots spent FEMA money for North Carolina on criminals.

Does anyone on this comment board recall Don saying that winning the election is only one battle in a long war? Well, Congress is the next major battle. We must fire all RINOs - even if they appear to "reform" like Joni Ernst - and speaker Mike Johnson who must be replaced with a Freedom Caucus member.

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And we've GOT to start going after the "anonymous" Democratic members of Congress, who vote in lockstep against us. Don't let them hide. Even if we remove all the RINO's, we still are in a nearly tied House.

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Agreed, but I think in the long term replacing RINOs will work but to have any chance of making the next four years a success, we have to strong arm and shame the RINOs into voting with the true conservative side. We do not have the time to wait and primary them.

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The Politico comment that caught my attention was the amount of money lost if the government shut down. I assume that is because regulatory agencies would not be in position to respond and react to information from individuals and businesses needed to continue their commerce without a government signature somewhere. Otherwise, I would remind Politico that government action and spending is a net negative on the economy in real terms in that it removes productive dollars from the economy and transfers it into non-productive and inefficient ones instead.

Shut it down, and use that as a road map for what doesn't need to re-open. Let's "Make DC Small Again".

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Almost any of us could balance the Federal budget in a weekend. The difference for us we aren’t getting any goodies so we don’t care who it supposedly hurts. Sometimes you have to cut off a leg to save the patient from dying from gangrene.

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This episode reaffirms my opinion of Speaker Mike Johnson. Some seemed to praise him including our President-elect. It looks to me though that Johnson was all too eager to side with the democrats and push this mind-blowing omni-bus bill through. He and others called it by another name but that was just a ploy to fool the public.

I strongly support a government shut-down and the selection of a new speaker. The one we have is broke.

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Sure, Johnson did what was easy because he is more concerned with maintaining the GOP status quo than actually changing anything. I predict he will be gone in Jan after the Speaker vote.

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I hope you are right. I'm thinking Johnson and Mike Pence took some of the same classes in how to be a wimpy Republican.

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Section 605 of the CR immunizes congress from crimes:


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That Reveal blew the doors off the whole thing.

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Remember Pelosi's famous comment, we must pass the bill in order to find out what's in it? They think we're so stupid, but we're not!

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Well, I’m not so sure about that, Cookie. We keep voting for these morons.

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If this is true about Section 605, it needs to be publicized extremely heavily all over this country.

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Your firST four words says it all, TPG. None of us assume anything we read or hear is factual anymore. Sad.

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Fascinating and repulsive.

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Like a boa constrictor!

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I read that. They are so sneaky, aren’t they?

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Devious deviants. Sickening.

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27th Amendment

No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.

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Excellent idea!

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I contend there is nobody at the White House who is legally and mentally competent to sign any bill into law.

We can just let the non-essentials shut down and set the cruise control for Jan 20.

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