How did we allow a a Muslim into the WH only 7 years after 9/11?And then, after seeing what he was capable of, elect him a second time!


Single, childless, over-educated leftist-aligned white woman… that’s how!!!

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The vast media empire re-wrote his history and told the world a different story. The world believed it and a majority voted for him, most with racial guilt to assuage being white. The second time was against Mittens Romney. Not a tough competition.

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Actually I never thought he looked black, I thought he looked like a Berber, he doesn’t look at all like his brother.

Anyway here we are and he haunts us, tortures us and ruins our country still.

Remind me, what’s the definition of treason, and what’s the penalty (and it’s not 10 and a game misconduct if anyone thinking of submitting that)

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If he were a real Berber we might have fared better. Morocco was the first foreign nation to recognize our independence. Also, King Mohammed V refused to turn the Moroccan Jews over to the Nazis.

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My kids' former nanny is Berber and she speaks their indigenous language in addition to Arabic and French. Her mother is Christian, father Muslim and she has an extended family that includes Jews. Her immediate family split evenly between Christians and Muslims. She is Muslim.

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...and your point is....???

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I don't think he has any full sibling, does he??

So his brother would have to be his half brother.

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I believe you are correct. As for the light skin, BHO's mother was white.

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Yes, I knew he is half white, (and all communist red inside.) 😡

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Has anyone known of Barry's upbringing in Indonesia with his step-father aligned with the Indonesian intelligence agencies? FJB and Barry Soetoro

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The gallows come to mind. FJB and Barry Soetoro

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Romney was terrified to land any.punches on Obama for fear of being called racist. Same thing with McCain. Trump has no problem doing a rope-a-dope on anyone, including Obama. It's time for the Republicans to stop fighting by the Marquis of Queensberry rules and go into street fighting mode. Grrrrr!!!

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I figured he only did what the money changers told him to do, loose bigly.

He got rewarded, he's happy.

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Mittens is a chip off the ole block; just like his Daddy!

He didn't just 'choke' he caved because he has no spine!

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I worked his "Project ORCA" in the 2012 election because I couldn't stand another four years of Zero, but it failed miserably and he really didn't care about being elected. What a waste of time.

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You mean the 'failed presidential election' was almost like it was a "planned deal"?

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Partly correct, the world believed it enough to accept that the fraudulent vote was real. The money changers have been assigning the winner since at least Truman. Trump was an outlier. That is why they are enraged.

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Me no like Pierre DeLecto one bit. FJB and Barry Soetoro

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They, along with a coalition of niggers and guilt-ridden white liberals of both genders.

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I respect you NFT and like your posts. I hate to see blacks slurred though. They, like you and me, are made in God’s image.

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Please understand it is not a racial slur - it is descriptive of ignorant blacks, and blacks who know better but choose otherwise.

See Chris Rock's explanation of the distinction


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Who determines that word is off limits? Screw that. They haven't earned the right to tell us what we can and cannot say.

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Chris Rock gets away with that and often it's n**ga not with the "er" ending. And it still is a slur.

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Listening to it. Hilarious as usual. I'm already a big fan of his video of how to avoid a beatdown by the POE.lice. I think the r is silent in NIIGGA.

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Steadying our little ship, Rob? What I hate is someone saying one thing and not doing it or meaning it. Fraudsters? Barry Soetoro and Hillary names are the first to come to mind. AND Great Fraudsters they are. FJB and Barry Soetoro

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I spent the 2nd half of my highly integrated high school in Gary Indiana. My favorite female vocalist was Aretha Franklin. I ended up being Shanghaied into accompanying Mahalia Jackson after doing the same for my black Nat King Cole friend at a lunchtime meeting for Democratic Ladies, which after they opened the sliding walls to the bar section where the classy Zoot Suits men with very adult beverages in their hands. Mahalia was singing her signature song HIS EYE IS ON THE SPARROW and the response was like camp meeting with loud amens from both sides of the aisle?

Before I shutdown for the night let me leave you with Chris Rock's clarity stand up show.

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Wrong link. The link is a history of Arab Muslim Ottoman traders growing rich off of Black male eunuchs. https://youtu.be/dnDhuRUYQoE?si=YWTvsAlK1ZVUcARO

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You’re a smart guy. You don’t need to talk like that to make your points. It’s beneath you.

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I'm not much on using it, but there are times it's the right choice. Don is the regulator here not me.

When my brother started working in Denver in 1970 he had a black foreman. That man told my brother there are four kinds of people you will encounter.

There are white folks and black folks, white trash and niggers. It's best to learn to tell them apart.

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Thank you all for the feedback.

All points are well-taken.

Moving forward!

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I’m with Rob on this NFT, I thought that was way beneath your usually brilliant style.

Chris Rock can do or say what he wants, it doesn’t give us license even if every one of us is on board with St. Scott Adams

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Don't be like the rest of them, Tex, Be Better.

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Evil and the devil infect so many individuals irrespective of their skin color. Respectfully please delete your comment as it does a disservice to Mr Surber, his respondents and yourself.

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Could you tell us how you really feel? lol FJB and Barry Soetoro

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Never should have given them the vote.

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Most likely another "fortified" election the Chicago way.

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There was literally NO way to vet this godless America-hating half-breed. Avenues were either blocked, or were referred to his egomaniacal biography/hagiography. So he went to the same cult/church, nicknamed "Baptist." with Saint Oprah! Beeg freeging deel. The preacher said, "G_d damn America." Ah yes, I remember it well. It wasn't the first load of succatash we'd be served.

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Yeah, all that "Hope" drivel is really working out well. Obama is our most loathsome president since Wilson.

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Ummmm … Biden’s got him beat by MILES.

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Biden is Obama's mouthpiece PUPPET. Same man, different face. The fact that Biden is near brainless with Dementia and a Hate Mentality to begin with, just makes Obama's ability to direct his every move and sentence much easier. Most loathsome 'president' and puppet in the history of the United States. Hillary and Billy are a part of this Hate Mentality, now funded by the billionaire and Father in Law George Soros. Yeah, they are now One Big Family of Criminals... just like the Bidens.

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And "hope" is not a plan of action.

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Obama's parents were Stalinists, as were all his mentors. He has deep racist and anti-Semitic beliefs, as does his wife, which shows up regularly in their public comments which are tailored to generate as much racist animus possible between blacks and everyone else. Stalinism to its core. He will end up killing millions with the wars that he and his click have caused, and he would not fired a single shot himself. And all the policies they have promoted and supported throughout our country will destroy us, as well.

Don't blame Biden for anything, as Obama is running everything. That is who is responsible for all this murder and mayhem.

Danny Huckabee

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Don't you let Biden off the hook not one iota. He's been a shining example of corporate' and nefarious (SOROS) interests affecting our representative government since his day one. His public record and statements reflect that. He's a useful idiot. Makes you wonder about the integrity of Delaware's elections, doesn't it? AND it's been SHOWN (PROVEN) that elections throughout the US have been tampered with, some would call it fraud, I call it cheating. As far as the MSM and Judiciary go, well there in on it too. FJB and Barry Soetoro

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From my personal research (and now it has been explained by even Tucker Carlson and Jonathan Turley), Biden's (and family) greased palms and fraud in DC are well-known and accepted by at least 98% of the residents along with those pulling the strings in our Federal Government.

My God he was a known plagiarist, even in his college days....WTH!

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I feel bidets first term in government was selected from some articles I read long ago.

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I figure "little Joey" Biden sold his soul decades ago, certainly before he tried to lynch Clarence Thomas but that earned him a special place in hell.

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The super editor is speaking... clique... otherwise EXCELLENT!

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Yep. It's gotten to where I look forward to enjoy a real solid rattle in the morning. FJB and Barry Soetoro

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Even before I knew it for sure, I ALWAYS suspected that FJB was merely Obama's string-operated puppet. I am loving every moment of today's report on Malice in Wonderland.

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Filthy, pedophile Biden stumbled his way through the last five decades of corruption and enriching his filthy family off the backs of Americans. He worked to get to this point and he’s 1000% responsible with what is happening right now, no matter WHO is pulling his strings (ie demonic OZero). He has allowed and welcomed it ALL. He sold his soul. He did and he WILL regret it.

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Funny how the media always portrayed PDJT as fuming, angry, etc. Look at Soetoro’s expressions and it is easy to see he is the angry, seething fuming one.

Soetoro was and still is THE Manchurian candidate.

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Excellent point that I never realized til you just put your finger on it, SL. It’s true, the Left media relentlessly publishes photos of Trump as scowling and angry, but Obama actually supplies at least as much and probably more seething anger and resentment material. Obama clearly carries a gigantic chip on his shoulder.

On the Right we see plenty of pictures/videos of Trump smiling, being literally hilarious (like at his rallies), being genuinely warm and respectful, connecting with and sincerely listening to ordinary people, and even actually being self-effacing. But these images of Trump never make it into the Left media. So it makes it easier for the Left media to convince liberals Trump is "dangerous", "a threat to our democracy", "a fascist". Wow—the power of imaging that inundates us daily.

Same is true with “hatred”. They accuse Trump relentlessly of being “hateful”, but you know Obama is downright marinated in hate. I will be thinking more deeply about this imaging distortion.

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Yes on the "angry" photos. Same for Rush. The only time his photo was used, if smiling, it came from his book cover, Regnery Publishing published all of his books that I know of.

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Time does give one the ability to reflect on things. I’m not sure that many of the presidential elections after Eisenhower were legitimate. It is clear since that time that the deep state has controlled most everything and in elections in which they did not put in their candidate, they took care of the ones who crossed them or were too popular to fix. This includes Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan, and Trump.

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Money. Money is what made elections corrupt. People and organization’s have been buying outcomes for decades. They do it openly today and say the money is to “help make elections fairer”. Ha!

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Right it's the Money...but the fact is that it's all about the corrupt, ruthless, weak empty souls; the lying pieces of human garbage who scam their way through life and get away with it and naive Americans elect them in the first place.

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We allowed politicians to create a new career called professional politician. They still only work part-time but make their money from "linkage". They don't start out to be corrupt. Most start out well intentioned, but to stay in the career politics business, they have to become part of it. It is by nature terribly corrupting to the moral and ethical base of all that work there. Not just elected officials but the career professional as well. We all have to understand that it is a culture that depends on others in it accomplish anything. But therein lies the problem. It serves the interests of "the culture" first. Instead of people doing things for the country which in turn helps their career, they slant issues and rules to benefit "the culture" first, then try to figure out how to make it benefit the country but that almost never results in the least expensive or the least intrusive to freedom. Most of the players, at least the professional one's I have known, don't even see it as corrupted or biased, they just see it as the way the system works. It is way past time for a wholesale house cleaning and new set of rules and an oath that is so stringent and against corruption that it will be weed out the weak souls that inhabit the federal government. We also need to shut the revolving door between the public and private sectors that contract with one another. This will require someone like Trump with a strong personality that can survive the attacks that will come.

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We need politicians in the mold of J.C. Watts,Okla. who stepped away because he refused to be drawn into the sewer of D.C.

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I have never heard of a hint of anything not upright about my senator, Marsha Blackburn (R-TN). My heart as been broken so many times, that it is mostly duct tape anyway, but I hope Marsha will not stomp it flat.

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Agreed, but I think there were other reasons behind it. Nevertheless, it does no good for us to have good men and women leave congress without fighting for what they believe. That fixing nothing. It is always about the fight for what is right. The secret to being successful at it is to fight without being drawn down to the level of your opponent, but make no mistake, you have to fight twice as hard as your corrupt opponent. Nothing is ever fixed in congress without a compelling reason but conveying that reason to the country is the difficult part. The GOP is horrible at messaging and "marketing" and explaining in a non-talking point manner what it is they want to do. Mr. Trump figured that out and ignored the party's PR apparatus and connected with the voter in a way not seen in decades. I was greatly disappointed when Mr. Watts called "uncle" and left but perhaps it was the right move at the right time for him and his family.

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I believe very few politicians start out as "well intentioned." Look at the thieves in our government. They are filthy crooks who run for office to get rich by taking every cent that special interest groups shovel their way. Very few honest, capable people give up their private, productive lives to be in a sewer. And that's what DC is––a stinking sewer.

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I felt like giving them the benefit of the doubt here since I am not knowledgeable about all of their backgrounds. But okay, so now what? This is all just wasted motion and energy to continually beat up congress without a way forward. I see no way to fix this unless we have term limits to start with and some way of punishing members and professional employees who do not act in the best interest of the country..................the whole country. What is your solution? It can't be "vote them out of office" because that hasn't worked in a very long time. It is the culture, the system that has become the way of doing business in DC that is the problem. If voting was the answer, we would have surely fixed this by now. We are out of time because just as sure as you and I are having this conversation, it is only a matter of time before someone in the GOP decides it is easier to give amnesty to 10 million invaders than deport them all. Just wait until 10 million leftist are added to the voting rolls. Let's stop talking about the problem and start talking about solutions that can be implemented now. I am not arguing with you here, I am just tired of the same comments everyday. That is what is killing this country, a sense of "our problems are not fixable", because when you destroy a peoples hopes for improvement and better times, you destroy far more than imagined.

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And, by the way, no term limits to get rid of them. 40% of the legislators are white haired, hunch-back old farts who gum their Pablum.

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Worse thing to happen to elections in the free world IMHO was the JFK team using market research methods which positioned a candidate to fit the public's view of what a leader should be.

Trump is one of the very few to ignore that method by projecting himself and his teams policies.

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I think I have expressed this here before, but I'm not convinced that Obama is the "power behind the throne". Does any cogent person really believe that this guy, who was a "community organizer" (whatever that means), didn't actually write his own books (thank Bill Ayers for that), "won" his election to the Illinois state Senate by having his opponent disqualified (or drop out; I don't remember which and am too lazy to look it up), got into the US Senate by having the details of his GOP opponent's messy divorce leaked (it was sealed by a judge)? The guy has achieved nothing on his own; he is the apex example of a fencepost turtle. Also, he and Michelle have become so accustomed to the lifestyle of the rich and famous that they surely have no interest in the rough-and-tumble full-contact sport of DC politics. Who is really pulling the strings here?

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I'm not entirely convinced either that it is Obama "behind the throne". He's just the most visible plausible candidate. One feels the presence of (one or more) "someone else" who has remained "below the radar".

Van Jones is smarter and more strategic than Obama, but I don't think he's the primary one "behind the throne" either.

PS Obama's main "community organizer" activity was the 5 years he spent as Chairman of the Board of communist Bill Ayer's educational foundation--the WSJ published its charter, and its purpose was Marxist indoctrination through our educational system.

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Well, he did stay in DC when President Trump took office, that is highly, highly, unusual!

There is also some speculation, (Tin-Foil Hat time) of prior involvement with certain federal departments...

And let's not forget the interview President Trump had with Laura Ingraham and he referenced the "stupid billionaires" world-wide who were funding BLM, etc. setting up the "color revolution" here.

It's more than 1 person; that is for sure.

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I distinctly remember the thorough vetting and gutting of VanJones by one Mr. Glenn Beck......

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Oooh--I never saw that and would have loved to!

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And PS--I'd really like to see some deep background on Hakeem Jeffries.

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He is the scowling face behind the throne and someone is directing him. Hence, Soetoro the Manchurian. I think it is so,ehowmtied into Soros or the Klauss Schwab WEF crowd.

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well said

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"Funny how the media" portrayed?? More like it was scripted in the dark hours in phone calls or zoom-meetings before any morning edition was posted. Editors and columnists had a template to go by having all the rigor of an Modern Language Association (MLA) essay.

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Funny should have been in quotes. I was trying to be sarcastic.

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Proverbs 3:25-26

Do not be afraid of sudden terror or of the ruin of the wicked, when it comes, for the LORD will be your confidence

and will keep your foot from being caught.

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Biden is just a placeholder to be a constant distraction to the voters; to take our eyes off the ball. Obama is running things and will continue to do so with the next democrat place holder unless Trump prevails. If Trump doesn't win, obama will be the surrogate POTUS in office until he accomplishes his mission of destroying America.

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Soetoro, Iranian born Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice are running things from their Kalorama headquarters. The axis of evil.

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Valerie Jarrett scares me the most.

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Oh how can you be sure of that with Victoria Nuland and Samantha Powers lurking behind the MIC curtain? It's hard for me to gauge their treachery but I'll give you that. You don't hear her name often so you might be right Valerie Jarret might just be the winner. But the Eric Holder comes to mind and ........... FJB and Barry Soetoro

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You named the starting offense in their game. All have a role. I just never understood Jarrett's lurking around the Whitehouse for Zero's 8 years there. IMO her Iran connections were suspicious at best and treasonous at worst.

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ozero is a muslim as is jarrett.

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Muslim Marxists. What a poisonous combination.

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You've realized that there's an Iranian infiltration throughout the diplomatic AND Intelligence AND Defense agencies? Let's start with climate scientist, hypocrite, thief, liar, and czar John Kerry and then we'll shake em all down.

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Would that be aka a 'target-rich environment'??

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BINGO FJB and Barry Soetoro

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yes yes it would....

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I'm inclined to believe it. I reference one of Oscar Brand's songs, entitled Roll Your Leg Over. One particular phrase, "If all those young ladies were singing this song, it'd be 10 times as filthy and 9 times as long." I'd rather be scorned by a man than by a woman, any time. Men are not as vindictive!

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Biden is the actual Manchurian puppet. Obama is the true Manchurian Candidate. And everyone knows it.

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WE have a winner here! FJB and Barry Soetoro

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Obama knew that Brandon was a world class grifter who would be the perfect foil to implement his anti-Trump policies.

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The entire government including much of congress knew Biden was a crook. No question of that now. Biden is the focus but he is by no means the only crook. Until there is a national upheaval and enough outrage, we won’t be able to fix it.

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China is not a super power. Their economy is in shambles. While there is “detente” between Iran and Saudi Arabia, it will be very short lived. Mr Obama is the devil both in his actions and in his soul. Like all men he will meet his maker soon and history will remember him as the POS he is/was.

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Yes - important to keep the "long game" (eternal) perspective.

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Obama gets to have it both ways: he's pro-Islam while being as gay as they come.

Guess he's not worried about true Muslims, who would chop off his heads (yes, both of them).

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Obama emerged out of literally nowhere to suddenly become President. He was groomed by 60’s radicals from the Weather Underground, black supremacists, communists, and finally the Deep State which has members tied to the radical Left. Obama’s election was the first wave of the color revolution. Americans were dumb enough to fall for it. Pro tip: the Bush family and Obama are on the same team. BTW as much as Obama hated Trump, he didn’t try to have him taken out like GHWB did to Reagan. Look up the relationship between the Bush clan and the Hinkleys, which nobody ever investigated🤷🏼.

The Deep State has been at it a long time...

This war is definitely Obama’s war. Iran was his pet project. Immigration of third world people was another. This is Obama’s third term. Kashogghi, a Saudi, was a Qatari operative posing as a journalist. He was trying to undermine the Saudi royal family. Qatar is dumping billions into Washington. Look at Jordan Shactel’s guest’s column from yesterday here on substack. Obama and the people around him have one mission - to dethrone the United States as the preeminent world power. They are doing it.

Great analysis by the Surb this am as usual.

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"World War Obama"


"His envy of Donald Trump has unleashed hell on Earth."

It has, and that for its own sake, as Michael Walsh points out:

"To assume that our ideological opponents want something is to play the game on their turf. It's a mistake we make constantly. We mistakenly assume that they want the same world that we do, only different, when in fact nihilism is their goal. To put it in contemporary terms, they are Jokers, the kind of men who only want to watch the world burn."


"He lied on his resume. The lie now embarrasses him."

I submit it isn't the lie as much as it is the fact that the lie no longer functions as it did for so long - everyone but his fellow nihilists and erstwhile useful idiots still believe, and if secretly they don't, they are able to divorce themselves from the truth, and go on as if it were true.

"...Biden regrets nothing."

Well, he might if he had capacity to do so - but he hasn't been possessed of such since even before he was installed.

"The world is less safe with Red China in charge."

Yes, and this is what the left wants, per Mr. Walsh's piece.

"Obama has his vengeance. Surely, he will not feel the effects of the hell he is unleashing.

At least, not in this life."

My conviction is that as a man of God, a man of faith, I am to rejoice that justice is done, not that others receive the punishment deserved (for what would be MY fate were I to receive that which I deserved?).

That frees me to let God handle whatever consequences await the first sodomite president should he refuse to heed the Good News while I work out my salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12).

The cat is back to impossible poll questions sans an 'Other' or an, 'All of the above' option. Either one is correct, though market forces will eventually come to bear on political policy and ameliorate its most destructive effects. A world war will have much more permanent destruction, and impact on generations to come.

Ergo, as much as I hate ObamaCare, I'm selecting option #2.

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Don Surber goes where the msm has no clue and uses their own reporting?indoctrination to prove the point!!Thank you for backing my gut sense ozero and jarrett are holding the reins with bidet merely appearing to be semi-cognizant.The speed and breadth of eos at bidets inauguration pointed to ozero's handlers trying to destroy PDJTs legacy asap.Great post/tough poll aota works.

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Sir Don's first line/link captures the whole problem from BHO's narcissistic point of view...only 5 months after Trump was sworn in as President:

The New York Times reported on May 20, 2017, “Saudis Welcome Trump’s Rebuff of Obama’s Mideast Views.”

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I would have had better grades in school if my history books were written this well. Great read, Don Surber!

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Another outstanding column, Don. I am daily grateful for your writing, but don't say so every time because I don't want to appear sycophantic. :)

But today's column was an excellent example of what Don Surber does so well--

--bringing to our attention, and/or remembrance, important facts Surber is aware of through his decades of observation of politics; and then

--connecting these dots to bring genuine understanding of what's going on.

In today's column, I had never seen that very notable 2017 New York Times article before. And then that portrayal of what it must have been like for Obama to read that article, and pinpointing the response of envy.

I also had never seen that clear fact--that Trump was responsible for 5 of the 7 Muslim nations that have recognized Israel in the last 75 years.

Knocking the ball out of the park every day. Thank you, Don Surber.

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Lawrence of Arabia opined that Arab's prefer to deal with a man they can trust rather than an entity. Trump's repour with the 7 Muslim nations seems to prove that.

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Dittos TPG.

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A very accurate review our situation today IMHO. Instead of taking kudos for 8 years in office, BHO wants to be the puppeteer and he is being more like Geppetto (or Polendina).

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