Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023Liked by Don Surber

How did we allow a a Muslim into the WH only 7 years after 9/11?And then, after seeing what he was capable of, elect him a second time!


Single, childless, over-educated leftist-aligned white woman… that’s how!!!

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Yeah, all that "Hope" drivel is really working out well. Obama is our most loathsome president since Wilson.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Obama's parents were Stalinists, as were all his mentors. He has deep racist and anti-Semitic beliefs, as does his wife, which shows up regularly in their public comments which are tailored to generate as much racist animus possible between blacks and everyone else. Stalinism to its core. He will end up killing millions with the wars that he and his click have caused, and he would not fired a single shot himself. And all the policies they have promoted and supported throughout our country will destroy us, as well.

Don't blame Biden for anything, as Obama is running everything. That is who is responsible for all this murder and mayhem.

Danny Huckabee

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Funny how the media always portrayed PDJT as fuming, angry, etc. Look at Soetoro’s expressions and it is easy to see he is the angry, seething fuming one.

Soetoro was and still is THE Manchurian candidate.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Proverbs 3:25-26

Do not be afraid of sudden terror or of the ruin of the wicked, when it comes, for the LORD will be your confidence

and will keep your foot from being caught.

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Biden is just a placeholder to be a constant distraction to the voters; to take our eyes off the ball. Obama is running things and will continue to do so with the next democrat place holder unless Trump prevails. If Trump doesn't win, obama will be the surrogate POTUS in office until he accomplishes his mission of destroying America.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Obama knew that Brandon was a world class grifter who would be the perfect foil to implement his anti-Trump policies.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Don Surber

China is not a super power. Their economy is in shambles. While there is “detente” between Iran and Saudi Arabia, it will be very short lived. Mr Obama is the devil both in his actions and in his soul. Like all men he will meet his maker soon and history will remember him as the POS he is/was.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Obama gets to have it both ways: he's pro-Islam while being as gay as they come.

Guess he's not worried about true Muslims, who would chop off his heads (yes, both of them).

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Obama emerged out of literally nowhere to suddenly become President. He was groomed by 60’s radicals from the Weather Underground, black supremacists, communists, and finally the Deep State which has members tied to the radical Left. Obama’s election was the first wave of the color revolution. Americans were dumb enough to fall for it. Pro tip: the Bush family and Obama are on the same team. BTW as much as Obama hated Trump, he didn’t try to have him taken out like GHWB did to Reagan. Look up the relationship between the Bush clan and the Hinkleys, which nobody ever investigated🤷🏼.

The Deep State has been at it a long time...

This war is definitely Obama’s war. Iran was his pet project. Immigration of third world people was another. This is Obama’s third term. Kashogghi, a Saudi, was a Qatari operative posing as a journalist. He was trying to undermine the Saudi royal family. Qatar is dumping billions into Washington. Look at Jordan Shactel’s guest’s column from yesterday here on substack. Obama and the people around him have one mission - to dethrone the United States as the preeminent world power. They are doing it.

Great analysis by the Surb this am as usual.

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"World War Obama"


"His envy of Donald Trump has unleashed hell on Earth."

It has, and that for its own sake, as Michael Walsh points out:

"To assume that our ideological opponents want something is to play the game on their turf. It's a mistake we make constantly. We mistakenly assume that they want the same world that we do, only different, when in fact nihilism is their goal. To put it in contemporary terms, they are Jokers, the kind of men who only want to watch the world burn."


"He lied on his resume. The lie now embarrasses him."

I submit it isn't the lie as much as it is the fact that the lie no longer functions as it did for so long - everyone but his fellow nihilists and erstwhile useful idiots still believe, and if secretly they don't, they are able to divorce themselves from the truth, and go on as if it were true.

"...Biden regrets nothing."

Well, he might if he had capacity to do so - but he hasn't been possessed of such since even before he was installed.

"The world is less safe with Red China in charge."

Yes, and this is what the left wants, per Mr. Walsh's piece.

"Obama has his vengeance. Surely, he will not feel the effects of the hell he is unleashing.

At least, not in this life."

My conviction is that as a man of God, a man of faith, I am to rejoice that justice is done, not that others receive the punishment deserved (for what would be MY fate were I to receive that which I deserved?).

That frees me to let God handle whatever consequences await the first sodomite president should he refuse to heed the Good News while I work out my salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12).

The cat is back to impossible poll questions sans an 'Other' or an, 'All of the above' option. Either one is correct, though market forces will eventually come to bear on political policy and ameliorate its most destructive effects. A world war will have much more permanent destruction, and impact on generations to come.

Ergo, as much as I hate ObamaCare, I'm selecting option #2.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don Surber goes where the msm has no clue and uses their own reporting?indoctrination to prove the point!!Thank you for backing my gut sense ozero and jarrett are holding the reins with bidet merely appearing to be semi-cognizant.The speed and breadth of eos at bidets inauguration pointed to ozero's handlers trying to destroy PDJTs legacy asap.Great post/tough poll aota works.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Sir Don's first line/link captures the whole problem from BHO's narcissistic point of view...only 5 months after Trump was sworn in as President:

The New York Times reported on May 20, 2017, “Saudis Welcome Trump’s Rebuff of Obama’s Mideast Views.”

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I would have had better grades in school if my history books were written this well. Great read, Don Surber!

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Another outstanding column, Don. I am daily grateful for your writing, but don't say so every time because I don't want to appear sycophantic. :)

But today's column was an excellent example of what Don Surber does so well--

--bringing to our attention, and/or remembrance, important facts Surber is aware of through his decades of observation of politics; and then

--connecting these dots to bring genuine understanding of what's going on.

In today's column, I had never seen that very notable 2017 New York Times article before. And then that portrayal of what it must have been like for Obama to read that article, and pinpointing the response of envy.

I also had never seen that clear fact--that Trump was responsible for 5 of the 7 Muslim nations that have recognized Israel in the last 75 years.

Knocking the ball out of the park every day. Thank you, Don Surber.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Don Surber

A very accurate review our situation today IMHO. Instead of taking kudos for 8 years in office, BHO wants to be the puppeteer and he is being more like Geppetto (or Polendina).

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