Only the parents of children can see (and therefore act on) the future. Those of us fortunate to have grandchildren can see even farther (further?).
Unmarried, childless, overeducated, white women of the West are the 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse. If you need to ask, they’re the ones holding the basket that merrily takes us to hell.
Want to know why Biden got elected, and Trudeau got elected up here… and why we’re under water on every parameter you can think of, look no further than that!
I've only been a woman for 80+ years, but I'd probably agree (but only regarding my own daughters). They should never have been allowed to vote, to own property, or go into combat! Work outside the home, yes indeed. They need "spending money."
Thanks for the Mazel Tov. My fav cousin was a nurse in the Shreveport VA, who married a patient. This delightfully funny Jewish man wanted to take her north to meet the family before they married. That cousin insisted on the one thing that separated learned from unlearned--a great vocabulary, which is free to everyone. Remind me to tell you later of the first time my Dad asked him to say the blessing before dinner. (We're Presbyterians--at Christmas.)
More women voted for Trump than you think. I detest Hillary and the idea of voting for a woman BECAUSE they're a woman is ridiculous. As is voting against them because they're a woman. Vote for the principles, the values, the rock solid ideas of a candidate.
This is sort of in the vein of Me-Too (ALL men are sexually aggressive & guilty if even accused, believe ALL women!)-----this is just as stupid as "women make lousy managers"------LOTS of women do make lousy managers, but some are awesome. My point again is to treat people as individuals and not as a representation of their sex or race-----that is what Dems do and why our country is in trouble today.
our country is in trouble today because k-12 churns out tens of millions of robots that couldn't find paris on a map of france. i assume you are aware that 90% of k-12 teachers and k-12 admin are women and that 90% of them are feminists who vote donk 99% of the time.
fix k-12 and 'perhaps' america can be saved. skip that step and it's game set and match for the anti-ameircan marxist donk party of woke. ritalin, soy, estrogen, title 1X, revisionist history and that never ending war on men and boys are the poisonous cancer that has infected the republic.
I'm very aware of this huge problem in education, and it won't change as long as Dems are in office. But we'd really have to get rid of the DOE bc they are the source of all of the woke stupidity that passes for an education today. And I concur, the war on boys and men MUST STOP if civilization is to continue.
You got lots explaining to do Lucy. Anger runs deep in this one but don't hurt him I think he'll come around very very very very slowly maybe hopefully.
Men who can think like women make the best managers the second best are women who can think like men. Best quit while you're ahead or not a head Queen Mary of hearts would quickly part your head from your body It's a dangerous world out there.
Maybe but my wife, the General, would have been a dissenter. She dislikes or loathes Bill Clinton and his puppet master wife about as much as she loathes the people who brought us covid. She is a Catholic who practices her faith daily. She does not suffer fake people well.
I have called my wife the General for over twenty years. She is considerably smarter rhan most that I have known. So now that we know you have no sense of humor, what’s the nickname for your wife,, Bob?
According to the word I received from upper management, although you're swordplay called sarcasm is greatly appreciated and highly clarifying, it's all set up. Even though I'm just lost my second wife on August the 2nd the comfort that I receiving in the hands of the Lord includes laughter a merry heart do us good like a medicine.
RMD48, if a person can learn to smile through his/her tears, the battle is nearly over when trouble, troubles come along. And the people all said, "Amen!"
Oops. Jim, I thought you said meddling which should be fine. I do love a good beat down of arrogant pics oh it's okay to say pricks That's referring to it in the farm sense
The Pareto Principle is roughly, 20 percent of any group causes 80 percent of the impact/problem. I would say that the overeducated in your group would constitute 80 percent of the problem. That much time in our higher education system is bound to have disastrous negative impacts...
I got really lucky, I was out in the workforce way early. Didnt get to finish college and joined the Navy to have the GI bill. Eventually did finish college. While I fit the demographic for crazy, I am a die hard not crazy, keep your hands out of my pocket you politicians.
I'm not a fan of social media, and especially not a fan of TikTok, but I have enjoyed many episodes of "Liberals of TikTok".
Some enterprising person might do well to inaugurate a new show on that platform called "Women of TikTok" to further expose the effects of the female brain.
In defense of women being the target of this TikTok idea, please remember there are many YouTube sites illustrating the stupid (risky) things men do.
Maybe that is the reason NY has recognized 31 genders. Gives a chance for a first -- Drag King, Drag Queen, Gender Bender, Genderqueer, Pangender, Trans Person, Butch, Agender, Androgyne, Gender Gifted, Gender Blender, Femme -- just a couple from the list. Look up the full list. It may bring a chuckle to a drab Wednesday morning.
And if it takes 3 or more words the describe the “first” failure or corruption is inevitable. See: First Gay Black or First immigrant Hispanic transgender
I'd like to propose a tiny caveat: here in the Bible Belt, people from prominent "mares" who didn't marry up, might name a girl a blend of mama's maiden name. Two reasons, marry a non-SAR or DAR, or as they usta call it, an "out of the church."
I don't think their failures necessarily have anything to do with their gender (though the modes of their failures do); rather it is their lack of faith in God.
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12: "Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
That is the best explanation I have found for why so many people, men and women, are bonkers. Which should give us all pause. Being angry at crazy people is not a good strategy for staying sane yourself.
Exactly right! The lack of faith does lead to corruption—both men and women. Both sexes are susceptible to fall drunk with power. They are deluded indeed to the detriment of us all.
Imagine life in our cities, states, and country if only our elected officials followed the three principles that God says are good and what he requires:
1) to seek justice; 2) to love mercy; 3) to walk humbly with God. —Micah 6:8
Instead they seek corrupt injustice, love selfishness, and walk with puffed-up pride.
The common denominator is the job rather than the gender. Politicians by nature are generally self-serving corrupt individuals. For every Ronald Reagan, there are 10 Barack Obama‘s. For every Margaret Thatcher, there are 10 Hillary Clinton’s.
Begging Trump for a cabinet post? More like demanding a place at the feeding trough. There is not enough humility in her or the other candidates to ask or beg for anything. "The leech has two daughters: Give and Give." (Proverbs 30:15)
Don?? WRONG!! I have always supervised the people I have slept with- it could be no other way... Now as far as who was subordinate, that's a personal question.
Your discussion above reveals one thing to be clearly true men and women are just alike, they both can engage in gobs of fraud and personal enrichment if given the chance. This is a good reason to know who you are voting into office and why. Maybe a guy who is constantly confused and whose family has some 30 international shell corporations and yet no discernible international business is not the guy you want running your country? Just a nascent idea. Maybe a guy with a15-year long record of holding onto secret records in his garage in a house were his unsupervised drug addled son lives who is constantly looking for ways to make money is not...a good idea. And maybe a guy who makes the way Pinocchio walks look coordinated is not up to another four years in office...
Just some random thoughts, here... and maybe the president should not recite the alphabet by saying L,G,B,T,Q, plus and,
An equally-curmudgeonly friend has maintained for over thirty years that giving women the vote was the worst mistake the United States has ever made. When I reflect on the vote differential in the 2020 presidential race (53% Biden, 42% Trump), and watch the little girl rats follow the Pied Piper of Swift over the Democrat cliff, I sometimes wonder if he's right. The differences are even higher for single women, and given that 45% of women are projected to be single and childless six years from now, maybe we should review that 19th Amendment.
I think the women that comment on this site would beg to differ, Jim.
That said, we are still in the process of women being fully integrated into the higher management/power structure of the US. Despite getting the vote, they were still mostly housewives through the 1960's/1970's. They began to move into the professional fields in the 80's/90's, but rarely could achieve BOTH executive positions AND still have a family. So the women with executive position did not have daughters who could observe successful women leaders. (Of course, I'm making broad generalization.)
By now, women are pretty thoroughly integrated into the middle levels of management/power in America, and they are raising daughters who are getting a good, balanced understanding of how to be just plain competent, mature, and confident in higher and higher positions. They can work side by side comfortably with men just as people, not focused on gender. This also makes them more grounded, realistic voters (i.e., haha, Republicans).
(Black women and Democratic women are another story; they are even further behind. But too long to go in to.)
But very few, if any--and I would say NO women have yet moved into readiness for the very top levels of leadership in this country. For true leadership, one has to be coming from a really solid base of demonstrated achievement. One has to have demonstrated enough success that they have such a deep-seated confidence in themselves that it is no longer "about them", but is instead about a purpose, a mission, a goal. One has to have both a genuinely broad range of expertise in many aspects of life, and "dug deep" into the moral, political, economic, and social principles that make a society successful. There also has to be genuine strength and courage that has been tested under pressure and with responsibility for results. Trump is an outstanding example of the highest form of leadership. Americans recognize this about Trump.
The women that have so far been presented for the highest office of the Presidency are way, way behind in this process of growth. Women are not yet coming from the same basis as men when it comes to decades of experience and examples in leadership and accountability. Geraldine Ferraro, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Carly Fiorina, Kamala Harris, Nikki Haley, AND Michelle Obama, have all been merely weak beginners. Aspiration is not enough; rock-solid demonstrated performance is required.
TPG, thank you for a wonderful comment. There are structural impediments for wonen in our society. In surgery, it is difficult for many women to have a balanced life. Relationships , family etc tend to drive many to the medical rather than surgical sub specialties. Politics is no different as family commitments tend to delay those interested by 10 years into their political careers… leaving us with sociopaths (Hillary) or degenerate sociopaths (Pelosi).
My Mom (and Dad) raised me to be independent. She was too by the way. Then she got mad later in life because I was independent. Ahh family. But for all that, I made it.
You are correct, those running for higher office suck. They never made it past mean girls if they even made it that far. I would vote for a woman but she has to be a good canident and right for the job. Failing up is NOT a path.
On the other hand, it's been noted that women made up a majority of the 20th century's weirdest, most destructive cults: the Jonestown gang and the Rajneeshees. The Jonestown women were mostly black and stupid, and the Rajneeshee women college-educated, with many of those Jewish.
As David Cole observed about both groups: BIDEN VOTERS.
The historian Paul Johnson noted that way back in the 19th century already, American women who appeared in Britain were noted for being "Independent, uppity, self-sufficient and strong-minded". British visitors to the US gained the same impression. Johnson concluded that American women could have had the vote much sooner than they did, but many saw no great need for it. I suppose the Democrats' greatest achievement has been to convince them of the opposite.
This is something that is hard to argue with so it is just ignored. Like the idea of blacks being better athletes than whites. Obvious but can't say it. Or Indians being better at math.
As a matter of fact Stanford Medicine researchers just published a paper (funded by the tax payer, of course) identifying distinct brain differences in men and women. Eureka!!! Who would have thunk it.
Raise the voting age, instead of lowering it like the Dems want to do. History reminds us that only landed gentry could cast a vote in the early, early days.
If you’ll recall, the devil in the Garden of Eden targeted Eve, not Adam. And all he had to do was convince her that she was “less than”, (in this case God Himself), and, well, the rest is ALL of History.
That scene in the Garden pretty much sums up the entire modus operandi of the “Woman’s Movement” in a nutshell.
i agree. women are deficient in other areas that result in power and authority so being clever and malleable gives them that and that's what makes them lousy managers.
Chickenman was an American radio series created by Dick Orkin that spoofs comic book heroes, inspired by the mid-1960s Batman TV series. The series was created in 1966 on a Chicago radio station WCFL, and was then syndicated widely, notably on Armed Forces Radio during the Vietnam War. Wikipedia
Thx for the memory, Don. Remind us sometime about Gary Burbank.
But back to the women- its by and large more a character issue than a gender. How many men have earned the stature of Maggie Thatcher (who topped the list of Real Men in Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche) or Jeane Kirkpatrick?
Ft. Wayne voted in Pete (won’t even try to spell last name) & his husband.
Nikki- doesn’t she come from the state that keeps giving us Lindsey Graham? (Jury’s out on his gender. Whenever it’s settled, he won’t have to change his name [from Mrs. McCain])
But, to come out of the closet, I eat & enjoy quiche. Whenever my wife let’s me have it.
Well it was South Bend, not Ft. Wayne - but when it was apparent he had done such a poor job that he couldn't possibly get re-elected, he decided to run for president.
It’s more than just ‘failing up’, as you no doubt know. Its that over time, the people holding the positions at each level have reached the level at which they’re incompetent.
This would be a good early move by Trump, in his 2nd administration. By executive order, every one in gov’t should take one step back, to their last job.
And them fill the vacant top spot with a trucker or farmer.
That would be fantastic. I had a lot of really bad managers that were failed up just because they could do less *cough, cough damage if they were moved. The competent people were never promoted Because they were competent.
Two issues here, I think: (1) Anyone who has worked in an environment that is highly female knows this. Women don't even want to work for other women. (2) The type of people who go for these jobs as Ds are chosen for other values than competency or morality. Add that to power corrupts and the total lack of accountability when you own the press, and see what we got.
I'm not claiming on the second part men are any better. Corruption is a human, not a sex specific problem. But when half of the human race is told they are super-duper special because of their genitals....
Nice job. You pretty much prepared us for Mike Obama as president. Something to look forward to. On the bright side, they might nail her for something like, killing a chef.
Second comment for the day not that I'm competitive, nor do I keep count of everything. I'm watching Fox News again on mute not only is it hilarious as a 24/7 ad for Trump, but as a 75-year-old widower was still a little bit of testosterone running through me I have to say those are babes on Fox foxy babes and smart like Jessica tarlov. I finished my first cup of coffee, the cat is still purring on my lap especially if I take time to brush her, and I'm still greatly enjoying Don's mental health support group. Thank you for being here. Later Gators and sometime I will update you on why I love Gators especially Al from the Okie pinocchi swamp.
02/21/24: Fox's groveling is so blatant, they'll soon have another $700M with which they can "settle" another Dominion lawsuit. Might as well put the News Corp-Lachlanites on Dominion's board so they can grab a handy rebate as the billions swirl and ebb and squirt through the corroded, heinous legal system's sewerage system.
What is sad is that in one recent lawsuit against Dominion, there was proof that Dominion's machines can be used to cheat, and will change votes. Fox should have never caved to them. I will see if I can find the link
Yeah booted into safe mode or programmed wrong so ballots count on a weighted scale. Its why some districts could never say exactly how many ballots they actually got. numbers would have been off.
An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.
- Simon Cameron
To generalize a bit, because that's how you come up with ways to understand most of the world, corruption in politics is as old as politics.
Politicians are generally mostly salesmen. And salesmen generally have a certain psychological profile.
As far as women in sales being more virtuous than men, uh no.
The problem is that men and women fight differently. Men tend to be more confrontational.
Women tend to be more oblique in their combat techniques. The feminist movement has replaced masculine techniques with feminine techniques over the last several decades, as the Left has installed a lot of "girl bosses". Men, meanwhile, are devalued and denigrated as "toxic". Toxic to who exactly? Men built most of what we know as civilization. Some of these guys were pretty good. So this new model, it's not really working out. I'm all for a strong woman, and you have to judge each individual on their merits, but we don't seem to be generating a Maggie Thatcher or a Golda Meir, we have mostly aging mean sorority girls, upper middle class faux Commie activists, and
thugs. They actually tend to be more totalitarian and vicious than a lot of the bad guys.
I don't think women in government is a bad thing. The quality of the men these days is certainly at least as bad as the women. But I do think that a more emotional approach to solving hard problems doesn't seem to work very well. In fact it's doing a lot of damage. And because hiring women is part of the whole affirmative action trope, we get a lot of low quality people in over their heads.
No but women are not direct in their betrayal. There’s no way Nikki intends to be part of the Repub/conserv/originality crowd going forward. She’s burning bridges all over the place. I’ve no idea the derivation for the behaviour, but she’s following some script. She won’t be don’t when there’s no more primary element to stage. Someone is footing the bill now and they will decide her future.
That’s a good observation. It takes a lot of energy to plow ahead in the face of so much negativity- nothing good happens for her in any day. It would be revealing to be at the end of day brief.
You are insightful with your observations of Haley's seemingly strange behavior. It must have a powerful external source.
As I stated in one of yesterday's comments, I believe it is because the deep state will not let Trump reach the finish line. Since Haley has the second strongest polling (as a neocon globalist), the deep state gets what they want.
In other words, I fear her unrelenting boldness indicates the deep state's end game plan for Trump if the courts don't do it first.
That’s interesting: I don’t see her as bold at all. She’s looking very worn and fatigued. That comes with the schedule of course, but the day in day out need to stay on point is heavy. I don’t hear her saying a single thing that is original or specific or a development of earlier presentations. At this time in a campaign she should be building on earlier more general ideas. She’s not. She’s pounding the earlier stuff and flapping when asked for anything more substantial. She’s not an original thinker. She’s a sturdy plow horse of a campaigner but she’s campaigning on someone else’s plan. And sounding kinda shrill.
As to Trump - I’ve said since 2020-ish “they” plan to Julius Caesar him one way or another. I do expect at least one attempt on his life.
we sure do. trump will be eliminated from being on that ballot. one way or another and she has been told to stick in there by the suits with the cash to make that happen. hundreds of trillions are at stake.
men are indeed wising up and by the tens of millions. they're simply walking away from women and their nefarious chicanery. most women (not all for sure) are also understanding what is going on and are now trying to walk back feminism to some extent but smart men using their brain see that for what it is....more clever nefarious chicanery. only simps buy what is being sold.
Only the parents of children can see (and therefore act on) the future. Those of us fortunate to have grandchildren can see even farther (further?).
Unmarried, childless, overeducated, white women of the West are the 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse. If you need to ask, they’re the ones holding the basket that merrily takes us to hell.
Want to know why Biden got elected, and Trudeau got elected up here… and why we’re under water on every parameter you can think of, look no further than that!
I've only been a woman for 80+ years, but I'd probably agree (but only regarding my own daughters). They should never have been allowed to vote, to own property, or go into combat! Work outside the home, yes indeed. They need "spending money."
80 yrs eh.
You write and sound in your writing, as if you’re a woman half that age!
Mazel Tov
Thanks for the Mazel Tov. My fav cousin was a nurse in the Shreveport VA, who married a patient. This delightfully funny Jewish man wanted to take her north to meet the family before they married. That cousin insisted on the one thing that separated learned from unlearned--a great vocabulary, which is free to everyone. Remind me to tell you later of the first time my Dad asked him to say the blessing before dinner. (We're Presbyterians--at Christmas.)
Zai gezunt Chuck!
And the same to you boychik!
yup. if only men voted trump would be in his second term. if only women voted hillary would be in her second term.
More women voted for Trump than you think. I detest Hillary and the idea of voting for a woman BECAUSE they're a woman is ridiculous. As is voting against them because they're a woman. Vote for the principles, the values, the rock solid ideas of a candidate.
i disagree. women make lousy managers.
This is sort of in the vein of Me-Too (ALL men are sexually aggressive & guilty if even accused, believe ALL women!)-----this is just as stupid as "women make lousy managers"------LOTS of women do make lousy managers, but some are awesome. My point again is to treat people as individuals and not as a representation of their sex or race-----that is what Dems do and why our country is in trouble today.
As you said, depends on the person - female or male. I have had really good managers and very lousy managers of both sexes.
and the saying is believe ALL women only if they are Democrats......
our country is in trouble today because k-12 churns out tens of millions of robots that couldn't find paris on a map of france. i assume you are aware that 90% of k-12 teachers and k-12 admin are women and that 90% of them are feminists who vote donk 99% of the time.
fix k-12 and 'perhaps' america can be saved. skip that step and it's game set and match for the anti-ameircan marxist donk party of woke. ritalin, soy, estrogen, title 1X, revisionist history and that never ending war on men and boys are the poisonous cancer that has infected the republic.
I'm very aware of this huge problem in education, and it won't change as long as Dems are in office. But we'd really have to get rid of the DOE bc they are the source of all of the woke stupidity that passes for an education today. And I concur, the war on boys and men MUST STOP if civilization is to continue.
You go Alice! Sicum.
You got lots explaining to do Lucy. Anger runs deep in this one but don't hurt him I think he'll come around very very very very slowly maybe hopefully.
Men who can think like women make the best managers the second best are women who can think like men. Best quit while you're ahead or not a head Queen Mary of hearts would quickly part your head from your body It's a dangerous world out there.
Maybe but my wife, the General, would have been a dissenter. She dislikes or loathes Bill Clinton and his puppet master wife about as much as she loathes the people who brought us covid. She is a Catholic who practices her faith daily. She does not suffer fake people well.
if your wife is the general, you're either a bs artist or a simp.
I have called my wife the General for over twenty years. She is considerably smarter rhan most that I have known. So now that we know you have no sense of humor, what’s the nickname for your wife,, Bob?
Well played TJ. Touche.
d b welch,I want you to know I wear the pants in my household /after my boss picks them out.
lol, so long as she is not tying your shoes, you are good.
According to the word I received from upper management, although you're swordplay called sarcasm is greatly appreciated and highly clarifying, it's all set up. Even though I'm just lost my second wife on August the 2nd the comfort that I receiving in the hands of the Lord includes laughter a merry heart do us good like a medicine.
RMD48, if a person can learn to smile through his/her tears, the battle is nearly over when trouble, troubles come along. And the people all said, "Amen!"
My belated condolences. I hope you are mending well. I've had to do that once as well.
Oops. Jim, I thought you said meddling which should be fine. I do love a good beat down of arrogant pics oh it's okay to say pricks That's referring to it in the farm sense
The Pareto Principle is roughly, 20 percent of any group causes 80 percent of the impact/problem. I would say that the overeducated in your group would constitute 80 percent of the problem. That much time in our higher education system is bound to have disastrous negative impacts...
I got really lucky, I was out in the workforce way early. Didnt get to finish college and joined the Navy to have the GI bill. Eventually did finish college. While I fit the demographic for crazy, I am a die hard not crazy, keep your hands out of my pocket you politicians.
20 out 100 women are either psychotic hags or destined to become so!!!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph and I’m not Catholic!
I'm not a fan of social media, and especially not a fan of TikTok, but I have enjoyed many episodes of "Liberals of TikTok".
Some enterprising person might do well to inaugurate a new show on that platform called "Women of TikTok" to further expose the effects of the female brain.
In defense of women being the target of this TikTok idea, please remember there are many YouTube sites illustrating the stupid (risky) things men do.
Any time some politician touts herself as the first elected fill-in-the-blank, an indictment is inevitable.
Maybe that is the reason NY has recognized 31 genders. Gives a chance for a first -- Drag King, Drag Queen, Gender Bender, Genderqueer, Pangender, Trans Person, Butch, Agender, Androgyne, Gender Gifted, Gender Blender, Femme -- just a couple from the list. Look up the full list. It may bring a chuckle to a drab Wednesday morning.
Not if she's the D.A.
And if it takes 3 or more words the describe the “first” failure or corruption is inevitable. See: First Gay Black or First immigrant Hispanic transgender
or two last names. never trust a woman with two last names.
I'd like to propose a tiny caveat: here in the Bible Belt, people from prominent "mares" who didn't marry up, might name a girl a blend of mama's maiden name. Two reasons, marry a non-SAR or DAR, or as they usta call it, an "out of the church."
I don't think their failures necessarily have anything to do with their gender (though the modes of their failures do); rather it is their lack of faith in God.
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12: "Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
That is the best explanation I have found for why so many people, men and women, are bonkers. Which should give us all pause. Being angry at crazy people is not a good strategy for staying sane yourself.
Exactly right! The lack of faith does lead to corruption—both men and women. Both sexes are susceptible to fall drunk with power. They are deluded indeed to the detriment of us all.
Imagine life in our cities, states, and country if only our elected officials followed the three principles that God says are good and what he requires:
1) to seek justice; 2) to love mercy; 3) to walk humbly with God. —Micah 6:8
Instead they seek corrupt injustice, love selfishness, and walk with puffed-up pride.
Well put D.T.
The common denominator is the job rather than the gender. Politicians by nature are generally self-serving corrupt individuals. For every Ronald Reagan, there are 10 Barack Obama‘s. For every Margaret Thatcher, there are 10 Hillary Clinton’s.
Exactly. Politics attracts sociopaths.
And narcissists.
Emotionally insecure creatures needing adulation at any cost?
Begging Trump for a cabinet post? More like demanding a place at the feeding trough. There is not enough humility in her or the other candidates to ask or beg for anything. "The leech has two daughters: Give and Give." (Proverbs 30:15)
02/21/24: She's the Leona Helmsley who made it into the beauty contests.
At a dog show.
As the owner, with her senile husband wearing a collar. Popular act, it's going on right now in the White House.
i was going to use fanny willis but we're good!
Don?? WRONG!! I have always supervised the people I have slept with- it could be no other way... Now as far as who was subordinate, that's a personal question.
Your discussion above reveals one thing to be clearly true men and women are just alike, they both can engage in gobs of fraud and personal enrichment if given the chance. This is a good reason to know who you are voting into office and why. Maybe a guy who is constantly confused and whose family has some 30 international shell corporations and yet no discernible international business is not the guy you want running your country? Just a nascent idea. Maybe a guy with a15-year long record of holding onto secret records in his garage in a house were his unsupervised drug addled son lives who is constantly looking for ways to make money is not...a good idea. And maybe a guy who makes the way Pinocchio walks look coordinated is not up to another four years in office...
Just some random thoughts, here... and maybe the president should not recite the alphabet by saying L,G,B,T,Q, plus and,
no memory
just makes life grand!
q,r,s ,and,t,u,v..
reminds me me Jill?
what's on TV?
Now I've said my ABCs
all that left is
to elect me!!
YEAH!! A vote for Joe is a vote in the NO!!! .
Deep into the NO
An equally-curmudgeonly friend has maintained for over thirty years that giving women the vote was the worst mistake the United States has ever made. When I reflect on the vote differential in the 2020 presidential race (53% Biden, 42% Trump), and watch the little girl rats follow the Pied Piper of Swift over the Democrat cliff, I sometimes wonder if he's right. The differences are even higher for single women, and given that 45% of women are projected to be single and childless six years from now, maybe we should review that 19th Amendment.
Why not restrict voting to TAXPAYERS only and watch the revolt occur?
How about restricting voting to this who own real property?
To THOSE who own real property? Sheesh
I think the women that comment on this site would beg to differ, Jim.
That said, we are still in the process of women being fully integrated into the higher management/power structure of the US. Despite getting the vote, they were still mostly housewives through the 1960's/1970's. They began to move into the professional fields in the 80's/90's, but rarely could achieve BOTH executive positions AND still have a family. So the women with executive position did not have daughters who could observe successful women leaders. (Of course, I'm making broad generalization.)
By now, women are pretty thoroughly integrated into the middle levels of management/power in America, and they are raising daughters who are getting a good, balanced understanding of how to be just plain competent, mature, and confident in higher and higher positions. They can work side by side comfortably with men just as people, not focused on gender. This also makes them more grounded, realistic voters (i.e., haha, Republicans).
(Black women and Democratic women are another story; they are even further behind. But too long to go in to.)
But very few, if any--and I would say NO women have yet moved into readiness for the very top levels of leadership in this country. For true leadership, one has to be coming from a really solid base of demonstrated achievement. One has to have demonstrated enough success that they have such a deep-seated confidence in themselves that it is no longer "about them", but is instead about a purpose, a mission, a goal. One has to have both a genuinely broad range of expertise in many aspects of life, and "dug deep" into the moral, political, economic, and social principles that make a society successful. There also has to be genuine strength and courage that has been tested under pressure and with responsibility for results. Trump is an outstanding example of the highest form of leadership. Americans recognize this about Trump.
The women that have so far been presented for the highest office of the Presidency are way, way behind in this process of growth. Women are not yet coming from the same basis as men when it comes to decades of experience and examples in leadership and accountability. Geraldine Ferraro, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Carly Fiorina, Kamala Harris, Nikki Haley, AND Michelle Obama, have all been merely weak beginners. Aspiration is not enough; rock-solid demonstrated performance is required.
TPG, thank you for a wonderful comment. There are structural impediments for wonen in our society. In surgery, it is difficult for many women to have a balanced life. Relationships , family etc tend to drive many to the medical rather than surgical sub specialties. Politics is no different as family commitments tend to delay those interested by 10 years into their political careers… leaving us with sociopaths (Hillary) or degenerate sociopaths (Pelosi).
My Mom (and Dad) raised me to be independent. She was too by the way. Then she got mad later in life because I was independent. Ahh family. But for all that, I made it.
You are correct, those running for higher office suck. They never made it past mean girls if they even made it that far. I would vote for a woman but she has to be a good canident and right for the job. Failing up is NOT a path.
On the other hand, it's been noted that women made up a majority of the 20th century's weirdest, most destructive cults: the Jonestown gang and the Rajneeshees. The Jonestown women were mostly black and stupid, and the Rajneeshee women college-educated, with many of those Jewish.
As David Cole observed about both groups: BIDEN VOTERS.
The historian Paul Johnson noted that way back in the 19th century already, American women who appeared in Britain were noted for being "Independent, uppity, self-sufficient and strong-minded". British visitors to the US gained the same impression. Johnson concluded that American women could have had the vote much sooner than they did, but many saw no great need for it. I suppose the Democrats' greatest achievement has been to convince them of the opposite.
This is something that is hard to argue with so it is just ignored. Like the idea of blacks being better athletes than whites. Obvious but can't say it. Or Indians being better at math.
As a matter of fact Stanford Medicine researchers just published a paper (funded by the tax payer, of course) identifying distinct brain differences in men and women. Eureka!!! Who would have thunk it.
Raise the voting age, instead of lowering it like the Dems want to do. History reminds us that only landed gentry could cast a vote in the early, early days.
If you’ll recall, the devil in the Garden of Eden targeted Eve, not Adam. And all he had to do was convince her that she was “less than”, (in this case God Himself), and, well, the rest is ALL of History.
That scene in the Garden pretty much sums up the entire modus operandi of the “Woman’s Movement” in a nutshell.
P.S. By the way, that was a Lie the devil told her, but she tragically fell for it.
well....women are more malleable than men.
....because they have to be.
i agree. women are deficient in other areas that result in power and authority so being clever and malleable gives them that and that's what makes them lousy managers.
that's why it was put in the bible in the first place suzie.
I’m disappointed more readers don’t see Nikki as Harvard president. Has everyone forgotten how highly Indians are regarded at Harvard?
For the younguns:
Radio series from the 1960s
Chickenman was an American radio series created by Dick Orkin that spoofs comic book heroes, inspired by the mid-1960s Batman TV series. The series was created in 1966 on a Chicago radio station WCFL, and was then syndicated widely, notably on Armed Forces Radio during the Vietnam War. Wikipedia
Thx for the memory, Don. Remind us sometime about Gary Burbank.
But back to the women- its by and large more a character issue than a gender. How many men have earned the stature of Maggie Thatcher (who topped the list of Real Men in Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche) or Jeane Kirkpatrick?
Ft. Wayne voted in Pete (won’t even try to spell last name) & his husband.
Nikki- doesn’t she come from the state that keeps giving us Lindsey Graham? (Jury’s out on his gender. Whenever it’s settled, he won’t have to change his name [from Mrs. McCain])
But, to come out of the closet, I eat & enjoy quiche. Whenever my wife let’s me have it.
Well it was South Bend, not Ft. Wayne - but when it was apparent he had done such a poor job that he couldn't possibly get re-elected, he decided to run for president.
Appreciate the correction. Good point. Peter Principle on steroids.
got to love that failing up crap.. /s
It’s more than just ‘failing up’, as you no doubt know. Its that over time, the people holding the positions at each level have reached the level at which they’re incompetent.
This would be a good early move by Trump, in his 2nd administration. By executive order, every one in gov’t should take one step back, to their last job.
And them fill the vacant top spot with a trucker or farmer.
That would be fantastic. I had a lot of really bad managers that were failed up just because they could do less *cough, cough damage if they were moved. The competent people were never promoted Because they were competent.
Sounds like someone at or near the top read the book
He's everywhere! He's everywhere! If i remember right his sidekick Robin Birdlegs.
I loved Chickenman! Simpler (and more satisfying) days back then.
Chickenman's archnemesis:
The Very Diabolical
Two issues here, I think: (1) Anyone who has worked in an environment that is highly female knows this. Women don't even want to work for other women. (2) The type of people who go for these jobs as Ds are chosen for other values than competency or morality. Add that to power corrupts and the total lack of accountability when you own the press, and see what we got.
I'm not claiming on the second part men are any better. Corruption is a human, not a sex specific problem. But when half of the human race is told they are super-duper special because of their genitals....
Nice job. You pretty much prepared us for Mike Obama as president. Something to look forward to. On the bright side, they might nail her for something like, killing a chef.
There you go. The first black trans president. But will that make it a Transexual or a Trans Person?
Refer to Mike as It. Married to light in the loafers Barry. Barry, who wrecked America, and It.
Second comment for the day not that I'm competitive, nor do I keep count of everything. I'm watching Fox News again on mute not only is it hilarious as a 24/7 ad for Trump, but as a 75-year-old widower was still a little bit of testosterone running through me I have to say those are babes on Fox foxy babes and smart like Jessica tarlov. I finished my first cup of coffee, the cat is still purring on my lap especially if I take time to brush her, and I'm still greatly enjoying Don's mental health support group. Thank you for being here. Later Gators and sometime I will update you on why I love Gators especially Al from the Okie pinocchi swamp.
02/21/24: Fox's groveling is so blatant, they'll soon have another $700M with which they can "settle" another Dominion lawsuit. Might as well put the News Corp-Lachlanites on Dominion's board so they can grab a handy rebate as the billions swirl and ebb and squirt through the corroded, heinous legal system's sewerage system.
Marc Elias. ALL Marc Elias, a truly contemptible person.
Mark ellius. Silly secretary but she works cheap I'll keep an eye out for him I don't think he'll come here to Plymouth rack up trouble.
What is sad is that in one recent lawsuit against Dominion, there was proof that Dominion's machines can be used to cheat, and will change votes. Fox should have never caved to them. I will see if I can find the link
I believe the machines are not programmed to do this, but the end user can mis-use them to change vote counts.
Yeah booted into safe mode or programmed wrong so ballots count on a weighted scale. Its why some districts could never say exactly how many ballots they actually got. numbers would have been off.
This indeed is the true meaning of Mental Floss.
Lawsy, another roar of laughter. Thank you.
U R wekkum.
An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.
- Simon Cameron
To generalize a bit, because that's how you come up with ways to understand most of the world, corruption in politics is as old as politics.
Politicians are generally mostly salesmen. And salesmen generally have a certain psychological profile.
As far as women in sales being more virtuous than men, uh no.
The problem is that men and women fight differently. Men tend to be more confrontational.
Women tend to be more oblique in their combat techniques. The feminist movement has replaced masculine techniques with feminine techniques over the last several decades, as the Left has installed a lot of "girl bosses". Men, meanwhile, are devalued and denigrated as "toxic". Toxic to who exactly? Men built most of what we know as civilization. Some of these guys were pretty good. So this new model, it's not really working out. I'm all for a strong woman, and you have to judge each individual on their merits, but we don't seem to be generating a Maggie Thatcher or a Golda Meir, we have mostly aging mean sorority girls, upper middle class faux Commie activists, and
thugs. They actually tend to be more totalitarian and vicious than a lot of the bad guys.
I don't think women in government is a bad thing. The quality of the men these days is certainly at least as bad as the women. But I do think that a more emotional approach to solving hard problems doesn't seem to work very well. In fact it's doing a lot of damage. And because hiring women is part of the whole affirmative action trope, we get a lot of low quality people in over their heads.
Well said and agree.
Women are corruptible too. And contemptible. Sometimes there’s just no explaining and better to ignore but prepare for betrayal.
A chilling thought. And it does not have to be, does it not?
No but women are not direct in their betrayal. There’s no way Nikki intends to be part of the Repub/conserv/originality crowd going forward. She’s burning bridges all over the place. I’ve no idea the derivation for the behaviour, but she’s following some script. She won’t be don’t when there’s no more primary element to stage. Someone is footing the bill now and they will decide her future.
AS I noted elsewhere - she is going to be the democrat nominee for president. She's the best uniparty candidate DC has got.
Yeah, it is like she knows something that the rest of us do not. But I suspect we all kinda know what that something might be.
That’s a good observation. It takes a lot of energy to plow ahead in the face of so much negativity- nothing good happens for her in any day. It would be revealing to be at the end of day brief.
You are insightful with your observations of Haley's seemingly strange behavior. It must have a powerful external source.
As I stated in one of yesterday's comments, I believe it is because the deep state will not let Trump reach the finish line. Since Haley has the second strongest polling (as a neocon globalist), the deep state gets what they want.
In other words, I fear her unrelenting boldness indicates the deep state's end game plan for Trump if the courts don't do it first.
That’s interesting: I don’t see her as bold at all. She’s looking very worn and fatigued. That comes with the schedule of course, but the day in day out need to stay on point is heavy. I don’t hear her saying a single thing that is original or specific or a development of earlier presentations. At this time in a campaign she should be building on earlier more general ideas. She’s not. She’s pounding the earlier stuff and flapping when asked for anything more substantial. She’s not an original thinker. She’s a sturdy plow horse of a campaigner but she’s campaigning on someone else’s plan. And sounding kinda shrill.
As to Trump - I’ve said since 2020-ish “they” plan to Julius Caesar him one way or another. I do expect at least one attempt on his life.
I fear you are correct Shrugged but I pray for the safety PDJT daily.
we sure do. trump will be eliminated from being on that ballot. one way or another and she has been told to stick in there by the suits with the cash to make that happen. hundreds of trillions are at stake.
I feel what you say is true, but I wish it weren’t.
i'm sure you understand that i get that a lot.
Maybe she is more Red Dot Indian than Rain Dance Indian.
men are indeed wising up and by the tens of millions. they're simply walking away from women and their nefarious chicanery. most women (not all for sure) are also understanding what is going on and are now trying to walk back feminism to some extent but smart men using their brain see that for what it is....more clever nefarious chicanery. only simps buy what is being sold.
Don, Correia is a dude. Girly-man, yes, but a dude nonetheless. And Nikki is everything Chris Christie wanted to be.