Germany was really stupid when they began importing Muslim workers. Now they have a Muslim problem that is growing and like the British are too afraid to call a spade a spade when it comes to crime and who is responsible for it.
Hopefully we learn from their mistakes and take corrective action to end our importation of troubles from abroad.
The insane virtue-signaling of allowing the importation of masses of “refugees” into Europe can likened to a prisoner asking to put their own blindfold on before they get executed.
Willful blindness coupled with moral superiority and a large dollop of incomprehensible stupidity equals a deadly cocktail.
Some of that stupidity may have been motivated by a moral hangover due to Germany's activities in WWII -- even though by this time nearly all the perpetrators are gone ...
Hard decision for Germany. Following Hitler over the cliff, killed an entire generation of young men. The foundation of youth needed to build a nation, lost in an unwinnable war.
Kinda like the U.S./Nato providing the weapons to kill off Ukrainian youth.
I choked while listening to an Immigrant from India, third in command at a billion dollar corporation, complaining about racism as she successfully climbed to the top. Odd thinking coming from someone whose previous home country is a 4-tiered Caste Society where Social Mobility is verboten. Untouchable in India isn't Elliot Ness.
I believe there is a mechanism at work in many immigrants to this country in that they try too hard to fit in by aping aspects of American society that in hindsight, and with a little more experience, they might not have adopted. Like all the Woke stuff, DEI, White Supremacy and so on.
Fully agree with you about Trump's comment on Gaza providing the impetus for Hamas, but more importantly to light a fire under Biden's Handlers, to solve the problem.
And remember the compelling aura of Trump has the dullard Biden as the comparator.
I got two Surber columns this morning so it’s a good day. The laughing Germans described here reminded me of an early scene in Darkest Hour, in which condescending mucky mucks in Britain are laughing at Winston Churchill. I’m really trying not to wallow too much in schadenfreude, but I’m planning an all day champagne and celebratory snacks in front of the tv Monday.
We also are planning to be planted in front of the TV on Monday - I'm already breathless with anticipation especially after Hegseth's master performance yesterday - I loved his response to old lizzie warren - I'm not a General, Senator!
It’s important to note that all governments are intrinsically bad - it’s the nature of the beast - and always just a heartbeat away from authoritarianism. It is only wise leaders and men and women with foresight and common sense, and, most importantly, a true moral backbone who make all the difference, and determine the course of history. As they say, elections have consequences.
I have a bit of a more controversial take on Russia. During Trumps first administration Russia was closer to becoming a, shall we say, “normal” economic partner than ever before in history. Yes of course, Trump was right to say it is folly to put all your eggs in one basket to the Germans, but that is just good business (and governing) sense. Putin had expressed on more than one occasion, and to many presidents, that he was interested in expanding their markets into more and better trade partnerships with the West and a literal new landscape of peace lay literally on the horizon. But he also could see who those trusted partners were more likely to be, and who he could take advantage of. He saw through Obama like a window, for the weasel he was, and so took Crimea, and also got a military foothold in the Middle East for the first time in history. .
But when Trump came along it was an entirely different story. And this was largely due to the common sense businessman he recognized in Trump, but also a man who would knock you out of existence if you crossed him. I believe he genuinely thought there could be a different future for Russia with this man as the US President.
But the 2020 election steal threw not just a gigantic wrench into that possible brighter future for the world, but created the exact opposite. The Biden administration in concert with NATO, hurled us back into the Cold War days by taunting Russia and discarding decades of long understandings between us not to expand NATO, thus instigating the Ukraine war and creating mass havoc in the world. And for what?
European nations, Germany in particular, are now hulks of their former once dynamic and prosperous selves, and have managed to bring us to the brink of WWIII, if we’re not actually already in it.
This has all been part of some deranged world-altering scheme devised by mad men and women, right here in the USA, for purposes that defy all logic and reason.
It can be said with all the certainty of the sun rising in the East, that had Trump not been deprived of winning in 2020, not only would none of that ever have happened, the whole world would have been an entirely different place.
Love your comment and agree with you, Suzie. By the end of Trump's first term, there was indeed a rare opportunity for a new rapprochement, and the development of Russia into a more responsible and subdued world power. Both Putin and Trump were no fools, and both knew neither would tolerate being shafted by the other. Trump was under no illusions as to Putin's darker side. But they recognized a degree of pragmatism in each other, and there were definitely openings for Russia and the US to cooperate in certain ways.
But instead we sent Putin the corrupt and incompetent Biden administration to deal with. Early on, Kamala actually went there and (in the height of ignorance) stated that Ukraine was (already!) a member of NATO. There are layers and layers of bribery and blackmail/extortion going on in the relationship of the Biden administration and Ukraine, and there is much here that still needs to be brought into the sunlight. Remember, Ukraine has ranked right up there with Nigeria as among the most corrupt countries on Earth.
Actually, I think we are lucky Putin did not responded to the provocations by going nuclear. For awhile there, Biden was pushing Russia hard into cooperation with China, which would have been a disaster for us (was this part of China's plan all along--to use Biden to drive Russia closer to China?) Thankfully, Putin did not fall for it.
And everyone could see the complete BS of the Biden administration's claim that they were 'honorably defending Ukraine's borders'. The extreme hypocrisy was obvious to the whole world, while the Left allowed America's own borders to be totally trashed beyond belief.
I agree with most of your analysis. The best thing for Russia is Trump. He doesn't see them as the life long enemy, he sees them as a future trade partner. If the Russians become better aligned with the west, it spells bad news for China.
Suzie. Refreshing to read a thoughtful, keen view on Russia/USA/Europe.
A Peaceful World depends on calming down these ginned-up hot spots. Many of which will take decades, if not hundreds of years to finally heal the wounds.
Yet, it is within the Power of the United States, via reason, likely with Trump to navigate this leaky, rusty American ship from the rocky shores of the course set by the American D.C. Deep State.
Perversely, the Stolen Election where Biden was installed as the Senile (controllable) Navigator may well have given Trump a far better hand for these coming 4 years. What if Biden (his handlers) weren't just a bunch of mediocre F-ups?
They kept Trump too busy with fake impeachments, etc for him to get wind of all the bioweapons labs in Ukraine, run by crack addled Dementia Joe's boy Hunter.
Interesting take. A couple of caveats to an interesting post. Did Biden mismanage this - hell yes he did. I think Putin would not have attacked while Trump was in office because he had no idea exactly how Trump would react.
Russia has always been paranoid because they have historically been invaded from the west through very large tough to defend corridors. For all the talk of Putin wanting to normalize trading relations with the west - that was tied in with the caveat that he also wanted to dictate security terms for Eastern Europe, which after the Soviet occupation was an absolute non-starter. Did some of the loose talk about NATO expansion by Biden officials make things worse? Sure did. Have both sides wantonly ignored the Minsk I and II accords. Yes. Frequently forgotten, when we convinced Ukraine to give up her nukes, we extended protection guarantees to her. Have we lived up to them? Debatable.
Did Russia's actions validate Ukraine's security concerns and their desire to join NATO. Yep. Once this is all over is it in our best interests to get out of NATO? Probably.
Germany was running out of workers. They were going to diminish because they quit having kids. Did they increase the speed at which they would diminish because of their stupidity on linking themselves to Russian nat gas supplies? Sure did. I was surprised they stood with Ukraine, which appeared to especially help Louisiana.
It is all very complicated, as matters of international relations typically are. Trump will have some juice to force a settlement probably along the lines of the current stalemate. But the conditions for a permanent peace are going to be a bit more difficult than anyone realizes.
That's a pretty good summary, Suzie, except (IMHO) that part about NATO. It was always intended to be a defensive organization, and I believe it always was except for the intervention in the Balkans, which could be argued to have been humanitarian, to counter genocide on European soil. But, (again IMHO), NATO served as a convenient excuse for Putin to justify his aggressive schemes.
I agree! But it was just the layup he needed, though not necessarily was looking for or wanted. He saw the feckless, weak Biden administration as too good an opportunity to pass up. What Leader, for good or ill, wouldn’t?
My whole point is that had Trump been there instead it would never, ever have happened. And hopefully, the chance that we had for some kind of more meaningful, and peaceful co-existence hasn’t been totally squandered. We shall see.
I read a piece by Kurt Schlichter yesterday that was titled “Let’s Not Freak Out When Trump Does Not Get Every Thing He Wants Immediately”. I can’t connect it because it is behind a paywall. In the article he explains that we conservatives can’t expect everything to happen at once. Republicans have a razor thin majority in the house and not every one of them is on board with everything. The Senate is a little better off but it will not be a cake walk to get things through there either. There is still the RINO problem. Additionally some folks long for the spot light and the best way to get there is through opposition to a popular idea.
The point is simply this, it ain’t all going to happen on day one. President Trump will need to negotiate, bargain, and compromise to get things done. Some things may not get done the way conservatives would like them to be. He is going to have to prioritize. We are going to have to exercise some patience. Not everyone will. The media will pick at anything and everything he does. Hang in there. In four days we at least will have a President who won’t be giving away the store. MAGA
It used to be, "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick"... I am hoping it becomes, "Speak Loudly and Clearly; Show the Big Stick(s), and Use Them If Necessary". Don't bluff.
Actually bluffing is one of the best weapons in a nation's arsenal. It forces your enemies to be on guard for actions you may or may not take. There is no reason whatsoever to allow your enemies to know your plans unless you have determined it will force their compliance to your terms. Like General Patton said when he threatened severe action against his subordinates. It's not important if they know I'm bluffing. It's only important that I know.
Bluffing is meaningless if you have a history of doing so. Patton rarely bluffed. He saw threats as a tactical tool and never bluffed if he was not prepared to act.
Somehow, despite the derision of the legacy media, the Democrats, and Euroweenies, Donald Trump nearly always is right in his pronouncements. Between Trump, Musk, and Ramaswamy there is more brainpower and foresight than Congress (both houses) and the legacy media combined. Currently, Trump is talking about Greenland, the Panama Canal, and Canada and, predictably, many are accusing him of crazy trash talk. My guess is that Trump will have the last laugh when the dust settles and he gets major concessions from all three.
As for the Germans, they haven't made a smart policy decision for decades. In addition to sole sourcing their natural gas supplies to Russia, they dumped nuclear power, imported millions of Muslim "guest workers", and elected Frau Merkel time and again. Dummkopfs.
I hope the 33/1000 hostage exchange is wrong and Bibi rejects the premise of (a few) wounded women and children (mostly living) for murderers who will kill more Israelis.
I’d not exchange anyone. I guess I’d just bomb the daylights out of them and pray for the people they killed. I have strong doubts that any Israelis or Americans live. Maybe even start having new sentencing hearings for prisoners and bring back the death penalty for terrorism.
It appears that most of the hostages have been killed already but no one is sure. Anyone still in captivity should be warmed by the fact that Israel does not ever leave its people behind.
Unfortunately I believe that is most likely , Hamas cannot be believed or trusted . Exterminate them ; our planet is too crowded to put with evil incarnate .
And report on so the corruption American politicians are involved with in Ukraine. The hiding of their ill gotten gains. Seize it and return it to the treasury. And put these criminals in irons and ropes.
Imagine Germany being so stupid as to rely on one unstable country for all its natural gas. Common sense in the EU seems to be at an all time low. Then Biden says no to LNG exporting. The one principle that you can always count on from liberals is to pick the dumbest, least effective long term option.
The Herman's have done some really stupid things in the last 15 years, but one of the most dangerous was partnering with Xiden administration to essentially defend the billions that Exxon Mobil and Shell(UK) - and George Soros - 'invested' in LNG and oil leases in Ukraine, among our other defense related idiocy.
Bonus day! AfD has been fighting for freedom from the suicidal Merkel (Stasi-girl Ossie) and 'Sustainable' green energy policies that are killing off their industry (aka jobs). Chemie are almost gone, Stahl was sold off, packed up and mailed to China, natgas is $8/mcf vs $2 in US, Benzene is $10/gal, they scrammed their nukes, (but they have fired back up a few coal plants). Good chance, in a few years you'll see the vast Germany countryside, devoid of german descendants, with Large Windmill blades mindlessly spinning over the growing wild forests....
Stop with the Putin hate. He has rebuilt Russia from the ruins of the Soviet collapse. Their economy is booming, they have no debt. He has restored the church to its rightful and prominent role in society.
We signed a treaty, ratified by the Senate, that NATO would not expand one inch to the east. Then they marched right up to his door and overthrew the legitimate government of Ukraine and installed the criminal Azov Nazis in power. NATO is the aggressor. Look up Victoria Nuland and friends.
Oh, by the way, their weapons actually work, and their army can fight. Not like the lying legacy media claims. More than a million Ukrainians and about eighty thousand Russians have died to slake the bloodlust of the Neocon warmongering criminals who infest our nation.
His approval rating is in the eighties. That's why he keeps getting re-elected. No term limits in their Constitution.
I wish we had a leader who so loves his country. Maybe Trump can make peace.
No Putin hate here , you need to fact check your numbers . Like the Chinese I have yet to see any numbers that appear to be accurate . But the Ukrainians brought this upon themselves due to their innate willingness to make everything corrupt . And I doubt life in Mother Russia is as good as you think it is , besides why is it taking them so long to win ?
There are many excellent analysts you can follow, like Simplicius and Larry Johnson to name a couple. The most important point is that the Leviathan is vast and runs through the media and governments of most western nations now. Google burie the truth several pages in on what they consider a controversial search.
Could be different now, but the last time I used google to search George Soros, i was four pages of "Great Humanitarian" or "Philanthropist" before they mention the hitler Youth in passing.
You claim that the US signed a Treaty ratified by the Senate. If true, that should be something that can be easily verified. If you are honestly trying to make a serioous point, you should be able to back up your assertion. I really don't trust Wikipedia, nor do I "trust" Google .
I don't dispute that NATO should not have been or should be expanded. I don't dispute that there may have been "understandings". I don't dispute your "the Leviathan is vast and runs through the media and governments of most western nations now". But, you claim a specific treaty and senate approval, that if true, would make your argument much stronger.
Germany was really stupid when they began importing Muslim workers. Now they have a Muslim problem that is growing and like the British are too afraid to call a spade a spade when it comes to crime and who is responsible for it.
Hopefully we learn from their mistakes and take corrective action to end our importation of troubles from abroad.
The insane virtue-signaling of allowing the importation of masses of “refugees” into Europe can likened to a prisoner asking to put their own blindfold on before they get executed.
Willful blindness coupled with moral superiority and a large dollop of incomprehensible stupidity equals a deadly cocktail.
Some of that stupidity may have been motivated by a moral hangover due to Germany's activities in WWII -- even though by this time nearly all the perpetrators are gone ...
Hard decision for Germany. Following Hitler over the cliff, killed an entire generation of young men. The foundation of youth needed to build a nation, lost in an unwinnable war.
Kinda like the U.S./Nato providing the weapons to kill off Ukrainian youth.
Yeah, they immigrated (by invitation) to the US.
I choked while listening to an Immigrant from India, third in command at a billion dollar corporation, complaining about racism as she successfully climbed to the top. Odd thinking coming from someone whose previous home country is a 4-tiered Caste Society where Social Mobility is verboten. Untouchable in India isn't Elliot Ness.
I believe there is a mechanism at work in many immigrants to this country in that they try too hard to fit in by aping aspects of American society that in hindsight, and with a little more experience, they might not have adopted. Like all the Woke stuff, DEI, White Supremacy and so on.
Trump carries a big stick. One Trump quote beats an invasion.
Just to remind all... the absolute greatest song-recording of the 1960s is "Don't Worry Baby" by the Beach Boys.
Fully agree with you about Trump's comment on Gaza providing the impetus for Hamas, but more importantly to light a fire under Biden's Handlers, to solve the problem.
And remember the compelling aura of Trump has the dullard Biden as the comparator.
but he has small hands...oh much better than lacking a BRAIN! and a SPINE!
Small hands ? Why do I all of sudden feel unclean ?
I got two Surber columns this morning so it’s a good day. The laughing Germans described here reminded me of an early scene in Darkest Hour, in which condescending mucky mucks in Britain are laughing at Winston Churchill. I’m really trying not to wallow too much in schadenfreude, but I’m planning an all day champagne and celebratory snacks in front of the tv Monday.
We also are planning to be planted in front of the TV on Monday - I'm already breathless with anticipation especially after Hegseth's master performance yesterday - I loved his response to old lizzie warren - I'm not a General, Senator!
He should of added "and you are not a native American." Yet politely he refrained.
All the excesses, akin to the grubby Roman Senate, were on display. Yet Hegseth, swatted them away like so many pillow feathers.
Get some champagne! Or your favorite beverage!
nothing quite like a double dip of Surber for the day - I love it!
It’s important to note that all governments are intrinsically bad - it’s the nature of the beast - and always just a heartbeat away from authoritarianism. It is only wise leaders and men and women with foresight and common sense, and, most importantly, a true moral backbone who make all the difference, and determine the course of history. As they say, elections have consequences.
I have a bit of a more controversial take on Russia. During Trumps first administration Russia was closer to becoming a, shall we say, “normal” economic partner than ever before in history. Yes of course, Trump was right to say it is folly to put all your eggs in one basket to the Germans, but that is just good business (and governing) sense. Putin had expressed on more than one occasion, and to many presidents, that he was interested in expanding their markets into more and better trade partnerships with the West and a literal new landscape of peace lay literally on the horizon. But he also could see who those trusted partners were more likely to be, and who he could take advantage of. He saw through Obama like a window, for the weasel he was, and so took Crimea, and also got a military foothold in the Middle East for the first time in history. .
But when Trump came along it was an entirely different story. And this was largely due to the common sense businessman he recognized in Trump, but also a man who would knock you out of existence if you crossed him. I believe he genuinely thought there could be a different future for Russia with this man as the US President.
But the 2020 election steal threw not just a gigantic wrench into that possible brighter future for the world, but created the exact opposite. The Biden administration in concert with NATO, hurled us back into the Cold War days by taunting Russia and discarding decades of long understandings between us not to expand NATO, thus instigating the Ukraine war and creating mass havoc in the world. And for what?
European nations, Germany in particular, are now hulks of their former once dynamic and prosperous selves, and have managed to bring us to the brink of WWIII, if we’re not actually already in it.
This has all been part of some deranged world-altering scheme devised by mad men and women, right here in the USA, for purposes that defy all logic and reason.
It can be said with all the certainty of the sun rising in the East, that had Trump not been deprived of winning in 2020, not only would none of that ever have happened, the whole world would have been an entirely different place.
Love your comment and agree with you, Suzie. By the end of Trump's first term, there was indeed a rare opportunity for a new rapprochement, and the development of Russia into a more responsible and subdued world power. Both Putin and Trump were no fools, and both knew neither would tolerate being shafted by the other. Trump was under no illusions as to Putin's darker side. But they recognized a degree of pragmatism in each other, and there were definitely openings for Russia and the US to cooperate in certain ways.
But instead we sent Putin the corrupt and incompetent Biden administration to deal with. Early on, Kamala actually went there and (in the height of ignorance) stated that Ukraine was (already!) a member of NATO. There are layers and layers of bribery and blackmail/extortion going on in the relationship of the Biden administration and Ukraine, and there is much here that still needs to be brought into the sunlight. Remember, Ukraine has ranked right up there with Nigeria as among the most corrupt countries on Earth.
Actually, I think we are lucky Putin did not responded to the provocations by going nuclear. For awhile there, Biden was pushing Russia hard into cooperation with China, which would have been a disaster for us (was this part of China's plan all along--to use Biden to drive Russia closer to China?) Thankfully, Putin did not fall for it.
And everyone could see the complete BS of the Biden administration's claim that they were 'honorably defending Ukraine's borders'. The extreme hypocrisy was obvious to the whole world, while the Left allowed America's own borders to be totally trashed beyond belief.
I agree with most of your analysis. The best thing for Russia is Trump. He doesn't see them as the life long enemy, he sees them as a future trade partner. If the Russians become better aligned with the west, it spells bad news for China.
Suzie. Refreshing to read a thoughtful, keen view on Russia/USA/Europe.
A Peaceful World depends on calming down these ginned-up hot spots. Many of which will take decades, if not hundreds of years to finally heal the wounds.
Yet, it is within the Power of the United States, via reason, likely with Trump to navigate this leaky, rusty American ship from the rocky shores of the course set by the American D.C. Deep State.
Perversely, the Stolen Election where Biden was installed as the Senile (controllable) Navigator may well have given Trump a far better hand for these coming 4 years. What if Biden (his handlers) weren't just a bunch of mediocre F-ups?
They kept Trump too busy with fake impeachments, etc for him to get wind of all the bioweapons labs in Ukraine, run by crack addled Dementia Joe's boy Hunter.
Interesting take. A couple of caveats to an interesting post. Did Biden mismanage this - hell yes he did. I think Putin would not have attacked while Trump was in office because he had no idea exactly how Trump would react.
Russia has always been paranoid because they have historically been invaded from the west through very large tough to defend corridors. For all the talk of Putin wanting to normalize trading relations with the west - that was tied in with the caveat that he also wanted to dictate security terms for Eastern Europe, which after the Soviet occupation was an absolute non-starter. Did some of the loose talk about NATO expansion by Biden officials make things worse? Sure did. Have both sides wantonly ignored the Minsk I and II accords. Yes. Frequently forgotten, when we convinced Ukraine to give up her nukes, we extended protection guarantees to her. Have we lived up to them? Debatable.
Did Russia's actions validate Ukraine's security concerns and their desire to join NATO. Yep. Once this is all over is it in our best interests to get out of NATO? Probably.
Germany was running out of workers. They were going to diminish because they quit having kids. Did they increase the speed at which they would diminish because of their stupidity on linking themselves to Russian nat gas supplies? Sure did. I was surprised they stood with Ukraine, which appeared to especially help Louisiana.
It is all very complicated, as matters of international relations typically are. Trump will have some juice to force a settlement probably along the lines of the current stalemate. But the conditions for a permanent peace are going to be a bit more difficult than anyone realizes.
Zackly! Bravo!
That's a pretty good summary, Suzie, except (IMHO) that part about NATO. It was always intended to be a defensive organization, and I believe it always was except for the intervention in the Balkans, which could be argued to have been humanitarian, to counter genocide on European soil. But, (again IMHO), NATO served as a convenient excuse for Putin to justify his aggressive schemes.
Poot immediately recognized NATO's weak backbone , mainly the arrival of the " Muslim Horde " .
I agree! But it was just the layup he needed, though not necessarily was looking for or wanted. He saw the feckless, weak Biden administration as too good an opportunity to pass up. What Leader, for good or ill, wouldn’t?
My whole point is that had Trump been there instead it would never, ever have happened. And hopefully, the chance that we had for some kind of more meaningful, and peaceful co-existence hasn’t been totally squandered. We shall see.
I agree, not just because of your arguments, but also as a diehard Trump supporter.
I read a piece by Kurt Schlichter yesterday that was titled “Let’s Not Freak Out When Trump Does Not Get Every Thing He Wants Immediately”. I can’t connect it because it is behind a paywall. In the article he explains that we conservatives can’t expect everything to happen at once. Republicans have a razor thin majority in the house and not every one of them is on board with everything. The Senate is a little better off but it will not be a cake walk to get things through there either. There is still the RINO problem. Additionally some folks long for the spot light and the best way to get there is through opposition to a popular idea.
The point is simply this, it ain’t all going to happen on day one. President Trump will need to negotiate, bargain, and compromise to get things done. Some things may not get done the way conservatives would like them to be. He is going to have to prioritize. We are going to have to exercise some patience. Not everyone will. The media will pick at anything and everything he does. Hang in there. In four days we at least will have a President who won’t be giving away the store. MAGA
Concur, Sir. We must be realists. DC is a UniParty money laundering operation.
Excellent comment and essential for all to take to heart! ♥️
It’s going to be a VERY bumpy ride.
Buckle up.
It used to be, "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick"... I am hoping it becomes, "Speak Loudly and Clearly; Show the Big Stick(s), and Use Them If Necessary". Don't bluff.
Actually bluffing is one of the best weapons in a nation's arsenal. It forces your enemies to be on guard for actions you may or may not take. There is no reason whatsoever to allow your enemies to know your plans unless you have determined it will force their compliance to your terms. Like General Patton said when he threatened severe action against his subordinates. It's not important if they know I'm bluffing. It's only important that I know.
It's the art of the deal! So many people just don't get that.
Bluffing is meaningless if you have a history of doing so. Patton rarely bluffed. He saw threats as a tactical tool and never bluffed if he was not prepared to act.
I like the medieval, "show him the instruments."
Good one. I have not heard that in years. Nice memory; now you have me racking my brain as to where that came from. Shakespeare?
Somehow, despite the derision of the legacy media, the Democrats, and Euroweenies, Donald Trump nearly always is right in his pronouncements. Between Trump, Musk, and Ramaswamy there is more brainpower and foresight than Congress (both houses) and the legacy media combined. Currently, Trump is talking about Greenland, the Panama Canal, and Canada and, predictably, many are accusing him of crazy trash talk. My guess is that Trump will have the last laugh when the dust settles and he gets major concessions from all three.
As for the Germans, they haven't made a smart policy decision for decades. In addition to sole sourcing their natural gas supplies to Russia, they dumped nuclear power, imported millions of Muslim "guest workers", and elected Frau Merkel time and again. Dummkopfs.
Jawohl. Zweifellos.
Amen, Jim.
I hope the 33/1000 hostage exchange is wrong and Bibi rejects the premise of (a few) wounded women and children (mostly living) for murderers who will kill more Israelis.
1 for 1 is how the hostage exchange should be.
I’d not exchange anyone. I guess I’d just bomb the daylights out of them and pray for the people they killed. I have strong doubts that any Israelis or Americans live. Maybe even start having new sentencing hearings for prisoners and bring back the death penalty for terrorism.
It appears that most of the hostages have been killed already but no one is sure. Anyone still in captivity should be warmed by the fact that Israel does not ever leave its people behind.
Unfortunately I believe that is most likely , Hamas cannot be believed or trusted . Exterminate them ; our planet is too crowded to put with evil incarnate .
And report on so the corruption American politicians are involved with in Ukraine. The hiding of their ill gotten gains. Seize it and return it to the treasury. And put these criminals in irons and ropes.
Imagine Germany being so stupid as to rely on one unstable country for all its natural gas. Common sense in the EU seems to be at an all time low. Then Biden says no to LNG exporting. The one principle that you can always count on from liberals is to pick the dumbest, least effective long term option.
And blowing up the Nordstream pipeline! Who’s genius idea was that, Biden?
Obama /Nuland.
They took away one of Putin chips.
Regarding sanctions, I won't do business with schmucks. Why should our country conduct businees with a schmuck dictator ?
Thanks for the Connie Francis memories! I really miss the good old days when songs actually has tunes and we could understand the words!
The Herman's have done some really stupid things in the last 15 years, but one of the most dangerous was partnering with Xiden administration to essentially defend the billions that Exxon Mobil and Shell(UK) - and George Soros - 'invested' in LNG and oil leases in Ukraine, among our other defense related idiocy.
Russia is greatly benefitting from our sanctions.
It’s more corruption.
Bonus day! AfD has been fighting for freedom from the suicidal Merkel (Stasi-girl Ossie) and 'Sustainable' green energy policies that are killing off their industry (aka jobs). Chemie are almost gone, Stahl was sold off, packed up and mailed to China, natgas is $8/mcf vs $2 in US, Benzene is $10/gal, they scrammed their nukes, (but they have fired back up a few coal plants). Good chance, in a few years you'll see the vast Germany countryside, devoid of german descendants, with Large Windmill blades mindlessly spinning over the growing wild forests....
Edit: “not spinning”
Stop with the Putin hate. He has rebuilt Russia from the ruins of the Soviet collapse. Their economy is booming, they have no debt. He has restored the church to its rightful and prominent role in society.
We signed a treaty, ratified by the Senate, that NATO would not expand one inch to the east. Then they marched right up to his door and overthrew the legitimate government of Ukraine and installed the criminal Azov Nazis in power. NATO is the aggressor. Look up Victoria Nuland and friends.
Oh, by the way, their weapons actually work, and their army can fight. Not like the lying legacy media claims. More than a million Ukrainians and about eighty thousand Russians have died to slake the bloodlust of the Neocon warmongering criminals who infest our nation.
His approval rating is in the eighties. That's why he keeps getting re-elected. No term limits in their Constitution.
I wish we had a leader who so loves his country. Maybe Trump can make peace.
The world owes Putin a debt of gratitude.
He is the only reason we are not in WWIII.
Agreed. But Russians are getting tired of his patience. The NAZIS have lost, but the barking chihuahuas of NATO are still in denial.
No Putin hate here , you need to fact check your numbers . Like the Chinese I have yet to see any numbers that appear to be accurate . But the Ukrainians brought this upon themselves due to their innate willingness to make everything corrupt . And I doubt life in Mother Russia is as good as you think it is , besides why is it taking them so long to win ?
Please cite the treaty you are claiming we agreed to. I know the internet lies but there seems to be some dispute of this claim. Thank you!
You can start your search here.
There are many excellent analysts you can follow, like Simplicius and Larry Johnson to name a couple. The most important point is that the Leviathan is vast and runs through the media and governments of most western nations now. Google burie the truth several pages in on what they consider a controversial search.
Could be different now, but the last time I used google to search George Soros, i was four pages of "Great Humanitarian" or "Philanthropist" before they mention the hitler Youth in passing.
You claim that the US signed a Treaty ratified by the Senate. If true, that should be something that can be easily verified. If you are honestly trying to make a serioous point, you should be able to back up your assertion. I really don't trust Wikipedia, nor do I "trust" Google .
I don't dispute that NATO should not have been or should be expanded. I don't dispute that there may have been "understandings". I don't dispute your "the Leviathan is vast and runs through the media and governments of most western nations now". But, you claim a specific treaty and senate approval, that if true, would make your argument much stronger.
could be wrong about the senate. No time to look, but here's some background.
off to work.
Amen, No. Thank you.
Trump to Germany,
"You had your way
Now you must pay
I'm glad that you're sorry now"
The schadenfreude is delicious.....