When someone tells you what they are, you need to pay attention. And that evening, the Democrats showed us that they are really the party of anger and hate.

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Anger and hate that overshadow deep, deep corruption and death. Corruption to the tune of hundreds of billions, and given how long it has gone on unchecked, many trillions. USAID was a drive-through ATM of laundered money.

The Democrats are the embodiment of satan.

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Indeed they are his loyal servants.

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So hateful they can’t even stand to applaud a 13yr old cancer survivor, all because he was introduced by TRUMP!!! You know, “Orange Man Bad” & all that. They are a party so consumed with rage & hate they are blinded to little else.

Common sense decrees when you’re in a hole, stop digging. Any modicum of common sense left them long ago.

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Well they have been thoroughly humiliated. Stripped of the little dignity they had left. They are a beaten bunch. My daddy used to say..."what do you expect from a pig but a grunt".

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Army and Marine infantry resent that association.

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my grandmother used to say..."stay clear of stupid. it rubs off on those who get to close then hang around."

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The real insanity behind it is that it all goes back to PDT beating Hillary and denying her a coronation. Just imagine all of that bile spent on the nasty evil drunken hag of Chappaqua for the last 9 years.

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While a gentleman should never hit a lady, Trump beating the hag and the whore is an entirely different matter.

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I understand who you are referring to, but when referring to hags and whores in the Democrat Party, you really need to be more specific as there are so many to choose from. How about that Rosa Delauro? I'm sorry, but that's a face that could stop a clock.

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And Thieving Grifters on a scale never seen….Rome was large, but the DC stealing by Dems (and Rinos and kompromatted ones) had to have been stealing $1 Trillion a year…

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There's an old saying... "you are the company you keep".

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They are like petulant children in adult bodies.

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You are being too kind. They are just ignoramuses that don't even know how to think for themselves; they;ve been led around by their noses for so long they have no clue about even humanity. Be gone, evil spirits. Visualizing that hateful Pelosi tearing up his speech never leaves me when I see her. What a despicable visual statement. She and Mr should be fined or in jail for their insider trading or using her position to enrich themselves which is apparent.

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And Marxism.

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Back in 2004 someone paraphrased the debates. The donks were portrayed as lefty anger. That has been their platform since before 1860. People, especially the younger generations need to be shown this and periodically reminded of it. Best time to do that is in the first few months of each campaign season.

I'm thinking of the scene from Red Dawn where the downed pilot is talking to the kid notching his gun. Angry is no way to go through life.

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anger and hate yes but something else that i usually don't ascribe to....stupidity. i always like to say that the democrats are clever and show solidarity but are never stupid. tuesday night made them look stupid and it was more on them than trump being brilliant. the democrats are following the wrong people who are giving them bad advice and that's simply stupid.

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About Trump's alleged bragadoccio, I believe it was Bear Bryant (or someone just like him) who said, "It's a sad dog that won't wag his own tail." So yes, it ain't bragging if it's true. Nobody in the corporate media or the soi disant "non-profit" news community (if ever there was a true oxymoron, that is it, considering the vast sums of money these entities provide for their acolytes) is going to tell this truth, so it's up to Trump himself, using his bully pulpit to inform the rest of the world. And once the information is made available, it's up to truth-tellers like our own Gracioua Host to trumpet (pun intended) it to the masses. So ignore the bleatings of the dying mastodon of "corporate/non-profit news" (unless you feel the urge to point and laugh) and spread the good news, borthers and sisters. And Hallelujah for the ability and opportunity to do so.

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I was director of marketing at an Ohio university attempting to make the faculty understand that they were collectively a black eye on the face of the institution. To get my message across I convened a meeting of all the faculty leaders including the provost and told them that Bear Bryant once said, "It's hard to build school spirit around a math class." Like the Democrats of today, they sat expressionless. It was like looking an oil painting. I couldn't penetrate their skulls. So I ran a campaign featuring our incredible basketball team and filled the student body with sports fans.

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"Like the Democrats of today, they sat expressionless. It was like looking an oil painting."

If by an oil painting you have in mind a Hieronymus Bosch painting, then yes, I would certainly agree that is what today's elected Dems look like!

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Or just about any of the abstract art that looks like it was done inside Joe Bidens mind.

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Or with one of Hunter's Crack straws...

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Well, all the Democrats sitting looked like models for a Hieronymus Bosch painting...

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A J. Pollack painting?

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Perfect description!

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Reminds me of the time I was trying to teach a sunday shool class to a bunch of teenagers. They looked like a nest of baby owls.

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Baby owls are cuter, and they probably understand more than teenagers

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DJ, you are a brave man to pull that much elitist personality into a room to hear that message. Having read your comments here over the last year+, I can imagine how it was necessarily delivered. It was the right message to the 'Hamas-like' terrorists. Sometimes the challenges of marketing are not connecting with the external market, but in connecting the internal minions to understand their role in creating external brand image.

Bud Light showcased both of those challenges simultaneously.

I know the Ohio University you are referring to and they had powerful connections to the local robust business community - a magic bullet in blending a public university with private sector partnership.

Your Business College did that pretty well, I thought. Arts & Sciences? Probably not so much.

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There is a great Thomas Sowell quote that goes like this, "Of all the ignorance, the ignorance of the educated is the most dangerous. Not only are the educated likely to have more influence, they are the last people to suspect that they don'e know what they are talking about when they go outside their narrow fields." In other words, insulated in the academic ivory tower breeds a lot of highly educated airheads who think their poo don't stink.

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I've never heard that saying before ("It's a sad dog that won't wag his own tail.") and I love it!! Of ALL the superpowers Trump has *I* feel that his greatest might simply be his CONFIDENCE in himself! It is unknown to me to have ever seen someone SO SELF-ASSURED as Trump is and the left reads it as narcissist, fascist, etc etc when in reality, it is simply SELF-CONFIDENCE. It's amazing to see and I love how he is teaching the rest of the GOP by example!! If you know you're right, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!

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Some in the GOP do get it for sure but sadly too many of them were happy with the status quo. Still are. The resistance on the left does cross party lines.

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Let’s face it, the old GOP were co-conspirators with the Dems all along. It took Trump 45 to get rid of some of them and Trump 47 has gotten rid of some more but we have to be thoughtful voters to keep the RINOS out.

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Primary Every One !!

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...and once they're "primaried", tar and feather them, then ride them on rails outta town.

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The left's "hive mind" was certainly on full display Tuesday night!

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Just early GOP ad promos Cookie.

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Some in the GOP are in on the steal.....Truman said, and I paraphrase, that "... the only way to get rich working for the government is to be a crook."

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Keep your eye on Texas in the midterms. If we can replace Cornyn you know better times are ahead for the country. People naturally want to be on the winning side of things. Many will look around and decide it's time to switch teams. I'm still a Vikings fan but in my defense they are not near as pitiful as the Democratic party.

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I pray we will have a great candidate to replace Cornyn. Cruz is doing a great job but he and we need a great 2nd senator to stand with him.

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They don't call it the Uniparty without a reason, Dog. 10 of 'em did to censure Big AL

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Exactly. Very well put. Thank you.

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People (the media, and even many on the Right) completely miss Trump's humor and sarcasm. He exaggerates on purpose just to "poke the bear." Because they don't get Trump's humor, they think he's arrogant. Not so.

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So ignore the bleatings of the dying mastodon of “corporate/non-profitnees” (unless you feel the urge to point and laugh) OMG! Absolutely Brilliant.

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Trump is triple-threat as a SOTU presenter:

1. He's inspiring

2. He's funny as hell

3. He brings out the scowling petulant child in every Democrat, revealing their innate awfulness and unfitness to govern

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I'd add a fourth to your good list:

4. He's unafraid to speak the truth in the face of evil and not flinch or quiver.

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Yes. Good addition.

One hugely refreshing thing about Trump and his crew is the plain-speaking. The Democrats are the party (and culture) of the euphemism. They routinely speak in euphemisms: terms that sound nice, but terms that obscure reality.

Perhaps the most galling euphemism of all is "DEI", a second-order euphemism, a euphemism for a euphemism.

Euphemisms obfuscate, because they are designed to obfuscate so as to deceive others or to pretend we are doing one thing but actually doing other things. Imagine that: a party that stands for, and relies upon, deception in order to further their aims.

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Good one. Because we saw the face of evil-Nancy Pelosi-flinching and quivering in the presence of President Trump.

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He exposes them for what they are: scowling, humorless scolds so uptight if you placed a lump of coal between the collective cheeks of their gluteus Maximus you’d have a flawless diamond inside twenty minutes.

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I believe you are looking for the word scum.

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“Scum”, “absolute filth” or something of that nature.

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Scum of the earth, filth of creation.

They work to undermine the nation.

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But you'd never see it through the smoke they blow from there.

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...as they blow it from their anuses...

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Regarding your number 3, Trump makes the country smell all of the Democrat's shit. There, I fixed it.

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Time for DOGE to audit all our noveau riche politicians. Start with Bernie and Pocahontas

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I don’t disagree about following the blatantly corrupt politicians money trail, but leave that to a transformed IRS & DOJ. Keep DOGE doing the macro stuff.

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Yes but some flashy wins would be nice

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When you join “the club”, Steve, apparently the rules change. Every member of congress should be required to under go a full audit of their finances every year. No exceptions.

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Oooh. I like your idea. They have to file some paperwork every year about their finances but they've made it incredibly easy to cheat on it. Need to tighten that up a bit.

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Not unlike Elon's pulse check for govt workers

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...and Pelosi and Schumer and Wasserman-Schultz and McConnell, and on and on. Pelosi's stock picks are so preposterously and improbably well-timed that someone was inspired to create an app to allow non insiders to invest with her. She puts Warren Buffet to shame: https://x.com/PelosiTracker_?s=20

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And the former bartender as well

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She doesn’t get caught because too many others are doing the same thing. The Sheriff has dirty hands.

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Last sentence Redd except we have a new sheriff .

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I'd nominate Maxine Waters and Nanny Pelosi to go to the TOP of the list! And not for DOGE but for the New FBI and DOJ!

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There's a reason Trump kept wishing Bondi & Kash good luck!

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Truly, Bondi needs several additional Deputy Attorney Generals to help with the workload. Saw on CFP that Matt Gaetz might become Florida Attorney General. I think we need him instead as a Deputy AG with Pam Bondi.

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There's never been a bigger hypocrite than Bernie Sanders, although The Dems are grooming his replacement in AOC.

Speaking of audits, it is time for our DOJ (and Congressional ethics committee) to investigate the actions of a few Muslim members of Congress who, in the past, have outwardly supported anti-constitutional things and hold anti-American views. They are by all accounts enemies of this Constitutional Republic and appear to be trying to interfere with it's function.

They were duly elected. However, being duly elected by a small community of well-placed enemies of state for the purpose of assuming positions that bring destruction to our country is a Saul Alinsky tactic.

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It would take a truckload of auditors to get to research where the dough that funds Pelosi's investments came from.

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Her husband is an investor but Nancy is the advisor.

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I think it's rightfully called insider trading

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She learned from DiFi who fed her spouse defense contracts.

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Add to your list of politicians to be investigated for their acquired wealth, the scowling Nancy Pelosi

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Great essay and even greater finish. The acceptance to West Point of a worthy cadet over a DEI Tranny is exactly why we love this president.

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If you take Trump's speech and what he is doing with our country you can honestly smile and think, "Wow, every day is going to be Christmas." With a message like that and a stunningly bright forecast for the future of our country, the stupid bastards continued to sit on their hands and hold derogatory signs. I say primary every one of them and call it Trump's mandate to save the United States of America.

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If we make fun of them too much they'll decide to move to the center like Clinton did. Best to leave them alone and think they are doing the right thing. We need to crush them in the midterms. Need to beat the cheat and toss them out on the street.

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Overplaying one’s rhetorical hand is a risk for sure. The foresight to mid-terms is also a consideration. Respectfully I suggest that whatever has captured the souls of Trump opposition is a different opponent than the crafty and corrupt Clinton crowd. They relied heavily on the tailwind of a favorable media, which has undergone heavy damage. They were also embroiled in a culture/character war which Bill Clinton’s prowess and Hillary Clinton’s corruption handled effectively enough. Owing to the Obama and Biden years, deep state has multiplied exponentially. But the curtain has lifted enough for significant public recognitions. Obama bamboozled the western world enough to avoid much ridicule. The landscape has changed immensely, mainly due to one man. He has opened the door to truth. It is fitting (and frankly high time) that the ridiculous should be amply ridiculed.

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I was listening to a podcast yesterday that played some the Republican response to Trump's address. Slotkin's speech made it sound to me like they wanted to move toward the center.

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The midterms are still too far off; I'd love if we could start putting the spotlight on them right now.

One thing we haven't done enough, is when they have a controversial vote, we need to keep the Right-media focus on it--for example, 170 Democrats in the House, and 35 Democratic Senators voted AGAINST the Laken Riley bill (against removing violent illegals). We needed to hammer this in--publish names of the 170 and the 35, and email copies of Right-media articles that covered it to every liberal we know. And hand out paper copies of it too. Ask the liberal you give it to if this is really what they support. I think many Democratic voters actually have no idea this is how their Reps are voting.

There was another vote a year or so ago, where 100% of Democrats in Congress voted to allow illegals to vote in our elections.

We know the Dems are on the 20% side of these 80-20 issues, but we need to NOT let these votes fade from public view. Pound on them, MILK them. Yes, many Democrats are from solid Democratic districts, but as we know Blacks and Hispanics are now getting very upset with the Dems. There are many receptive people now, and we need to get them the information that exposes what their Reps are really voting for.

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The zombie apocalypse has shown itself with little black paddles.

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I live among them and I’ve always called them Stepford Wives but zombies is probably better because there’s no joy in them at all.

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That purple haired crone looked as miserable as I've ever seen. How anyone could vote for her is simply amazing.

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DJT promises made, promises kept! NPR and the rest of the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party sock puppet propagandists aka the MSM were once part of the vaunted “fourth estate.” That fourth estate was the institution dedicated to protecting the electorate from the overreach of the government. That fourth estate has under the control of the evil party has “transitioned” if you will into the most dangerous fifth column this country has ever had. Good riddance to them under the auspices of our new President.

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Little of any of the work DOGE is doing will last if congress does not codify the results. That’s where the real fights will take place. Just watch the parade of sick kids, starving old people and vets living on the street when they start he hearings. This is where we find out how big the GOPs balls are.

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Better invest in a more powerful electron microscope.

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He's just doing what 'conservatives' have campaigned on - but never did - for 30 years to serve their lobbyist paymasters. They kicked him out in 2020, stole his money, and tried to jail and kill him.

Want to see the Deep State freak?


What a man!

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I'm just worried about what the Deep State / Blob / intel community is hatching. 🫤

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They are hatching more of what we witnessed in Butler, PA.

Lawfare and voter fraud didn't work. They have only one option now and that is to remove the threat of exposing their corruption.

They are burying the evidence as we wait for the Epstein files, which have been scrubbed of every name except Republicans who may have been on it.

Fauci walks free as millions have or will die of the exploding premature deaths happening every day in this country (Ref: The Real CDC by John Paul Beaudoin, Sr.), big Pharma is still making mRNA vaccines, John Brennan and Barack Obama are still calling the shots in the deep state, and we really don't have a clue what they are really doing.

I only know it will be to stop what we are celebrating here today by any means necessary.

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A cornered animal is very dangerous. They've got nothing to lose.

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Excellent link, Danimal.

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So, in the grand scheme of things nothing has changed. The fake news media continues to not report the real news.

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The fake news media aren’t in the Grand Scheme of Things, they just tag along on the Pissant Trail. (But you make a good point)

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Yes and no. The MSM keeps doing what it does but with PODCASTERS on the rise,MSM are becoming less and less relevant by the day.

I predict the complete demise of at least some of the outlets by year's end.

(Maybe with the fire sale purchase by Musk!)

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The MSM is less relevant for sure. I haven’t watched most of it for decades and wouldn’t even know what they’re reporting if weren’t for articles I read or podcasts I listen to.

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And American citizens continue to watch Lucy reruns and wrap fish in fake news newspapers.

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How many voters who watched the Democrats temper tantrum the other night said”I want to be with them” or “They represent me”?

None would be my answer as they came off as just stupid looking losers with their little paddles.

It now appears that Trump is turning up the heat on Hamas and is taking concrete steps to end this Ukraine debacle. Both can’t come soon enough.

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Unfortunately I know more than a few womyn who thought the little paddle stunt was wonderful. Their souls, mind, spirits just can’t allow them to know the truth, they would have a complete breakdown.

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It’s blissful ignorance for them.

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Willful ignorance. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

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I they would just open one eye they would be kings amongst their peers.

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What's not to like about this lady? 'Meloni Destroys the Warlike Dreams of the European Left! Italy Says ‘No’ to Sending Troops to Ukraine and Leaves France and the UK on the Ropes'

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When you understand that the donk goal is to destroy America by orders of their masters, you will understand why they don't share in our joy at these accomplishments.

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Egg Zack Tly

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Best speech followed with the best Surber summary.

Can't top it with a pithy comment so I'll just enjoy both.

Cheers all.

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I watched the movie Catch 22 several times and would have to say that is one of the wackiest things I had ever seen……… until I saw the way the Dems acted at Mr Trumps speech to congress the other night. Democrats don’t need a new leader, Democrats need a good spanking. Who is advising them, the same people who are advising Zelensky? There conduct that night made no sense.

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Dana Perino had a great idea on Gutfeld! last night - the Dem party should just declare bankruptcy and start all over!

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Declare bankruptcy, yes. But then just close up shop. Maybe move to England, France or Germany...they have lots of useless political parties there.

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There reason they are so dysfunctional is that they stand for nothing but raw power. If they want to start over, I suggest they start with all new players and create an actual mission statement that is not so vague that it means literally nothing.

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There's an old saying that when you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.

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Terrific idea!

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It's interesting that the word nearly everyone used yesterday to describe the Democrats behavior at the SOTU was "childish". And, as Reddog says here, they "need a good spanking".

This word "childish" is sticking because it really reveals an inescapable Truth. The Democratic party in recent years has abandoned all mature reasoning, and focused on extremely emotional but irresponsible positions. They are so colossally oblivious of basic economics--spending our country into extreme bankruptcy, abandoning even the most basic controls on the money being spent by the gigantic bureaucracy, etc. They have no idea or experience with how money is actually generated and earned by merit and hard work. They hand out money like it grows on trees, and like it is candy.

And this is just one area of immaturity. Another is "America is full of 'big meanies'--RACISTS". It is the classic "scapegoating" approach of taking any angst or difficulty you may be facing in your life and blaming it on someone, anyone, else. The Democrats have practically built a whole new fantasy world out of "magical thinking".

Too much to go into here. But "childish-ness" has permeated this incompetent party.

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They lie like a child who knows the truth is going to come out.

Then when it does, like a child, they say I didn't say/do that.

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Ah ,but the forever ethernet spills the tea.

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Clearly the answer to your question is yes.

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If you don't want to fight it proves you are not crazy.

They belong in the looney bin.

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Regarding the Social Security number for people over 100 the real route to fraud is that these are active numbers and that illegal aliens can use them to obtain benefits.

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