You are having too much fun, Don. And as a loyal reader I approve. You know who else is having fun? The Other Don, aka PDJT 47, and his sledgehammer Elon Musk. And while we’re at it, I’m having fun too! Thanks for shining the light on the festivities!
I don't comment often but I have to chime in. Us Don's and I hope everyone else here are loving what a real President is doing. Our grandkids will have a chance to make something of themselves. Nothing is free and they will have to work for it, but at least they will have that choice.
Can't say I'm a loyal reader cuz I'd be plagiarizing Marty. But I can title myself as a MAGA reader. Finally in your polling Don, having Taylor Swift scapegoated as a choice, you've provided me from really scrutinizing again. BTW My game clock doesn't appear to have a reset button.
I don’t mind medical research at the Ivy’s “hit hardest”- they can use some of their smug to cover their overhead and maybe be more thoughtful about what they research. Maybe they should concentrate on not making more chemicals to put in people for dubious diseases. Instead - try and learn something new about how bodies work. Just 1 new thing about eyesight or hearing or spinal injury. Pick one. Skip the pharma for about a decade.
Edit post script: This note was to be a reply to Dutchman 007 below. Will I ever learn to NOT use my phone and one-fat-finger typing to comment? It's monday.
I don’t recall mini-Mike Dewine doing anything to help East Palestine, OH either. In fact, I believe it was Dewine who approved that the US-EPA set fire to the railcars which caused much of the damage, especially downwind in Darlington, PA.
Vivek can’t come back soon enough, as he is rumored to be running for governor in OH since Dewine is term limited.
Dewine and FJB may have been MIA, but DJT was in East Palestine very soon after the disaster, that's just one of the many reasons we love our President!
Going to be uphill fight for Vivek. Good man but tries to hard. Needs to slow down his brain and mouth and understand what gets people elected in a red state. It is neither of the b and m. It is roll up your sleeves hard work that gets you the prize. Good luck to him.
I think the Dens have decided just to be jerks and give him a hard time. What choice would they have except making him get a late start. My New Year's resolution is to try to quit saying words that start with "F"
I have a long career writing, as a contractor, for the NIH. I would like to see DOGE actually get rid of some of the institutes. There is no need for an institute on alcohol abuse. Why not an institute on acne?
How about when the DOGE boys are done with defunding the criminals in our government they take their algorithms and investigate the 2020 so called election where FJB allegedly got 81m votes!
It has been done in some states. I saw a report done by a data mining company of the 2020 election in Georgia where Biden won by about 12000 votes. The analysis showed, that out of 7.2 million votes cast, there were about 800,000 "anomalies" or suspicious ballots cast. Many of the anomalies were clearly fictitious ballots with home addresses listed at hotels, churches, post office boxes, and RV parks. Trump was right to get in Georgia's Sec. of State Raffensperger's ear who was asleep at the switch regarding election integrity but didn't want to admit it. This, of course, led to the Fani Willis debacle. I hope that this type of analysis can be done in real time for every major election to keep election fraud from continuing as it does today in California and Arizona and elsewhere.
Omega5America - Fractal Technology outfit has apparently done several election aspect reviews and touts their technology as the way to easily accomplish a review. Sounds like every state should require the use of same in their SeState/Election Division
That's the company I was referring to. Like all of the obvious waste and fraud being uncovered by the DOGE whiz kids, this technology could drastically reduce election fraud. I say "drastically" because we all know the Dems will always find ways to cheat.
While I agree with you, doc, we just don't have time to revisit 2020 in an "I told you so" triumph. Let's not spend a second in the rear-view mirror. If we win big enough, future historians will correct the record and identify the criminals. Trump has 18 months to change the our trajectory.
Well, when Bondi gets around to auditing the NGO's I believe we will find out who's been paying for protestors and people filing mail in ballots for people who are dead or didn't vote. She won't be revisiting 2020, it's just following the money. To actually fix elections it has to be done.
I agree. Have you noticed since DOGE got involved the Astroturf crowds have disappeared for lack of a paycheck? Now the Democrat politicians have to do the dirty work at the doors themselves! It will all come out eventually, and they will trade on information like every criminal to expose the fraud of 2020 but in order to get there, we have to go forward not backward.
There's no reason both can't be done. 2020 cannot be swept under the rug, because until the detail processes of fraud are unearthed and the perpetrators specifically named, we will not have safe elections going forward.
You can't fix something when you don't understand specifically how it is broken. Also, it needs to be clear for history and for the American people today, that our sacred Presidential election was hugely fraudulent.
I agree, this isn't priority #1. But let's use some of this money we're saving to have a forensic exam of that election and lay it bare. It doesn't have to be DOGE that does it, but maybe a "subsidiary" task force reporting to DOGE.
Agree with TPG - while there are bigger fish to fry, 2020 should not be forgotten. Was watching a Tucker interview with a Washington Post reporter who took on the Kennedy assassination. The thing that struck me was that even after all this time, coupled with the fact that they know we know that they know we know (& that wasn’t a mistake repeat), even if we get the information probably 90% of the documents will be redacted. Why? If it is important enough for them to continue to hide the information, it is important enough for us to keep trying to digging.
Oh my goodness...did you see tonight that FBI is releasing 2400+ docs related to JFK assassination?
Any gauge one has for corruption in our gov't, it just isn't enough. These people are the worst. Which is another reason to be THRILLED with what Musk and his DOGE folks are doing to reveal the dishonest machinations in our gov't.
It was another case of the Democrats shooting themselves in their own feet. They dirtied themselves running the most scandalous election steal in history, thinking they would benefit from it.
Instead, it gave the Master Fighter and Strategist and Very Stable Genius (Trump) time to focus on preparing a devastating counterattack.
Bottom line - they’re Trump voters so who the hell cares? Seem to remember some FEMA official being removed since she directed aid workers away from houses displaying Trump signs. Moreover remember the chemical train derailment in East Palestine OH? “Biden admin” threw those people under the bus too & where was the media?
We now know: carrying water for/obfuscating on behalf of the “Biden admin”. Of course now with all the revelations coming out about who was on the take with USAID it all falls into place; the media has been in-the-tank for the Dems since they’ve been bought & paid for.
Unfortunately she was a scape goat. She wrote down an instruction from higher up and got busted. FEMA needs to be totally restructured and gutted. Hoping that DOGE can make it happen.
We need to dispense with FEMA altogether. IF the feds must spend money give it to the states directly without another bloated, power hungry, corrupt alphabet department sucking up resources! What a waste of our funds! One of the business "mantras" going ariund decades ago was "work smarter, not harder". How about some common sense, smart governance, especially in spending my, our money?
Dead on target. The states are in better shape to handle these events. Every state has an emergency management agency already. Let the Corp of Engineers assist if necessary but let states fix their own peoples lives……..with the exception of California. In that case, give the money to Delta Force and let them fix things.
While I agree, charity is a work that once was the bailiwick of the church, an institution of religion. Let's keep government out of it as far as the execution goes. Orphan Grain Train and World Hope International are just two of the many who serve. The Amish have done more than the feral burrocraps.
It seems that there could be a role for a vastly smaller FEMA, that would serve merely as an information coordinating agency where states with disasters could get connected with the INDEPENDENT resources available to help them. Then gut 90% of the FEMA staff.
The same people who ignored East Palestine and Helene's victims in NC and TN are the same people screaming about defunding USAID for wasting billions on third world LGBTQ programs and other dubious programs.
In the media's defense, they were well paid to sacrifice their morals. I mean, seriously, if you gave me $30 billion, I'd feed the world a bullshit story. Might even say Zou Xiden was competent.
Then again maybe it's better to fear GOD even if he says he will remember my sins no more.
After years of politicians on both sides of the isle claiming they are for ending waste and mismanagement in the government so many would be in hysterics that someone is actually trying to ferret out waste and mismanagement.
FYI, I worked in a university research lab for five years or so. I discovered that overhead charges went straight to the school and they were off budget. The state budgeted for the college and watched those expenditures but the indirect costs/receipts were not. The President spent them wherever he wanted. That is how they paid for all of the trips to Washington to lobby for more grant funding. We charged a hell of a lot more than fifteen percent. My directors real job was to wine and dine grant awarding employees. I was eligible to retire at age fifty two so I did with two thirds of my salary. I was hired back to work half time at fifty percent of my old salary. I did the same job half time and was paid 116.7 percent of my old salary. It's all legal and I found out later when I was activated to full time military that it's endemic in Washington. If I was the Trumpster I'd cut the allowable overhead rate to zero....
Jake,had a couple friends who worked for the state of Or. and retired with full 6 figure pensions but were rehired the next week as consultants paying more than the original salaries. They then worked another 10 years with the state paying their insurance but the state always needs a larger budget. Go figure !
Now do "climate" research. Because 100% of that—the huge overhead as well as the funding to actually do stuff—is a complete waste of our taxes. 100%.
I shit you not.
Climate "research" is 100% attempts to validate foregone conclusions. Don't believe it's all that bad? Try getting a grant proposal funded that seeks to produce evidence that anthropogenic effects on climate are insignificant.
As a Bills fan, I totally agree. The Babylon Bee had a great meme where the Eagles were flagged 15 yards for roughing the passer at the pregame coin toss.
Yep. First thing I do after getting a cup of coffee to enjoy while reading it. I’ve posted here before that I wake up on Sunday morning with a vague sense of disappointment because it’s Don’s day off. Then I go to church and get my spiritual tank filled for the coming week and the disappointment turns into anticipation for Monday’s column.
As usual, Jamie RATskin is lying his do-ragged head off.
People in the military tend to be conservative, which is why the demonicrats do their best to avoid counting military ballots coming in from overseas. If there really are parents objecting to the removal of porn from DOD schools, they’re probably same sex couples or parents taking advantage of the opportunity to “transistion” at taxpayer expense.
But I’m still betting that RATskin is lying. Show us the receipts, Jamie,
I think we are all having fun and it has been a long time coming. President Trump is our MVP. He has the Democrats scrambling to figure out new plays. He is all over the field. He has so many trick plays and it is exciting to see them unfold, whether it is a new Executive Order, stripping corrupt people of security clearances, exposing fraud and waste, striking new deals with foreign countries, or acquiring new territory. He is leading a winning team with a winning strategy in this Super Bowl and I, for one enjoy every minute!
I've been wondering how much dirt they've found on Congress by looking at the books closely. The wailing and gnashing of teeth by both sides has to be related the fraud being identified. Still waiting for the Trumpster to release the Epstein files. Will probably wait until negotiations on the budget will require him to play some of his aces up hi sleeve....
It’s easy to tell, just look at who is screaming the loudest about it. Heads will roll once the facts come out this year. It is a beautiful thing to watch. And the Dogmen work weekends!
Agreed. Im same age as DJT. If I played 18 holes with Tiger and son I would probably need a nap afterward. But Trump went to football game after and was probably on phone with Musk the whole time. Bet this WH doesn’t shut down for weekends like Bidens did.
I am calling my CongressCritters this week and telling them due THEIR failure of OVERSIGHT (maybe DC defn is ‘you overlook’ )of $1Trillion a YEAR of THEFT, 2025 will be a Taxpayer Holiday - DC does not NEED my tax money, they just WANT it. Duties can obviously pay little G government. I think THAT is what Trump and Elon are showing US taxpayers -WE are being BILKED - Uniparty is funding Big Grift for them, as well as the rest of the World, especially US ENEMIES. Both ‘Teams’ don’t care. MAGA. Annual budgets have not been approved for decades, Continuing Resolutions and Rush’s Baseline Budgets fund even more Grift, EVERY YEAR!
Cocaine Mitch is lauded for his ability to attract funding. I got a feeling he's just a participant and maybe a ring leader in the use of taxpayer dollars for election funding of incumbent senators.....
Give him credit for our SCOTUS majority, then give him a gold watch and kick his butt out the door before he does irreversible harm to Trumps last term.
DC is like Gollum, the vile creature in "Lord of the Rings". To the minions in DC, taxpayers' money is like the magical ring for Gollum - "My precious!"
The real beauty, heck, magnificence of the wholesale gutting of the Deep States finding apparatus by the Trump administration is that every step, and move and every action has been meticulously be mapped, researched, and studied in law before being implemented.
During Trump’s “hiatus” from the presidency was spent planning the greatest overthrow of a corrupt and malign government and restoring it to it it’s original intent in alignment with Constitutional Law and Order.
Every increment and element of each step inthe battle has this been researched to be both lawful and essential to that end.
Rogue judges and lawyers and malefactors will attempt to use the law to in every distorted contortion imagineable to try to stop what is happening to their carefully crafted criminal enterprise, but this administration came prepared for exactly that type of offensive.
The criminals may stall or appear to even stop this wrecking ball from succeeding in bringing their house of cards down, but to no avail.
“‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’
She has become a dwelling for demons
and a haunt for every impure spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal.
For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries.
The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”
So could a fraction of the endowments at elite schools. The numbers are so large today billions almost seem normal. Why are college degrees so expensive when endowments are so large? Answer; because no one would care if you had a degree from Harvard if everyone could afford to go there. You don’t go to Harvard to learn, you go for the diploma.
There was a time when US military education for overseas kids was the best in the world. Just like everything else Democrats run for long enough, Obama and Biden ruined it.
When I was an innocent, earnest, young CPA in one of the Big (now) 4 public accounting firms, the AICPA (American Institute of CPA's) did a special national project on Federal Financial Management. It was a SUPERB project, and generated a marvelous workplan to clean up the finances of the Federal government. They produced a beautiful glossy 9"x6" booklet in Red, White, and Blue, that summarized all their key recommendations.
They were super-sensible plans, like requiring an audit of every Federal department and agency. Zero-base budgeting. Systems of (what accountants call) Internal Controls-- which are a careful, scientific structure of internal practices that make fraud or corruption nearly impossible. Etc.
I was thrilled with this booklet, and sent copies of it to about a dozen major news outlets and a number of members of Congress, with a cover letter earnestly telling them how wonderful this would be for the country and would they please publicize it. I remember sending it Express Mail to specific economic reporters at the Washington Post, the MacNeil Lehrer Report on PBS, NPR, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, etc. I never heard a word back from anyone, and never saw a word in any media about it.
Our federal government financial structure today is COLOSSALLY HORRENDOUS. It's great to have DOGE blowing the lid off it, and hopefully we will be getting the lawyers and DOJ involved in prosecutions.
But things will not be stable going forward until you bring in the CPA's and get this structure reorganized with proper controls and audits. Businesses have to comply with this; so should the government.
TPG, did you see the 3 min clip from one of the tech bro podcasts about the lack of any financial controls at all in gov't--essentially no Controller function. Not to mention that according to a later Elon post on X, category codes and comments are not filled out for any requests for funding. And this has been the case since 1973!
When I work on a turnaround, I always insist on seeing the trial, and scrutinizing entries. Find so much about what is wrong that way.
You are having too much fun, Don. And as a loyal reader I approve. You know who else is having fun? The Other Don, aka PDJT 47, and his sledgehammer Elon Musk. And while we’re at it, I’m having fun too! Thanks for shining the light on the festivities!
02/10/25: Bravo! And good morning. I've nothing to say today.
But you say it so well.
02/10/25: Sign language: "Harpo Marx sent me."
I don't comment often but I have to chime in. Us Don's and I hope everyone else here are loving what a real President is doing. Our grandkids will have a chance to make something of themselves. Nothing is free and they will have to work for it, but at least they will have that choice.
Can't say I'm a loyal reader cuz I'd be plagiarizing Marty. But I can title myself as a MAGA reader. Finally in your polling Don, having Taylor Swift scapegoated as a choice, you've provided me from really scrutinizing again. BTW My game clock doesn't appear to have a reset button.
I don’t mind medical research at the Ivy’s “hit hardest”- they can use some of their smug to cover their overhead and maybe be more thoughtful about what they research. Maybe they should concentrate on not making more chemicals to put in people for dubious diseases. Instead - try and learn something new about how bodies work. Just 1 new thing about eyesight or hearing or spinal injury. Pick one. Skip the pharma for about a decade.
Edit post script: This note was to be a reply to Dutchman 007 below. Will I ever learn to NOT use my phone and one-fat-finger typing to comment? It's monday.
I don’t recall mini-Mike Dewine doing anything to help East Palestine, OH either. In fact, I believe it was Dewine who approved that the US-EPA set fire to the railcars which caused much of the damage, especially downwind in Darlington, PA.
Vivek can’t come back soon enough, as he is rumored to be running for governor in OH since Dewine is term limited.
Dewine and FJB may have been MIA, but DJT was in East Palestine very soon after the disaster, that's just one of the many reasons we love our President!
Going to be uphill fight for Vivek. Good man but tries to hard. Needs to slow down his brain and mouth and understand what gets people elected in a red state. It is neither of the b and m. It is roll up your sleeves hard work that gets you the prize. Good luck to him.
And he has a short attention span. I would not vote for him if I lived in OH.
I thought Vivek would be a shoe in. Of course he's got to introduce himself to the Ohio people. Please don't tell me he uses to many big words. LOL
I think the Dens have decided just to be jerks and give him a hard time. What choice would they have except making him get a late start. My New Year's resolution is to try to quit saying words that start with "F"
I thought I alone possessed that fat finger.
I have a long career writing, as a contractor, for the NIH. I would like to see DOGE actually get rid of some of the institutes. There is no need for an institute on alcohol abuse. Why not an institute on acne?
Yeah! And why is there not an institute on the Heartbreak of Psoriasis, or Those Horrid Age Spots?
Dude, we may be cousins! Wait until the real Martins get back from vacation and see a new family sitting in their church pew!
They once were leaders, now they lead in gain of function research and propaganda.
I wonder if Hegseth will uncover the DOD's involvement in the "gain of function" research?
I don't think it needs to be uncovered, (already done) just highlighted.
How about when the DOGE boys are done with defunding the criminals in our government they take their algorithms and investigate the 2020 so called election where FJB allegedly got 81m votes!
It has been done in some states. I saw a report done by a data mining company of the 2020 election in Georgia where Biden won by about 12000 votes. The analysis showed, that out of 7.2 million votes cast, there were about 800,000 "anomalies" or suspicious ballots cast. Many of the anomalies were clearly fictitious ballots with home addresses listed at hotels, churches, post office boxes, and RV parks. Trump was right to get in Georgia's Sec. of State Raffensperger's ear who was asleep at the switch regarding election integrity but didn't want to admit it. This, of course, led to the Fani Willis debacle. I hope that this type of analysis can be done in real time for every major election to keep election fraud from continuing as it does today in California and Arizona and elsewhere.
Omega5America - Fractal Technology outfit has apparently done several election aspect reviews and touts their technology as the way to easily accomplish a review. Sounds like every state should require the use of same in their SeState/Election Division
That's the company I was referring to. Like all of the obvious waste and fraud being uncovered by the DOGE whiz kids, this technology could drastically reduce election fraud. I say "drastically" because we all know the Dems will always find ways to cheat.
While I agree with you, doc, we just don't have time to revisit 2020 in an "I told you so" triumph. Let's not spend a second in the rear-view mirror. If we win big enough, future historians will correct the record and identify the criminals. Trump has 18 months to change the our trajectory.
Well, when Bondi gets around to auditing the NGO's I believe we will find out who's been paying for protestors and people filing mail in ballots for people who are dead or didn't vote. She won't be revisiting 2020, it's just following the money. To actually fix elections it has to be done.
You get the prize. Dead on.
I agree. Have you noticed since DOGE got involved the Astroturf crowds have disappeared for lack of a paycheck? Now the Democrat politicians have to do the dirty work at the doors themselves! It will all come out eventually, and they will trade on information like every criminal to expose the fraud of 2020 but in order to get there, we have to go forward not backward.
There's no reason both can't be done. 2020 cannot be swept under the rug, because until the detail processes of fraud are unearthed and the perpetrators specifically named, we will not have safe elections going forward.
You can't fix something when you don't understand specifically how it is broken. Also, it needs to be clear for history and for the American people today, that our sacred Presidential election was hugely fraudulent.
I agree, this isn't priority #1. But let's use some of this money we're saving to have a forensic exam of that election and lay it bare. It doesn't have to be DOGE that does it, but maybe a "subsidiary" task force reporting to DOGE.
Agree with TPG - while there are bigger fish to fry, 2020 should not be forgotten. Was watching a Tucker interview with a Washington Post reporter who took on the Kennedy assassination. The thing that struck me was that even after all this time, coupled with the fact that they know we know that they know we know (& that wasn’t a mistake repeat), even if we get the information probably 90% of the documents will be redacted. Why? If it is important enough for them to continue to hide the information, it is important enough for us to keep trying to digging.
Oh my goodness...did you see tonight that FBI is releasing 2400+ docs related to JFK assassination?
Any gauge one has for corruption in our gov't, it just isn't enough. These people are the worst. Which is another reason to be THRILLED with what Musk and his DOGE folks are doing to reveal the dishonest machinations in our gov't.
Also my thot on need to publically and legally record that election into history. A plus would be incarcerating a few responsible parties!
2020 is the key to stopping the steal in 2028. We need to expose all the corruption and fumigate it.
Agreed. Move on and away from the negativity and keep doing positive things.
2020 election anomalies need to be publically and legally investigated and documented, and preferably prosecuted to help prevent repeats.
The four years off was a blessing for Trump. Gave him time to plan and get ready. It shows in the last three weeks.
It was another case of the Democrats shooting themselves in their own feet. They dirtied themselves running the most scandalous election steal in history, thinking they would benefit from it.
Instead, it gave the Master Fighter and Strategist and Very Stable Genius (Trump) time to focus on preparing a devastating counterattack.
Outstanding idea!
“Biden to Helene victims: Drop dead.”
Bottom line - they’re Trump voters so who the hell cares? Seem to remember some FEMA official being removed since she directed aid workers away from houses displaying Trump signs. Moreover remember the chemical train derailment in East Palestine OH? “Biden admin” threw those people under the bus too & where was the media?
We now know: carrying water for/obfuscating on behalf of the “Biden admin”. Of course now with all the revelations coming out about who was on the take with USAID it all falls into place; the media has been in-the-tank for the Dems since they’ve been bought & paid for.
That’s fascism right there folks.
Unfortunately she was a scape goat. She wrote down an instruction from higher up and got busted. FEMA needs to be totally restructured and gutted. Hoping that DOGE can make it happen.
We need to dispense with FEMA altogether. IF the feds must spend money give it to the states directly without another bloated, power hungry, corrupt alphabet department sucking up resources! What a waste of our funds! One of the business "mantras" going ariund decades ago was "work smarter, not harder". How about some common sense, smart governance, especially in spending my, our money?
Dead on target. The states are in better shape to handle these events. Every state has an emergency management agency already. Let the Corp of Engineers assist if necessary but let states fix their own peoples lives……..with the exception of California. In that case, give the money to Delta Force and let them fix things.
Or, how about giving funding to charities that actually perform - like Samaritan’s Purse?
While I agree, charity is a work that once was the bailiwick of the church, an institution of religion. Let's keep government out of it as far as the execution goes. Orphan Grain Train and World Hope International are just two of the many who serve. The Amish have done more than the feral burrocraps.
Maybe Corps of Engineers. They're full of bureaucrats but they are a construction outfit...
It seems that there could be a role for a vastly smaller FEMA, that would serve merely as an information coordinating agency where states with disasters could get connected with the INDEPENDENT resources available to help them. Then gut 90% of the FEMA staff.
The same people who ignored East Palestine and Helene's victims in NC and TN are the same people screaming about defunding USAID for wasting billions on third world LGBTQ programs and other dubious programs.
In the media's defense, they were well paid to sacrifice their morals. I mean, seriously, if you gave me $30 billion, I'd feed the world a bullshit story. Might even say Zou Xiden was competent.
Then again maybe it's better to fear GOD even if he says he will remember my sins no more.
After years of politicians on both sides of the isle claiming they are for ending waste and mismanagement in the government so many would be in hysterics that someone is actually trying to ferret out waste and mismanagement.
Isnt it GRAND? Im having fun too
FYI, I worked in a university research lab for five years or so. I discovered that overhead charges went straight to the school and they were off budget. The state budgeted for the college and watched those expenditures but the indirect costs/receipts were not. The President spent them wherever he wanted. That is how they paid for all of the trips to Washington to lobby for more grant funding. We charged a hell of a lot more than fifteen percent. My directors real job was to wine and dine grant awarding employees. I was eligible to retire at age fifty two so I did with two thirds of my salary. I was hired back to work half time at fifty percent of my old salary. I did the same job half time and was paid 116.7 percent of my old salary. It's all legal and I found out later when I was activated to full time military that it's endemic in Washington. If I was the Trumpster I'd cut the allowable overhead rate to zero....
Jake,had a couple friends who worked for the state of Or. and retired with full 6 figure pensions but were rehired the next week as consultants paying more than the original salaries. They then worked another 10 years with the state paying their insurance but the state always needs a larger budget. Go figure !
Marlan, let’s see here, what party has been running Oregon government since forever? Might have found the problem here.
Pretty much ever since the voters were talked into mail-in voting. For everybody ...
Nailed it Reddog.
Now do "climate" research. Because 100% of that—the huge overhead as well as the funding to actually do stuff—is a complete waste of our taxes. 100%.
I shit you not.
Climate "research" is 100% attempts to validate foregone conclusions. Don't believe it's all that bad? Try getting a grant proposal funded that seeks to produce evidence that anthropogenic effects on climate are insignificant.
It has been suggested that that with the USAID funding shutdown it could no longer pay the Refs to pull the Chiefs across goal line.
As a Bills fan, I totally agree. The Babylon Bee had a great meme where the Eagles were flagged 15 yards for roughing the passer at the pregame coin toss.
As in several games late season?
This is my favorite thing to read first thing in the morning.
Yep. First thing I do after getting a cup of coffee to enjoy while reading it. I’ve posted here before that I wake up on Sunday morning with a vague sense of disappointment because it’s Don’s day off. Then I go to church and get my spiritual tank filled for the coming week and the disappointment turns into anticipation for Monday’s column.
Either you are very brave or love wearing coffee spewed from your nostrils. I salute you.
mine too!
As usual, Jamie RATskin is lying his do-ragged head off.
People in the military tend to be conservative, which is why the demonicrats do their best to avoid counting military ballots coming in from overseas. If there really are parents objecting to the removal of porn from DOD schools, they’re probably same sex couples or parents taking advantage of the opportunity to “transistion” at taxpayer expense.
But I’m still betting that RATskin is lying. Show us the receipts, Jamie,
I think we are all having fun and it has been a long time coming. President Trump is our MVP. He has the Democrats scrambling to figure out new plays. He is all over the field. He has so many trick plays and it is exciting to see them unfold, whether it is a new Executive Order, stripping corrupt people of security clearances, exposing fraud and waste, striking new deals with foreign countries, or acquiring new territory. He is leading a winning team with a winning strategy in this Super Bowl and I, for one enjoy every minute!
I've been wondering how much dirt they've found on Congress by looking at the books closely. The wailing and gnashing of teeth by both sides has to be related the fraud being identified. Still waiting for the Trumpster to release the Epstein files. Will probably wait until negotiations on the budget will require him to play some of his aces up hi sleeve....
It’s easy to tell, just look at who is screaming the loudest about it. Heads will roll once the facts come out this year. It is a beautiful thing to watch. And the Dogmen work weekends!
Maybe "Dog(e)-faced pony soldier" will eventually come to be a compliment!
Agreed. Im same age as DJT. If I played 18 holes with Tiger and son I would probably need a nap afterward. But Trump went to football game after and was probably on phone with Musk the whole time. Bet this WH doesn’t shut down for weekends like Bidens did.
I am calling my CongressCritters this week and telling them due THEIR failure of OVERSIGHT (maybe DC defn is ‘you overlook’ )of $1Trillion a YEAR of THEFT, 2025 will be a Taxpayer Holiday - DC does not NEED my tax money, they just WANT it. Duties can obviously pay little G government. I think THAT is what Trump and Elon are showing US taxpayers -WE are being BILKED - Uniparty is funding Big Grift for them, as well as the rest of the World, especially US ENEMIES. Both ‘Teams’ don’t care. MAGA. Annual budgets have not been approved for decades, Continuing Resolutions and Rush’s Baseline Budgets fund even more Grift, EVERY YEAR!
Cocaine Mitch is lauded for his ability to attract funding. I got a feeling he's just a participant and maybe a ring leader in the use of taxpayer dollars for election funding of incumbent senators.....
Give him credit for our SCOTUS majority, then give him a gold watch and kick his butt out the door before he does irreversible harm to Trumps last term.
Not yet. Wait until his term runs out. Kentucky Governor is a Dimocrat.
I bet you're right, Jake.
I definitely think that was Kevin McCarthy's role in the House.
Time for elimination of income tax at federal level and flat tax instead. Way overdue.
DC is like Gollum, the vile creature in "Lord of the Rings". To the minions in DC, taxpayers' money is like the magical ring for Gollum - "My precious!"
The real beauty, heck, magnificence of the wholesale gutting of the Deep States finding apparatus by the Trump administration is that every step, and move and every action has been meticulously be mapped, researched, and studied in law before being implemented.
During Trump’s “hiatus” from the presidency was spent planning the greatest overthrow of a corrupt and malign government and restoring it to it it’s original intent in alignment with Constitutional Law and Order.
Every increment and element of each step inthe battle has this been researched to be both lawful and essential to that end.
Rogue judges and lawyers and malefactors will attempt to use the law to in every distorted contortion imagineable to try to stop what is happening to their carefully crafted criminal enterprise, but this administration came prepared for exactly that type of offensive.
The criminals may stall or appear to even stop this wrecking ball from succeeding in bringing their house of cards down, but to no avail.
“‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’
She has become a dwelling for demons
and a haunt for every impure spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal.
For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries.
The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”
~ Revelations 18:1-3
"Harvard has a $50 billion endowment fund, which easily could cover the cut of $3.5 billion in grants."
The people outraged at this suggestion are the ones saying that Musk could've ended world hunger with his twitter purchase money.
So could a fraction of the endowments at elite schools. The numbers are so large today billions almost seem normal. Why are college degrees so expensive when endowments are so large? Answer; because no one would care if you had a degree from Harvard if everyone could afford to go there. You don’t go to Harvard to learn, you go for the diploma.
There was a time when US military education for overseas kids was the best in the world. Just like everything else Democrats run for long enough, Obama and Biden ruined it.
When I was an innocent, earnest, young CPA in one of the Big (now) 4 public accounting firms, the AICPA (American Institute of CPA's) did a special national project on Federal Financial Management. It was a SUPERB project, and generated a marvelous workplan to clean up the finances of the Federal government. They produced a beautiful glossy 9"x6" booklet in Red, White, and Blue, that summarized all their key recommendations.
They were super-sensible plans, like requiring an audit of every Federal department and agency. Zero-base budgeting. Systems of (what accountants call) Internal Controls-- which are a careful, scientific structure of internal practices that make fraud or corruption nearly impossible. Etc.
I was thrilled with this booklet, and sent copies of it to about a dozen major news outlets and a number of members of Congress, with a cover letter earnestly telling them how wonderful this would be for the country and would they please publicize it. I remember sending it Express Mail to specific economic reporters at the Washington Post, the MacNeil Lehrer Report on PBS, NPR, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, etc. I never heard a word back from anyone, and never saw a word in any media about it.
Our federal government financial structure today is COLOSSALLY HORRENDOUS. It's great to have DOGE blowing the lid off it, and hopefully we will be getting the lawyers and DOJ involved in prosecutions.
But things will not be stable going forward until you bring in the CPA's and get this structure reorganized with proper controls and audits. Businesses have to comply with this; so should the government.
TPG, did you see the 3 min clip from one of the tech bro podcasts about the lack of any financial controls at all in gov't--essentially no Controller function. Not to mention that according to a later Elon post on X, category codes and comments are not filled out for any requests for funding. And this has been the case since 1973!
When I work on a turnaround, I always insist on seeing the trial, and scrutinizing entries. Find so much about what is wrong that way.
Check out the podcast: