Try ‘Shit for Brains’ as an addition to the poll.

In all honesty, I’m knocked out at how loonnng it takes for the average North American to wake up.

It’s taken THIS long for people to wake up to the importance of the wall or to admit that voting for T is where it’s at


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The college campuses and MSM have been preaching for years/decades about had bad the Republicans are. the Dems have implemented policies that are hitting home ~ the check book. Trump's admin is not so far in the mirror that everyone but the elites remember having money to save, and take the family to dinner. Now we are having trouble putting food on the table, let alone pay the gas bill.

FJB has changed all that. Letting the illegal immigrant horde in, then having the sanctuary cities give them free money EVERY MONTH, and free housing, and free healthcare is finally waking up the average person. Those people have not put anything into our society but are taking everything out. In most cases, the blue cities are taking away safety nets from the blacks, and it is backfiring. Especially when every time in the last 60 yrs, the blacks have gone to the well only to be told it is dry.

Scary thought but if FJB hadnt opened the flood gates so wide, we might still be fighting the perception that Trump was the issue.

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That's an interesting take, tj, and I think you are right.

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I agree TJ is onto something.

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"All things work together for good to them that love God"?

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Spot on. It isn't just the black Americans who are hit by it. The seniors on a fixed budget are as well and that includes all skin colors.

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Unfortunately, the Seniors get lost in all of noise of the Blacks, and cross talk about what we owe the illegals (WTH?, we dont). While they have a huge block, it is, as you say, all different skin colors. Since every thing not Black and Hispanic (wait, the Hispanic trans shooter was booked as white, so maybe not any more), is considered white, the Seniors lose. Asian, Native American, all the Indian American are too small of population from what I have seen/read.

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One almost needs a phd to make sense of it

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Divide and conquer Reddog .

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yep pretty much, im tired of it all

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Give the Yankees a break. There's a tradition of jumping on the bandwagon only when there's no other way left -- like waiting until Pearl Harbor to join WWII. But then, whoa, the brakes were off, and the US went in BIG.

Besides, it's not as if we've never done the opposite -- jumping the shark precipitously -- like invading Iraq over nonexistent WMDs --invading Afghanistan for whatever it was, maybe to change their fashion in turbans -- and Libya, and the Balkans -- none of that worked out so well, did it?

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Yeah, stupid is as stupid does. Some are finally understanding what is at stake. Everyone on this blog, thankfully, knows what is at stake.

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Yes! and that is wonderful!

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Hope so. But did you see the national reaction last week when there was a partial outage at ATT and another carrier? You would have thought the end of the world had come for those people. I was shocked at the reaction by so many. 50% of this country wouldn't last two weeks in a real national emergency and that may be a conservative number.

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They are indeed phone-dependent.

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I suspect that their hearts would stop beating if they lost their (not) smart phones.

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emergency food, solar generator and ammo

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Be careful, if you tell some people to "just buy ammo" they will not know that you need a firearm to use it.

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Saturated sand heaters are handy.

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I had never heard of this, but just watched a YouTube video. interesting.

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Those people will never wake up. They are either terminally ignorant or so full of hate they are consumed by it.

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most of them think meat grows in cellophane.

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😂 I doubt most of them could even tell you what cellophane was since it’s invisible😀

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Today’s Birdbrain thought: Whenever Obama enters a room the band should play, “Hail To The Chef."

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Here I go again. Cat on my lap, finish my coffee, already started on my blog, now as I read through the comments of my mental health group I'm starting to roar with laughter. I'm trying to arouse sympathy for my dreadful plate of being disabled and unwilling to drive locked in this beautiful apartment with a 150 so fearless friends close by and I'm not getting any sympathy. Stay tuned. For once I can't bring myself to vote all of the above.

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You laughed. God bless you and never find a reason to not laugh.

I farted in my own office, it was horrible. I started to text a friend about how bad the fart was and laughed all the way to hitting send and then some more.

God bless and sorry in case you don't find farts funny.

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I stop for a moment to rewind and check who started me laughing, and surprise! It's defiant jester. Just kidding. I'm not surprised. Thank you, sir? Hope I got that right.

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You nailed it.

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As sung by the Grateful Dead.

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Thank you for that tip. I'm trying to catch up musically with the kids so thank you for whatever assistance you give me. If I'm 75, does that make you younger than me? It's so hard to tell anymore.

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Triple dittos.

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There has to be an "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to" for Barry murdering his chef boyfriend.

Too soon?

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If you would permit, may I slightly change today’s poll question to:

“Is using the word ‘Birdbrain’ too kind a word to describe these people?


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Delete Birdbrain, insert Dumb Shit.

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We use "birdbrains" because "morons" was already taken.

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Yeah, and so was Democrats.

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Yep, the people with a jackass for a party symbol.

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There is a mobile home dealer in upper east Tennessee who gave that name to his cat (a very good mouser, was that cat).

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good call

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This is insulting to birds.

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"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public

debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered

and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed

lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of

living on public assistance."

--Cicero, 55 BC

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Dude was way ahead of his time!

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What I think is the problem is ongoing. It took Rome 3000 years to destroy itself. Because we have instant communications we'll accomplish it in a fraction of the time.

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The Romans, for all their skills, were just slow learners.

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And he got murdered for his trouble, as I recall.

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Any of his family still around?

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The Dems know they are close to their goal of permanently taking our country because of their heightened desperation of recent years to "get it done" at any cost. Like alcoholics needing greater quantities of sauce to get drunk, they have had to go into overdrive so 2024 is the last election they will have risk of losing.

They have turned a large number of heretofore mind-numb clueless cable news watchers into more aware conservative believers. It's refreshing to see the lies start to crumble but it took A LOT of deception for this to finally start to happen:

The left overplayed with rampant election interference in 2020.

They overplayed with government control and made-up policies with COVID in 2020.

They overplayed with defending democracy through lies about Ukraine.

They overplayed with economic prosperity while exorbitant inflation and interest rates eat us alive.

They overplayed with a wide open border for the worst of the world's offspring to come here to steal, rape, and murder.

They overplayed the law enforcement and justice system with the obvious hypocrisy in BLM riots, looting episodes, releasing minority criminals without bail.

They overplayed our trust in the intelligence community with J6 set-up.

I guess it's about time a few of those cable watchers finally wake up and take a position on something instead of listening to Bret Baier and Neil Cavuto. 2024 is our last chance, and when we win, we need to bury the deep state and the NeoCon Republican party.

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re: overplaying. My closest friend is 84, and he's seen a lot over his lifetime. His advice: work hard but be patient because 1) evil always overplays its hand and 2) whoever shoots first, loses.

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Thanks for the good advice - it is sound.

I just worry that the patience part is risky with this level of evil takeover. Once they get their firm grip on the system, it won't go back.

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Jim, you are right. Evil (satan) gets overconfident and over plays it.

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Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.

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All of this is true, Shrugged. But it doesn't beat cheating at the polls, legal ballot harvesting and the Ds messaging on abortion to college-educated women.

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First day in office, Trump should pardon the January 6 political prisoners.

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…and then let the lawyers start talking restitution and recompensation on day 2.

Finally they need to put these criminal prosecutors investigators and judges (this means you Emmitt Sullivan) tried for anything they can be including distorting the rule of law. I want heads to roll!

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and disband DC local courts

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Amen. I wonder if he is already working on that.

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I’ll differ: no wall or wall components will be built, no matter the apportionment. The No Industry No Power No Building Nowhere No How No More crowd will be happy to take the cash for studies and payola but nothing will be built. (See progress on the US Semiconductor industry and the so-called fast train in CA as basic examples for money spent for love and fresh air but no Stuff.) Until I see cranes, steel plate and IBar, concrete and big diggers on the border I will not believe we are winning. Birdbrains or any other appropriate name. Said BBs are sure they can outlast any originalist American and keep proceeding to the destruction of the Republic. Evil never quits.

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EODMom, except Texas is in the game now. And I think 23-25 other states signed on with Texas to protect the border. I have much more confidence in Texas than I do in DC.

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As the saying goes - DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS!

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When Tim Pawlenty became Governore of Minnesota the head of the democrat Party siad to him. "I can wait." her meaning was he will be governor for only 4 or 8 years and that she would outlast his term.

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...and she was right.

To LuAnn's point, the Democrats DO play an excellent long game because Republicans do nothing to roll back Marxist overreach or counter the Marxist agenda.

The Democrats can afford to wait.

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Yep, that D politician was totally right and R's keep sticking to their principles and being gracious losers.

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The Ds play a really long game to win.

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just like the Chinese communists... hmmm

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Wonderful edition. We have to get all non-birdbrains to vote in November. Gigantic turnout.

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I just hope there is some plan for monitoring the November election. Because it's a safe bet that the Dems have prepared a HUGE bag of tricks.

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I tuned into Fox briefly last night. Steven Miller was on. He said the Republicans have to adopt a massive, legal, mail-in and ballot harvesting operation or they will lose. He says same-day voting and the polls won't change the Dems success at this. He also cautioned Republicans on their hardline abortion stance. It's not a winner with most voters, whether you like it or not. Heads up everybody.

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Good morning, all.

When I think of birds, I think of a cartoon where the Creator is making ducks. "Waterproof those, and add kazoos!"

Given that there are more and more folks getting hip to the whole mess, let me say this:

While I am glad to see it, beware! The gyrations and flailing of the enemy will become more frenzied. To paraphrase something I read somewhere, not remembering the exact words, these spoiled children will try to break the toy before they will share it, or give it up. Witness the madness of "transgenders", religious zealots and their ilk.

No fear. There are far more of us than them. Not only that, but I have known (and know) men and women that, even by themselves, are more than equal to a hundred of the precious little flowers.

Have a great day, everyone.

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They will not go quietly into that goodnight.

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Well, if they insist... ;)

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You can't spell geek without EE, so allow me to give a little perspective from there:

Theoretically, electric cars have immense advantages. The most efficient internal combustion engine is currently the large diesel; currently the record-holder is probably the MAN B&W 5G70ME-C9.5-TII, which has a thermal efficiency of 53.4%. This engine is designed for use in large container ships and is capable of producing up to 23,500 kW of power, about 32,000 horsepower for us Imperial-system clingers. Modern three-phase electric motors, however, are more than 95% efficient, so there's that.

The second part of the electric car equation is something we've been waiting for a long time: solid-state controllers that can handle the juice these motors require. Now that's done, and done. So far, so good.

The third part is adequate energy storage. Current batteries are not even close. Their main problem is "energy density" - how much energy can they carry, and at what cost? The best chart is probably this one:


As Winnie-the-Pooh might say, there is a Very Good Reason airliners burn kerosene: it has the highest energy density of any commonly available fuel, but its real advantage is where it gets the oxygen needed to burn it. Assuming an ideal air/fuel ratio of ~ 15/1 - and that's by WEIGHT - to make power, a heat engine "energy" tank only has to carry 1/16 of what it needs: fuel. 15/16ths of the combustible mixture is sucked from the surrounding air and the combustion products dumped right back out. And for airplanes, where weight is critical, a side-benefit is that as the fuel is burned, the plane gets lighter.

None of this is true for current electric vehicles. (no pun intended) We are far, far from the day when electric cars are practical, and cargo trucks? The joke-est of jokes.


Fun fact: Which has more energy, a pound of TNT or a pound of kerosene? ...... kerosene. And by how much? About sixteen times. Pretty hard to beat that with a battery.

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" . . and cargo trucks? The joke-est of jokes."

So, those who ran out to buy the $69,900 Rivian or Tesla Cybertruck are birdbrains. Their resale value is horrible. Might was well throw your money away.

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Yes. Including my old graduate-school study partner, Tom. I write to him occasionally to see how his Rivian is working out; he lives in Denver now - the Worst place to have one of those things, especially in winter. It's everything I can do to keep from rubbing his nose in it. The only reason they get any range at all is that they are practically all aluminum. The problem is that trucks are for towing and carrying things, and when you try either of those, the range goes to less than half.

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Sounds like Tom wasn't really studying in those "study partner" gatherings. Was he hiding a comic book inside of his textbook and pretending to study?

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We were in doctor's school, not exactly a hotbed of critical thinking. I won't even begin about how dangerous it is to be sick these days, c'os as we all know, your problem is because you're white.

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and medical facilities, just like academia have WAY TOO MANY administrators who are clueless about the job they're hired to do and not enough trained physicians

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100%. Back in the day, doctors were actually educated and they ran the hospitals. The government ruined healthcare starting in the 1950s.

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Yes, we're dying from reverse discrimination, prescribed by our leftists in government and all the RINOs.

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one of our neighbors has a Rivian - the ugliest vehicle ever made

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I just googled the Rivian. That indeed is one mugly other!

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Or, burn it for fuel.

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Two of my golf partners have Teslas. They try to justify by saying it is cheaper. I keep my mouth shut.

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I hate to admit it, but I'm becoming an ECP - Elon chauvinist pig. I don't see how Teslas can compete with IC engines - at least on a level playing field, but I never count him out. He has a degree in physics and a Ph.D. from Comstock's School of Hard Knocks, so I am certain he sees far, far into the future - a lot farther than I do.

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A bit of an uplifting article this am. Nice job.

I sure hope so because… well just because it seems everyday I get up and there is something else screwed up in the country or the world that upon closer examination is caused by 1. Democrats 2. Globalists or 3. George Soros and crew.

Hopefully they have once again over played their hands and the folks are not only getting fed up but are willing to do something about it

One last aside about your ev comment: they are known to self ignite as well.

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Car and house insurance are impossible if you have an EV for that very reason. there was a several story apt building that just went up due probably to the Electric scooters. plus well, salt water and EVs dont mix either.

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You can get car insurance in Canada if you have an EV but it is expensive. You can have an EV charger in your garage in Canada and still get house insurance. I shudder to think of the potential fires, which are difficult to put out.

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but getting insurance if you have a wood burning stove....

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Many insurance companies will not cover wood stoves.

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Didn't know that, was considering one. Good info.

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We have had 3 car accidents with EVs that I can think of right off hand around my area. There were no survivors, and 2 were bad enough, I could see it. One was fairly minor but the batteries exploded. The fire depts let them burn. Nothing would put them out. The batteries have the components to make their own O2 when burning. One burned for 4 days, the others 3.

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ICYMI, George Soros and his crew have just gained control of 220 radio stations, having ponied up $400 million to help Audicity emerge from bankruptcy.

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D, methinks one must actually listen to radio before it can influence. The left attempted to open up a niche in talk radio after Rush began his gig; as I recall, it did a proverbial faceplant. Most low IQ folks want music or sports, not Bagchatter Bill to listen to.

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He didn’t buy them to create “influence”.

He bought them to destroy AM radio.

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And any right of centre/conservative voices.

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I hope they are as successful as AirAmerica was,

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Liberals don't have a record of using radio well. Unless your standard is NPR., with their schoolmarm intonation.

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NPR is kept alive by the Governement. Otherwise it would be gone.

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Amen to a waste of tax monies Sub.

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Our government is busy doing the same thing in Hungary to aid in the overthrow of their government.

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If SOB Soros didn't buy WSM, the Air Castle of the South, home of the Grand Ole Opry, I'll be okay.

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noticed yesterday that Mercedes has cut it's EV production goal in half since no one wants to buy them - even the folks with big wads of cash

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I wonder if Ford and GM will be bankrupt over their investment in EVs?

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Don't forget the go-along-to-get-along Republicans - the ones who are possessed of the ghost of Bob Michel.

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So do EV bikes.

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Sad that you are mocking the 7th (Obama) and 14th(Biden) greatest presidents ranked by esteemed historians. One of the problems with having the worst rates president in history (Trump) win again is the deviants presently in power will just go underground and plan and plot again. The gene pool needs to be cleared of idiocy.

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Those "ratings" were done by real birds clicking on buttons shaped like tree bark.

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When using birdbrain to describe Biden, I was thinking that might be unfair to birds everywhere. After all, some of then can speak in complete sentences.

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Just like ABC had its Thursday Night Edition of Monday Night Football, this seems to be Wednesday’s Edition of Saturday Morning Fish-in-a-Barrel Shoot.

Good points all, now put the Remington 870 back under the bed, and buy more ammo for your 30-06.

But hey, sometimes you got to wake up the neighborhood.

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12 gauge with 3 oght buckshot has better spread

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"Birdbrain" might be a little too kind but since you're running a family friendly joint here it'll have to do.

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