Actually, Patton's biggest concern was for his troops; his casualty rate was far below that of others, and he did it by staying in the enemy's face, never giving them time to organize a coherent defense. He studied military history and tactics continuously and applied his knowledge well. He may have been "Old Blood and Guts," but in his soldiers he saved a great deal of both.
Along the "mean SOB" line, the more I read about The Orange Man, the more I think he is grossly mischaracterized. Those who know him say that he is kind and generous. Not a week goes by that I don't hear of some special kindness he has shown to some ordinary American - finding jobs, paying medical bills, covering college costs for children of parents with cancer. And all without fanfare or publicity.
When he is attacked unfairly, though, he does something the vicious Democrats and pantywaist Republicans can't believe: he responds and he responds aggressively. For the cruel and merciless Democrats, nothing is off the table; not family, not disability, and most particularly not lies. It's jarring when Trump replies by cutting them off at the knees because Republicans are well-known pussies; getting down in the mud, blood, and beer is "beneath" them. Well, man up, children. This is for all the marbles, and the only thing between that jackboot and your neck is your courage. Get some.
So, you could say, "Yes." I think that would be more fun. I love to watch their faces when they ask me that question and I give them that answer with a wry smile. It's like when they call me a racist and I thank them for noticing. Their faces contort and their brains go haywire.
I predict the current regime will declare martial law sometime late this summer after we're conveniently hit with a major terrorist attack. We'll be too busy saving "our democracy" for trifles like an election.
I am thinking it's time we started being proactive in thwarting this possibility that "the current regime will declare martial law...after we're conveniently hit with a major terrorist attack".
--All the articulate speakers and writers on the Right need to start bringing this threat out into the open and make sure the public sees this game plan of the Left.
--Make it known clearly to the whole nation, that we Americans will not accept the pretext of any disaster as justification for canceling the election, whether the disaster is a financial or currency crisis, another health emergency situation, a terrorist attack, an attack by any foreign power, any disruption to our utility grid, etc.
--Everyone everywhere needs to start pledging that if you declare martial law, we are NOT going to comply with it. We will go to the polls and hold the election regardless.
--Supposedly the federal government has authority over the federal elections. But counter this by getting state legislatures to pass legislation now that says that in the event of a federal declaration of martial law that suspends the federal election, we declare that the federal government has overstepped their authority and we will hold the federal election regardless.
--Publicize it that the current Democratic Presidency and leadership of the country is responsible for securing America's safety from terrorism and foreign attack. We see that this administration is deliberately undermining our safety by allowing millions of unvetted illegal immigrants to enter our country. We hereby will hold this administration responsible for any resulting terrorism attack and deem that their negligence VOIDS their authority to declare martial law.
--Etc. etc.
I'm just brainstorming, but you get the idea. Let's get this threat clearly out in the public's view. Make it clear any such declaration of martial law will NOT be honored by the American people. Make it clear we see through their strategy. Make it clear we hold THEM responsible for any major disaster that occurs that is used as a pretext for canceling the election.
The Bible says: "Surely in vain, the net is spread in the sight of any bird." (Proverbs 1:17) KJV. Another translation has "In vain is a net laid in the sight of any bird."
Let's make sure the Dem's dark plans are brought into the light, and NOW--well ahead of time. Then people will have a chance to digest this and be prepared to NOT let them get away with it.
Many have already been speaking up--everyone who follows the news to the extent we do, has already heard this and come to the conclusion that this is the plan.
Actually, one could say that a "disaster" of some sort is a reason why we definitely MUST have an election continue-- because there would be in many cases a presumption that the current administration bore some fault for that disaster, and the election must be held to keep our elected leaders accountable to us.
I can’t add anything to all of the wonderful comments already posted but I will add a quick personal anecdote about motherhood…
I was a stay at home mom for the first 13 years of my daughter’s life. She was the only child in our neighborhood who didn’t go to daycare after school. I drove her 50 miles round trip every day to a Catholic school in the next state to keep her out of public school in the wealthiest county in the country. We had to seriously change our lifestyle in order to accomplish those benefits for her. She is now the mother of three, married, conservative and making a Christian household for her family.
During those years, when people (usually women) would ask me if I worked I would reply, “Yes. I do the most important job on the planet - I’m raising the next generation.” That usually ended the conversation.
My girls each homeschooled four kids. They've been working their asses off. The finished product is amazing. All my grandchildren are like Minnesotans, strong, good looking and above average.
Most of the Minnesotans I've met are liberal commies who view Stalin as a right winger. Not all, but the state is in sorry shape. I grew up in SW Minnesota just north of Pipestone.
I think there a lot more mothers these days doing that, through home schooling. G-d bless your instincts and all the moms today. How much more optimistic they have to be, given the decay of our general population and values over last 50 years.
boom and kaboom. american women, being raised in woke daycare and then woke k-12 are doing their part in destroying america. american men have lost their testosterone, their backbone and their balls.
the uss titanic is going down by the bow with all hands. even the women and children are not safe on this trip . i figure we have around twenty years left but if november goes as i fear it will, we may not have twenty months.
Not Titanic, more like Musashi down by the bow and full speed ahead. Or maybe her sister ship Yamato, nearly all her crew perished. At least Titanic tried to save lives.
well....baring nuclear war some will come out just fine. black females, most white females, some black males and some white males, asians, most latinos. those who have access to assets and are not over extended financially will fare better than those with heavy debt and suffer from the inability in differentiating needs from wants.
America can see the presidential candidates and their fruit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control).
Matt. 7:15-20 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.
Your're being totally unfair. He produced lots of fruits. There's the tranny general in a wig and dress, the weirdo 'nuclear scientist' who specialized in stealing women's suitcases, ...
The NFL said Butker’s speech does not reflect its values. How dare they? I hope the powers that be in the NFL fall through their asses and hang themselves.
Roger Goodell is a ho. Guess as he sees it his only job is protecting the money and the young men kneeling for the national anthem in solidarity with their disadvantaged multi-millionaire brethren.
The billionaire owners let Goodell get away with it. Another note: how about NFL dedicating cameras to Taylor Swift in a loge during KC Chief's games? Isn't that favoritism? What about other hot chicks football players are banging?
Yep, I'm part of the (currently) 59% who think the left's cheating will be MASSIVE, outstripping even 2020.
Like Trump keeps saying and I wish he'd say it more, this election must be TOO BIG TO RIG!! At the very least, I hope everyone reading this column will sign up to work at their polling place to help insure to the extent we possibly can, that the election is conducted properly. And if "they" say "voting is stopping for tonight; everyone can go home." tell them "thanks but I'll sleep right outside the door and see you all in the morning."
I think at this point it’s too hard to print that many ballots Gail. In 2020 this scenario was different and it was easier to cheat. I also think it’s too late for them to replace Biden with any viable candidate.. I used to think that they would switch out for Michelle Obama or even the lothesome Gavin Newsom. At this point, I don’t think there’s many options for the Democrats. They can do the Dave scenario where bumbling Joe has a stroke on stage during the debates however, Ms Harris is to disgusting to win. Therefore, I think they’ll take the loss and try to win (fix) the Senate or house and tie up Trump for the next four years with impeachments and blocking all of his nominations And then try and convince the public in 2028 to vote for one of their more younger Marxist candidates like Hakeem Jeffries, etc.
I hope you're right Mark in that it will be too hard for them to cheat on a scale large enough to win, but I'm certain you are right that their Plan B is to tie Trump in knots legally and procedurally assuming he wins. But I still wouldn't count out the possibility of them ditching Joe at their convention with 'Mike' or Newsome. ANYONE other than Trump will be disastrous.
Gail, I think it is going to be much harder for the Dems to cheat this go-around. Legislation has been enacted to ensure better voter integrity, voter rolls are being cleaned up, and there are data reconciling programs in place that ferret out scam votes. Additionally, many former Biden voters are abandoning him in droves given his abysmal performance and dementia. Will the Dems try to cheat, of course, that's who they are, but FJB won't get 81 million votes this time.
Ha, I am certain FJB didn't get 81 million votes last time either. But I sure hope you're right re: their ability to cheat their way back into the White House this time. 🤞🤞🤞
It is quite clear had FJB just continued all of DJT’s policies his presidency would have been a smashing success. FJB is merely a cypher for those who actually control the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party. As a consequence we have the disaster that is the clown car masquerading as a government. Unfortunately we can no longer have faith in our elections. How low have we fallen!
It is just remarkable how upwards of half of this country think the way Eric Alterman does. Me, I think it all goes back to K-12 where they were taught revisionist history and the evils of the Great Satan -- the USA. Remember, these are children with a malleable mind being forever indoctrinated by Marxist "teachers". And then of course, "higher" education of college where the transformation is completed.
This message is in keeping with the speech given by Harrison Butker.
I am a Christian, (not Catholic), and it is the Word of God, faithfully spoken and delivered by His Ambassadors, us on this earth, in this present time, that will bring the power of God to bear upon the workers of inquity. And the only thing that can turn the tide against them.
“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
For THINE is THE kingdom, THE power, and THE glory. Forever and Ever, Amen.”
You're welcome. I hope you will share it far and wide. IMO it offers the only secular, tangible way to defeat this mass psychosis we are all suffering under.
Ah, I've never tried to read his research or books. But I love hearing him speak in this interview with Tucker. I can't recommend this interview highly enough.
Gail--Thank you for this link to Tucker's conversation with Mattias Desmet--just watched it and you are right-- it is OUTSTANDING. I am going to share it with many people.
He makes it so clear that the way to pierce the mass formation hypnosis is that we MUST keep speaking out, and that this IS effective. If we go silent--that is when it gets dangerous and the perpetrators of the mass hypnosis are able to move into radical action to take control of the population and institute totalitarianism. So even if we don't 'wake up' a particular individual, our speaking up publicly prevents the mass formation from advancing into full totalitarianism. And some individuals CAN be awakened.
I have felt all along that we HAVE to keep the channels of communication open, and both encourage the people that already are awake (crucial), AND help to awaken the people that are buried in the Left narrative.
And that our one-to-one discussions with the people that are still buried in the Left narrative must be infused with kindness and respect, because the underlying reason they are stuck in it is a loneliness and fear, and that the glue binding them to the narrative is the feeling of connection they get with "their group". We can't just try to argue intellectually to "show them the light"--we have to Lovingly recognize and bolster their sense of worth and sincerely connect with their heart--because this is what they're really hungry for.
Mattias Desmet is a psychologist and statistician (and brilliant thinker), and he offers a good description of the mass formation process from that perspective. He lays out the roots of anxiety, fear, feeling unconnected and lonely, and not feeling a sense of "meaning"; and psychologically attempting to fix that by a tight affiliation to the group/mass/collective belief. His description is bolstered by fascinating historical analysis of the formation of totalitarian societies, and the deliberate seduction of a population to the mass formation psychosis.
But there is also a spiritual response that addresses this as well, which Suzie described. And this spiritual response is something we can do through PRAYER-- meaning, we don't have to be in one-to-one contact with the individuals we are helping, we can pray for them, and for our society as a whole, to bring the light and power of God to bear in breaking this hypnosis.
Prayer is so powerful. There is nothing that fills the human heart like the experience of feeling God's immense Love. And nothing that stops evil in its tracks like the realization that the omnipotent goodness of God is present. We can pray in this way, and it WILL lift the consciousness of America, breaking the grip of this insanity.
Political change is a very slow, very frustrating process. What you describe here is that process at work. Most Americans did not realize that electing Obama was to set America on the road to ruin. The Left rejoiced because it knew that America was doomed. In TV speak, Obama jumped the shark. He literally removed all restrictions on destruction and proclaimed the Left the victor in the culture/political wars. Trump interrupted the process which gave Americans a comparison of benefits brought by traditional values versus the Left's destruction. The Left derailed Trump and won again by utilizing what Biden called the greatest election fraud machinery of all time. Now Americans have awakened by day to day struggles to survive. They are finally making political decisions generated by the excesses of Obama-Biden-Leftist cartel. If an honest election were held, the Obama-Biden-Lefty cartel would be swept away because Americans are finally awakening to the real face of the Left. It's ugly and Americans don't like it.
A high school buddy and his wife are solid Republicans but he admitted he voted for Obama. He got fooled just like millions of others. Anytime I disagree with him on anything I can win just by saying "Yeah, but you voted for Obama".
It's hard to see HOW anybody with sense voted for him; the man's only qualities are pomposity and insincerity. What got him elected were the SJW and DEI votes. In other words, the never-ending exploitation of National Guilt. Which works a lot like National Socialism.
"the man's only qualities are pomposity and insincerity."
It was more than that to the whites who voted out of guilt. He also spoke intelligently without an African American accent and had a sharp crease in his trousers. That was like a snort of cocaine to the guilty white racists. Just ask Joe Biden about that. (Yes, many white votes were racist because race was the only quality driving it for most of them).
He doesn't reflect the NFL's values? The NFL only values profit and should therefore stfu. Failing to read the room on this one could be very costly. I doubt that anyone who has a problem with Butker's speech even watches football.
Great lead in story today. My speech to my grandchildren is marry the right girl/guy. Biggest decision you'll ever make. Look at her family closely. Most will follow what they've been taught and experienced. A solid Christian family background is more than just important. I had that epiphany late in college. Found a young lady that met all the requirements. We have two of the most beautiful daughters who I've loved unconditionally their whole lives. They have taken that upbringing to their homes and are awesome mothers and wives. The key to our success has been the Christian way of life. Nothing is ever 100 percent but nurturing a Christian lifestyle is as close as you can get. Marry the right partner and support each other through thick and thin. Your children will notice.
I have a 36 yr old male relative(I am 55 and been through a few wringers) who is a little misguided to put it gently... He, who has done nothing in life of significance, was trying to lecture me on Trump over the weekend.
“You probably think Butkers speech was whole hearted and exactly on point don’t you. Just what the country and women needed to hear am I right?”
I said yes and it was outstanding. He replied:
"His speech was misogynistic trash straight from 1950. I’m glad my father would never spew such garbage."
His father abruptly left his mother after birth. I work with millennials in the engineering field and they are wonderful, but this kid is astray and doesn't apply Hanlon's Razor.
Regarding Butker's speech, "The media branded his speech as sexist and homophobic without bothering to read it. He said Catholics should lead Catholic lives."
I know it's a longshot, but I am waiting on a statement from the Vatican or the Pope to see which side the church takes.
In the fall of 2020 a colleague asked me who I thought was going to win the election. He was shocked when I replied “Trump, if he can beat the margin of cheating.” This time around I believe he has enough support to not only beat the cheat, but to win an electoral landslide. Only problem is his coattails are going to be very short, because nobody trusts the Republican traitors down the ballot. There will be exceptions, but seeing how CONservative CONgress critters have betrayed their voters - not to be confused with their CONstituents, who they willingly represent - I expect the GOP to dramatically underperform Mr. Trump. Between those malignancies and the Deep State I expect to see a real ugly show starting in 2025. Unless of course Christopher @ 7:22 AM is correct and there is no election, or the Deep State makes a successful run at Mr. Trump. Strap in, it’s going to be a wild and unpleasant ride.
Sent to me by a friend:
That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump.”
I simply reply, “I'm not voting for Trump.”
I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.
I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.
I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement 401K and the stock market.
I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.
I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.
I'm voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order.
I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over again to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.
I’m voting for secure borders and legal immigration.
I’m voting for energy independence.
I’m voting to remove America from all World Health Organizations
I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms.
I'm voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.
I’m voting for a just peace in the Middle East.
I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.
I’m voting to have my children educated, not indoctrinated
I’m voting to remove Marxism, sexual indoctrination and pornography from schools
I’m voting to end “catch and release"
I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.
I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.
I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my country.
I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future.
What are you voting for?
When they reply, Yeah but he's mean... Answer: We need a mean SOB right now for the battles ahead.. Patton was a mean SOB too.
Actually, Patton's biggest concern was for his troops; his casualty rate was far below that of others, and he did it by staying in the enemy's face, never giving them time to organize a coherent defense. He studied military history and tactics continuously and applied his knowledge well. He may have been "Old Blood and Guts," but in his soldiers he saved a great deal of both.
Along the "mean SOB" line, the more I read about The Orange Man, the more I think he is grossly mischaracterized. Those who know him say that he is kind and generous. Not a week goes by that I don't hear of some special kindness he has shown to some ordinary American - finding jobs, paying medical bills, covering college costs for children of parents with cancer. And all without fanfare or publicity.
When he is attacked unfairly, though, he does something the vicious Democrats and pantywaist Republicans can't believe: he responds and he responds aggressively. For the cruel and merciless Democrats, nothing is off the table; not family, not disability, and most particularly not lies. It's jarring when Trump replies by cutting them off at the knees because Republicans are well-known pussies; getting down in the mud, blood, and beer is "beneath" them. Well, man up, children. This is for all the marbles, and the only thing between that jackboot and your neck is your courage. Get some.
And he ain’t as mean as FJB!
Wow. Go to the head of the class (punch out the teacher) and Preach On!! Amen and amen!
What an excellent response!
Perfection Jim !!
So, you could say, "Yes." I think that would be more fun. I love to watch their faces when they ask me that question and I give them that answer with a wry smile. It's like when they call me a racist and I thank them for noticing. Their faces contort and their brains go haywire.
Where is the printable format ?
This is epic
I predict the current regime will declare martial law sometime late this summer after we're conveniently hit with a major terrorist attack. We'll be too busy saving "our democracy" for trifles like an election.
They don't have to. They just need to print 20 million ballots.
I am thinking it's time we started being proactive in thwarting this possibility that "the current regime will declare martial law...after we're conveniently hit with a major terrorist attack".
--All the articulate speakers and writers on the Right need to start bringing this threat out into the open and make sure the public sees this game plan of the Left.
--Make it known clearly to the whole nation, that we Americans will not accept the pretext of any disaster as justification for canceling the election, whether the disaster is a financial or currency crisis, another health emergency situation, a terrorist attack, an attack by any foreign power, any disruption to our utility grid, etc.
--Everyone everywhere needs to start pledging that if you declare martial law, we are NOT going to comply with it. We will go to the polls and hold the election regardless.
--Supposedly the federal government has authority over the federal elections. But counter this by getting state legislatures to pass legislation now that says that in the event of a federal declaration of martial law that suspends the federal election, we declare that the federal government has overstepped their authority and we will hold the federal election regardless.
--Publicize it that the current Democratic Presidency and leadership of the country is responsible for securing America's safety from terrorism and foreign attack. We see that this administration is deliberately undermining our safety by allowing millions of unvetted illegal immigrants to enter our country. We hereby will hold this administration responsible for any resulting terrorism attack and deem that their negligence VOIDS their authority to declare martial law.
--Etc. etc.
I'm just brainstorming, but you get the idea. Let's get this threat clearly out in the public's view. Make it clear any such declaration of martial law will NOT be honored by the American people. Make it clear we see through their strategy. Make it clear we hold THEM responsible for any major disaster that occurs that is used as a pretext for canceling the election.
The Bible says: "Surely in vain, the net is spread in the sight of any bird." (Proverbs 1:17) KJV. Another translation has "In vain is a net laid in the sight of any bird."
Let's make sure the Dem's dark plans are brought into the light, and NOW--well ahead of time. Then people will have a chance to digest this and be prepared to NOT let them get away with it.
if they speak up it will only be on podcasts and they will be shut down and arrested.
Not at all true.
Many have already been speaking up--everyone who follows the news to the extent we do, has already heard this and come to the conclusion that this is the plan.
Now reach the broader population as well.
It's beyond the competence of the dems to declare marital law while falling down the stairs of an airplane.
They may try but they won’t get away with it.
like they didn't get away with it in 2018, 2020 and 2022? like that way or a different way? i'm just a dumb old guy so i can't figure that out.
Yours, as well!
Seems to work for Zelenskyy and Ukraine.
This is NOT Ukraine and FJB's Handlers know better than to try that In-Your-FACE Tyrannical BS!
Not happening.
I'd love to have your confidence.
If we could hold an election during the Civil War, there is no excuse on earth good enough to cancel one this year.
Actually, one could say that a "disaster" of some sort is a reason why we definitely MUST have an election continue-- because there would be in many cases a presumption that the current administration bore some fault for that disaster, and the election must be held to keep our elected leaders accountable to us.
Come to think of it, I'm sure no elections were interrupted during the years of the polio outbreaks.
05/20/24: Eric Alterman on 11/05/24 is "D.O.A." (the worst category of the six "one-word summaries" in my 2024 election analysis).
Reminder: November 3, 2024, two days before the election (if there is one), is the Hell Date to prepare for.
In other good news, Kobe Bryant of the Iranian Globetrotters is no more...
Most reasonable scenario
I can’t add anything to all of the wonderful comments already posted but I will add a quick personal anecdote about motherhood…
I was a stay at home mom for the first 13 years of my daughter’s life. She was the only child in our neighborhood who didn’t go to daycare after school. I drove her 50 miles round trip every day to a Catholic school in the next state to keep her out of public school in the wealthiest county in the country. We had to seriously change our lifestyle in order to accomplish those benefits for her. She is now the mother of three, married, conservative and making a Christian household for her family.
During those years, when people (usually women) would ask me if I worked I would reply, “Yes. I do the most important job on the planet - I’m raising the next generation.” That usually ended the conversation.
My girls each homeschooled four kids. They've been working their asses off. The finished product is amazing. All my grandchildren are like Minnesotans, strong, good looking and above average.
Not ALL Minnesotans, if the governor and Tina Smith are any indication...
There’s always the outliers. My Minnesota is no more.
Most of the Minnesotans I've met are liberal commies who view Stalin as a right winger. Not all, but the state is in sorry shape. I grew up in SW Minnesota just north of Pipestone.
It’s pretty bad in the big college towns/cities. I’m from the little town of Frazee just east of Detroit Lakes
My sister and her husband lived in Battle Lake just south of you. He built houses for many years. He died in 2010, she passed in 2005.
Golfed there many times. Nice country
I think there a lot more mothers these days doing that, through home schooling. G-d bless your instincts and all the moms today. How much more optimistic they have to be, given the decay of our general population and values over last 50 years.
Gd Bless you PwN!
boom and kaboom. american women, being raised in woke daycare and then woke k-12 are doing their part in destroying america. american men have lost their testosterone, their backbone and their balls.
the uss titanic is going down by the bow with all hands. even the women and children are not safe on this trip . i figure we have around twenty years left but if november goes as i fear it will, we may not have twenty months.
Not Titanic, more like Musashi down by the bow and full speed ahead. Or maybe her sister ship Yamato, nearly all her crew perished. At least Titanic tried to save lives.
well....baring nuclear war some will come out just fine. black females, most white females, some black males and some white males, asians, most latinos. those who have access to assets and are not over extended financially will fare better than those with heavy debt and suffer from the inability in differentiating needs from wants.
on and on it goes.
America can see the presidential candidates and their fruit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). Matt. 7:15-20 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.
Name one of these fruits that Biden produces.
He seems pretty good at producing screwed up kids.
Did you mean Stewed Prunes? ;)
He actually did produce a "musical fruit" while meeting Camilla Parker Bowles
Pete Buttigieg?
Rachel Levine is a peach. I'd add Sam Brinton, but (s)he had a very short shelf life.
Yup, Fruit #1
We're not counting nuts as fruit, are we?
Only in a Cadbury bar.
It seems the disciples saw there were RINO problem too. . .
Israelites in parentage only?
IIPO! Good one.
Your're being totally unfair. He produced lots of fruits. There's the tranny general in a wig and dress, the weirdo 'nuclear scientist' who specialized in stealing women's suitcases, ...
Per my reply above... nuts ≠ fruits. And certainly not fruit of the Spirit.
Fruit cake?
Spot on brother.
“ Fox reported that college protests are turning people against the terrorist cause.”
The fact that a phrase like that even needs to be written reflects the utter depravity and insanity of the times we live in.
Only the likes of Soros would be FOR a terrorist cause, since he is the largest funder of such. Soros, Bill Gates, Bezoz, et al.
You left out the 4th Branch who is the Mastermind of fundamentally transforming our country from within.
They are even going after Alito now but I don't think they will win like they did with Scalia.
I see where a couple racist Dem. Sens.are attacking Justice Thomas again as well.
The NFL said Butker’s speech does not reflect its values. How dare they? I hope the powers that be in the NFL fall through their asses and hang themselves.
Roger Goodell is a ho. Guess as he sees it his only job is protecting the money and the young men kneeling for the national anthem in solidarity with their disadvantaged multi-millionaire brethren.
The billionaire owners let Goodell get away with it. Another note: how about NFL dedicating cameras to Taylor Swift in a loge during KC Chief's games? Isn't that favoritism? What about other hot chicks football players are banging?
Taylor is creeping on up there in years--heading out of Hot Chick territory. Age: 34.
She's always been a psycho chick
Yep, I'm part of the (currently) 59% who think the left's cheating will be MASSIVE, outstripping even 2020.
Like Trump keeps saying and I wish he'd say it more, this election must be TOO BIG TO RIG!! At the very least, I hope everyone reading this column will sign up to work at their polling place to help insure to the extent we possibly can, that the election is conducted properly. And if "they" say "voting is stopping for tonight; everyone can go home." tell them "thanks but I'll sleep right outside the door and see you all in the morning."
I think at this point it’s too hard to print that many ballots Gail. In 2020 this scenario was different and it was easier to cheat. I also think it’s too late for them to replace Biden with any viable candidate.. I used to think that they would switch out for Michelle Obama or even the lothesome Gavin Newsom. At this point, I don’t think there’s many options for the Democrats. They can do the Dave scenario where bumbling Joe has a stroke on stage during the debates however, Ms Harris is to disgusting to win. Therefore, I think they’ll take the loss and try to win (fix) the Senate or house and tie up Trump for the next four years with impeachments and blocking all of his nominations And then try and convince the public in 2028 to vote for one of their more younger Marxist candidates like Hakeem Jeffries, etc.
I hope you're right Mark in that it will be too hard for them to cheat on a scale large enough to win, but I'm certain you are right that their Plan B is to tie Trump in knots legally and procedurally assuming he wins. But I still wouldn't count out the possibility of them ditching Joe at their convention with 'Mike' or Newsome. ANYONE other than Trump will be disastrous.
Gail, I think it is going to be much harder for the Dems to cheat this go-around. Legislation has been enacted to ensure better voter integrity, voter rolls are being cleaned up, and there are data reconciling programs in place that ferret out scam votes. Additionally, many former Biden voters are abandoning him in droves given his abysmal performance and dementia. Will the Dems try to cheat, of course, that's who they are, but FJB won't get 81 million votes this time.
Ha, I am certain FJB didn't get 81 million votes last time either. But I sure hope you're right re: their ability to cheat their way back into the White House this time. 🤞🤞🤞
It is quite clear had FJB just continued all of DJT’s policies his presidency would have been a smashing success. FJB is merely a cypher for those who actually control the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party. As a consequence we have the disaster that is the clown car masquerading as a government. Unfortunately we can no longer have faith in our elections. How low have we fallen!
You're insulting clown cars.
At least they're somewhat amusing.
Bill Clinton would have continued Trumps policy and claimed they were his own.
But Clinton was smart.
It is just remarkable how upwards of half of this country think the way Eric Alterman does. Me, I think it all goes back to K-12 where they were taught revisionist history and the evils of the Great Satan -- the USA. Remember, these are children with a malleable mind being forever indoctrinated by Marxist "teachers". And then of course, "higher" education of college where the transformation is completed.
I nominate Eric Alterman as the token "man" on The View.
The token eunuch.
Right. I failed to connect the dots for the goatee.
Spot on A.D.
This message is in keeping with the speech given by Harrison Butker.
I am a Christian, (not Catholic), and it is the Word of God, faithfully spoken and delivered by His Ambassadors, us on this earth, in this present time, that will bring the power of God to bear upon the workers of inquity. And the only thing that can turn the tide against them.
“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
For THINE is THE kingdom, THE power, and THE glory. Forever and Ever, Amen.”
I'm not Christian (Jewish) and not even observant of that, but I still agree with you. EVERYONE MUST speak up and call out the lies and hypocrisy.
Here is the secular view of that which is not to be missed!!
"Tucker Carlson Interviews Mattias Desmet about Mass Formation and modern society"
Thank you for sharing that interview!
Beyond extraordinary and vital for many to hear in today’s world.
You're welcome. I hope you will share it far and wide. IMO it offers the only secular, tangible way to defeat this mass psychosis we are all suffering under.
Mattias Desmet gives me a headache.
You're kidding?! Why?!! I have listened to that interview multiple times as I find it so inspirational and hopeful!!
Maybe I should have specified, his writings.
Ah, I've never tried to read his research or books. But I love hearing him speak in this interview with Tucker. I can't recommend this interview highly enough.
Gail--Thank you for this link to Tucker's conversation with Mattias Desmet--just watched it and you are right-- it is OUTSTANDING. I am going to share it with many people.
He makes it so clear that the way to pierce the mass formation hypnosis is that we MUST keep speaking out, and that this IS effective. If we go silent--that is when it gets dangerous and the perpetrators of the mass hypnosis are able to move into radical action to take control of the population and institute totalitarianism. So even if we don't 'wake up' a particular individual, our speaking up publicly prevents the mass formation from advancing into full totalitarianism. And some individuals CAN be awakened.
I have felt all along that we HAVE to keep the channels of communication open, and both encourage the people that already are awake (crucial), AND help to awaken the people that are buried in the Left narrative.
And that our one-to-one discussions with the people that are still buried in the Left narrative must be infused with kindness and respect, because the underlying reason they are stuck in it is a loneliness and fear, and that the glue binding them to the narrative is the feeling of connection they get with "their group". We can't just try to argue intellectually to "show them the light"--we have to Lovingly recognize and bolster their sense of worth and sincerely connect with their heart--because this is what they're really hungry for.
Mattias Desmet is a psychologist and statistician (and brilliant thinker), and he offers a good description of the mass formation process from that perspective. He lays out the roots of anxiety, fear, feeling unconnected and lonely, and not feeling a sense of "meaning"; and psychologically attempting to fix that by a tight affiliation to the group/mass/collective belief. His description is bolstered by fascinating historical analysis of the formation of totalitarian societies, and the deliberate seduction of a population to the mass formation psychosis.
But there is also a spiritual response that addresses this as well, which Suzie described. And this spiritual response is something we can do through PRAYER-- meaning, we don't have to be in one-to-one contact with the individuals we are helping, we can pray for them, and for our society as a whole, to bring the light and power of God to bear in breaking this hypnosis.
Prayer is so powerful. There is nothing that fills the human heart like the experience of feeling God's immense Love. And nothing that stops evil in its tracks like the realization that the omnipotent goodness of God is present. We can pray in this way, and it WILL lift the consciousness of America, breaking the grip of this insanity.
I'm glad you watched it!! 👍👍
Political change is a very slow, very frustrating process. What you describe here is that process at work. Most Americans did not realize that electing Obama was to set America on the road to ruin. The Left rejoiced because it knew that America was doomed. In TV speak, Obama jumped the shark. He literally removed all restrictions on destruction and proclaimed the Left the victor in the culture/political wars. Trump interrupted the process which gave Americans a comparison of benefits brought by traditional values versus the Left's destruction. The Left derailed Trump and won again by utilizing what Biden called the greatest election fraud machinery of all time. Now Americans have awakened by day to day struggles to survive. They are finally making political decisions generated by the excesses of Obama-Biden-Leftist cartel. If an honest election were held, the Obama-Biden-Lefty cartel would be swept away because Americans are finally awakening to the real face of the Left. It's ugly and Americans don't like it.
A high school buddy and his wife are solid Republicans but he admitted he voted for Obama. He got fooled just like millions of others. Anytime I disagree with him on anything I can win just by saying "Yeah, but you voted for Obama".
It's hard to see HOW anybody with sense voted for him; the man's only qualities are pomposity and insincerity. What got him elected were the SJW and DEI votes. In other words, the never-ending exploitation of National Guilt. Which works a lot like National Socialism.
"the man's only qualities are pomposity and insincerity."
It was more than that to the whites who voted out of guilt. He also spoke intelligently without an African American accent and had a sharp crease in his trousers. That was like a snort of cocaine to the guilty white racists. Just ask Joe Biden about that. (Yes, many white votes were racist because race was the only quality driving it for most of them).
He doesn't reflect the NFL's values? The NFL only values profit and should therefore stfu. Failing to read the room on this one could be very costly. I doubt that anyone who has a problem with Butker's speech even watches football.
I stopped when the league and the owners failed to respond appropriately to that groomer QB that played for the 49ers.
Great lead in story today. My speech to my grandchildren is marry the right girl/guy. Biggest decision you'll ever make. Look at her family closely. Most will follow what they've been taught and experienced. A solid Christian family background is more than just important. I had that epiphany late in college. Found a young lady that met all the requirements. We have two of the most beautiful daughters who I've loved unconditionally their whole lives. They have taken that upbringing to their homes and are awesome mothers and wives. The key to our success has been the Christian way of life. Nothing is ever 100 percent but nurturing a Christian lifestyle is as close as you can get. Marry the right partner and support each other through thick and thin. Your children will notice.
That is building one's house "on the rock" instead of "on the sand". Civilization is built on that rock.
To you and your wife--Way To Go!
I have a 36 yr old male relative(I am 55 and been through a few wringers) who is a little misguided to put it gently... He, who has done nothing in life of significance, was trying to lecture me on Trump over the weekend.
“You probably think Butkers speech was whole hearted and exactly on point don’t you. Just what the country and women needed to hear am I right?”
I said yes and it was outstanding. He replied:
"His speech was misogynistic trash straight from 1950. I’m glad my father would never spew such garbage."
His father abruptly left his mother after birth. I work with millennials in the engineering field and they are wonderful, but this kid is astray and doesn't apply Hanlon's Razor.
He needs a purpose
Regarding Butker's speech, "The media branded his speech as sexist and homophobic without bothering to read it. He said Catholics should lead Catholic lives."
I know it's a longshot, but I am waiting on a statement from the Vatican or the Pope to see which side the church takes.
In the fall of 2020 a colleague asked me who I thought was going to win the election. He was shocked when I replied “Trump, if he can beat the margin of cheating.” This time around I believe he has enough support to not only beat the cheat, but to win an electoral landslide. Only problem is his coattails are going to be very short, because nobody trusts the Republican traitors down the ballot. There will be exceptions, but seeing how CONservative CONgress critters have betrayed their voters - not to be confused with their CONstituents, who they willingly represent - I expect the GOP to dramatically underperform Mr. Trump. Between those malignancies and the Deep State I expect to see a real ugly show starting in 2025. Unless of course Christopher @ 7:22 AM is correct and there is no election, or the Deep State makes a successful run at Mr. Trump. Strap in, it’s going to be a wild and unpleasant ride.